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I wanted to whisper, Who are you? I wanted to

tell her that I loved her and that I was sorry.
But I didnt, and I still wish I had.
from Disconnect

My fear is that kids are so busy memorizing Red
Sox stats, so concerned with Britney at the VMA
Awards or with beating the newest video game, that
they may not pay attention to what will affect their
from Kids Should Vote

Our culture stresses the importance of obtaining
material goods. Meanwhile millions of people are
only hoping for enough to eat.
from Great Salvation

Call for Submissions

We welcome submissions on all topics, but we
especially need REVIEWS, ENVIRONMENT and
OPINION pieces, stories about COMMUNITY
SERVICE, and FEEDBACK for upcoming issues.

State of Fear; Freakonomics; The Guardian;
In the Forests of the Night; Alive











The 5 Browns, classical musicians


The Nightmare Before Christmas;
O Brother,Where Art Thou?; Disturbia;
The Lives of Others; Blood Diamond


Nirvana; Tiempo Libre; Hairspray;
Marilyn Manson

Cover photo by Garret McMahon,
Port Angeles, WA

Paintings, drawings & photos


When we entered his classroom, we ceased to be
tired, stressed students and became young people
who laughed and enjoyed learning without the
anxiety of cramming for the next test.
from History Teacher Pascale DeVito

V OL . 19
NO. 4


18-19 POETRY







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Teen Ink
Box 30 Newton, MA 02461
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Teen Ink is a magazine that gives teens a

chance to express themselves. When I read
that you can understand
this superb magazine I can easily identify with feel
and share the feelings of sb else
the work of students. It brings into perspective vin cnh
the diverse situations teens undergo daily.
All these original pieces can be found on
Teen Ink makes teens aware of problems faced
in todays society, and lets them know that
they are not alone.
In the future, it would be interesting to have shows, this is a disease. No one who has an HAIRSPRAY
an issue focused on culture. Many teens eating disorder can help it, its not their fault,
I loved reading the movie review of Hairidentify through their culture and it would be and no one really considers the depression and spray by E.J. Blum. Though I have not seen
interesting to learn about the traditions pracHairspray, I liked reading about it and its
The girl in this story realized that she was characters. But theres one part I didnt agree
ticed by other groups and acknowledge various cultures through a teens perspective. sick and needed help, so she made the deci- with. When E.J. said, I hate anyone who
Culture surrounds us daily and through it we sion to get better and that made all the differ- started their career on the Disney Channel. I
can learn that we are unique as well as similar. ence. I think that this story could be an inspi- disagree with this but people can have differIn learning about different cultures we will be- ration for other anorexic teens to get help.
ent opinions. If I were the one writing it I
come more globally aware. In this issue variAmanda S., Mogadore, OH
would have said that Im a fan of anyone who
ous aspects of culture could be discussed such
started their career on the Disney Channel.
as traditions, language, food, and religious
Other than that, I loved the review.
practices. An issue about culture would defiPreston Bartlett, Boise, ID
nitely be informative and enjoyable to read.
Wendy Carranza, Avondale, AZ

I must respectfully disagree with Political Editors Note: This month we have a review of
Humor: Not a Laughing Matter. In it, Allison the Hairspray soundtrack on page 40.
Editors Note: Thanks for the great idea! We al- Somers claims that talk shows like The Daily
sth such as bad situation, a belief,...
ways appreciate your suggestions. In the mean- Show and The Colbert Report perpetuate make
continue for a long time
time, check out our Travel and Culture section political ignorance. However, Ive found the
on pages 22-23.
opposite to be true: Before watching either of BITTERSWEET
these shows, I was completely ungrateful for
I thought that Brittany Hallberg did an exmy status as a citizen and blissfully unaware cellent job writing Bittersweet. Appearing in
of political news.
the September issue, it is the story of BritSWEET PERFECTION
While both shows are defined as comedy, tanys older brother leaving for college. It deSweet Perfection by Christina McDonald, since watching them, Ive been far more inter- scribes her feelings at that time and her feelchng
bing is about her struggle with anorexia and her reested in current events. Rather than glance at ings a year later.
covery. I like this article the most of all the the front of the newspaper, I sit down every
I especially liked it because I will soon be
pieces in the October issue because eating dis- day and immerse myself in The New York
orders are a problem Ive had to deal with too. Times and The Baltimore Sun. This is a result able to relate to it, since my brother is a senior
Its so easy for a perfectly healthy person to of watching The Daily Show and The Col- in high school. I was sad when I read it because it reminded me how soon he will be
look at someone with an eating disorder and bert Report. Both are relentlessly funny, butnot
gone, but I was happy when she said that her
tell her to go eat a sandwich. But as this story clearly Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert fosteror getting
less feelings of loss got better quickly. I usually
a deep respect for our country. Thestrongdont like sad nonfiction stories, but I liked
shows attract a large number of this one. It is also a good perspective for oldyounger viewers who would other-encourage
sth to est children or only children to see how their
wise be apathetic about issues plagu-envelopparents or siblings felt when they left for collnh cm, th
ing our nation.
iu t hi lege. Thanks, Brittany, for writing this great
I wont deny that political knowl- story.
edge has declined recently, but placLucas Dahl, Monticello, IL
sponsored by Washington University in St. Louis ing the blame on The Daily Show
and The Colbert Report simply is
Open to high school juniors and seniors unfair. Some major news organizahave done nothing but spread VEGETARIANISM
3 prizes of $250 each both in fiction and in poetry. tions
misinformation to sway public opinI think that it is great that Vicki Ventura
Students may send one typed entry in each genre.
ion about the war and other impor- wrote this unique article about vegetarianism.
tant issues rather than do what news I have been a vegetarian for three years and I
Entries must be postmarked by March 15, 2008.
are supposed to do: re- can completely relate. It was very difficult
See organizations
port the news. Its important to re- when I first started also, but every day I would
for all details and a list of winners.
member, though, that Jon Stewart remind myself why I was doing it: saving anihimself has said that his shows main mals lives and helping to save the earth.
Judges are the faculty of the Writing Program at
Send entries to:
goal is to entertain, and watching his
Washington University, including fiction writers
I care a lot about our environment and feel
The Howard Nemerov Creative Writing Awards show is better than receiving no poKathryn Davis and Kellie Wells and poets Mary Washington University in St. Louis
that by being a vegetarian I am helplitical news at all.
Jo Bang and Carl Phillips. For more information, Campus Box 1122, One Brookings Drive
ing to contribute to conserving our planet. I
call 314-935-7130.
St. Louis. MO 63130-4899
Jim Sullivan, Owings Mills, MD
think that it was fantastic that this article was
published because it helps to raise awareness
of the issue. Not enough people today care
about our earth and the impact we have on it.
I certainly agree that I am proud to be a vegeNOTICE TO READERS
tarian and pride myself on making a differCIRCULATION
Box 30 Newton, MA 02461
The magazine reaches
Teen Ink is not responsience in the world.
(617) 964-6800
over 350,000 teenagers and ble for the content of any
Erica Balducci, Wethersfield, CT
is delivered to over 5,500 advertisement. We have not

The Howard Nemerov

Creative Writing Awards

Web site:


Stephanie Meyer
John Meyer
Senior Editor:
Stephanie Meyer
Emily Sperber
Production Coordinator: Katie Olsen
Special Programs:
Tasha Huo
Editorial Assistant:
Maria Torres
John Meyer
Barbara Field
High School Interns: Emma Halwitz
Maria Pinheiro


Teen Ink

high schools and junior

highs. In addition, copies
are mailed to all 32,000
high schools and junior
highs in the country.
Teen Ink is a monthly
journal dedicated to publishing a variety of works
written by teenagers. Copyright 2007 by The Young
Authors Foundation, Inc.
All rights reserved. Publication of material appearing in
Teen Ink is prohibited unless written permission is

investigated advertisers and

do not necessarily endorse
their products or services.
Every month
September to June.


I completely agree with Grant Krystofiks
opinion about smoking. I really dont understand why kids accept cigarette offers; it
makes you, your breath, and the environment
smell bad. I understand how it feels to lose
someone to smoking. My grandfather smoked
so much that his lungs got holes in them. He
had to carry around an oxygen tank for years.
In fact, I never knew him without one. Then in
the past year his oxygen tank didnt give him
enough help, so he had to go to the hospital
and only lived a few weeks. Thats why I will
never start smoking.
Dan Henderson, Oak Bluffs, MA


I Act With Delight by Bridget ODonnell,
describes her life on stage and is very emotional and full of heart. I could feel and understand her thoughts. I get the same feeling from
writing and singing just as she receives a
type of euphoria from theater life. As Bridget
explained it, I could not imagine my life
without [it]. It would be like Mozart never
tapping a single finger on a piano.
Its a comfort to know that there is another
teen on this earth who deals with the same
need for something as I do, and Im sure I am
not the only one who feels this way. Being a
teenager is hard and full of stress. Finding a
way to rid yourself of that tension is beyond
Alessandra Ambrogio, Wethersfield, CT




I thought Climate Change and SUVs was

a powerful piece. It was very thought-provoking, making me contemplate what I could do
to help stop global warming.
Yiren Lu illustrated the American way of
life very well. We love our big, gas-guzzling
cars and yet we still wonder why our climate
is changing. This article was extremely informative and made me more aware of whats
happening in our world today.
William Stewart, Edgartown, MA

The poem by Kiersten Lauren titled Disappointment is about America and all the distractions we create that arent necessary. All of
our obsessions make America look lazy and
attention-seeking. We are, literally, a disappointment to previous generations. Kierstens
poem is an eye-opener, and I hope more
people will read it and realize that we are destroying innocent lives by not setting good
Melissa Harbeson, Boise, ID



The Young Authors Foundation, publisher of Teen
Ink, is a non-profit corporation qualified as a 501(c)3
exempt organization by the
IRS. The Foundation, which
is organized and operated
exclusively for charitable
and educational purposes,
For a back issue, send provides opportunities for
$4.95 per copy for mailing the education and enrichment of young people.
and handling.


Editors Note: This months Environment section

(page 36) features an article on veganism.

was very creative in writing it. I was moved

because it makes me feel that Im not the only
person in the world who feels this way.
Rachel Jamison, Monticello, IL

I really like the poem called Grandpa that
describes the authors grandfather dying. It
says, I could run for miles and miles and never get farther away from myself than I am
right now. I especially like this line because
my grandma is dying and sometimes I just
want to run away from everything, but I know
that it wont help.
I really like the poets words. Merit OHare

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Teen Ink


n o nf i ct i o n

Let It Snow

he soft white powder has fallen

steadily and heavily throughout the night, and outside my
window, the world sparkles. The first
thing I notice, though, is the silence. It
is as if the entire globe has been covered in pillow stuffing and the only
sound is a delicate, quiet whoosh.
I tiptoe downstairs, filled with anticipation as I turn on the radio and listen
to the list of school closings. Although
I am 17, I still believe in the magic of
snow days full-blown gifts from the
What is it about snow days? Sure,
who wouldnt want a day off from
school, homework, and responsibilities? But they are so much more than

Wish List

by Laura Mantell, Chappaqua, NY

know they can count on me for winter
that. They are a message from the earth
weather updates, I can just feel it.
telling me to slow down, stop what I
Then I go to bed and dream of white
am doing, and relax.
precipitation and giant puffs of cold
I believe in snow days because they
breath. And, according to tradition, I
are like rare jewels I dont often see,
sleep with a spoon under my
but when I do, their beauty is
inspiring. They make me
I still believe pillow.
The beauty of snow days
want to explore, build forts,
make snow angels, stare at
in the magic aside from the obvious is
that they force me to look at
the sky.
of snow days the world in an entirely differOf course, I dont just
ent way. Everything about
want to leave the appearance
them encourages me to engage all my
of my precious jewel entirely to
senses the way the flakes taste on my
chance. I believe in giving nature a littongue, the shock of cold moisture on
tle push in the right direction, so at the
my skin, the hush I hear, the white I
first taste of a cold snap, I start a low,
see, and the smell of hot chocolate
steady chant: Tomorrow will be a
from inside my warm, cozy home.
snow day. I predict to my friends, who

Snow days make everything less

routine, less predictable, and give me
the sense that I belong to the universe.
I remember that every snowflake is
unique and unlike any other. This is a
fact that makes me revel in my own
Snow days are magical. They force
my day to a screeching halt, and instead of rushing from activity to activity, I just breathe.
I am getting older and snow days are
a way for me to stop time and enjoy
the last days of my childhood. I believe
that snow days are a wonder and a joy
whether you are nine or 90.
Whenever snow is forecast, youll
find a spoon under my pillow.

by Jennifer Pelly, Massapequa Park, NY

the click of my mouse in my Gmail inbox. Like many

he Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade was long
other hard-working seniors, all I really wanted for Christover. The floats had passed hours ago, and Santa
mas this year was my college acceptance letter.
had made his official appearance.
I can distinctly remember last year when my senior
After the final helping of stuffing and the last scraps of
friends shared these same sentiments with me. I thought
pie were discarded, and the Thanksgiving holiday had ofthey were crazy, but now I understand. What seems like
ficially come to an end, I was faced with questions from
merely a location or name across a sweatshirt for some
my mother and father that a teenager can normally ancollege-bound students, for others is so much
swer with ease: So Jenn, do you have any
Its not so more. Sealed by destiny, those envelopes so
idea what youd like for Christmas?
many of us hope to receive before Christmas
Any other year, I would have rattled off a
easily stuffed are packed not just with sheets of paper but our
list of books, CDs, and clothing that I had
They hold some of the most important
been eyeing, and called it a day. This year,
into a stocking futures.
keys to our success, and dictate what could
however, something else had been consuming
shape us into the individuals we want to be.
my thoughts. When I thought about it, what I wanted was
Our essays have been written, edited, perfected, and
something that is not so easily acquired by parents and
off. Our portfolios have been reviewed, and our audistuffed into a stocking. What I really wanted was not a
tions performed. Weve done our community service,
new cardigan sweater or the most recent Flaming Lips
held our officer positions at school, trudged through our
CD. What I wanted was not so tangible.
AP courses, and, of course, taken our SATs. And now, we
As a high school senior, the past few months had been
filled not with particular grief or joy, but just filled. The
So, last week, I didnt quite know how to respond to
college admissions process had consumed all us seniors.
my parents; I told them I would let them know soon. But
And as my final college applications were sent out, the
what I do know is that Ive been pretty darn good the past
best Christmas present I could possibly ask for would be
four years. Santa do you hear me?
in a white envelope in my mailbox, or patiently awaiting

The Power of Procrastination

Procrastination keeps this from happening by
hen faced with too much work, an individbreaking up periods of work with periods of play, an
ual might wish for a break. Soon enough,
industrial yin and yang. Of course, there is no need
this person will shrug off his obligations
for a person to use procrastination if he does not have
and take the much-needed break. Yet, as I have done
too much work to deal with. But when a person is
myself, the individual will not always return to the
close to being buried, procrastination keeps the worktask at hand. People constantly mistake not doing the
er from falling under too much pressure. And for
work with the act of procrastination, but in truth, prothose who are interested in procrastination, here are a
crastination is entirely different. Yes,
few techniques to get the most out of it.
procrastination includes stepping away
Breaking up
First, prioritize the work to be procrastifrom work, but it doesnt include not
nated. Never take time away from a task
completing the work. In fact, procrastination can help the whole work process. periods of work because it is the least fun. Instead, be smart
work on the task that must be completed
This concept of work-inducing prowith periods and
crastination doesnt make sense to many,
Second, one can procrastinate in advance
but its quite simple: By taking breaks
of play
of an obligation in the near future, and
from work, one can avoid overwork.
keep an easier task incomplete for that day. Have an
For example, if a student was given too much
arsenal of unfinished work to get out of doing unhomework, she might try to tackle the assignments
pleasant jobs. Many is the time that, when faced with
wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, if the student contina daunting task (like mowing the lawn or shooting
ued to get that amount of homework, she could lose
possums off the back porch), I have suddenly rememhope of ever having fun or free time. In no time, the
bered a half-finished math assignment or a creative
student would start to do poorly in school, despite her
writing piece due the very next day.
hard work.


Teen Ink


Photo by Hui Yang, Potsdam, NY

by Michael DiBiase, Lawrenceburg, IN

Procrastination is like George Bush making a
speech; mistakes are commonly made. There are also
actions a procrastinator must be sure to avoid.
One, a procrastinator must never forget that he is
procrastinating only to better his work experience.
Procrastination can escalate into laziness, where the
person doesnt do the work. To keep this from happening, a procrastinator must never procrastinate on a
task just because he doesnt like it. Procrastination
should be used only when in danger of becoming
Also, a procrastinator should never do any work
while on a break. This would be completely contradictory to the purpose, even the definition, of procrastination. When on a break, be sure to do something
that contains no stress, no effort, and preferably no
relevance to the work.
So, take my teachings to heart. Your overworked
self is no more! Spread awareness of procrastination
throughout the world; shout it from the rooftops. Or,
if you have a lot of work today, shout it some other

saying everything on the ground was

s it really? NO WAY! was
sweets. That day we were searching for
what my cousins and I found
weird bugs under rocks in the backyard
ourselves saying because of our
of my Aunt Donnas house when Tori
older cousin, Tori, who would trick us
called us over. She told us that the dirt
into thinking that we got everything all
was really chocolate and those squirmy
wrong. One thing she specialized in was
things were gummy worms.
telling us inedible objects were actually
At first we didnt completely believe
things we loved to eat.
her about the dirt-chocolate-gummyI remember once when my cousins
worm thing. If its chocolate, then why
Tori, Kim, Olivia, and I went to the
do our moms get mad when we get covbeach. All of us were around five years
ered in it? Tori simply explained that
old and we were pumped! We dove into
our moms didnt like it because if you
the water, splish-splashed around, made
stayed covered in chocolate for too long,
sand castles and dug for crabs, things
youd turn into it.
you love to do at the beach.
What about the gummy
All was going great until
That is the day worms?
Why are they movlunchtime. Lunch was when
ing? we asked.
Tori would do her diabolical
I started
And again she replied with
schemes. Tori was like Aneating sand no problem. The gummy
gelica from Rugrats who
worms are moving because
told her little cousin and his
the chocolate queen puts a spell on them
friends false information. That was the
so they can. She thinks its fun. The
day I started eating sand.
whole thing made sense and we were all
Yeah, I know, it sounds ridiculous,
on the verge of thinking that dirt was
right, but its true. Tori explained that
chocolate and were about to stuff our
sand was really crushed rock candy. Is
faces with it.
it really? NO WAY! we exclaimed. The
Once again we had fallen for it, and,
first one to try it was Olivia. She shoved
as always, we volunteered Olivia to try it
a handful in her mouth, started chewing,
out. Thank goodness Aunt Donna spotand gave us all the thumbs up. So Kim
ted us in the backyard, crowded in a cirand I ate some too. It made sense that it
cle waiting for Olivia to eat the pile of
was crushed up rock candy because it
dirt in her hand. Aunt Donna told us
was hard and crunchy, and we were only
none of it was true and that we shouldnt
five. I went to the beach with Olivia ofeat dirt or worms.
ten, and every time we would eat some
This was just the beginning of the stuff
sand. One day my Aunt Jen caught us
we ate, or at least tried. The stories of
and explained that we werent supposed
the bacon, milk, dog poop, my neighbor
to, telling us it wasnt crushed rock can well, those are for another day.
dy at all!
Another time Tori hoodwinked us by


by Ujjayini Bose, Charlotte, NC

the most dedicated, or determined stuhe stage lights dimmed, and I

dents. It is a rigorous, difficult process
took a quick peek from behind the
that requires the utmost commitment.
heavy black curtains into the auFor more than six months, I spent two to
dience. Blinded by the lights, I hastily
three hours every day practicing these
pulled back. What seemed like an infidances. Many times, I pushed myself to
nite number of eyes were looking at me.
my physical and mental breaking point,
I took a deep breath as the strains of a
but still I would not stop. I could not
lone sitar became audible. The lyrics of
give up. There was always so much
my solo began to play Vani vagadishmore to do, so much more to learn.
wari. I entered the stage and began the
I discovered a lot about myself in
first of an hour-long dance program that
those desperate, exhausting
was the final test of my
I learned that I was
stamina, memory, and
I spent two to hours.
far too stubborn to give up,
grace and the culmination
of my career in the ancient three hours every and I was too proud to prove
myself wrong after I had set
tradition of classical Indiday practicing a goal. Even through physian dance, Bharatnatyum.
cal pain and mental strain, I
After a decade of learnforced myself to meet my expectations.
ing this art form, I had finally been
Even when I was at the end of my tether,
deemed ready to take on the most diffithere was always something driving me
cult and rigorous of milestones, my
on, compelling me not to give up.
arangetram, or Bharatnatyum graduaIt was in those hours that I learned
tion. The arangetram is the most prestiwhat an arangetram truly is. It is not
gious event in a dancers life, as it pays
simply a dance graduation. It is a comhomage to all the factors in ones life
ing of age. It was proof that I, Ujjayini
that cultivate the dance form: ones culBose, could accomplish anything I set
ture, ones family, and ones guru.
out to do.
An arangetram is undertaken only by

