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Dr. Ann Weaver Hart.

President of the University of Arizona.

Estimated President:
I send him a cordial greeting from Hermosillo, Audible, and share with you the
Specific Agreement of Collaboration between the University of Arizona and the
University of Audible.
It is our intention that, once that you review it and award his approval, define
us a date to visit it in the installations the University of Arizona and request him
the corresponding signature. We suggest that the meeting make to finals of
the month of August or principles of September. Anyway, we attach us to the
diary that indicate us.
As it will be able to percatar, the agreement already was signed by the Rector
of the University of Audible, the Dr. Heriberto Grijalva Monteverde, as well as
by the general lawyer of our institution, the Lic. Gilberto Len Len.
I appreciate in advance his attentions and remain to his appreciable orders.
To T And N T To M And N T And:
Mtro. Joaqun Andrs Flix Anduaga.
Coordinator of Program of the Degree in Sciences of the
University of Audible.

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