Personal Statement
I am variety; pick a topic.
I do have a purpose, I simply havent unlocked it.
My personal statement is my heart and soul:
my tragedies and dreams, but most of all my goals.
I am a philanthropist, ready and always willing.
I have survived rape and seen many killings.
Being a senior at 16 is anything but easy,
striving to be unique and real without sounding cheesy.
I am not your expectation so liberate your thoughts.
Never stop fighting is my cream of the crop.
Witnessing racism and poverty enrages my mind,
therefore giving to another helps me unwind.
Making a difference is what I will do before my death.
I give it all that Ive got until nothing is left.
I am my voice, so please dont mock it.
My words can make some feel like they stuck their hand in a socket.
Journalism is my dream career and I will achieve it.
Im planning to publish a book, so please go read it.
I am not perfect, nor do I pretend to be.
I can only have faith that it is enough to be me.
Adapting is simple, but I will not change for anyone.
My opinions, values, and morals will forever with me run.
As is visible in this statement, poetry is my flow.
Writing out my feelings has always helped me grow.
I have been through a lot of pain and have watched my patience rot,
so at times my pen and paper is all Ive got.
I am unable to write you my life, but I can write you a story.
So hopefully if you ever see my face, you will witness the glory.
It was arctic one night when he poisoned my veins,
piercing my soul with his demented brain.
He touched me in places he was forbidden to touch,
while he ironically loved me a little too much.
I was put under more stress than any human should be forced to handle,
when my own father spit the fire off my candle.
I ran out of the house, not sure of where to go,
my mom in Miami, and my friends simply didnt know.
Nightmares and flashbacks have haunted me since day one.
I thought it was over, but it wasnt even close to done.
After an anxiety attack the day before Christmas,
I realized I had plentiful feelings to dismiss.
I told my mom the story and felt so guilty.
I was sorry for making her cry, but I no longer felt filthy.
She begged me to help her put him in jail,
but my unfortunate heart never fails.
He has two little boys who depend on him,
and since I know how it is to grow up fatherless,
taking him away from them would be a sin.
I dont want to hurt him, and of course I forgive.
I kill hatred with benevolence to make it easier to live.
I am not afraid to cry, but I am afraid of love.
My life is a before and after story which I conceal in a glove.
It has been the hardest thing Ive done, to keep moving on in color.
My smile is not the same, and many times I wish I were another.
However, I keep my head right and stay focused in school,
nothing will bring me down, and he certainly will not rule.
In a movie I once heard that if you have a dream go get it.
Dont let anyone tell you no and you will never regret it.
I believe everything happens for a reason and obstacles are meant to be overcome.
My drive remains and my internal wounds are numb.
I am my voice, so please dont mock it.
I am variety; pick a topic.

by Anonymous, No. Miami Beach, FL

Photo by Sarah Marshall,

Blairsville, PA

by Courtney Samartan,
Auburn, NY

n o nf i ct i o n

Sickly Sweets


Teen Ink


n o nf i ct i o n

Dear Members of the U.S. Military

me. I didnt cry until he called in October and asked to
ear Brave Members of the U.S. Miliary,
talk to me. Then I broke down.
My brother, Matthew, joined the Army on
He didnt make it through boot camp. Both of his
August 29, 2005, only a few days after my fifshins were fractured. My brave brother saw himself as
teenth birthday. I remember standing there just staring
a failure. He had to fight to come home for Christmas.
at him with my mouth ajar. Im leaving for boot
When my mother and I picked him up from the airport
camp in a month, he said.
we were amazed. Boot camp had changed him.
Everything after that was a blur. There arent
Sometimes I hear a quiver in his voice when he
enough analogies in the world to explain the devastattalks about his friends who joined years before he
ing blow to my heart of that moment. Matthew was
even ventured into the Army office. He was deprived
my everything, my protector, my brother. The thought
of fighting for his country, of standing up for those he
of him missing my first date, my prom, my graduation
loved. He wasnt able to protect my future. He
killed me. I sat in my room, wrapped inside
I am free told me that he wanted to ensure that my life
myself, rocking back and forth. He was gonever be like that of girls in Iraq or
ing. My wonderful brother was going.
because would
Afghanistan who were not able to be individuWhen he was at boot camp, I couldnt write
to him, I didnt have the heart. My relatives
of you als and who lived in a world of tyranny and
were happy that he had joined. Only my dad,
He wasnt able to do it. But you, the members of the
mother, and I were really affected. He didnt call much,
U.S. Armed Forces, are. Youre fighting for us. This
not in the beginning anyway. I couldnt bear talking to
very moment, as I type this article, you are protecting
him. Every time he called I would talk to my mom afmy rights.
ter and try to find some sign that he had thought of me,
My brothers best friend was in the Army when
that he missed me. But she never said he asked about
9/11 happened. He was one of the first to be deployed
to Iraq. He once told my brother the horrors he faced
and what he had to do to stay alive. The thought that
you might be going through this (or worse) bruises
my heart. Matthews friend is being sent back to Iraq
to fight for our country. He has to go back to a life of
dangerous assignments. He told me that leaving his
son was the hardest thing he ever had to do.
People used to tell me that my brother was crazy
for joining the army. The truth is, I admire him, I admire his friend, and I admire you. You have given up
everything to protect the future of our country. You
have given up everything to let me live the life I am
living. Because of you, I receive a free education. Because of you, I can marry whomever I want. Because
of you, I am able to walk down the street wearing
what I want. I can go to my high school dances. I can
read to my hearts desire. I am free. Because of you.
There is no possible way I can repay you for giving
up time spent with loved ones. For going out with your
weapon, willing to give your life for something bigger
than you, or me, or anyone. How can I ever repay you?
Photo by James Murray, Glendale, AZ

In the Dark

by Claudia Barrios, Bellevue, WA

Suspended on its support wire, it slowly turned and

t was dark. Coats brushed against my body as zipclumsily made its way back into the darkness.
pers scratched at my arms and face. It was hard to
With the full realization of what this creature was, I
tell what was left or right. Heck, I couldnt even
taking in as much of the musty air as my
tell which way was up or down in this cold, isolated
lungs would allow, and releasing it in an earsplitting
scream. I began to scramble around, hitting each wall
Trying to find my bearings, I spun around to stare
in my attempt to find the light. Parkas, belts, Halat what seemed to be the back of this tiny area. Takloween and Christmas ornaments lunged at me, as if
ing a step forward, I tripped on something that was
to keep me in the horrid darkness forever.
either my foot or an object long forgotten in the endFabric burned my skin, zippers
less gloom.
my face, and buttons tangled in
Making my way across the ocean of
Giant claws my hair. With
every step, pain pulsed
darkness, I felt trapped in the ninth level
of the darkened inferno.
were dragging
I fought against my attackers with as
The sounds of zippers clattering and
along the floor much strength as I could muster, throwing
fabric rubbing together were the only
as many as I could to the floor. Loud
noises in the confined space.
clinks, clanks, and thuds echoed in the chamber; metThe floor whined under my feet a sound so otheral, plastic, and fabric hit the wood as I tried to free
worldly. It was as though giant claws were dragging
myself from the lingering darkness.
along the underside of the floor.
And just as almost all my hope had diminished,
My heart began to thrash wildly in my chest, as fear
there came a beam of light. The persistent evil faded
struck the deepest pit of my trembling soul. Trying to
as a voice rang in my ears. A voice that so many had
escape the wrath of the demon, I whirled around.
gone to for advice and forgiveness the voice of my
What was this? A plump, hairy, many-legged,
father as he questioned my reasons for destroying the
many-eyed creature was staring at me, millimeters
closet from the inside.
from the tip of my nose. There was a pause, as my
mind grappled for the name of the disgusting beast.


Teen Ink


by Lisa Nena, Hemet, CA

What have you given up? I can only imagine. A

daughter? A son? All of your beautiful dreams?
I wish I was able to give you more than just these
words. This letter didnt turn out the way I hoped it
would. I wanted it to be a gift to you. Something that
you could hold on to when your hope was spent.
Spent saving lives, saving your own. I wanted it to be
something to help you count down the days until you
could return home to those who love you. I wanted it
to be something more than just a letter from a silly
16-year-old. It was supposed to fill you with a sense
of dignity. But there is no way to say how grateful I
am to you. There are no proper analogies, no syllables
or sounds. All I can say is, thank you.

Fifty Years

wind rattles the blackened leaves

by this long autumn.
once supple bark has dried and stripped
from naked trunks.
we are the only ones left, you
and I,
to crawl away from the citys main drags.
these days our limbs speak in
syllables; you walk with a white cane.
my pupils are hazed and tired, yet
the snow of your hair startles me.
I guide you like the day we met and
under the pretense of blindness.
eagerly, our hands clasped in youth,
the fragility of fifty years.
now, spines stooped under perilous wind, we
together, for the leaves to tumble.

by Alison Stagner, Kirkwood, MO

White Room
by Alex Whisenhunt, Niskayuna, NY

sit on the plaid couch. I shift my weight and it

creaks. Everyone knows what a dentists office
looks like, but this one is worse. My eyes dart
around the room, to the light fixture, to my mom, to
the table with the magazines, to the front desk. The
white door to the outside world of people with perfect teeth is so near and the one that leads to the
room of no turning back is so far.
I sit, close my eyes, and concentrate, hoping I
disappear. Instead a picture
There is might
enters my head as if my eyelids
movie screens. I am standing
no turning were
in a white room with no doors, no
windows, nothing except a mirback
ror in the middle of the wall. I
walk toward it and smile, and, to my horror, my teeth
are green and yellow and purple and red. All are
twisted and crooked; some are even upside down.
I open my eyes. I am back in the waiting room
with my mom sitting next to me. Alexandra
Whisenhunt, someone calls. I turn my head. Time
to get your braces, a rosy-cheeked woman says. I
get up and slowly walk to the room of no turning

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Surviving the Slopes

rooms, complaining about the pain our ski boots had

ridtjof Nansen once said, It is better to go skicaused. Lindsay and I, tired and cranky, had pretty
ing and think of God, than go to church and
much decided we werent skiing the next day. Well, of
think of sport. If youve never been skiing,
course, our friends wouldnt hear of that.
then this probably has no meaning for you. For me,
So, the next morning we found ourselves in line for
however, these words are ironic because whenever I
the ski lift. The metal deathtrap that wound its way up
go skiing, I never stop praying. Not in the way most
the mountain loomed ahead. Lindsay and I stared
people pray (like for world peace or a new car), I pray
helplessly at each other, our eyes conveying nothing
for help, help to get down the mountain in one piece.
but fear. I stood stark still waiting for the
The day after Christmas I was packed
chair and before I knew it, I was floating up
I was
and ready to go. It felt like I was about to
the mountain. When I finally opened my
embark on an adventure with the world at
confident Id eyes, I gazed out from behind my fingers. It
my feet. I felt empowered and I knew
something magnificent was going to come be a fantastic was truly beautiful. The view was heavenly
and I had never seen anything like it in my
out of the trip. I was excited to spend an
life. Once I landed at the top in one piece, I
entire week with my best friend, Lindsay,
eagerly thanked God for saving me from alhanging out and enjoying winter. Early
most certain death.
Monday morning my youth group met in the church
Standing at the top of the trail, skis pointed downparking lot and boarded our bus for the ski trip.
I took a deep breath and glanced at Lindsay.
Once at the mountain, the skiers made it look so
Giving each other an encouraging nod, we lowered
easy the way they floated gracefully down the hills.
our goggles. After a few moments of silence, I realized
By the time I got my skis and boots, I was confident
I was shaking. I wasnt the only one. Lindsays poles
Id be a fantastic skier. During lessons, I zoomed past
kept tapping rapidly against the sides of her boots.
my classmates. I had mastered the art of skiing within
Lindsay, these six-year-olds are zooming past us
30 minutes or so I thought. We spent most of the
like this is a piece of cake. We cant just stand here
day on the bunny slopes, and by the end we were flyand look like sissies. Lets just go and get it over
ing down the hill. Exhausted, we went back to our

Fantasy Land
by Aliza Franceschelli, Auburn, NY

eptember 4th the beginning of a five-month journey.

For the next 150 days, it would be all strategy and game
plan. No fooling around, just business. At 8 p.m., the
guys would arrive at the designated household, armed with
$50 and a list of hopefuls. Would their long hours of reading
stats online pay off? Who would get the luck of the draw?
Would they triumph in the glory all season or would they
struggle to stay out of last place? Another season of Fantasy
Football was set to begin and there I was, the only girl in a
league of 12.
So, I arrived with a plate of brownies, my money, and my
list of hopefuls based on good looks, lucky numbers, and uniform appeal or at least thats what I told the guys. Little did
they know, I too had been doing my homework. Contrary to
what they thought, Michael Vick would not be my first draft
choice since he had been suspended due to an arrest for illegal
dog fighting, and the Cleveland Browns
We cant would not be drafted as my defense.
For days I listened to their advice and
get beaten pretended to believe them. All the while
thinking, Are you serious? I quickly realby a girl! ized that deceiving me was the strategy of
some members. Unfortunately, I drew 12 as
my draft order dead last. So, I waited patiently for my turn
while in disappointment watching some of my list of hopefuls
go to others.
When my turn finally arrived, I did not pick Mike Vick,
much to their surprise. I chose Reggie Bush, and being last in
the draft order, I had a second choice and selected Marc Bulger. The room fell silent, mouths gaped open and chins
dropped to the floor. Someone finally said, I think she knows
her stuff. Were in trouble. We cant get beaten by a girl!
So, here I am, week four and currently tied for third place.
Last week I beat the only undefeated member in the league.
Some of the guys graciously congratulated me while others
choked on their words. While they are constantly bickering
over rosters, trades, and free agents, I just sit back and enjoy
the show.
Truthfully, I dont know where I will place when the season
ends. Each week is like a roller-coaster ride with ups and downs.
But, hey, you never know: Who says a girl cant win?


by Larissa Cross, Grove, OK

Teen Ink


with, I said. Laughing, we both said a quick prayer

and took off.
At first I barely moved, but slowly I allowed myself
to gain some speed. Soon I was whooshing down the
hill, having a blast. Then it happened. I realized that I
had to stop. I tried everything. There was only one final option, falling over. Believe me, falling head over
heels is a lot more painful than it looks. After rolling
for what felt like eternity, I lay still. Everything hurt,
and as soon as I sat up, I knew there was no way I
could keep going. I was done. Toast. I wasnt the only
one; soon enough Lindsay came rolling to a stop a
few yards away.
Once we got up and brushed the snow off, the truth
hit us. We still had half the mountain to go. Shaking
and on the verge of tears, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, and Lindsay gave me an encouraging
pat. In that moment, I knew what a best friend truly is.
Seconds later we were both on our way down the hill.
Of course there were a few more falls, but we made it.
At the bottom, I glanced up and felt a wave of relief
and pride. I had conquered the mountain or at least
part of it. Standing there with my best friend was a
major revelation in my life. Thanks to each others encouragement we had overcome our fears and the experience had made us even closer.

Never Quitting

by Christopher Horne,
Wrentham, MA

to give it our all every game.

fter winning a big game, athletes are ofSure, it was a little clich, but it was that moten asked how they attained that success.
that taught me how to be a leader. It hit me
Most say their achievement is the result
I may have been a captain, but I, like
of grueling hard work and intense practice. Usuothers in my position, certainly didnt deserve
ally athletes say how hard it is to win the big
the role. As a leader you can never quit on the
games. At the opposite end of the spectrum,
team who looks up to you. It is one thing to be
however, is the fact that losing the big game, or,
named captain and feel great and go through the
in my case, all the games, can be even tougher.
motions, but it is quite another to be a real capFrom the spectators point of view, last years
tain and make sure everyone works to their pobasketball season for my high school team was
tential all the time.
nothing short of an embarrassment. And while
Lucky for me, I have another sea0 and 20 is certainly nothing to be
son as captain. I watched a genuine
proud of, that season had a bigger
I may have
leader in action and I will try to folimpact on me than any other, and
been captain, but low his example, whether in victory
probably more than any season
I didnt deserve or Idefeat.
am sure it is great to go through
As a team captain, I knew it
high school without losing and
probably wouldnt be the easiest
the role
bringing home awards. But in all
year, but did I ever think we would
the fact that my team lost every
lose every game? Of course not. Since six of our
game last year. It may not help me to become a
top players had graduated, it was clear that we
better basketball player, but it already has made
were a young team who would struggle. The
me a better leader, and person.
struggle began earlier than expected, though, as
our teams starting center was suspended for the
season, and two key members decided to quit after two weeks. At some point, quitting probably
passed through every players mind, but, in the
end, we all stuck it out, vowing to work even
During the first half of the season, every player
tried his hardest every minute he was out there.
Most counted us out of games, and in hindsight
they were right, but we never gave up on ourselves. There came a time, though, when it all
began to feel hopeless.
Then it even started to feel like our own coach
had given up on us. Personally, I felt like it was
no longer worth giving my all. I thought, If even
the coach doesnt believe in us, why should I?
But just as my hope began to fade, a teammate
called a meeting. He said, Nobody thinks were
going to win, and heck, we may not, but, as
teammates and friends, we owe it to each other
Photo by Mark Alcaraz, Phoenix, AZ

Office of National Drug Control Policy / Partnership for a Drug-Free America

I respect myself
That is, until I saw myself get high
Its just an ugly side of myself I didnt recognize
Saying and doing things that were not myself
I barely recognized myself

art gallery

Photo by Adam Sulfridge, Willimasburg, KY

Art by Kelly Keim, Fort Collins, CO

Photo by Christine Stoddard, Arlington, VA

Photo by Kathleen ODonnell, Jim Thorpe, PA

Art by Tim Koehne, La Crosse, WI

Photo by Daniel Hales, Durham, NC

Art by Amy Zhang, Edmond, OK

Photo by Jaci Sullivan, Duluth, GA

Photo by Brittany Thomas, Ocean Shores, WA


Teen Ink


Art by Xiao Hu, Naperville, IL

Photo by Samantha Shuman, Oviedo, FL

Draw Paint Photograph Create! Then send it to us all year see page 3 for details

Steve Prefontaine

by Benjamin Jiles, El Dorado, KS

He had a wonderful coach, and a body built to run,
he day was warm and sunny in Munich, GerDuring the following years, Steve relentlessly
but it was his ability to push himself, even in pain,
many, in September 1972, and excited fans
practiced to redeem himself at the Montreal
that gave him the strength to beat his competition.
filled Olympic Stadium, anxious to see all the
Olympics and show he would not let Munich hold
When Steve ran a race, he tried to run harder and
countries compete. Athletes walked across the field,
him back, but he was never given the chance. On
faster than anyone had ever done.
while the crowd cheered them on with flags and
May 30, 1975, the life of Steve Prefontaine, AmeriThis
chants. The XX Olympiad had begun.
cas greatest distance runner, was snuffed out, short
the Oregon crowd at Hayward Field.
Three simple but powerful words rang
Proved that
of its potential. A crash pinned Steve beneath his car
Spectators recall watching Steve run
in the ears of the athletes, Citius,
and crushed him to death. It was the end of a life but
himself into exhaustion using every
Altius, Fortius.
the birth of a legend.
Faster, Higher, Stronger is exact- human willpower ounce of determination to finish faster
Even today, 32 years later, people are fascinated
ly what Steve Prefontaine set out to be
has no limits Steves willpower. He raced with the
by his story. Steve Prefontaine once stated that a
in the 5,000-meter race. The gun went
race is not to see whos fastest, but to see who has
idea that he deserved to win only if he
off and the young, cocky American
the most guts. To runners like me (and anyone who
ran into the wind. Steve never wanted to win a race
has thought about giving up), Steve is an inspiration.
people do not realize the true potential our spirit
unless he ran until he had nothing left. He ran with
Steve showed nothing is impossible and that people
contains. Anybody is capable of pushing the human
the intent to prove that human willpower has no limcan always go farther if they believe in
body and mind further through the
its. Steves story gives me hope and motivation to
themselves. To go through life always
power of will.
strive in life.
The end of a pushing our limits is something we can
As the Munich Olympics apSteve Roland Prefontaine was born on January 25,
all learn from Steve Prefontaine.
proached, American fans began to be1951, in Coos Bay, Oregon. The son of a German
life but the
Steves example gives me the hope and
lieve Steve to be without limits. He
carpenter, Steve was expected to go to college for an
take on lifes hurdles. To
education and take over his fathers business. The
birth of a legend live life withtoenduring
determination is a
times and was chosen to run the 5,000
thought of running as a career seemed impossible.
heroic quality. Steve left behind not only
meters in the Olympics as a junior in
Everyone told him he was too small, and since one
national records but also the example of never givcollege. The American colt went to Munich to prove
of his legs was shorter than the other, people asing up. The body has its own imperfections but with
he had the strength to win. However, with only a few
sumed Steve could not run fast, but he overcame
the gift of willpower, I can choose my fate. As my
strides left, Steve was passed and took a disappointthese obstacles.
life goes on, I will remember these words when I am
ing fourth place. That day, America saw a legend,
Throughout his collegiate career, Steve was defeeling defeated or under pressure. Steves legacy
their hero, fail when it mattered most. Steve had
feated only twice after placing third in the NCAA
will live on in those who carry his flame.
National Cross Country meet. Only those with the
tried, he could not break free of the human bodys
highest strength of will could meet this challenge.

Inspiring Speaker

Holocaust Survivor



by Guadalupe Quintana, Avondale, AZ

our country, the haven it was and how

t was the end of another long, hot
lucky we were. He cried seeing how
day at school, and I complained at
much food and water was wasted,
the idea of an assembly. A speaker
which we took for granted. Many
from Africa would be talking to us
African children would celebrate over
about life on that continent. I rememyour food-filled trash cans, Thomas
ber not really being interested, watchtold us, adding Yours is a country
ing the clock.
flowing with milk and honey, and
The speaker Thomas was of
telling us how thankful we should be
medium height and had very dark
for all we have.
skin. He began with a prayer and a
I was so happy to see him accomsong. I dont know why, but while the
plished, educated, and married and alother kids made fun of his singing, he
so helping others. He had never given
held my full attention and heart.
up. His story changed my
Thomas was born into a
life. It was one of those
poor family with limited
He cried
moments of maturity that
resources, disease, and little food or water. He lost
seeing how helps teenagers realize how
many things we should be
his parents at a very young
thankful for. That day, I remuch
age, and had to find his
member coming home with
way with three siblings.
for granted a spirit of helping and
They usually went to bed
thanking God and the peohungry, often not eating
ple around me for all that I have.
for days. Eventually two of his sibAfter the assembly, I met Thomas. I
lings died of starvation, which made
hugged him and told him with deepest
me feel really lucky mine are jolly
gratitude how much he helped me
and healthy. His other brother ran
grow in just the 45 minutes he had
away in search of food, and never
spoken. It is sad to think back to when
we foolish kids ignored opportunities
Thomas was left alone, completely
like this, which thankfully I will redependent on others. He was saved by
member forever. My advice is to be
the Catholic Relief Services, which
open and allow the story of other
helped him with school and food.
valuable and great human beings like
Later he was adopted by a priest and
Thomas become part of yours.
taken to America, where he went to
college. There he saw the bounty of


Olympic Athlete

by Elizabeth Litvitskiy, Brooklyn, NY

will never forget that day. It may not have been particularly special or interesting. There was no major heat wave or blizzard, no natural disasters,
and I was not caught in the middle of a raging battle in upstate New
York. And yet my life was changed. I saw myself in a whole new way. I appreciated my life more, clich as it may sound all because I went to the
Yes, the bakery. The little shop with bagels and coffee and milk and pastries. But modern and fascinating as it was with its cyber caf, Cohens Bakery did not change my life (no matter how good the black-and-white cookies
are), rather a couple I saw there did.
I was accompanying my friend to get a latt. An older couple stood in
front of us in line, and I happened to overhear their order. The woman asked
for six onion bagels and two coffees, but this order did not change my life.
As the man, wearing a striped shirt with rolled-up
As his sleeve sleeves, khakis, and a white cap covering his sparse
white hair, reached out to take the box of bagels,
pulled up, that was the moment that changed me. As his sleeve
pulled up, a tattoo became visible. I saw the letter J
a tattoo
followed by five numbers. They were not clear and
been fading since the end of the Holocaust. His
became visible had
skin had long since wrinkled.
I did not stare; I looked at the mans face instead. I wanted to talk to him. I
wanted to hear about his experiences. But seeing him with his redheaded,
sundress-clad wife doing an everyday task like buying bagels in a bakery
stopped me. Hed moved on, and who was I to bring back horrible memories
because of my curiosity? This man did not need my pity, but I will always
regret not talking to him even though I know this was the right thing to do.
You might think that its ridiculous that I was so deeply affected by a man
I never even spoke to. But seeing those numbers made me appreciate his
ability to move on. He had lived through the worst massacre the world has
ever known, and he was able to rise from all the death and pain. He was a
martyr, but he found a normal life. And for that, I commend him. He is my
hero, even though I dont even know his name.


Teen Ink





Back to Basics

by Elizabeth Hinchey, Wellesley, MA

and my mom tried to relax, despite her

s we drove deeper into the midlong list of things to do. We bought
dle of nowhere, Susie stared
maple sugar candy and put up the tent
out the window with her headwithout any complaints. The weekend
phones on, my mom talked on the
crawled by as we went through the mophone with her new boyfriend, and I
tions of camping: making pancakes for
searched the radio for a signal. It had
breakfast, going down to the river
been years since we had gone camping,
(even though it was too cold to swim),
but as we approached the Maine
and biking. We built huge campfires at
wilderness, the lingering smell of
dusk and roasted marshmallows, but
campfires and the nip of the cool
there were no ghost stories. Susie lismorning air that pulls you out of the
tened to her iPod and my mom read a
tent came back to me.
book as I peeled the bark off a stick
As a child, camping was an enorwith my Swiss Army knife.
mous adventure without parallel. I
As the third day approached, we
longed for the hours spent fishing and
were all satisfied with our camping
swimming in the lake, riding bikes to
experience, and felt a bit of pride at
the camp store for penny candy, and
making it through the weekend, even if
telling ghost stories around the fire.
it only was making it through. We
Camping let me escape and experience
had just one day left.
a freedom I never had at home. It fulThe sunlight faded as I struggled to
filled my childhood dream of running
start the last campfire. When I finally
away into the forest without any consegot it going, I pulled up three chairs
quences. But as Susie and I got older
and the bag of marshmallows, eager to
and began high school, camping bemake this final night count, but my siscame just that, a childhood memory, a
ter was lost in sleep and my mom
lost cause.
joined me for just half an hour. I sat by
So, do you want to go camping this
myself, poking at the dying flames and
year? my mom had asked two weeks
felt something that I had never experibefore.
enced before: excitement to return
No, my sister moaned. We go
home. I wanted a hot shower and a
every year and it sucks!
warm bed. I wanted to watch a movie
We havent been in like two years,
and order pizza. And as I
idiot, I said. Lets go.
reluctantly crawled into the
I wondered
No! Susie yelled. I
tent, I started to wonder
hate camping!
what had been what I had thought had
Youre a brat, I said,
been so amazing about
as she stomped out of the
so amazing
camping. I looked at my
house. For some reason I
knew this year we would
about camping mom and sister, fast asleep,
and questioned whether we
not be singing along to
would ever be as close as we were
Shania Twain on the way there, like in
back in the camping days of the past.
the past.
A few hours later my mom pushed
We decided to go for only three days
my shoulder, pulling me out of sleep.
since Susie couldnt stand being away
Get up! she said in a frantic whisper.
from her friends any longer, and my
She sat up straight, eyes wide open,
mom was eager to get back to her latest
looking around in the darkness.
hot date. Even I did not want to be
Whats going on? I asked, realizing
stuck in a tent with my family for more
it was the middle of the night.
than a long weekend, despite my nosTheres something outside!
talgia for the long-lost camping days. I
No, theres not, Mom. Go back to
saw the trip as a break from the exsleep. I lay down and closed my eyes.
hausting nights and dull days in my
Then I heard a loud thud, and I shot up.
small suburban town. I welcomed the
What are you doing? Susie
memories of a simpler life when happimoaned as my mom unzipped the tent.
ness was easier to find.
Turn on the flashlight, I said.
When we finally arrived at the small
Mom whispered, No, then it will
campground, Susie put on a happy face
see us!
We have to look! I searched for a
flashlight as my heartbeat quickened.
Theres something outside the
tent! my mom yelled as she looked
out the screen. She let out a little yelp
and then covered her mouth. I laughed
at her terror and shined the light.
Youre right! The beam flashed in
the eyes of a black bear as he looked
up from our tub of food.
You left the food out! my mom
Me? You were supposed to put it
Susie crawled out of her sleeping
Photo by Katherine Walden, Tok, AK
bag. Thats a bear? Mom!

Teen Ink


was racing. I turned to Mom and

Be quiet! My mom stuck her head
smiled. We just saw a bear. I started
out of the tent.
to laugh and my mom joined in.
Stop, Mom! I yelped, actually
What are you guys laughing
fearful that it might eat her.
about? Susie asked from the backseat.
Shoo! Go away! she yelled.
We kept laughing. And you tried to
Its not gonna listen!
scare it off by saying Shoo, I
Okay, she said, we have to run.
What? We arent going out there!
My mom laughed, Well, you didnt
We have to! my mom said. Then
even believe me!
in a moment of realization, she yelled,
At least I didnt think it was gonna
Its probably attracted to Susies
eat Susie because she smelled like
lotion! It smells like melon! It might
go after Susie!
We sat in the car, wide awake, our
Dont worry, I have my pockethearts continuing to race. My
knife! I said.
Theres mom recalled the camp office
Now, listen, my mom
had emphasized the importance
crouched beside us. We have
to make a run for it to the car. something of locking food in the car at
Ill go first.
outside night. I told her she was dumb
and she laughed. My sister
No, Im going with you!
I dont want to go alone!
the tent! trembled and we snickered at
her, even though we were still
Okay, well all go togethtoo scared to sleep. I started to tell a
er. She unzipped the tent in time to
ghost story, but Mom yelled at me
see the bear slowly walk into the little
when Susie began to cry, and we kept
strip of woods behind our campsite.
laughing. We made fun of our reactions
to the bear and our genuine fear of getWait for me! Susie said, I dragged
ting eaten.
her out of the tent before she could get
Energized by our adrenaline and just
her shoes on.
happy to be in each others company,
We ran across the site to the car and
we stayed up the rest of the night and
jumped in, locking the doors. Out of
talked, and, for the first time, I felt the
breath, I held my open pocketknife,
relaxation that camping used to give
me, the pure happiness that cleared
We made it! Mom whispered. She
my mind. I watched my mom drift to
turned on the headlights and looked for
sleep and looked at my pocketknife, rethe bear.
membering my readiness to attack the
Can it get us in the car? Susie
bear. I closed my eyes and wished the
night would never end.
I still held my pocketknife in front of
me and searched the trees. Then I
looked at the clock, 2 a.m. My heart


by Robert Wiest,
New Knoxville, OH

o you ever get the feeling that you are completely ignorant about
something you should know a lot about?
I wrote that on my sisters page, hoping she would
understand the underlying meaning and we could talk about it, but maybe Im the
only one who thinks about that kind of thing.
I was in North Carolina looking at colleges when I spoke to my sister on the
phone, telling her about the places I had scoped out. She asked me what I meant by
my message. I had hoped she would talk to me about it (as much as I was dreading
the topic), so it was hard for me to speak for a few seconds, but then I told her
straight up.
Elizabeth, you are my sister, and you are getting married soon. I feel like I barely know you. I have always been the bratty youngest brother, and you were always
the absent older sister. I just want to get to know you before you become someone
elses and I lose the chance forever.
I should have told her that our brother, Tommy, felt the same way. I wanted to
whisper, Who are you? I wanted to tell her that I loved her and that I was sorry.
But I didnt, and I still wish I had.
Elizabeth eventually replied, but it wasnt the magical response Id hoped for.
I work and go to school, she said simply.
I wanted so much to be her brother, not just her relative.
And I come home every so often, she added.
Didnt we share so much growing up together?
There was such a large age gap between us.
Doesnt she know the clock is ticking?
Besides, theres plenty of time to get to know each other.
And there was definitely no apology.
Life happens.
We exchanged uncomfortable farewells.


shadow princesses danced by the brightly lit windows

tanding on my tiptoes, my new patent leather
with their daddies who loved them so dearly.
shoes shimmering in the evening light, I
Mommy, I asked, my hurt and innocence blendwatched eagerly as each of the freshly washed
ing into a whisper-soft plea, why doesnt Daddy call
and polished cars pulled up. Daddies and daughters
or come see me?
filed out, like little Cinderellas emerging from their
She never answered my childlike questions because
daddies special pumpkin coaches, and blissfully
she too was trapped by confusion and hurt. What he
walked hand in hand to the door of the school. Fadid affected her as much as it did me. The man she
thers, clean-cut and dressed to impress, and daughters
had once cared so much about didnt seem to love her
in new dresses and shiny shoes marched proudly up
or the children he fathered. Mom was standing right
the steps to the Girl Scouts annual Daddy/Daughter
beside me staring out the picture window waiting for
that car. I guess she still believed in fairy
Ill be there, he had pledged. I
Why doesnt tales
Why doesnt Daddy love me? Why
I waited impatiently for my Prince
Charming. Mommy had helped me get
Daddy call or doesnt Daddy care?
The years have done little to answer the
into my new purple dress, which I had
that haunted those princess-inchosen because of the lacy ruffles along
waiting years. I have, however, learned to
the bottom. She had pulled up my long,
look through pain-marred eyes and somehow get a
blond hair and made cascading waves of princess
clear vision of the man who never came.
curls that flowed softly over my tiny shoulders. In my
For some reason, I feel sorrier for him than for my
heart I knew any minute the special car that would
mom and me. For some reason, he is the victim in the
turn me into a Cinderella would drive up.
tragedy that was our lives. After everything he put my
His words raced through my mind and caused a
through, I cant help but pity him.
traffic jam of thoughts.
time has passed, the emptiness and pain
I love you, Sugar. Ill be there soon.
has not. In my heart, I still feel like that little girl,
These were words I had heard countless times. After
tears filling my baby blues, standing expectantly at
every not-so-promising phone call, the same words
the window, waiting for my pumpkin coach carrying
punctuated the pointless, false promises with hope.
my Prince Charming who will sweep me off my feet
I waited, and waited and waited.
and make me the happiest little girl in the world.
Once the sun went down, no one could see me
I cant say what I miss because I cant miss somestanding at that window, tear-stained cheeks sticky
I never had. I may have missed the dance, trips
with those no-longer-perfect curls. I watched as the

Chelsea, Bay and Me

plastic bag to keep it from getting wet
hat are you doing?
or bent. My clothes are always folded,
Chelsea asks as she
with the inside in, for that matter. We
stands in her bedroom,
balance each other out.
stuffing pajamas into her pillowcase.
We are the Three Stooges: my 10Folding, I say simply.
year-old brother, Bay, Chelsea, and me.
Chelsea watches action movies with
How come your shirts are inside
Bay and chick flicks and scary movies
out? I ask, ignoring her question.
with me. We like the same music.
She rolls her eyes playfully and goes
While I read on the beach, theyll dig a
back to packing. I put the last shirt on
hole in the sand. When Bay doesnt
the top and we run out the door into the
want to go in the ocean, Ill go in with
warm night, crossing the yard to my
Chelsea and well sit right at the edge,
laughing, while the waves crash on our
Chelsea has been my friend for eight
years, since she moved into the beach
We have a shared history. We rehouse next door. She makes the twomember the same things and tell
hour drive on Thursdays and
We have the same exaggerated stories.
goes back to her other home
summers ago, Chelsea
Tuesday mornings, every
a shared Two
talked us into walking through
weekend, every summer. Shes
muddy swamp across the
everything good. Shes friendhistory the
road. When Bay fell in a hole,
ly, easygoing, fun, and has a
Chelsea put her foot in too, and pretty
good sense of humor all the good
soon we were all up to our knees in
muck. Then there was the time we
Every weekend, as long as I can
swam in the murky lagoon out back,
remember, Chelsea has left something
and the day we found little water-filled
at my house when she visits. Whether a
fungus things on our crab trap and
sock, her glasses, cell phone, bathing
squirted them at each other, and ended
suit, book, shoes, whatever. She never
up with a rash.
remembers a toothbrush, so I leave one
At my tenth birthday party, we
under the sink for her. Pillowcases are
played Fear Factor, and Chelsea ate a
her slumber party bag of choice. She
mushroom to win a dollar, throwing up
never folds her clothes. I hear that her
afterward. When we were little, we
room at her winter house is a disaster
used the windows in the playhouse and
area while mine stays organized, with
our Power Wheels to play drive-thru,
only a stray shoe here and there. When
and then later we traded Power Wheels
I take a book to the beach, I put it in a

Art by Carollynn Goldenberg, Hawthorne, NY

to the park, eating ice cream with my daddy, or hearing bedtime stories. Those moments can never return,
but what he failed to see is what he missed out on.
Unfortunately for him, he missed witnessing his little
girl mature into an amazing young woman, and he
can never rewind the hands of time. Those moments
are lost forever.
For years I watched the cars pull up carrying a
lucky little girl and her daddy holding her delicate
hand as they walked to the door. For years I waited
for that car to pull into my driveway and for my daddy to hold my hand, wavy curls bouncing with every
graceful step, as we floated toward the dance. For
years I waited for the car that never came.

by Haley George, Lewes, DE

for motor scooters, riding them to the

honeysuckle bush at the end of the
Theres a photo of the three of us in
my room. My mom took it after we
made cookies. The dough we had left
after we tasted it, came out of the
oven looking like pancakes because we
forgot to add flour. In the picture Bay

is squished between us, with me on

one side, smiling wide, and Chelsea on
the other, suppressing her laughter. I
have a feeling that this is how it will always be, because Chelsea is our best
friend. I know this as well as I know
who left that iPod on my desk last

Silent Waltz


by Kayla Dyson, Cameron, WI


My Prince Will Come

by Taylor Duffy,
Wyckoff, NJ

out of the ground and walked up the

he first thing my parents did
steps with it under my arm, underestiwhen we moved here was buy a
mating the weight but doing my best
lock for the door. It rained so
not to let on. It was propped up in the
hard that first night, as we sat on the
corner now, the realtors picture lookfloor surrounded by take-out containers
ing far too cheery, as if she was unand boxes. None of us spoke, but we
aware of the situation at hand.
knew what we wanted to say.
We all knew moving was a
There was a leak in the
We all knew mistake, every one of us, right
corner, and my dad silently
down to the dog. The silence
walked over and placed an
moving was was heartbreaking. After a
empty container under it. The
my dad slowly got up
steady dripping sound was
a mistake while,
and pushed up his shirt sleeves.
muted when it hit the cardHe walked over to my mother, his dress
board. The previous owners had had
shoes echoing, and extended a hand to
the floors polished before they put the
her. Reluctantly, she reached out, and
house on the market, and my reflection
my father pulled her up and they began
didnt look right.
to dance. A waltz. Thats what I love
The dog paced, nervous, but lay down
about my parents; all my dad had to do
after a while, patiently waiting for when
was help my mom up and she knew he
we would leave. I had seen the neighwanted to dance. They danced the rest of
bors when we pulled in, and they didnt
the night, to the tune of our silence.
seem very welcoming. As we crossed
the front lawn, I tore the Sold sign


Teen Ink





by Lauren Clem, Woonsocket, RI

there. Then I realize shes singing the verses of the

hurch, a family? Yeah, right. Thats what I
Psalm. Shes at the pulpit, in full view of everyone! I
was thinking as my eyes wandered over the
shift and struggle to see around a large candle, and
sea of faces in front of me. They stared back,
there she is. So strong, so familiar, my best friend is
some interested, some bored out of their minds, all
singing for the entire church.
gazing toward the pulpit, where a woman was recitAs my ecstatic mind dances along with her lovely
ing the first reading. It was Sunday and like most
voice, swaying in time with the notes, I turn once
Sundays, I was doing altar service.
more to that forgotten sea of faces. They are still
On this particular day, I was having a problem
staring, yet this time they are watching
the speaker above my head was not
sing. Suddenly the crowd seems alturned on, and conveniently, there was
Can I love the Holly
smaller and closer to me. We are
no missalette with which I could follow
the same words and witnessalong. I tried once more to distinguish
people behind
ing the same girl. In this one moment, I
the murmuring words of the lector, but
these faces? feel that if we can share such experiin vain. It was like walking around withences, such beliefs, then we can share
out my glasses, only my ears were hearanything. In these few seconds, as Holly sings, I see
ing fuzzy echoes rather than my eyes witnessing
a family around me, feel its love. In a flash of inblurry images. Bluntly put, I had no idea what the
sight, I realize the only thing standing between us
reader was saying.
and unity is our frame of mind.
Which is why, rather than reflecting on the wisdom of the Old Testament, I was pondering the faces
of the congregation. I can conjure an image of myself on that day being just as I am each time I do altar service: My seat in the church sanctuary provides
me with a beautiful view of all present. I can tell so
much about the people from the way they are sitting;
I can even make a guess as to what they are thinking. That man toward the back appears weary, while
this woman is reflecting seriously on what her ears
are telling her.
Then again, they are only faces, after all. I may
have interpreted them all wrong. Can they see me
looking at them? Can they tell what I am thinking?
They say that church is a family, a togetherness.
And its true we can all get something similar out of
it. But are we really one group with a common goal?
Can I love and know the people behind these faces?
Can I feel unity here and now in this church? And
the answer is tremendously disheartening. Try as I
may, I cannot see a family in those strangers faces.
Then deep within my thoughts stabs a voice. It is
a familiar one. My friend Holly is singing! Her solo
voice rings out, echoing back by way of the towerPhoto by Doug Templeton, Pittsford, NY
ing walls. I look to the choir loft, but she is not



by Gabriella Pagan, Brooklyn, NY

At that moment I looked right into her eyes. When

had braved a year of high school and when it
I first talked to her, I thought she had reminded me
started again, I am ready. After two weeks, I am
of someone. And at that moment when I met her
used to the hustle-bustle of students getting to
eyes, it hit me. She reminded me of me when I startclasses. I can practically navigate the school with my
just a year ago.
eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back. Im
She told me her problems. She was a freshman
ready for anything.
who was quiet and had no friends. They had all eiIts great seeing my old friends again as a sophother transferred, or were older and had graduated.
more, and not worrying about being a freshman anyAgain I saw our similarity. I, too, had no friends
more. Ill be honest, I wasnt very nice to the freshwhen I started last year, and I, too, had
men on their first day. I rolled my eyes
Ill be honest, been a lonely, angry train wreck.
when they came to school dressed in
Youre the only one whos really talked
white polos and dark pants and muttered,
me, you know, she told me as we
Freshmen, in a disgusted tone of voice.
walked downstairs to the train. Everyone
But then, in my Earth Science class, I
nice to the just ignores me.
met a timid girl who was in the back and
Another similarity.
said little. We ended up being lab partfreshmen
After talking to her, I looked at the other
ners, and we sat together as we learned
freshmen differently. Now shes my friend, and I tell
how to use longitude and latitude for what seemed
her all about school and what to expect. I help her
the millionth time. After helping each other with the
the best I can especially because I didnt have that
problems in our packets, we walked together since
help last year.
we were taking the same train.
So, fellow sophomores, juniors, and seniors, if
She asked if I was a freshman. I said, No way.
you happen to see a timid freshman looking lost in
Im a sophomore. How about you? Youre a sophothe hallways, dont just stand there and laugh. Help
more, right?
him, because one, two, maybe three years ago, you
I was shocked when she said, rather shyly, Naw.
were that little lost freshman.
Im a freshman. I just started here.


Teen Ink


She Forgot
to Leave
She left me her ruby-red tulips
and her freshly mulched garden
with its ripe tomatoes and basil.
But she forgot to leave our evenings
together in the kitchen,
eating overcooked macaroni on plastic plates,
complaining about those Republicans.
She left me her favorite crystal dishes,
the ones she insisted be limited
for special occasions only,
and a brand-new bottle of Dawn dish detergent.
But she forgot to leave
her glass of white Zinfandel
she enjoyed while watching Seinfeld
in my fathers La-Z-Boy
while I sat beside her feet
sipping on a Yoo-Hoo.
She left me her wooden white music box,
a pair of diamond earrings
that were too flashy for her taste,
and a silver tennis bracelet
my father bought her for their 25th anniversary.
But she forgot to take her navy Nike running shoes
that she laced up every Saturday morning
for our jog to the Starbucks
on the corner of 5th and 27th.
She left her sapphire cotton robe
hanging on the hook in the bathroom,
her cinnamon-scented body lotion by the bed,
and her Holiday Inn notepad
sitting blankly on her nightstand.
But she forgot to leave
our car rides to the city
when we would fight over the radio station
always compromising on the oldies channel,
rolling the windows down
and belting out Beatles songs
as the wind tussled our charcoal curly hair.
She left her cockeyed reading glasses from Walgreens
resting upon the latest
Janet Evanovich novel,
and her collection of menorahs
in a blue Tupperware box
next to the dining room table.
But she forgot to leave
our lazy Sunday mornings
spent tangled up in our down comforters til 11,
then straight to the kitchen,
still in our fluffy pink slippers,
awaiting the sight of a fresh batch of
the worlds greatest chocolate-chip pancakes
and a Bugs Bunny mug full of milk.
She left her gravestone in the ground,
her Star of David on her dresser,
and a bag of her favorite
fun-sized Snickers unopened.
She forgot to leave
Her soothing songs
that scared away the monsters,
her warm embrace
that shielded me from the bullies,
and her tender touch
that once would have dried
these tears falling against
my pale cheeks.

by Rachel Maimon, Buffalo Grove, IL

Photo by
Daniel Han,
Oak Bluffs, MA

by Swati Prasad, Hatfield, PA


Teen Ink


We decide to pursue our artistic ability. We save

a lie, and casually exchanges pieces so she has green,
n 10 years, my mother will praise my social
the trouble of cleaning paint off the floor, and
skills, teachers will tell me Im well-adjusted.
opt to make a mess with crayons. We color
In 10 years, I will be kind, slightly timid in front
intently for a while. I look over at Esha, her tongue
your shoe. The object is to be the first to reach square
of strangers, immensely loyal, with an ever-present
peeping out of the corner of her mouth.
number 100. Soon the game is nearly over. My blue
sense of right and wrong.
Finished! we both yell at the same time. She
piece is on 94, while her green piece cheers quietly
But now I am just fierce, fierce and twisted.
looks at mine, a picture of two mountains and a
from 91. I need a six to win. That seems doable. Esha
I watch as my mother struggles with the steering
setting sun.
rolls snake eyes 93. I roll the dice and get eight. The
wheel, wondering why she isnt as good as Daddy at
Its really nice. Her voice is sincere, slightly
rules (per my brother) clearly state that if the dice
driving. I ask, Mum-mi, how much longer? just to
Her eyes dart down to her picture, a messy famshow
redistract her, make her less nervous.
with her parents having somewhere bemaining,
As planned, her grip on the wheel loosens and her
tween three and eight fingers on each hand.
turns become more fluid. Beti, she starts with this
Thanks. Yours is, uh is that one you? I point
I pick up the blue piece and begin to move it forterm of endearment, to soften the criticism she is
deliberately at the house behind the three stick figures.
ward, counting, One, two, three, four, five, six I
about to deliver. Weve driven up this road a thouNo! Her voice is uncharacteristically loud and
move the piece one square backward seven
sand times. Were maybe two minutes away. You
startling. Its a house. And you know what
Then I move the piece one more square
know that.
Whole milk is else? MY PICTURES FINE! her lip quivforward, landing on 100. I win! I deI fidget a bit, uncomfortable with being scolded in a
ers but her nose flares, a sure sign of anger.
clare happily.
friendly tone. What a tactic. I peer through the winthe
dow again, squinting to see a white house with black
All right. Lets go upstairs? I use
, but stops when I glance at her, daring
shutters approach. I start squirming in my seat as the
friendship theOkay.
calm, restoring voice Daddy uses after
her to question my rules. She falters, bebrilliant red door breaks into view, beckoning me to
Mum-mi is finished yelling at him. I gingerly put my
ginning in her mouse of a voice, Are you sure that
come inside, to enjoy another evening with my best
arm around Esha and pat her heaving shoulders. I help
She stops again. Meekly she says, Okay.
her up the stairs, an emotionally wounded soldier
We are bored with snakes and ladders. Esha sadly
Esha is jumping up and down behind the storm
leaning on the girl who shot her. We climb the stairs
states, I never win.
door. I hear her yell excitedly, Mama! Mama, can I
slowly, maybe more for my sake than hers.
go see Swati? I dont hear the reply, but within moReena Auntie places warm cookies, chocolate chip
ments Esha is tearing down the driveway, to hug me
with walnuts, in front of us and hands me the first
Esha pulls out a stack of Highlights magazines. I
with all the strength in her thin arms. I hug her back,
one. In Indian homes, a guest, no matter how young,
tell her to put on some music, and obligingly she pops
laughing. Its been two whole days since we last saw
is treated specially, and it just so happens that I am
a Kidz Bop cassette into her tape player. Kidz Bop is
each other.
her favorite guest.
so crappy, I tell her, enjoying the taste of the word
Beti, dont run! Youll trip and fall! her mother
Here you go, Swathu-kanathu. Esha, you have to
that frequents my brothers vocabulary and is forbidcalls. I love Reena Auntie. I dont know how long Ive
drink all your milk. Dont forget!
den in mine. You should listen to the Goo Goo
loved her; I dont even recall meeting her, but shes alShe turns her back and I break my cookie in half,
Dolls. She nods complacently.
most an aunt to me. Years from now, and years before
Esha the larger half. She smiles at me, a
it is fashionable to do so, I will unconsciously begin to
warm, happy smile that only an angelic girl like Esha
word puzzles and finding hidden tomatoes in cityimitate the way she places her glasses in her hair like
can manage. We chew our cookies slowly, the walnuts
scapes. I read a slightly infantile story about a
a headband when she is not using them. Later on, when
crunching away our grudges, the chocolate chips
grasshopper. I begin to laugh loudly, although the
I realize I am mimicking a woman of my mothers
melting in our mouths, unknowingly making us
story is less than enjoyable. Esha looks up curiously.
generation, it wont bother me, knowing its Reena
What is it?
Auntie. Im surprised how fat shes gotten lately. I
Later, when Esha wrinkles her nose at her half full
Oh, its just I make a big show of an entirely
wont find out for another month what being pregnant
of whole milk she needs to put on weight, the
has told Reena Auntie I drink it for her while
She walks toward Mum-mi, says something about
Auntie is not looking, cementing our friendship,
that Ive said the word wrong, but it doesnt matter.
something, and the two chat about grown-up stuff.
which now often needs cementing. Whole milk is
Its had the desired effect.
Reena Auntie insists, Poonam, yaar my mothers
revolting. Whole milk is the price of friendship.
I watch Esha grapple with the large word, a wet,
name, and the casual term for a friend Come in for
The doorbell is ringing, and Reena Auntie gets it.
squirming fish in the hands of her mind. She gives up,
some chai.
Mum-mi sweeps in, her hands gesturing in the air as
casting her eyes downward, and lets out a sad little
Mum-mi accepts despite the hot summer weather.
she speaks rapidly in Hindi. Auntie giggles and they
sigh. I guess I am.
Well, Rajiv has his football-shootball to
converse for a few minutes, until Mum-mi cocks her
watch anyway. The women laugh, while Its infuriating
head, telling me that its time to leave.
Esha and I look on. If I laughed at Daddy
No, no, no! Esha pleads. Can she sleep over
when he wasnt making a joke, things
how yielding
tonight, please, Auntie, please?
my ill-gained win and mean comments. I
would not go well.
she is
No, Babbu, not tonight. She has a doctors aplet her arm stay, although I am annoyed.
Esha and I run upstairs immediately.
pointment later. My mother smiles at our picture perIts infuriating how yielding she is. She
Lets play snakes and ladders! she cries.
fect friendship, ruffling Eshas hair affectionately.
gave in so easily today! Some days she actually arSnakes and ladders is a simple game involving little
We say good-bye, arms wrapped around each other,
gues back, and rarely about as often as Daddy does
but a board, two pieces, and dice.
hoping we are taking a bit of the other with us.

Ill be blue because thats my favorite color. Blue
me on the cheek and tells me were best
inisnt girly like red! I look scornfully at the red piece
friends. I kiss her on the cheek and correct her no,
tercepts us, handing us two cold glasses of Shekhar
in her hand, remembering that my brother has warned
best friends forever.
Uncles famous lemonade. I thank her politely, as my
me constantly that he wont like me if Im too girly.
Ten years later, we are still best friends. I look back
Mum-mi has taught me. Thank you, Auntie. I dont
Hes four years older and has every reason not to hang
at myself and hate what I see, but Esha put up with
know why, but Uncles lemonade is always better than
out with me. I need to be careful.
me despite it all. We chat about friends, boys, clothes,
My thoughts are interrupted by Esha shyly saying,
remembering how much we hated changing her little
Salt, Esha interjects quickly, just to inform me.
Me too. Blues my favorite color, too.
brothers diapers. We delve into the hardships of
Ridiculous. I know for a fact that her favorite color
growing up Indian in America and how unfair our parstruck
is purple, with red coming in a close second. I decide
ents are. She supports me as I unceremoniously reReena Auntie looks at me admiringly. Beti, your
to test her. Actually I like white better. Blues all
move my older brother from his pedestal, and I am
manners are excellent. Esha, you could learn from
right, but Im just settling.
there for her first heartbreak. And though I know all
She replies quickly, so eager to please, Me, too!
that is in store for us, I dont know how we could posEsha glumly walks downstairs to the basement,
Copycat. I give the red piece in her hand another
sibly last as friends. How Esha tolerated me for 10
with me hopping along behind her.
meaningful look and reply carefully, with a voice that
years is beyond me. Maybe its all that cement. Reena
Uck, my glass is wet, she complains.
is equally apathetic and unbelieving, Whatever.
Auntie always said milk is good for you.
She blushes furiously, realizing that she is caught in


Whole Milk and Cement




Winter Morn

Recorded Fantasy

on a lovely winters morn

not a leaf or twig or thorn
could poke up past the icy sheet
or through the overlying sleet.

The record sighed

Dreaming of a happier fantasy
Where trumpets blared
and pianos roared
and millions of rich-men shoes
themselves into oblivion
And there were ladies in
puffed sleeves
standing by the punch bowl,
with dance cards
And the littlest watched
through the banister
As the red-haired woman
laughed scandalously
slowly swaying
without rhythm
And her best friend
held her up and suddenly
the light was a little
too bright
And she breathed heavily
on his corsaged shoulder
Air, he told them. She just needs air.
So he took her out and sat her
under the willow
they used to climb on
And pretend they were
Or Indians
And now they sat,
playing quite a different game
and he was shy and knew not
what to say
So he sat with her head on
His corsaged shoulder
holding her tight and wishing
He knew how to say her name
Just right.

so, comfortably we walk barefoot

on a footprint path inside the wood
we worry not of rocks or stones
for our blanket keeps our heels alone.
in our eyes a glare of light
flies up from the sea of white
and clumps of snow snug in the trees
substitute for fallen leaves.
in the distance breezes start to blow
spinning leaves and swirling snow
we stand steadfast, release all fear
we simply hold the other near.
sharp wind rises all the sudden
and out from us a breath and shudder
though the chill makes our ears feel worse
my hand still warmly rests with yours.

by Collin Brashear, Flower Mound, TX

Despite my westerly wind,
I have unwillingly been carried east.
East where everything is and must
be defined, refined, and redefined.
East where we sleep on top
of the sheets of unloving beds.
East where walking is risky
and driving is jeopardy.
Despite my efforts to avoid assimilation,
I, too, scream mindlessly at eternal traffic.
I, regrettably, am in a fruitless rush
when there are hours or days to spare.

by Heidi Marsh, Lexington, KY

My chimney breathes harsh, smothering air

into the filth-clouded sky, mocking environmentalists.
I think of the clear blue west,
open-ended and unexpected like cancer.

Id show them that a minute is trivial

and crush my own ticking watch.

by Rachael Robinson, Dacula, GA


Teen Ink


She announced each destination

As the department came near.
Shoes! was bellowed to her followers
and a sharp right turn was made.
Mothers held back their children
fearing they might be run over.
A brisk stride she attained
in her orthopedic New Balance sneakers.
Straw-blond hair and purple socks
Can be seen from a distance.
Her floral shirt was a colorful blur
As she zipped through the crowds.
Finally, emerging with a victorious smile,
She beelined for the register.
Navy-blue socks and receipt in hand
Mission accomplished!

by Lindsey Sacco, Cromwell, CT

The callus
(on the left side of
the third crease)
on my
middle finger
mimics the twisted balloon-animal lines
of poets
again and again
hoping for inertia. or
to flay in the
subatomic skull section
of their retinas.
forearm twitching, i summon
the livers and large intestines of letters
to machinate,
make me good;
my forefinger blistered,
and pilot worn off of
an arid pen.

In My Mind

by Olivia Cunningham, W. Palm Beach, FL

i am nothing. (but a little yellow sundress and brown feet

slapping down cottage woods court
under a sloppily painted sunset,
which drips through magnolia trees and eases into open windows
and competes with
the devilish blue flicker of
the TV and seeps into the bones, the inner architecture of
millions of bodies plus one yellow dress
skipping up dusty stairs;
the sunset slams into warm asphalt; could for one moment,
dangling wet and heavy from an eyelash,
could there be the time
i caught perfection in a jar it sat there all winter
accumulating dust
then i let go )

Her fanny-pack zippers jingled fiercely

As she plowed through fellow shoppers.
With quick steps and clenched fists,
She made her way down the aisles.
Family struggled to keep up with her.

by Meg Bishop, New York, NY

I wish my westerly wind would blow

all these northeasterlies to Nevada.

Yellow and Brown

Mall Mission

As far as the gypsys eye can see

As low as the clouds that touch the trees
The blades of grass, the dying leaves
Love consumes endlessly
Fluttering of the moths gentle wings
The woman in the woods that will never sing
A frozen pond in the middle of a dream
Love endures as it seems
Touching all with gentle limbs
Singing a melody of compelling hymns
Curing men that drip with sins
Our journey starts where love begins

I am like a tree
With different sides of me
Standing very tall
Just for all to see
Nature views me silently
I see the world so quietly
Im merry during spring and summer
Bright and full of bloom
I grow and grow so they will know
That I am no Willow
Autumn comes so suddenly
I change most visibly
I listen to the wind more often
Speaking with a rapid rustle
My leaves fall down
Onto the ground
No more will they be seen
Autumn changes into winter
When I see the sun draw near
I know its time for spring.

by Brian Cherry, Abington, MA

by Jenny Park, Highlands Ranch, CO

Art by Elizabeth Maturano, Kannapolis, NC

Loved One

Above the horizon hover sun-stained clouds

Like the combustion of childhood dreams
Beneath indigo skies the fireball shrouds
And mocks the lingering gold sunbeams
Heaven-lit Gateways of the West so amber
Brilliant with majesty glory-deep
Onwards, O Stunning One, to stardom and splendor
By cloud-reined carriage and gentle sleep
Calm twilight, so tranquil, like quiet embers
Subsisting within their last dying glow
Serenity, with grandeur gone, nightfall remembers
Childhood memories pale stars bestow

by Xiangying Lu, Pointe-Claire, QC, Canada

Ominous Winds
Ominous winds blowing
telling me of their dark, twisted secrets.
I walk upon the shore of corpses
leaving blood imprints of my feet
in the tainted sand.
As I walk on, the ravens scream out their horrid screech,
one perches upon my wrist with a blood-stained beak
and talons sharper than the fangs of a dragon.
I sit on my throne
in the realm of death
where whispers beg for forgiveness
and where the Earth bleeds black.
Nightfall is forever down in this pit.
All who have sinned
end up in this hell with me.
Demons run loose
claws and all
they are black masses that dance as shadows in the night,
devouring blood of angels that pass boundaries
that are not meant to be crossed by such
pure-blooded creatures.
And now I sit and wait for Him to give up his castle
in the sky,
Ill wait until the end of time,
until the end of the world itself,
Ill wait.

The Attics

Beautiful Static

In the attics of my life

A man, or perhaps a boy,
Sits day after dulling day.
I bring him food
And I stay to talk to him.
The sustenance I bring
Is lined with lies, coated with sarcasm,
And topped with deceit
But he swallows it all,
And innocently asks for more.
When I am feeling courageous,
I throw a pinch of honesty
His way, hoping for a miracle.
He is so used to the taste
Of my fear and distrust
That he doesnt even notice
The difference.

I sat this morning by my window,

watching a small insect struggle toward the top,
the brim, possibly to freedom,
or so it thought.

by Lalita Russ, Winchester, NH

Marys Lamb and

the Beast
Marys lamb was black as coal
His eyes half blind with hate
And everywhere that Mary went
Her lamb would lie and wait
And when they were all alone
Hed whisper sweetly in her ear
And filled her pretty little head
With lies that grew in fear
Then Mary told just one friend
Who went to tell one more
And in this way the lie was spread
From door to neighbors door
Soon the lie raged all around
A beast no one could tame
And no one knew that secretly
Marys lamb was to blame.

by Holly Roberts, Fruita, CO

by Victoria Rios, San Antonio, TX

In the heart of August
From high above
The suns eyes burn bright
And he wildly smiles
As he hurls his rays
Of boiling, humid glue
We are targeted
And hit
He laughs triumphantly
Now, were drenched
Trapped in his wrath
Breathing in fire

I suspect I wanted to reach out

and touch the thing as if to connect myself
with the surreal
a tiny, living, beating thing.
I thought, How small the heart must be.
Suddenly, I was aware that I had been blindly staring,
static running through my ears.
This static, however, had a different sound.
One that rose and fell, was sad and mournful
A dark orchestra of my own compulsion.


Sunset Song

Images rose of violins, cellos, and passionate, weeping musicians,

walking through the door of my thoughts
and settling down for the first of many symphonies.
The fear that this emotion would not last clouded my vision
for only a moment
a reverential feeling I had for
My music overwhelmed such fear
and drove me further into unwavering, joyous silence.

by Brittany Magby, Pretty Prairie, KS

Incorrigible Road
Kill the headlights.
Am I confined to a looking box in the road?
Feet melted to the pavement, one with the dreary mold
while faces peer through the glass
fields of their minds.
Ill take a bat to that windshield and leave shattered
views behind.
Dont test your theories on me; your ill-based opinions
are not the least bit needed.
But I am pasted on this road: an old adhesive, but the
glue still boasts its hold.
How can I progress? With each step I take my feet sink
deeper into the street and I get
Heaved into the black lake. Waist-deep, the tar calluses
around me and my lungs become
Filled with thick concrete.
Breathing purely hasnt served me best.
But I will not allow myself to suck down every
willing poison.
This incorrigible road will encourage me to run through
unhindered meadows.

by Alyssa Bernholc, Setauket, NY

Art by Kimberly Hope, Summer Shade, KY

Equations &
The Sun May Go Down Chemistry
Geometric Theorems
When it seems that all you care for has met

How wonderful August can be

When noble wind sets us free.

its sad demise,

It is prudent to remember
The sun may go down, but the moon shall rise.
Just as the tide flows out, it returns again to shore.
And it is the same with coral.
One may die, but there are infinitely more.
And just as nature fades; in the winter,
the robin takes wing,
But the plants and birds again return.
They will come back more beautiful and vibrant in spring.
And in the evenings we lie down and fall to blissful sleep.
It is the same when we die,
And just as from our sleep we wake, the sleep of death
is not too deep.
When it seems that all you care for has met
its sad demise,
It is prudent to remember
The sun may go down, but the moon shall rise.

feels like just yesterday we were wandering these hallways & now its today
[it would appear weve never left]
its a time warp,
I swear. algebra? well,
if x=me & y=school then *xy=surreal*
[just call me confused.discombobulated.&&bewildered] this doesnt seem
like my life
& yet
it has the distinct illusion of belonging to me.
I forgot how heavy the weight of pressure
feels on my shoulders.
[sorry, I cant afford
a whole new wardrobe]
thats right:
same clothes as last year
the first week isnt even over with
[nest pas fini]
& Im already drowning in chemistry equations & geometric theorems.

by Christina OSullivan, Rocky Hill, CT

by Elliot Eastin, Kirksville, MO

by Crystal Abing, Lancaster, WI

We come too close to admitting defeat

When suddenly, wind arrives
He strides in
Sweeps heat away
What kind, benevolent breeze.
He gently lifts
The invisible flaming force
Pressed against our chests.
Our sweat now leaves
We can breathe
The sun recoils heatedly.


Teen Ink



Youre Not the Only Ones

as though the two could not be connected, which

am an African European who was born in London,
just shows how society has regressed in terms of
and it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant
racial profiling. The thing that I find even more trousome people can be. Throughout my life people
bling is that most Caucasians actually know the difhave always asked me how I could be black if I am
ference; it seems to be the African-Americans who
British. Its almost as if they think that all Caucasians
know little about their race outside of this country. It
live in one country and all blacks live in another!
is almost as if they have been brainwashed, focusing
Then I go through the process of explaining that
on the history of blacks in America,
America is not the only country where
the fact is that blacks all over the
black people live.
America isnt the while
world have suffered too.
It is actually quite simple: all black
Not to discredit American civil rights
people came from Africa (if you go
only country that
leaders (like Rosa Parks or Martin
back to their ancestral lines). African
black people live in Luther King Jr.), but I think Black Hisslaves were auctioned off to owners
tory Month is a fraud, since it only highliving in many countries. So it makes
lights the hardships of American blacks. Black Histosense that black people have dispersed throughout the
ry Month should be about the triumph and suffering
world. For the most part, however, in American socieof all black people in the world; otherwise they
ty people have accepted all black people as Africanshould change the name to African-American History
American, which I feel is a total injustice to our race.
Month. They should talk about other people, like JaThey have taken one set and made them the global
maicas Norman Manley, whose efforts led to the
stereotype for all black people in the world.
New Constitution of 1944 granting full adult suffrage.
Recently I was talking to an African-American girl.
Or Nelson Mandela, who spent 27 years in jail and
She asked me if I was from England and I replied that
then became South Africas first black president.
I was. She then asked why I was black if I was British


by Gabrielle Gilbert, Mandeville, LA

the best I could so she could picture me.

ophie changed the way I think about peoShe told me what her family was like and her
ple, all because she said hi to me. She
She was in choir and played the piano.
showed me that just because a person might
Since she was blind, she read Braille which is a
look or act different, you shouldnt judge them
system of writing using little dots so fingers can
without getting to know them. The minute she
trace the letters in order to read it. She had been
said hi to me, I knew that we would become great
to many Braille competitions and had begun
competing at age eight.
Sophie is blind and went to my eleI didnt
It took me a while to get used to the
mentary school. We met on the bus.
that Sophie was going to sit next to
The bus driver said she could sit next
the bus for the year. Whenever we
to me. I was nervous because she could
we would talk about school
not do lots of things I could. She could
talk to her and homework,
and we even played
not see, she had trouble talking somegames. Its amazing to remember that the first
times, and she did not know what anything
time I saw her, I was so nervous, and now we
looked like. I didnt know how to talk to her.
have become great friends.
She turned to face me and said, Hi.
When I first saw her, I judged her too quickly.
I knew right then that we would become good
is smart and talented. She can do anything I
friends. What is your name? she asked.
even though she is blind. We will always
G-G-Gabrielle, I stuttered.
be friends, since the first day I saw her on the bus
What do you look like? she asked. I finally
when she said hi to me.
found the words and started to describe myself

The Many Faces of Me

by Shelby Carter, Newark, DE

ome call me quiet. Some call me loud. Some

call me goth. Some call me punk. Some call
me cruel. Some call me gentle. Many call me
weird. Few call me sane.
I like the color black, so does that mean that I
cut myself? I dont wear pink, so does that mean
Im depressed? I wear heavy eyeliner, so does that
make me emo?
People are too quick to judge. And I admit, I
judge too its human nature, and humans arent
perfect. But its ironic how everyone says, Oh, I
dont judge people, and the next thing you know
theyre whispering about the boy who dyed his
hair green. Im not saying that everyones like that,
because I know some who dont care how I look.
And theyre true friends.
I love spending money on things other than
clothes. I prefer to buy video games or CDs. So what
does that make me? I also like writing dark poetry.


by Lance Charles, Auburn, NY

Teen Ink


I believe everyone has a mask that covers their

true thoughts. The prep wants to be punk. The
punk wants to be known. The jock wants to do
something other than sports. Shy people wish they
could be bold.
Everyone has faces. Theyre all a little bit of
everything. I have a preppy face. I have a goth
face. I have a jock face. I have a nerd face. I have a
weird face. I can be whomever I feel like being.
And I feel like being me.
So my many faces show. I can be obnoxious,
and I can be reserved. Everyone has different
faces, so we should realize that everyone has different sides.
Try to bridge the gap between the popular kids
and the nerds. Try to bridge the gap that separates
the preps and goths. So then, the many faces can
be shown, including the many faces of me.

If you look at the big picture, the world is too preoccupied with fitting people into categories instead of
trying to learn about each culture. It is very sad that
this is happening, because eventually a big portion of
our culture will be lost if someone doesnt do something about it.

Photo by Shannon Ennis, Glendale, AZ

The Man Who

the man who teaches
the short class at Math Camp
he talks
like a FOB someone fresh off the boat.
ruddy, his face, a baggy sweater, he wears
not a coat. polyester shorts, not denim
his body taut
it across the room like a translucent
mauve flag
(I know not to mess with
Chinas flag, but he is not what
I saw in Disneyworld)
was on Chinas IMO team! then why is he here?
our susurration, why not at Harvard?
wears glasses with gold rims
like my grandmas
in study group (after playing
bulls eye with chalk) we imitate his sounds.
he muddles words how queerly
his mouth swells when
it makes the letter l so it sounds like r
he talks like my mother and father
and like me more than
the cool Asians, though I cloak myself
in a blunt red flag with
beautiful speckles.
we have it easy,
we do not compete with
Chinese children for a spot in his class. we are
children Chinese
and otherwise
our knowledge grew out
of a hemic ground and blasted forth
like a typhoon, breaking the life
we had before America
into easy-to-digest bits
of satire.

by Veronica Ray, San Antonio, TX

Authors of the prize-winning verse and fiction
will receive a full tuition scholarship to the
Walnut Hill Summer Writing Program, an intensive,
artist-directed experience in craft that takes advantage of international settings to expose students to
national literatures while carrying on rigorous
instruction in verse, prose, and playwriting. The
2008 Summer Program will begin in July on
the Walnut Hill campus, outside Boston,
Massachusetts, and then travel to Dublin, Ireland.
The prize-winning pieces will be published in The
Blue Pencil, the award-winning literary magazine
of Walnut Hills Writing Studio. Each entrant to the
competition will receive a copy of The Blue Pencil
upon its publication in spring 2008.

October 15, 2007
January 1, 2008
February 6, 2008

Competition Opens
Submission Deadline
Winners Announced

For more information, writers guidelines, and

submission instructions, please visit the Creative
Writing section of the Walnut Hill website:
WH Questions? E-mail Allan Reeder, Head of
Studio Publications, at
Founded in 1893, Walnut Hill is an
independent boarding and day school for the
arts, grades 9-12, located in Natick,

Teen Ink


Travel & Culture

There Be Dragons

Fourth Law (which applies only to cheap travel in Latin

t is July 4, 2007. I find myself in a cattle truck
America): There is always more space. The distance
with 15 other Americans, a Canadian, 16 backbetween my ear and my shoulder, for instance, appears
packs, four bags of corn, and close to a hundred
to be currently occupied by the family of six.
Guatemalans. Oh, and some pigs.
Luckily, we drive in circles around a city block for
Effectively, Ive just been groped by an entire family
about an hour before setting off, giving us time to get
of six, including the greasy-haired father, the harried
comfortable. As we head into the mountains, the enmother, the grandfather, the toddler, and the newborn,
gine begins to grumble. In time, we are confronted
who is absolutely fascinated by the texture of my face.
with the ultimate obstacle: a hill, perhaps a hundred
Interesting fact: The newborn appears to have some
feet long, with a 2 percent grade. We chug upward. We
sort of skin disease, possibly smallpox.
slip backward. A grizzled old woman begins to pray.
Another interesting fact: Im here by choice.
The truck stops, and the driver descends to begin a
Its the summer before my junior year, and Ive
grave conference with a few men. They mumble and
chosen to spend it traveling around Guatemala on a
nod grimly, gesturing at the truck. Finally, they reach a
tour run by a company called Where There Be Dragdecision. As the passengers stay, helpons. (As in, where maps end, there are
lessly, in the truck, the men remove ten
dragons. And we go there. To find the
We chug upward. 50-pound bags of cement. The truck can
reach the crest of the hill. Then the
We have difficulty explaining the
We slip backward. A now
shoulder the bags, climb the hill,
name and nature of our tour to locals.
them back into the truck. ProbOften Im forced to resort to Were
grizzled old woman
lem solved. We continue on our way.
students, and were, well, looking for
begins to pray.
Im staying with a family in a nearby
dragons. This triggers puzzled looks;
village, accessible only by an hours
one middle-aged man keeps repeatwalk through the forest. Its a two-room house. One
ing, in broken English, No dragons. No dragons
room is given to me, and the family remains in the
here. Sorry, sorry, no dragons. Of course, its hard to
other one. Theres one bed, which apparently sleeps
take him seriously since he is wearing a shirt that
11 comfortably. Theres the fire, the chair, the plate,
reads Everyone Loves An Irish Girl.
the fork, and the grandmother. Like the other elements
The leaders are worse. They refer to us, the stuin the kitchen, she remains by the fire at all times;
dents, as dragons. Wed like four rooms, please.
during those four days, I dont see her leave the room
Were traveling with a group of 16 dragons. Could
once. Immersed in smoke, she makes approximately
you take a dragon into your home? Thanks.
8,657 tortillas daily.
Its a trip of cultural immersion and language study,
Theres also the mysterious bag, which sits next to
which means learning to curse in Spanish, eating corn
the wall and occasionally meows. Its about the size
tortillas 42 days in a row, and spreading the good
of a watermelon, and once or twice it squirms. When I
gospel of deodorant and Snakes on a Plane wherever
ask the family about the bag, they explain, Is cat.
we go.
But why is it in the bag?
Its crowded in the truck, which is to say that were
Place for cat.
packed like sardines in a can, if they were put through a
blender first. This is due to Newtons little-known

Snowball Fight

t had been several years since my

moms best friend, Robyn, moved to
Wyoming. Her husband, Thomas,
was working on a ranch, and their whole
family moved to be with him. Finally,
we were able to schedule a vacation and

Photo by Seita Ohama, Palatine, IL


by Emily Kirkland, New York, NY

Teen Ink


The toilet is located behind the house and consists

of a hole, a wooden covering, and a door made of
transparent plastic, the kind used for grocery bags.
One rainy night, I stumble out there in the darkness,
nearly bursting. As recommended by the packing list,
I have purchased a $30 flashlight with LED bulbs and
a strobe function, with straps to attach it to my forehead, allowing me to cook, read, spelunk, and act as a
walking disco ball hands-free.
Long story short: In a freak accident, the flashlight
is doomed to oblivion down the depths of the hole.
Good-bye, flashlight.
I return to the house, shamefaced, to tell my hosts.
It takes some fine mime work on my part, since they
speak little Spanish. But eventually they get the idea.
My host father shakes his head sadly. A horrible incident most is this, he says, and then, inexplicably,
Post office. His wife looks on the verge of tears.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, she says, and steps outside. Im
touched. Its my fault, I say. I was just stupid.
Ten minutes later, she reappears, surrounded by a
crowd of neighborhood children with triumphant
smiles. Theres something wrapped in a rag in her
hands. She cradles it like a baby. You, she says, and
thrusts it at me. I accept it, grinning. Thanks, I say,
unwrapping. Thanks
Its the headlamp. Its my headlamp. They brought
me back the headlamp.
How , I begin, and then stop myself. I do not
want to know. I do not want to know! Too late. The
wife, still grinning, points at her arm, and then at one
of the children. Washed. Water, she explains.
I ignore the smell. I ignore the particles clinging to
the straps. I gush with gratitude. They laugh and
smile, proud of their accomplishment. I turn it over
and over in my hands, trying to express the appropriate admiration for what theyve done.
That night, on my wooden slats, I think, Its times
like these that I thank God for hand sanitizer.

by Jess Cummings, West Point, UT

ourselves in our heavy winter coats,

planned to spend several days on the
hats, and thick gloves. We were going
ranch where my sister and I could visit
on a midnight ride. We saddled the
with her two kids, Josslyn and Joshua. It
horses and packed emergency proviwas winter, and so cold that when my
sions. There were eight horses and 11
mom fueled the car her jeans froze.
of us. The horses were a variety of colThomas taught us how to cut a hole
ors: black, brown, buckskin, Pinto, and
in the frozen pond and ice fish. We had
Appaloosa. They all had their own pera lot of fun even though we didnt catch
sonalities. Some were energetic, some
anything. After work, Thomas and the
gentle and slow, and some just plain
ranch hands would cook dinner in their
old. The smaller kids douDutch oven, and wed all eat
up with an adult, but I
around the fire pit. I even
My horse was bled
got to ride my own horse. It
learned how to ride a horse
and went out by myself.
big, black, was big, black, and frisky.
It was really dark when we
The ranch house was
and frisky left, but the moon was huge
heated by a wood-burning
and bright. We werent too
stove, so it got pretty cold at
familiar with the land, which was covnight. At suppertime, we would place
ered with valleys, meadows, and
large, smooth rocks on the stove. When
forests. We had to trust that Thomas
it was time to crawl into our cold beds,
knew the way. With 100 acres to cross
we wrapped the rocks in an old towel
we spent two hours meandering
and took them to bed. We slept with
through the trees on our horses. It was
the rocks at the bottom of our beds uninteresting to think that off in the
der the covers or hugged them against
woods where we couldnt see, wild anus. It was amazing how warm we
imals watched our every move. It was
stayed. In the morning, the rocks were
peaceful and quiet with just the sound
still warm!
of the horses hooves crunching
I remember one night in particular.
through the snow.
We waited until dark and then bundled

We stopped to see old farmhouses

and even a one-room schoolhouse.
Soon the joy of riding horses couldnt
cover the soreness from the saddle or
the chill of the night. Just when I
thought I couldnt ride anymore, we
stopped at an old abandoned house to
We were sitting on rocks resting our
sore backsides when some snow slid
from a tree above Thomas and landed
on the back of his head, sliding into the
warmth of his coat. Thinking that
somebody had done it purposely, he
threw a giant snowball at the person
closest to him. The greatest snowball
fight ever had begun.
We used the old building as shelter
and created snow forts in the meadow.
We stockpiled snowballs behind our
walls and while one person covered the
enemy, the other made snowballs as
fast as possible. The teams changed as
soon as you hit the wrong person and
they defected to the other side. I dont
know how long it lasted or remember
much about the return ride to the ranch
house. I do remember that it was the
best snowball fight ever!

by Kara Wilcox, Cohasset, MA

in the entranceway. Silhouetted by the sun beaming

y feet, caked in dirt, ached with each step.
through the palm boughs, a hunched figure with
Hunger made itself known by frequent
wispy gray hair knelt on a rice mat. As I came closer,
growls and cramps the last meal I had
I could see that it was a woman who was probably 60
consumed had been sticky rice and fried crickets. I
years old, although she looked about 90. Countless
tightly clutched the heavy plastic bag so it wouldnt
hours of back-breaking labor under the hot Thai sun
slip from my sweaty palms. A group of us, maybe
had aged her body beyond its years.
nine, made our way down the dusty, litter-strewn path.
Now less than a yard away, I raised my eyes to
We each carried a similar bag, tied with a rubber
meet hers. In the midst of a face mapped
wrinkles were two tired, dark eyes.
We had reached a hut fashioned of
That may have with
was clearly manifested in
wood and palm boughs. Four walls
encompassed an area no bigger than a been the only meal every crease, but her eyes were warm
and grateful. I smiled, and she slowly
college dorm room. Constructed on
she ate that day opened her mouth to reveal almost toothstilts, no doubt to keep out animals and
less gums. From years of experience, she
floods during the rainy season, the oneheld her hands up, palms together, to her face. I perroom hut leaned dangerously into the mosquitoformed the traditional wai in return, though mine was
ridden rice fields. I climbed the four steps slowly,
significantly less graceful.
scrunching my nose in an effort not to breathe in the
Sa-wat-dee-kaa, I murmured in Thai, and she
stench. Though I was not entirely sure that the boards
nodded slowly in response to my hello. Holding the
would hold my weight, I safely reached the top.
bag in my right hand, always, I extended it toward her
My bag contained several smaller bags, one of
with my left hand clutching my right elbow in the trawarm sticky rice, one of pork-and-cucumber soup,
ditional offering form. She reached out for the bag,
and a pineapple, the fruit du jour. Someone appeared
nodding again and again in thanks. I looked once

Road Trip

very summer, for as far back as I

can remember, my family has taken
a long journey to North Dakota to
visit relatives. Did we ever fly? No, that
would be too easy! Instead we took our
old van and when I say old, I mean ancient. This van is as old as I am.
Anyway, on this particular trip we
packed our luggage in the back and set off
at our usual time: 4 a.m. Yeah, I know
what youre wondering. How did I ever
wake up at that hour? Easy. I never went
to sleep. I stayed up, lying awake in my
bed, drinking soda. You get to the point
that youre so tired that both your eyes are
twitching and it feels like youre constantly blinking. If you have no idea what Im
talking about, youll have to try it sometime. I believe its something everyone
should experience at least once.
Back to my story. So I wake up somewhere near Cheyenne, Wyoming. If

more into her eyes. A fly had landed on her right lid,
but she didnt notice. Her eyes transcended the language barrier and explained her gratitude.
That may have been the only meal she had that day,
for her body could no longer work, and she had no
family to care for her. Perhaps on other days villagers
took turns feeding her (and other lonely elders) but
would there always be enough food in a village dependent on indigenous agriculture?
Giving that old woman a meal was painful in a way
I had never expected, because I knew that when I returned to my life of comfort and privilege, she would
still be huddled in her one-room hut, hungry and lonely and tired. The small pains and annoyances I had
documented in my head since my arrival in Thailand
disappeared when I saw her, and I didnt think of
them again. Seeing her smiling in gratitude for food
made me want to stay and give her everything she
needed, and still needs, even now that Im back to my
comfortable life.
I will return, maybe not to that woman or even to
Thailand, but to where I can impact the lives of others
in a positive, profound way.

by Michael Barthelemy, Albuquerque, NM

youve ever been there, you know the entrips, and I think it was probably because
tire state is a giant prairie. I have this taste
of this unfortunate seating arrangement.
in my mouth: dragon breath. You cant
His solution: Dramamine. Andre doesnt
smell it because your senses arent exactly
get motion sick; rather, he used them as
top-notch when you wake up.
sleeping pills. Most of the trip, hed be
My older brother always rode in the
going around like a zombie. Just wait, in a
couple years, were going to find that
back of the van. It wasnt because he was
overuse of Dramamine is bad
neglected or anything; it was
because my sister and I were
Dad turns the for your health.
Okay, sorry, back to my
clever enough to claim we
wheel hard and tale. We pull into a truck stop
couldnt sit in the back because of motion sickness.
all three of us young
flies across the because
Actually, my sister did get
uns need to use the bathmotion sick occasionally. I,
room. The truck stop was
on the other hand, was a
rancid. Ill spare you the defirst-class bluffer. Andre, my brother, had
tails of this health-code-violating structo squeeze into the back. Were the type
ture. We pile back into the van and off we
of people who, when we go on a trip, take
everything. Yup: blankets, clothes, pilI close my eyes, resting my head
against the window, and Andre wakes up
lows, cosmetics, household cookware, apand asks, Wheres Anna? I look back at
pliances. So Andre had to ride the entire
him, confused, and then realize that
time in a fetal position. He hated these

Friendly Skies

by Colin Young, Coal Valley, IL

Families flying together tell tales of visiting relatives, while eldhere is nothing more diverse, unique, and intriguing than
erly grandparents relate experiences of other countries. The sad
the atmosphere surrounding airports and planes. From the
eyes of a middle-aged man tell you of his pilgrimage to his famoment you enter, you find a world where you are alone
thers funeral, and a soldiers tears show his heroism as he reeven though you are surrounded by people. Everyone is moving,
turns to his family.
and everyone has a story: some are on vacation, some have just
The languages and cultures represented do not present barriarrived from another country, some are jet-lagged or catching
ers to the march of humanity; they enrich and bring
the red-eye. Everyone, however, is released into
into the experience. Airplanes connect the
a temporary and unique community where enAirplanes connect others
world, dissolving barriers, and in airports you can
counters between strangers often take place.
experience the stories of others. Nowhere else do
You can tell your entire life story to someone
the world,
nations so readily share their commonality, and the
while cruising over the Pacific, and then never
speak to her again. You can meet someone from dissolving barriers excuses of those who claim humans cannot live in
peace and understanding fall on deaf ears.
your hometown, or you can console and comfort
never be perfect, but while people of different
a nervous seatmate on his maiden flight.
races, nationalities, and creeds can join so deeply in such a supThe one-of-a-kind situations unwitting passengers are thrust
posedly functional place as an airport, humanity does not seem
into, including those that take them outside their comfort zone
too separate. The experiences in an airport are seldom thought
and introduce them to other cultures, are not found in many other
of in this way, but they represent the nature of humans: to share
places. Even though planes are uncomfortable, the meals
life, and to forsake the classic borders of nations and races for a
abysmal, and in-flight movies always bad, talking with and disdeeper unity.
covering more about fellow travelers eases the time considerably.

Travel & Culture

Simple Gifts

theres an empty seat next to me. Oh,

s***! My dad turns the wheel hard and
flies across the highway. Let me tell you,
that will bring you fully awake very
quickly. The wheels screech as my dad
pulls this U-turn in the middle of the
highway. Yeah, now youre probably
thinking, How is he doing a U-turn there?
This story is a load of bull! But, hey, let
me remind you, this was Wyoming! Who
else is on the road?
So we drive across the median and hightail it back to that awful truck stop. And
there is Anna waiting in front. She hadnt
even realized we left her behind.

My heart is empty
As I finish the last noodle.
My hunger will return
All too soon.
Ill go to the bellowing cupboard
And open it wide.
Let the warm sunlight drown the scene
And see the lonely place
Where my ramen used to be.
Boiling water over 10-cent noodles
The taste not as savory
As the 700 yen ramen
Steaming at a small shop in Japan.
The veggies and chunks of meat,
Juicy with delight.
The flavor strong,
Giving my nose reason
To make my mouth smile.
Here I will wait,
So lonely without
Something that fills
The empty space
In both my stomach
And my heart.

by Stephanie Gross, Davisburg, MI


Teen Ink


you&your health

Under Pressure

by Duygu Parlak, Bursa, Turkey

neurology corridor and I was finally in the examination room

ave you ever felt like you couldnt handle the pressure
on a bed.
anymore? I felt that way a year ago. My life seemed
First my heart rate was checked. The doctor didnt seem
out of control. I was always in a rush, always late, alhappy with what he found. His serious face made me even
ways taking on too many projects and trying to handle too
more anxious. He explained that my heartbeat was irregular
many demands. But I never accepted it. I always attributed
and was the cause of the pain in my chest. I was feeling as if
my frequent stress to the millions of things I had going on, or
the room lacked enough oxygen. I was breathing with diffimy nervous energy. But after a while it started to affect me
culty, so they brought an oxygen mask.
both physically and emotionally.
After a while, a cardiologist arrived. The doctors
It was finals week, and as usual I was stressed. I
couldnt calm down; my mind was full of worries. My body had were suspicious of me having coronary heart disease. After some tests, he told me I was most likely
I was trying to concentrate, but my brain wasnt
lost its ability having episodic acute stress. I didnt even know
obeying me anymore. My thoughts were all conwhat that meant. He explained that it was my bodys
fused. I had problems sleeping and was tired all the
to cope
reaction to my exhausting work schedule, perfectime. I still didnt realize this was really important
tionism, and mainly because of the stress I had crebut my body did. I began to lose weight rapidly.
ated. He added that I was pushing my body too hard, and it
When I started to have terrible headaches and digestive probhad lost its ability to cope. Stress had become a threat to both
lems, my mom grabbed me and, without letting me say a
my physical and emotional well-being.
word, took me to the hospital.
The doctor gave me some medicine and put me on a recovI had been afraid of hospitals ever since I was young, probery program. I was supposed to avoid stress and give myself
ably because as a brain surgeon, my dad spent all of his time
time to relax. Now, I dont panic anymore during a presentathere. I hated the smell of the corridors; they smelled like
tion, while writing an essay, or studying for midterms, besickness mixed with strong medicine and detergent.
cause I know I can stand it. Life is tough, and stress is just
We sat down to wait. When my name was finally called, a
something we make up to make our lives tougher.
pain in my chest was killing me. The nurse took me to the

My Schizophrenic Sister
her, our family would fall apart. She is
y 13-year-old sister has
the one who remains strong through all
schizophrenia. This is unthe hard times, but of course, she worcommon for someone so
ries about my sister.
young. Usually the diagnosis is made
Since she was eight, my sister has
when the person reaches adulthood, but
wanted to be a boy. She likes boys and
my sister has always been one to get a
is not a lesbian. She is simply, literally,
jump-start on things. Although I am the
boy crazy. This is when there was first
older sister, she is often the one to take
talk of her having schizophrenia.
the first step, try something new, and
The stereotypes that surround those
risk it all. She learned to ride a bike
with schizophrenia are often that the
when she was four, while I was too
person is extremely violent and walks
afraid to try until I was eight.
around carrying a hatchet. SchizoOur family has had to jump over our
phrenia is also often conshare of hurdles. My sisfused with multiple
ter and I, as well as our
personality disorder, but
younger brother, are
with schizophreadopted. We share the
with my sister someone
nia does not have two difsame mother, who was
also diagnosed with
and cried for her ferent people inside the
head. A schizophrenics
schizophrenia (in addiperception of reality gets
tion to other mental illdistorted so that sometimes they hear
nesses), but we have different fathers. I
voices or think they are a famous perhave always considered my adoptive
son, like Napoleon.
family to be my real family.
My sisters particular distorted verOur adoptive mother is no spring
sion of reality has to do with food. She
chicken and also has multiple sclerosis,
believes she will become sick if she
which has made it extremely difficult
eats or drinks anything. When she is
for her to raise kids, never mind one
told that food is beneficial and will not
who has a mental illness. Nevertheless,
harm her, she replies, I know, but my
she has done an amazing job. Without
mind is telling me that Ill get sick. You
dont know what its like: I want to eat,
but I cant. So not only is she schizophrenic, but shes also anorexic. Being
thin might have something to do with
her obsession, but her psychiatrist explained that her mental illness could
have been directed at anything. It just
happened to be food this time.
I know that I am the one who will
look after my sister for the rest of her
life. We have eight older siblings, but
none can deal with my sisters craziness. So, I am in for a long and difficult life, but I am not complaining. I
love my sister, and along with being

Art by Jessica Palamara, Bethel Park, PA

Teen Ink


Photo by Michelle Blubaugh,

Blairsville, GA

by Anonymous, MA

the craziest person I know, she is also

the sweetest. She is quite intelligent,
which people do not always see because they focus on the abnormalities
of her personality. When I was in first
grade, I would practice addition and
subtraction with my mom in the car.
Sitting upon her throne of knowledge
(a.k.a. her car seat) my sister would answer while I was still counting on my
I have laughed with my sister and
cried for her. I have played dress-up
with her and watched as she swore off


dresses forever. I have flung food at her

during food fights and have tried in
vain to get her to drink a measly cup of
water. I have hugged her and hurt her. I
have told her stories and listened to the
stories she mistakes for reality. I love
her, and I will always hate hearing people jokingly say they are schizo or
refer, in jest, to those people who are
plagued with this illness. That is what
it is an illness like cancer or Alzheimers. It is an illness that should not
be shunned or made fun of but understood and, eventually, cured.

by Chelsea Nugent, Pittsburgh, PA

You dont know what that word is?

av ingdys lexiac anmake it
This sort of humiliation and embarrasshardtoread! According to Kidsment is what dyslexics go through
Health, writing that looks just
every day of their lives. Out of 100 stufine to you might look like this to
dents who have dyslexia, 94 of them
someone who has dyslexia:
said they feel embarrassed more than
Thew ord sare n otsp aced cor rect ly.
once every school day.
We spell wrds xatle az tha snd to us.
Some people say these students
shouldnt get more attention than othI am dyslexic. This has significantly
ers. The latest study shows
affected my life. I had to go
in the U.S., students with
to tutoring after a full
You dont that
dyslexia performed at a lowschool day. The tutoring
was 35 minutes from my
know what er rate in daily academic activities as much as 30 to 40
house, which to me was a
percent lower. This means
long way. I feel that schools
that these students have to
should provide these special
work three or four times harder than
services during school hours.
others to understand the same material.
Imagine being so embarrassed that
I believe that there should be more
you go home the night before you have
effort to inform the public about this
to read out loud in class and ask your
humiliating disability. I dont want othmother to read the section to you over
er students to experience what I did as
and over until you have it memorized
a child with dyslexia. Awareness is the
so the other kids will not make fun of
first step to understanding the fate of
you. Or imagine having to stop in the
the 8 percent of students who have
middle of reading to the class to ask
your teacher what a word is and the
teacher says, Youre in sixth grade.

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diversity More than a century of experience turning creative ability into careers
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Star Pianists The 5 Browns

ibling piano virtuosos Desirae, Deondra, Gregory,
Melody, and Ryan Brown charm audiences worldwide, young and old, bringing fresh energy to the
classical music genre. They sat down with two aspiring
teen pianists to discuss the challenges of studying
music, sibling rivalry, peer pressure, and the thrills and
frustrations of fame.

by Violetta Koss, New York, NY and Alice Tsui, Brooklyn, NY

wash em because he was afraid the luck would go

away. It was not good.
Gregory: So we retired those lucky socks.

A lot of teenagers equate success with money.

How do you define success?
Gregory: Its funny that you mention money. I feel
Drugs, smoking and alcohol are big problems for
like I could almost do this for free. This is my dream
teens today. How were you able to avoid these
As a teenage pianist, its difficult to convince
job, and it also happens to be something I get paid for, pressures?
other teens that classical music is
Deondra: I think a big part of it, at least for us, was
which is cool. But real success is when I
much more than old and boring.
solid family, the support we get there, and from
You have to be
What would you say to them?
our religion as well. We didnt drink, we didnt
afterward to get autographs, and they tell
Desirae: Classical music is young in
smoke, or any of those things.
able to stand up us how weve inspired them to go on and
that the emotions that are being translatIts not like we werent tempted, even away at colpractice.
ed through music are young. Theyre
for who you are
lege, to do those things. It happens. But you have to
current. Theyre for everybody, just like
Have you ever, even if only for 10
be able to stand up for who you are. We actually had
they were 300 years ago. Its all about love and hate
minutes, decided to give up music? If so, what
friends who were supportive. Even if they were drinkand anger and joy, all these things that teenagers exwere you struggling with and what convinced
ing or smoking, theyd said, Oh, you dont wanna do
perience. And so I think when you listen to classical
you to keep going?
that, because thats the way you are. Thats the person
music or when you perform it, really translate it to
Desirae: Oh, totally. There were times when we
you are.
your emotions, to your experiences.
wanted to give up playing music. I think even still
Melody: But we also had friends at Juilliard who
there are times when we have to recommit ourselves.
were really hard-core into drugs, and their lives went
Do you have any strange traditions or superstiI remember being at Juilliard [School of Music] and I
on a downward spiral because there was no way of
tions you do before a major performance?
was so discouraged because everyone there was so
getting out of it. And in the end, a lot of them were
Gregory: Everyone looks at me for that one. I have
good and I thought I was the worst pianist. I rememkicked out. And to think how talented these musicians
this thing about getting my hands warmed up before a
ber thinking maybe I should just quit and go to Cowere, and how much of a future they couldve had,
concert. Which is important! So Ill do all sorts of
lumbia and be a lawyer. That would be easier than
but because they got into these substances, their lives
stretches and flexes, and sometimes Ill even do little
this! But eventually we each decided it was our thing.
were pretty much over in music. They couldnt get
training elsewhere because everybody knew why they
Deondra: Wed much rather him do those weird
Being homeschooled, did you find it difficult to
had been kicked out. Its definitely not something to
stretches than what he used to do. He had this lucky
make friends and date?
get into if you want a career and you want to work
pair of socks when he was a kid. And he was afraid to
Ryan: I dont think so. Since there are five of us,
were all together; we were homeschooled together
and were always around each other. But we also tried
As teens, we need good role models. Who do
to make time to go to high school football games and
you think is a good role model for teens today?
dances as well, and then we went off to
Desirae: Tiger Woods is a pretty good
college. So I dont think there were any soBelieve in role model. He took a sport that is a lot like
cial issues.
classical music and made it young. He
yourself and it worked through barriers that people said,
Gregory: (laughs) You dont think.
Theres no way you can do this. And I
Do any of you have academic or career makes all the dont know how many times people told us
goals separate from music, or at least
difference were not good enough to go to Juilliard,
separate from The 5 Browns?
were not good enough to get a record conDeondra: Each of us had different areas
tract. But you just believe in yourself and it makes all
that we felt were our strong points, that if we didnt
the difference.
have music we would do. Thats important as a
teenager to have different ideas of what you could
With so many stories of young people like Linddo, but then to really focus on one you feel comfortsey Lohan and Britney Spears achieving fame
able spending the rest of your life doing.
and seeming to fall victim to it, how have you
Melody: Ryan Im not even kidding wanted to
dealt with your fame and how do you keep it
be a weatherman.
Left to right: Ryan, Desirae, Gregory, Deondra, and Melody
Ryan: A long time ago!
Gregory: Well, first off, I dont think were as

From a Simple Promise

o you promise? My mom

asked me 13 years ago.
She knelt on the floor of
our apartment, next to the shiny new
piano stool, and looked me in the eye.
Do you promise you will practice
every day?
After what seemed to be an eternal
silence, I replied, Yes, Mom, I promise.
That promise made so long ago recently gave me the chance to interview
The 5 Browns. Since I was four, I have
been playing the piano. With all my experience as a musician and performer,
Teen Ink gave me a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to speak with not one but
five extremely talented, renowned


Deondra: And Desirae seriously thought about law

and still has tossed around the idea. Gregory wanted
to be a pediatrician; hes really good with kids. I
thought about going into some sort of business. And
Melody wanted to be a research scientist.

Teen Ink


by Alice Tsui, Brooklyn, NY

pianists. I could not even dream of the

We asked questions that ranged from
exciting prospect of asking The 5
The 5 Browns favorite piece of fan
Browns questions.
mail to what book they believed all
After researching The 5 Browns,
teenagers should read. My favorite
listening to their new CD Browns in
questions, of course, involved music. It
Blue, and trying to learn
was truly inspiring to hear
as much as I could in prepthem express their passion
Each has
aration for the interview,
for the universal language of
the day finally arrived.
a friendly, music in eloquent words. To
To be in Steinway Hall
hear how they had persewas a great feeling in itdown-to-earth vered despite moments when
self. The entrance of The 5
it would have been easier to
personality quit was something I really
Browns really settled any
worries I had meeting
could relate to and continue
these young artists. Each has a friendly,
to battle against.
down-to-earth personality that emWhen the interview was over, I beanates from their conversations with
came even more energized knowing
one another and with Violetta, my felthat next I would be playing for them,
low interviewer, and me.
even though the room was freezing.

Playing the piano for them was a great

feeling that I cannot really describe. I
was fascinated to learn that Desirae
Brown has small hands like mine, and
she could relate to the difficulties I
have playing music that involves large
The interview with The 5 Browns is
something that I will keep with me my
whole life. They have inspired me so
much, especially at this critical time
when auditions for conservatories and
universities are looming. I thank them
from the bottom of my heart for sharing their love for music and talking
about their thoughts and feelings regarding this wonderful language.

stage and they were screaming like we were the latest

pop band. And that was something that kept us going
for a long time, because we were like, Wow, this is
really cool! Were classical musicians!

What was your favorite movie as a teen, and

what is your favorite now?
Ryan: Probably Napoleon Dynamite.
Is someone born a great pianist, or
Bring the
Melody: Amadeus. It was a movie that
can this be taught?
really got us involved in music. Youre seeMelody: People say, You guys are so
gifted, so talented. And even though we experiences you ing Mozart as if he were real.
But then we like nutty movies
feel like this is a big gift and theres poshave in life likeDeondra:
The Three Amigos.
sibly something in the genes, a lot of it is
Gregory: Old School, Dumb and
work. Probably 90 percent of it is work. into your music
You can be born talented, but if you
Melody: We love those movies; we have the whole
dont do anything with that talent, if youre not workthing memorized.
ing constantly at it, you wont get anywhere.
Ryan: Big Star Wars fans.
What would you say is the most difficult part of
Desirae: Billy Elliot is pretty good.
making a living in music?
Melody: Just getting the opportunities to perform
What books do you think all teenagers should
and to be out there is really difficult. We have been so read?
Ryan: I think you guys would probably say Harry
lucky. Of course weve seen all along how others
work so hard and dont get the same opportunities,
Desirae: The Catcher in the Rye. Its just so sweet
but that doesnt mean you should give up. Ive seen
and so human. Its about getting past the annoying
people through the years who try and try and then
things you see in humanity and seeing peoples hearts.
something just opens up, and thats where they get
Gregory: The Grapes of Wrath. I guess, along the
their foot in the door. So, you cant give up. If you
same lines, its so human. You know, everyone goes
love it that much, who knows? Something will come
through hardships, but if you work through those you
can overcome anything in your life, if you truly want
What advice would you give young musicians
to make something of yourself.
before they go on stage?
Deondra: Just be yourself and dont worry if you
To see video of this interview, go to
hit a few wrong notes along the way. Its not the end
of the world. And dont be afraid of the audience.
Theyre there to enjoy the music; theyre not there to
pick it all apart like we often think when were on
stage. So, just try to give them a good time.

Since playing can be so solitary and esoteric,

what is the biggest contribution teenage musicians can make in their communities?
Gregory: Play for people. Show them how beautiful
this music can be. Whats the use of being a musician
if youre not going to share it with other people? Because music really is the universal language, and it is
about human emotions that we all have. And if youre
not sharing that with other people, whats the point?
Melody: But youve got to live life outside of music. Youve got to bring other
Music really is A lot of teens find it difficult to stay
experiences you have with friends and relationships into your music or else youll
the universal motivated. How do you stay motivated after so many shows?
have nothing to speak of. If youre always
Desirae: I dont know. But each time,
just locking yourself in a music room,
if its a night when Im feeling kind of
what are you expressing exactly?
tired or run down, I get on stage and somehow I come
alive again. When you start playing without thinking
To pursue music as ardently as you have, you
or feeling, then I can see how it could get really bormust have made sacrifices.
ing. But when youre throwing yourself into it, someMelody: I think, actually, our parents have made a
how you find new things in the music and new things
lot of sacrifices for us. They had five pianos in our
that come up in your mind or how youre feeling that
home, and at one point the amount of money going
make you come alive.
toward the pianos was more than the rent for our
Melody: We did a concert in a college town where
were about 4,000 students. We walked out on
For us, I think, it was mainly a sacrifice of time.

Meeting The 5 Browns

hat has five parts and can be

described as good-looking,
talented, intelligent, young,
and extremely musical? The 5 Browns,
of course! The 5 Browns truly have it
all: looks, talent, charisma, and more.
When Teen Ink contacted me about doing this interview, I could barely suppress my excitement. Meeting The 5
Browns was all I could think about. I
couldnt believe I was actually going to
interview this incredible family. Thats
right, they are brothers and sisters who
play the piano together professionally.
Having five members of the same family who play the piano extremely well
is not only rare but quite spectacular.


What is it like to make a music video? What are

the cool things? What are the hardest parts?
Ryan: When Sony came to us saying that they
wanted to do a music video, we were like, Are you
crazy? Classical music doesnt have videos like that!
Actually, for our CD No Boundaries, they took us
on the salt flats and brought five pianos out there and
we shot a music video. And it was really uplifting.
Melody: One of the downsides, though, was the
hours being out there forever. Seriously, we were
there until 2 and 3 in the morning.
Deondra: You have to be willing to sit in a makeup
chair for a while. The guys too! You have to worry
about your appearance. And they take all these breaks
to reset the lighting and everything, so it takes a long
time and you have to be patient.

Youre spending hours in a practice room, and you

cant just go out and have fun all the time. Thats
something a lot of young people have to learn: If you
want to get good at something, at academics or anything, you have to put a lot of work into it and you
have to sacrifice time and fun sometimes.


famous as Lindsey Lohan or Britney Spears so it

probably doesnt get to us that much. Its kind of funny because were all each others best friends, but we
also all know each other so well. If someone starts
acting a little differently or letting something affect
them, the rest of us say, You know, youre kind of
acting like a bit of a diva right now. You should stop
doing that.
I hope nothing that we ever do, like the concerts or
the CDs, ever changes who we are because were a
happy family.

Violetta (top left), Alice, and The 5 Browns

by Violetta Koss, New York, NY

Since music is also very close to my

musicians, chandeliers overhead, and
heart, I couldnt wait to meet them!
hundreds of pianos in various rooms.
When the day for the interview finally
Walking through the corridors in Steincame, I was beyond psyched. I arrived
way Hall was an experience in itself.
at one of New Yorks most beautiful piFinally meeting The 5 Browns left
ano stores, Steinway Hall,
me in total awe. As soon as
located near the famous
entered the room, I was
Meeting The 5 they
Carnegie Hall in the middle
struck by their warmth and
of New York City where
Browns left me friendliness. I immediately
so many world-renowned
felt as though I had known
in total awe them my entire life. They
artists have performed. As
soon as I entered the
truly created a pleasant atbuilding, I was ushered into one of
mosphere that made the interview so
the lovely rooms upstairs to await the
arrival of The 5 Browns.
At the end of the interview, I had the
Along the way I noticed the corridors
chance to play the piano for them. It
were decorated with portraits of famous
was an incredible experience. I felt

really comfortable and was eager to

hear their comments and advice.
Then Gregory Brown performed one
of Chopins most difficult etudes. Even
though the piece was very fast, he
played it naturally and very beautifully.
It truly was an inspirational moment in
my life. I only wish I could have heard
all of them play!
I believe meeting The 5 Browns was
one of the best days of my life. I got to
meet five incredible musicians and talk
to them as though they were my closest
friends. Hopefully I will get to meet
them again someday soon so that we
can spend more time discussing our
favorite topic, music!


Teen Ink



A Sea of Gray

Uniforms Understood

by Bethany LaChance, Seaford, DE

by Katie Lavergne, Bellingham, MA

crimes, like theft, harassment, and hazing.

ou awake to the rude call of your
Theft is reduced probably because students
alarm clock and hit the snooze butdo not bring expensive clothing that would
ton. When you finally pull your
be worth stealing. Taunting, harassment,
groggy, sleepy self out of the comfort of
and hazing are reduced because everyone is
your bed, you go to the closet and take out
dressed the same. It eliminates the need to
the plaid skirt, white polo shirt and designhave the latest designer fashions.
er ballet flats, your everyday apparel. As
There is also a decrease in drug use and
you march through the front doors of your
weapons. These two dangerous problems
school, you are welcomed by a sea of white
are reduced because the usual bagginess of
shirts. Its another day in a uniformed
regular pants and sweatshirts, which can
hide drugs or weapons, is eliminated. A
You look upon your fellow freshmen and
uniformed school is not a breeding ground
see no violence or teasing. You see your
for the next gang member.
classmates socializing, not
Uniforms also make social
fearing ridicule. You see the
Baggy clothes standing
less a matter of ecoglamorous make-the-most-popnomics
more a result of
can hide drugs
moral character. In public
shoes your best friend is wearor weapons schools, students popularity
ing and the exquisite earrings
hinges on the clothes they wear.
that dangle from her ears. StuAt uniformed schools, the social variable of
dents beam with self-confidence and the
clothing is removed.
anticipation of a new day. You walk confiMany studies hypothesize that uniforms
dently to homeroom, knowing that you are
help students focus better, since they can
part of a huge family, knowing that the colconcentrate on the material rather than
ors you and your fellow classmates wear
what those around them are wearing. Unigive you a sense of belonging.
forms are also very affordable, which is
Many teens across the United States have
why many parents support them. Parents almixed feelings about attending a school
so say yay to uniforms because in our sowith uniforms. Some think they are a nuiciety, many jobs required some sort of unisance, but most dont mind them. It makes
form; students are simply in the business
it easier to get dressed in the morning but
of learning.
doesnt completely stop the competition beAt the close of an academic day, I look
cause we can still wear designer shoes or
back over the sea of white, swirling about
earrings, says one student.
in after-school bustle, confident that I will
Although many teens find uniforms tereturn to the same sea of white for the days
dious, they actually help schools in many
and weeks to come.
ways. For one, they decrease school-related

ntering school, I am lost in a sea of navy blue, white, and

gray. We look like a school of drab fish that are stuck in a rain
cloud. I constantly ask myself why our school makes us wear
uniforms. It causes a hassle for parents and students, and it does not
keep kids from being teased.
I go to a school where we have to wear uniforms, and everyone,
including teachers, believes it is unfair. Think about it: Not only do
students have to buy school clothes, but they also have to buy regular
clothes to wear outside of school too. For families with limited resources, this is a real problem they regularly must replace not one
but two wardrobes for their child who has outgrown his clothes.
Every year, it is a bother to scour the stores that carry good quality
uniforms. For example, a single uniform shirt from L.L. Bean costs a
minimum of $20. A normal back-toshopping trip is often double the
Back-to-school school
price, and many agree 10 times the
shopping is often trouble.
As a teenager, you can see why I am
double the cost upset. Its simply not fair to go to
school in the same dreary colors every
day when other students are able to wear stylish, colorful clothes.
Even though I dont agree with the usual It ruins peoples creativity argument, it is boring to see other kids wearing the exact same
thing as you. Since it is possible to buy uniforms from different
places, people are still made fun of for having a Wal-Mart uniform
versus an Abercrombie & Fitch one. This may sound selfish, but it is
troubling when you want to be a unique individual.
Why do school officials ignore these things? I dont know anyone
(except parents) who like the idea of uniforms. Ive never met anyone who said, Oh, yay! I get to go to a school where students wear
If the point of uniforms is so students dress appropriately, how
about a stricter dress code instead of resorting to being monochromatic? All I want to know is why people think uniforms are a good
idea. They are expensive, unfair, and time-consuming. Maybe our
unfairly uniformed children will grow up to be principals and presidents of school boards so they can abolish this practice.

What I Hate

always listen to my friends problems and try to give them good advice, but there are some things that
just get under my skin.
My number-one annoyance is my
friends who dont get along with their
parents. Left and right I hear I hate
my mom, I hate my dad, My parents are so stupid, They dont care
about me. I think they dont know
what theyre saying!
What kids need to understand is that
regardless of whether you have a
boyfriend, girlfriend, or even a best

by Cassie Hess, Auburn, NY

friend, your parents care about you the

Im sick of hearing how your parents
most. If thats hard to believe, think
do nothing for you. They probably
about this: How did you get a roof over
do more than you do for yourself. Conyour head, a bed to sleep in, food to
sider that next time you start ripping on
eat, and most of all, a place
your parents, who also gave
to call home?
Your parents you life.
If thats not enough, lets
My second problem has to
care about do with something a little
continue. Look in your bedroom. Where did you get all
personal: my father. So
you the most more
that stuff? Your bed, the
many times I have heard
clothes in the closet, the
friends say, I hate my dad,
blankets that keep you warm, or all the
He is so over-protective he never
nonessentials. I bet most of it came
lets me do anything. I simply think, At
from your parents.
least you have a dad. Think about kids

who dont. Your parents care about

you, and that is why theyre so protective.
My father ran away. After my mother divorced him, he just left and didnt
say where he was going. I had always
been daddys girl, which made this
even harder to cope with.
So, please stop before you say
I hate, especially if its about a parent, and think about those of us who
arent lucky enough to have two caring

Dont Blame MySpace

by Natalie Wilson, Phoenix, AZ
MySpace is completely safe if used corySpace. Im sure youve heard of it.
rectly. If predators find you, its basically
Its a social networking site
your fault; you displayed enough personal infounded by Tom Anderson a
formation for them to find you. If
place for friends.
want to make MySpace
Using MySpace is an individYou control parents
safer, they should ensure their kids
uals choice; no one has to make
a MySpace page. You choose
whom you arent posting personal information. No one should post or give out
your friends, you control whom
want to talk to their address, what school they go
you want to talk to, and you are
to, or their phone number.
never forced to disclose personal
MySpace itself is not bad the people who
information. There are privacy controls, and
abuse it are.
you can set these so only friends can view
your profile.

Photo by Katie North, Phoenix, AZ


Teen Ink



by Amanda Mullaney, Franklin, MA

person makes himself look rather dumb when

he citizens of the United States have
he cannot back up his position on an issue.
many more opportunities than people
One example of this happened when I was
from any other nation in the world. So
the issue of gay marriage with a
why does it seem that lately, people are always
immediate response was, I hate
unhappy with the status of our country on algay people. That comment showed no knowlmost all issues? The reason could be that we
edge of the topic and made me especially anelect the wrong politicians.
gry, mostly because he didnt show any sensiNo one knows exactly what politicians will
tivity toward homosexuals. I immediately
accomplish in office regardless if they are
think that this person must have heard his parDemocratic, Republican, Libertarian, or Indeents opinion and taken their stance with no
pendent. But the people of the U.S. have acthought. I have no problem with a person takcess to a lot of information about the candiing his parents position, but he shouldnt do it
dates, and can infer a politicians views on imbecause his parents told him to. A
portant issues. Why does the
person should hold his own conwrong politician always seem
to get chosen, then? Sometimes a Real knowledge victions and be able to analyze
sides of an issue.
bad politician cannot be avoided
is to know the both
I believe I am fairly good at
because all the others are no better.
extent of ones this. I am not so narrow-minded
that I think my belief is the only
I believe the main reason a
answer and I can understand other
poor candidate gains office is igpeoples points of view. In fact, I
norance. Yes, I said it, we are igthink Im very open-minded, and enjoy disnorant. Ignorance is definitely not a quality
cussing issues with others and listening to
that most want to have, nor do most think they
their points of view.
possess it. But, the fact remains that every perIgnorance is a trait many possess, and its
son who has ever lived has been ignorant
almost in vogue right now. Most arent ignoabout something.
rant by choice, but rather are taught to be that
Confucius said, Real knowledge is to know
way. Often children grow up in homes where
the extent of ones ignorance. I can relate to
their parents have no interest in current events,
this, because it reflects how I feel all the time.
and, therefore, give their children no reason to
Im generally not an arrogant person, but I
learn about anything important. This needs to
think I possess true knowledge according to
change for the U.S. to be a more knowledgeConfuciuss point of view. One of my biggest
able country. If this happens, I think the peopet peeves is when I am part of (or overhear) a
ple would make better decisions with their
conversation about someones point of view,
votes and therefore be much more content
and he cannot defend his position. When I ask
with the U.S. government.
someone his opinion, I hope that he has strong
convictions, as well as moral reasoning. A

lobal warming, stock market plunges, housing market at an

all-time low, bird flu, and Americans dying in Iraq! When
youre a kid it feels like youre letting adults plan your future. Adults are voting, but their votes affect the next generation. We
are the ones who have to live with their decisions.
In our multimedia-based society kids are exposed to more information than ever. Television, Internet, and satellite news are available
24/7. Polar ice caps are melting, our troops are dying, and people are
starving as we watch live. My generation is more aware of what is
going on in the world than previous ones. My generation is more
likely to be offspring of single-parent families, multi-racial families,
and openly gay parents. The world has changed, society is different
from when our parents grew up.
Kids are more socially and politically aware; so why cant we take
part in the political process? What would the
Adults votes political environment be like if kids could
Perhaps SUVs would be illegal if you
affect the next vote?
dont get 35 miles per gallon, youre off the
generation road. Why are our troops dying in Iraq if no
weapons of mass destruction were found?
Perhaps we would bring the troops home now, if kids had a say. How
come Katrina victims still need help, while we turn away economic
aid from other countries? I would vote to accept help from foreign
countries. Why does it matter if we agree with their government or
leaders if they want to help? Also, my generation doesnt care who
makes up a family. I would vote that families are people who love
and care for their children.
My hope is that because children of my generation have more
knowledge, they will make the right decisions. My fear is that kids
are so busy memorizing Red Sox stats, so concerned with Britney at
the VMA Awards or with beating the newest video game, that they
may not pay attention to what will affect their lives. On the other
hand, dont some adults focus on these less important things too?
Perhaps only the politically aware should vote, whether they are
14 or 104. If you dont know how your vote will affect everyone, or
how a candidate will govern, then dont cast a vote. I guess kids
couldnt do any worse.

Violent Gaming

by Jonathan Gilad, Palo Alto, CA

games were innocent Pong in the 1970s and, in

any people believe that violent video games
the 1980s, Pac-Man. In the 1990s Mortal Kombat
should be banned, claiming that they have a
a violent game became popular.
negative effect on people. Some even say viToday games are extremely violent. Take, for examolent games make people commit violent acts. These
ple, the Grand Theft Auto series. In these games the
games do influence human behavior, which isnt almain character is a man who has connections with the
ways positive, but this does not mean that they should
mob. Players can steal cars and money and even murbe banned.
der. This game isnt an evil, conjured-up thought of
If a child began playing violent video games at a
some sick person; these things happen every day!
young age, then he might think that violence in real
The evolution of video games from
life is the same as the game violence
to violent reflects our societys
and that it doesnt have a real impact
Much of the daily news foMost
on others. However, most children can
cuses on war and murder. Video games
distinguish between virtual violence
distinguish between just reflect our violent world.
and real violence.
I enjoy playing video games, espeResearchers at the Indiana Univervirtual violence cially
violent ones. Whether I am virtusity School of Medicine conducted a
survey of 44 males and discovered
and real violence ally mowing down people with a semiautomatic, or hacking them into tiny
that after 30 minutes of playing violittle bits with a ninja sword, I enjoy it.
lent video games, subjects showed
I might talk about how cool it was
increased activity within the amygdala (part of the
when my character jumped over two guys and sliced
brain involved in emotional arousal). When the same
them in half, but I unlike the Columbine killers
group played non-violent video games, the opposite
will not carry that into real life. Both Eric Harris and
effects were seen. Doctors concluded that more reDylan Kiebold, who murdered 13 people at Columsearch would need to be done to prove that playing vibine High School in 1999, played Doom, a game
olent video games increases violent behavior. Thus,
used by the U.S. military to train soldiers to kill. Harthis study provided no conclusive evidence that video
ris had a website with his own version of Doom,
games cause aggressive behavior.
which an investigator said the boys were playing in
People often try to excuse their actions and find a
God mode. Obviously, the video game itself didnt
scapegoat. Some blame music, others movies, and
cause Eric and Dylan to murder; rather, they had
some blame video games. We seem to have forgotten
problems to begin with.
that our world is a violent place. Years ago video

by Austin Mouw, Brookings, SD


Kids Should Vote

In many video games the characters are nimble and

can perform unreal stunts that most people only
dream of doing. That, I believe, is the joy of video
gaming: doing something you cant do in real life.
Some countries have resorted to banning video
games. Australia currently holds the record for the
most banned games. Most were banned because of
their violent content, which led to censored versions
being released. Germany has banned Mortal Kombat due to its violence, as well as a couple of games
containing Nazi symbols. The U.S. has not banned
any video games yet. Saudi Arabia hasnt prohibited
violent video games either, but it has banned Pokemon: Blue for allegedly promoting Zionism.
I believe that games dont kill people, people kill

Photo by Le Minh Hang, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Teen Ink


college essays

Collecting Nuts
by Blain Morin, Cohasset, MA
suitcases and boxes and returning
watched my tiny Filipino grandwith only the clothes on her back.
mother light her unfiltered Camel
Most of what I know about my
cigarette then proceed to smoke it
grandmother is from stories my mom
backward, with the lit end in her
has told me. Even so, I think were
mouth. I know very little about her.
very alike. Though Ive never endured
We are separated by 5,000 miles, and
an eight-hour workday picking nuts, I
there is a language barrier; I wish I
have spent hot days balanced on a
could speak her dialect, Ilocano.
ladder building a roof for a West VirAt the tender age of 75, she still
ginian family. When we finished this
picks macadamia nuts in Hawaii. It is
task, I felt the same sense of accomhard work. The nuts are gathered
plishment my grandmother has after
from the ground after they fall. To
she gathers her quota of nuts.
collect them, workers have perfected
Volunteering helped me
a squatting walk, which
the importance of
would be hard enough
One person
her generosity. She proves
without the Hawaiian
can have an that one person can have
sun. I asked my mom
an enormous impact on
why my grandmother
works even though she enormous impact the world. Even though
shes small in stature,
does not need the monshes big in heart, bringing happiness
ey. She explained that my grandmothand hope to an entire village.
er enjoys the routine and accomplishFollowing my grandmothers lead, I
ing something.
believe that my life will mean more if
With the money she saves from
I develop skills to produce more than
working, my grandmother stocks up
I consume, leave the world a better
on supplies to bring to her village in
place, and stay focused on the words
the Philippines that has no electricity
The most important things in life are
or running water. The people are
invisible. Whether that means imthrilled to receive even the most basic
proving alternative energy methods,
American goods. The children love
engineering a crop to be hardier, or
toys from McDonalds, and the famaking buildings more efficient and
vorite gifts for adults are towels. My
accessible, I deeply believe that the
grandma usually gives away her own
more I learn, the more I can give.
clothes, leaving Hawaii with many


by Amy Drake, Mason, OH

quickly shut my eyes and turn away. My

ourteen people climbing 4,000
team is already warming up, getting
feet. One step after another. Four
ready for the big championship game.
hours and still hiking. Another
One case of poison ivy, no matter how
step, another breath. Amidst the dizziness
severe, doesnt justify missing it. I take a
and the heat, I can barely make out the
deep breath, clench the door handle and
top of Table Rock. It seems as if we are
step into the light.
only getting farther away. In front, three
Step, breathe, step. Almost there.
young cousins sprint ahead, laughing,
Maybe another hour left.
skipping. Yet, here I am, at the end of the
I am on stage: a dance recital. The
line, trudging up ever so slowly. With anbright lights shine on us, highlighting our
other step, my mind rewinds to the previevery move. The music flows and we
ous year.
flow with it. Suddenly we
I am looking at a test with
Mountains, freeze. The next step? We turn
red marks splattered across
to each other, panic rising in
it: my first failing grade. I
glance around and see others large and small, our chests. The next step?
No more steps to the top.
smiling as they tuck their
which I have Time
to climb. I reach out and
papers away. I had studied.
grip the rocks. My muscles
Studied hard. The bell rings
contract as a stream of sweat
and students begin to file out
my hairline.
of the classroom. Should I go talk to the
I have had no tragic, heart-rending cirteacher? I cant. I had never talked to a
cumstance, no life-threatening obstacle
teacher about a failing grade. I was a
to overcome. To the world, my obstacles
good student, a smart kid. I clutch my
may seem insignificant, yet to me they
paper as I step slowly toward the desk.
are mountains. Mountains, large and
Another step. Sweat is beginning to
small, which I have conquered. Moundrip. Take a drink. I squint and see our
tains stand in the background of where I
destination. I can still cover the whole
have been. Mountains remind me where I
rock with my thumb. I keep trudging.
am going.
Im sitting in the car, refusing to come
I clutch the rocks and pull myself to
out. My mom is gently motioning from
the top. I catch my breath and gaze
outside to open the door. I glance in the
across the valley. The clouds are almost
mirror above the windshield. My face is
at my reach and I can see the world.
a swollen, blistered, oozing mess. I


Teen Ink



by Elyssa Heller, Highland Park, IL

know that the fight inside yourself can

fter one infection, two operabe the hardest, but taking charge and
tions, three drainings, and 15
rising above the situation can be the
physical therapy sessions, I was
most rewarding. You end up learning a
back in the hospital for yet another
lot about who you are and what type of
operation. They carved me up like a
person you want to become.
tomato. Almost surreally, time froze;
I thought about what Mom said as I
the events of my life blended together.
took another bite of sherbet, a tear
The days since my first knee surgery
dropping in my spoon. As the ice meltwere confused, thrown in a stainlessed in my parched mouth, I realized that
steel blender and turned to puree.
I had to change. A metamorphosis was
I woke up after the surgery and was
in the works. Although the rehabilitawheeled to my room. I took my volleytion would be painful, focusing my enball and tossed it in the air over and
ergy was necessary to achieve my
over. I closed my eyes, focusing not on
goals. If I could alter my perthe pain but on getting back
on the volleyball court. Serv- I embraced spective, I knew that I could be
positive. I just had to propel
ing, passing, hitting I could
the pain myself through it. I didnt want
still practice, if only in my
people to pity me, and most immind.
portantly, I couldnt pity myself.
This was my third surgery within
That day, I started to embrace the
two months, and I was miserable. I sat
pain and use it to my advantage. The
up in my hospital bed watching Jeopmore pain I was in, the harder I pushed.
ardy, eating orange sherbet, and talkOne week later, I took my first steps
ing to my mom.
without crutches. I had freed myself
Mom, I said with a small quiver in
from the cuffs that bound me to failure.
my voice, I feel sad. I feel like I let
My experience from the surgeries
this injury defeat me, and I dont know
has made me a more patient, perseverwhat to do. Why did this happen to
ant, and hard-working young woman. I
me? Why me?
will never forget the pain of the tedious
I know, she said. She could feel my
healing. My leg no longer looks like a
pain, see it in my face, and hear the dissliced vegetable, and I have learned the
tress in my voice. Sometimes when
virtues of pushing myself to the ultiyou have a setback, it is not about beatmate limit.
ing an opponent on another team; it can
be about beating the opponent within. I

Journey of Words
by Melanie Beatus, Roslyn Heights, NY
from sun to moon. With Thoreau by my
esterday, I lived in Wonderland. I
side, I forget civilization and simply liswandered through the forest with
ten to the sounds of nature.
Alice. I was a young girl, graspTomorrow, I will reside in the Big Aping tightly to innocence. I dreamed that I
ple. I will share a cup of black coffee
lived in a world of my own, where
with Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
everything was the opposite of what is.
We will talk about literature and current
My imagination consumed me. I fantaevents. I will march to the beat of my
sized of untainted bliss. I was curious to
own drum. If everyone is wearing black
find out more, to discover what the
sneakers, I will wear neon green ones. I
White Rabbits very important date was.
will be my own person. With a sheet of
I searched for my identity, meandering
loose-leaf and a pen in hand, I
in an unknown land of bizarre
I will write will write to the tune of my
creatures like the Mad Hatter.
soul. My desire to follow
I didnt know who I would be
thoughts that rush through my
the next day or what would
mind will be as strong as the
happen if I suddenly awoke
my soul
caffeine I consume in the city
from a dream. My mind
that never sleeps or stops screaming to
soaked up the utter confusion like a
the world beyond.
sponge, and nonsense triumphed over
I live in all these places, yesterday, toall.
day, and tomorrow. I fall in love with naToday, I am sitting on a log at Walden
ture, the foliage of the trees above, the
Pond. Henry David Thoreau kneels on
blanket of snow, and the blossoming of
the grass next to me. We admire the hues
brightly colored flowers. I nestle under a
of the setting sun. Its intensity awakens
gigantic maple tree with a book, emme, reminding me that I am truly alive.
barking on myriad journeys. I travel into
Mother Nature gives me the gift of life,
make-believe, encountering absurd charof merely being, wrapped in a little box
acters, standing on the fine line between
and decoratively tied with a ribbon. My
fantasy and reality. I am effervescent,
existence is simple. I ignore time, the 24
immersing myself in the beauty of life. I
hours in a day, seven days in a week, as I
am a devoted citizen of the Big Apple,
bathe in the magnificence of the natural
Walden Pond, and Wonderland. I am all
environment around me. I discard my
in one; I am I.
watch to witness the transformation

Teen Ink December 07 Page 31

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Teen Ink



Doylestown, PA

college reviews

Flagstaff, AZ: A few months back,

a friend and I thought it would be a
great idea to visit some of our
friends who are freshmen at Northern Arizona University. Of course,
when we planned the trip, we did
not think we would be looking
around the campus and getting an
idea of what NAU had to offer, however, as soon as we got there, that
Now, in the middle of my junior
year, I realize I need to start thinking about what schools I will be applying to next fall. After looking at
what some colleges have to offer, I
am considering NAU
as one of
my top
NAU has
quite possibly one of U N I V E
the most
beautiful atmospheres I have ever
seen. If you love being outdoors as I
do, then this school is definitely a
great place to keep in mind. Unlike
some universities, NAU has a smaller campus, which really helps because dorms are centrally located.
Do you like to eat? Well, then the
union is the place to be. With more
than 15 restaurants, it is quite the
hot spot with students. Tired of being at school all day? Well, take a
break and go into Flagstaff. The
center of town is a mere five minutes walk.

The campus itself has 738 acres,

including 24 residential buildings.
Not only is the campus amazing, but
its academic and athletic programs
are as well. There are more than 95
academic programs you can enroll
in (as well as 47 masters degrees
and eight doctoral programs). From
American political studies to visual
communications, there is bound to
be a major for you. The average
class size is 27 students, with a total
of 710 full-time faculty. The average
high school GPA of this years
freshmen is 3.4.
If academics are not enough to
get you excited, then I insist you look
into NAUs
There are 12
sports, and
R S I T Y since the
school is located at a high altitude, there is even
a center that helps you train safely.
Its the same center athletes used to
train for the Olympics.
A year at NAU for an in-state student costs $11,488, which includes
room and board, transportation, tuition, and personal needs costs. For
an out-of-state student it costs
$21,322. Nearly half the students
receive some form of financial aid.
For more information go to


by Jessica Lavine,
El Mirage, AZ

Washington, DC: I have to admit that I was extremely skeptical about considering
a college in the middle of a big city. What about a campus? Didnt you always picture strolling to class across endless green spaces between ivy-covered buildings? I
was convinced that if there was no green, it wasnt for me.
Nonetheless, I found myself in downtown Washington, D.C., on a tour of
George Washington University. Our first stop was the dorms; with each room
boasting a private bathroom, my jaw dropped. Of course, you cant choose a
school simply because there are only two people sharing each bathroom, but it
certainly is a perk.
The various classrooms and lab spaces seemed to be the most up-to-date that I
had seen. Our guide told us about his experiences at GW. Because of the schools
unique location, he had professors who not only taught at the university but also
worked in the government and were literally coming from the White House to
teach class.
As the tour continued, GW (and even the city) began to look more and more appealing. Our guide explained that many of
the classes go out into
the city on a regular basis to take advantage of
all it has to offer. Trips
to the Smithsonian are
U N I V E R S I T Y common in a number of
My moms questions for every school we visit are always related to safety. She
wants to be certain that I will be in no danger. So, when our tour guide responded
that GW has the blue-light system, which most schools have, but also the GW police, the D.C. police, and the Secret Service all patrol the campus, it became clear
that GW is extremely safe.
I realized I had come to terms with the idea of going to college in a city. It
seemed to me that by attending college in Washington, you get the college experience, plus a bustling community thats completely separate from the university.
Why hadnt I thought of that?
By the end of the tour I was almost sold, and then our guide mentioned the
Mount Vernon campus, a smaller campus 10 minutes away. It is exactly what you
would picture as a college; with endless green spaces and ivy-covered buildings!
There is the option to live in Mount Vernon and take classes there. Lets just say
Im not so skeptical about a big city college anymore.
Visit for more.

G e o r g e

by Kelsey Keating, Reading, MA

cadets can balance sports and academics.

New London, CT: What would you think about
So, sure, there are the benefits of a great edutrading your college experience for something
cation and the opportunity to graduate as an
unique? That is what I was looking for, and I figEnsign in the United States Coast Guard, but it
ured there is nothing more unique than attending
doesnt end there. In addition to doing summer
a service academy. That is why the United States
training in amazing jobs like flight school and
Coast Guard Academy is my top choice and the
other internships, a cadet may have the chance
first school I visited.
to switch service academies for a semester,
Believe it or not, the USCGA has nearly 1,000
spending time at West Point, the United States
cadets (students). In addition to the four-year colNaval Academy, the Merchant Marine Academy,
lege, the campus houses the Officer Candidate
or the United States Air Force Academy. Cadets
School for men and women who already have a
live on one of these bases and repcollege degree and wish to beU N I T E D S T A T E S resent the Coast Guard while they
come commissioned officers.
study with men and women from
USCGA is a small school, and
these services.
is extremely challenging. After
However, the best part of USCGA
four years, a student is expected
is that the education is free! When
to graduate with a degree in the
citizens pay taxes, the government
sciences. This is considered espeallots money to the military and the
cially hard today because it usually takes five years to earn an
A C A D E M Y service academies. The Coast Guard
Academy also has the best food of
engineering degree, while
all of the service academies.
USCGA students finish in four. Although the
The benefits of attending USCGA greatly outschool is challenging, the teachers will help after
weigh any negatives in my eyes. I look forward
to possibly attending the Coast Guard Academy
In addition to stringent academics, cadets are
and taking advantage of the education provided
required to participate in a sport. This may seem
by the government. I, like many other students
like a drag to many, especially if you do not like
inquiring about service academies, plan to trade
sports, but the academy has a wide choice includin my college partying for discipline and a reing pistol team, football, swimming, fencing, and
warding career after college. I feel that the United
many others. Teams practice almost every day.
States Coast Guard Academy is the best place to
You may think, Mandatory sports? That will take
do so.
a ridiculous amount of time, and I wont be able
to focus on my academics. Along with daily sport
For more information, visit
practice times comes mandatory study periods, so
by Stephanie DeAngelo, Newark, DE



Teen Ink


Fairmont, WV: What do you think of when someone says

West Virginia? Hillbillies, mountains, and farmers? Fairmont
State University is like entering a new place not a hillbilly
town, but a beautiful campus.
When my parents and I first arrived, I was amazed. I expected an old campus filled with hills and long walks from
building to building, but was I wrong. It was a beautiful campus with trees and landscaping, and many new buildings.
Founded in 1865, Fairmont State offers 85 majors and graduate programs in nursing, education, and criminal justice. It
also has 86 clubs, organizations, sororities and fraternities, and
intramural sports. It offers 14 varsity sports.
I had the opportunity to stay overnight on campus. I had
quite an experience staying with girls from the softball team.
Although I
did not stay
in the dorms,
I got to see
S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y them all.
There is one all-girls dorm, and the other three are co-ed.
Overall the dorms are spacious and exceptionally clean. The
rooms have a lot of closet space and are good-sized for two
people. The community bathrooms were also very clean.
There is a lounge area on every floor with a television, pool
table, and vending machines.
The cafeteria was the main part I was interested in seeing.
I am a very picky eater, so I was amazed to find that the food
was good with a lot of choice. The dining area also seemed
clean and welcoming.
Overall my visit to Fairmont State was very enjoyable. I
learned a lot about the school I had not known. I recommend
this college to anyone with an open mind.
For more information, visit


by Tricia Bettura, Canfield, OH

Teen Ink December 07 Page 33

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A Charitable Christmas

ilestones can be reached at

any age. I feel as though I
had a great turning point in
my life last year. This past Christmas,
I, and my family, made a dream come
true for a less fortunate family.
That November, our family decided
that instead of buying presents for each
other, we would adopt a family in
need and give them a Christmas to remember. At first, I was uncertain about
this idea because I love to shop for my
family. However, when we received the
wish list from our adopted family, I
was convinced that we were doing the
right thing.
That Christmas list devastated me. I
could not hold back my tears when I
read what the children and parents had

asked for. Socks, paper clips, shampoo,

bubble gum could make a child so haplight bulbs, and face wash were only a
py. Through shopping for these boys, I
few of the many items this family did
came to the realization that life is not
not have, and couldnt afford. After
about the luxuries everyone wants, but
reading the list, I was determined to do
the simple things that people need. Our
everything I could to make this family
family purchased almost everything on
happy and give them hope. I
the list, and we were able to
wanted to give them everything Miracles make a dream come true for this
on their list, but could not have
done that without all my famiAfter Christmas, we received a
lys help.
thank-you letter from the charity,
So my family, including aunts happen and their appreciation was amazand uncles, split up the list. My
ing. But it was not until I read the
immediate family bought gifts for two
letter from the boys mother that I realof the little boys. They had asked for
ized what we had truly accomplished.
school supplies, toys, and clothing;
She told us how every night they had
however, to me the most interesting
all prayed for the few necessities and a
item was bubble gum. I could not beblessing for their Christmas. She told
lieve that something as simple as
about her childrens reactions and was

Great Salvation

The truth is weve all seen those who represent the

he Christmas season is only a few weeks away
Salvation Army outside stores during the holiday seaand the shopping centers are packed with busy
son. Every once in a while when we have spare
people. The streets in our city are crowded, and
change, we donate to their cause. However, have you
youre constantly pushed and shoved. As you try to
ever thought about all the ways our money is put to
make your way to your next stop, the sound of bells
good use? The money that we give helps
catches your attention. When you look
poor people all over the world. And the
for the source, there it is standing on
the corner of the sidewalk. The person We are some of the Salvation Army is only one of many organizations that help the less fortunate.
producing the noise is wearing a Santa
wealthiest people Our pocket change does not go to just
hat and a red apron and stands next to
one person. In fact, it helps a variety of
a red bucket. The stranger represents
in the world
people of all ages in different countries
an organization called the Salvation
the homeless, the sick, the uneducated,
the hungry, and the young. Half the world, almost
Thinking that the man is not important, you keep
three billion people, live on less than $2 a day accordwalking. However, as you cross the street, another
ing to In 2005, 37 million people
stranger wearing the same outfit stands next to a simiwere in poverty according to
lar bucket. You think, Who are these people?

I knew that this was my chance to do

ssam is a land of lush greenery,
something. I believed that the children
fragrant teas, exquisite silks, and
needed more than food and shelter
exotic animals. It is the land of
they also needed materials that would
my ancestors, a fertile region tucked
stimulate their minds and spark their
away in the northeastern corner of India.
creativity. So I started StudentforStuBut the beautiful scenery of this state
dent, an organization whose goal is to
and its capital, Guwahati, is marred by
provide underprivileged kids with the
the sight of young children wandering
foundation for a proper edalone through its streets.
I collected art supThese children, some as
Drawing enabled ucation.
plies for the children at the
young as three, must
fend for themselves durthem to express ICCW centers materials
that would allow them to
ing the day while their
express themselves artistiparents struggle to make
cally. Through Studentends meet doing menial
forStudent, I collected art kits and edulabor.
cational materials, and took the supplies
Whenever I visited Guwahati, these
to Assam a few summers ago to work
children always troubled me, but I didwith the kids.
nt know how to help. My chance to
The time I spent with these kids was
make a difference finally came when I
one of the best experiences Ive ever
learned about the Indian Council for
had, and these children I met will alChild Welfare (ICCW). I visited their faways have a place in my heart. I will
cilities and realized that they were renever forget their excited faces when
ceiving barely enough funding to cover
they saw the crayons, colored pencils,
the necessities.

Teen Ink


extremely grateful that their prayers

had been answered. Even though I may
never know the family we provided
this Christmas for, I will never forget
the feeling of appreciation and accomplishment.
This experience has given me a new
sense of responsibility that I hope to
fulfill every year. I did not realize that
by helping others, I could give them
hope. I truly believe that miracles can
happen, whether large or small; anything is possible. If I were asked to
define a milestone in my life, this experience would be the first thing that
would come to my mind. I now believe
that anyone can make a difference. I
hope that everyone can come to feel
this way at some point in life.

by Justine Nuguid, Moline, IL

Building Foundations


by Brittni Webber, Cascade, IA

Most of us dont realize how lucky we are. If we

have a roof to live under, food to eat every day, and
money to spend, we are some of the wealthiest people
in the world. The sad thing is, we take these daily
gifts for granted. We throw away things that are unfashionable when they could still be used for many
years. In our society, wearing name-brand clothes is
more common than helping those who are starving.
Our culture stresses the importance of obtaining material goods. Meanwhile millions of people are only
hoping for enough to eat.
So, make a difference. Give without expecting anything in return. Be thankful for what you have. When
you have a bad day, dont sweat it because there are
bigger problems in the world. Together, we can help
feed the hungry and shelter the homeless.

by Deesha Sarma, Plainsboro, NJ

and markers, and I will never forget
their shrieks of joy when they realized
that these supplies were theirs to keep.
Drawing enabled them to express
their ideas, thoughts, and emotions.
Their pictures transported them to a fantasy world, a world where they were no
longer restrained by the crushing bonds
of poverty, a world where their hopes
were not dreams but realities. Through
their drawings, we transcended the language barrier and conversed in the universal language of art.
From this experience, I have learned
that any contribution, no matter how
small, is always appreciated. I realized
that I have the power to make a difference in this world, one child at a time.
The children taught me to be grateful
for the everyday things I often take for
granted, and to work hard for what I believe. In their eager faces and bright
eyes, I see the fruits of my labor, and in
their drawings and pictures, I see hope
for their futures.

Photo by Melinda March, Phoenix, AZ

Teen Ink December 07 Page 35

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Fish Are Friends, Not Food

by Colleen Cregg, Auburn, NY

years without problems, and he said its healthy as

egan: one who eats no animal products. Yep,
long as you know how to do it properly. I left that
thats me a vegan for a little over three
show not completely sold, but certainly close to it.
months, and proud of it too. I clearly rememLater that night, I went to a friends house where a
ber the day as if it was a movie playing in my head. I
bunch of us gathered up an insane amount of food,
went to hear some live hard-core music. My attention,
drinks, and blankets to sleep in a tent overnight. When
however, was caught by an unfamiliar table bearing
everyone was settled, the feast began. I, however, hespamphlets, a TV playing something gruesome, and
itated over the cheese-flavored chips, instantly thinkwhat looked like extremely good treats that I would
ing about the cows that were being mistreated to prosoon find out were animal-product free.
vide the milk to manufacture these cheesy
I sidled over to the table and began to
flip through the leaflets, realizing they
Being vegan is treats. I withdrew my hand. I had become a
promoted animal rights. I read quite a bit,
Did you know that studies have proven
good for the
drinking in all the facts and benefits of
that vegans and vegetarians as a group show
being a vegan, which were overwhelmenvironment the least amount of cancer, cholesterol, and
ing. I learned disgusting details of what
high blood pressure? Want to know why?
went into everyday products that I conIts because only animal products contain cholesterol
sumed, and soon started feeling sick. I had been a
and high amounts of fat that endanger the body. Also,
vegetarian for six years and knew some of what I was
since vegans stay away from chemicals, pesticides,
reading already, but these facts and photos made me
and preservatives in their food, they reduce their risk
want to puke.
of cancer. These alone are wonderful reasons to beMy disgust must have shown on my face because
come a vegan.
before long I was approached by a boy named Sean,
There are other reasons, however; reasons that conwho informed me of the health, environmental, and
vinced me to be a vegan. Did you know that most of
animal benefits of being a vegan. At first I wasnt sure
the egg and dairy industries animals are kept in disI could do it. He reassured me that it wasnt as hard as
gustingly small confinement? Did you know that
everyone made it seem. He had been a vegan for three

Inspiration from Sea Turtles

by Carmel Alpha, Grand Junction, CO

In a hushed voice my dad explained, The snakes

an you imagine if only one in a thousand huhere are some of the most poisonous for their size in
man babies survived? The population would be
all the world. They are so poisonous that if you are
very small and we would probably be an enbitten and dont get treated within four hours, you
dangered species. Luckily, this isnt the case for us,
will die! More people die of this snakes bite each
but for endangered sea turtles it is a reality. Some of
year than in car crashes in Costa Rica.
the older turtles, which are 140 to 160 year old, can
Thanks, Dad, that really helps me conquer my
lay hundreds of eggs every time they go ashore. Howhorrible fear of snakes! And gives me tons of confiever, only one or two of these eggs survive. Some turdence about walking through a pitch-black jungle
tles have been known to live more than 250 years, but
with only one flashlight and a guide who can barely
because of poachers few actually survive that long.
speak English! I said sarcastically.
The cycle of life for the turtle is hard, and the beginAfter trudging through the thick forest, we stumning is a very rare thing to witness. I had the amazing
bled out into the salty air on the beach. Immediately,
opportunity to see these humongous creatures lay
our guide turned off his flashlight and motioned to be
their eggs one hot night in Costa Rica.
quiet. There, not 10 feet away, lay a bigger-than-life
A few summers ago, I was living in San Jose, Costa
turtle, making a nest in the soft sand. This turtle was
Rica, and one weekend my dad and I went to Turtoslightly smaller than my kitchen table
quero. The first day in this island town,
home. Whispering, our guide said,
we went on a rainforest tour. On this
Wounded soldiers back
If you would like, you can approach
walk, we saw amazing animals like the
loud howler monkey, the mystical
limping slowly from the back and touch her shell. She
wont feel it.
white-faced monkey, a deadly poisonfrom
We cautiously approached, lay down
ous snake, and several terrifying spion our stomachs, and put our hands on
ders. We had heard that at this time of
her hard, sandy shell. As she worked and sprayed us
the year, the sea turtles would come on shore and lay
with sand, you could feel under her coarse shell that
their eggs. This is a very rare opportunity, so my dad
she was as strong as a horse. This massive turtle had
quickly got two tickets for a midnight beach tour.
already laid the majority of her eggs. With us still lyDressed in dark colors and good walking shoes, we
ing in the sand behind her, she started to cover her
started out around 8 p.m. Baby turtles navigate toward
nest using her strong back legs, spraying us with even
the beach by following the light of the moon. Howevmore sand.
er, they can easily get confused, so only our group
Our guide then took us further down the beach to
leader had a small, red flashlight to lead us.
see more beautiful turtles making their nests. A few
In broken English our guide explained, If a turtle
times, we almost ran right into other stout turtles that
was to see a lot of movement or flashing lights, it
were slowly making their way onto shore. As your
might get scared and lay its eggs in the ocean instead
eyes adjusted to the extremely dim light, the beach
of on the beach. This would give the eggs absolutely
appeared covered with wounded soldiers limping
no chance of survival.
slowly from the sea. Watching the turtles haul their
Walking through the jungle in the dark I felt like a
massive bodies onto the beach for their survival tradisumo wrestler trying to climb through a McDonalds
tion gave me goose bumps that warm summer night.
Play Place. It was hard to see the roots on the forest
Taking this trip to see the awesome turtles really infloor as well as the turns, and it was easy to trip. It alspired me to take steps to help them. Standing on the
so didnt help that our guide told us, in a warning
edge of the crashing waves, feeling a tingling sensavoice, You should not stray from the path because
tion knowing that the turtles were trying to beat the
dangerous animals come out at night. We have some
odds, gave me stunning splashes of inspiration. I hope
very poisonous ones, especially the snake.


Teen Ink


chickens live their entire lives in cages? That dairy

cows are never released from their small, fenced-in
areas? That other cattle only leave enclosures to be
slaughtered? Did you know that an increasing amount
of poultry waste, cow blood and bone, and dead cat
and dog remains are being added to cattle feed? I bet
a lot of you didnt know that. Most people consume
those tortured animals without thinking twice about
what they had to go through. Now you know.
Being a vegan is also good for the environment.
Did you know that if Americans reduced their consumption of meat, the amount of grain saved could
feed millions of starving people? Did you know that
according to the Environmental Protection Agency,
livestock is one of the biggest sources of human-induced methane? Methane is a greenhouse gas that
contributes to climate change and global warming.
Veganism is the answer to a lot of the problems in the
world today.
Lots of times Ive been asked why I went vegan,
and my answer is usually: Fish are friends, not
food. Ive learned so much these past few months. I
feel healthier, I have more energy, and I feel as if I am
making a difference, even if it is small. I believe that
everyone should consider the benefits of a vegan

that sometime soon I will be able to return to that

beach to help keep the mysterious turtles safe so that
others around the world will be able to enjoy these
magnificent creatures.

Photo by Claire Bishop, Ajax, ON, Canada


The bottoms of my feet are black,

Scorched from forest fires long ago.
My teeth are rotted, my face is scarred,
Carved into a joyous smile,
And in my eyes and down my cheeks
Run the deepest grain youll ever see.
My wormwood arms stretch toward the sky,
As if I dance, dont ask me why.
Shes solid! they boast,
Yet inside Im corrupt, corroded,
Infested to the core.
Shes sturdy! they say,
Yet theyve severed my roots
And mangled my branches.
Shes grand! they cry,
Yet theyve skinned me and
Turned me like stone.
I am petrified,
And they call it beauty.

by Willow Arlen, Grass Lake, MI




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The Nightmare
Before Christmas

he Nightmare Before
Christmas, created by
Tim Burton in 1993, is a wonderful holiday movie the whole
family can enjoy.
The plot revolves around Jack
Skellington, the king of Halloweentown. In a land of goblins ghouls, and ghosts, he is the
ruler of the pumpkin patch.
When Jack stumbles out of his
world of HalA timeless loween and
into the world
of Christmasclassic
town, he
twists his Halloween theme to
create a Christmas that leaves
no one jolly. Things really get
out of control when Santa falls
into the hands of Oogie Boogie,
Jacks nemesis, and must be
saved by Sally, a doll who cant
keep her head from falling off,
and Jack, a skeleton who wants
to become Santa.
I greatly enjoyed this movies
theme of friendship. To me, it is
a timeless family classic. It has
adventure, romance, and a few
twists and turns that entertain.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my favorite holiday movies and has been since

by Chanelle Whitehurst,
Charlotte, NC

O Brother,
Where Art

Brother, Where Art

Thou? is a rollicking
movie that will keep you laughing until the end as it pulls you
through its hilarious plot.
Set in rural Mississippi in the
1930s, this is a humorous epic
tale of three escaped prisoners
who journey to find a treasure
that one of them, Everett
McGill (George Clooney), hid
before he was arrested. They
must retrieve the treasure before
the city is flooded to create a
new dam. On
their adventure,
a dull
they meet many
moment bizarre characters and end up in impossible
situations. As Everett says,
Were in a tight spot!
From racism to baptism, they
have strange encounters with
the Ku Klux Klan, a one-eyed
Bible salesman, three seductive
women, and a bank robber. The
boys even get a taste of fame
performing as singers in a

group named the Soggy Bottom

Boys. Throughout their journey,
they are trying to stay one step
ahead of the law.
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
is a modern-day version of
Homers The Odyssey. Comical references to the great epic
occur throughout the movie.
True to its source, the travelers
meet three sirens and a brutal
cyclops. The main actors,
Clooney, John Turturro, and
Tim Blake Nelson, are very
talented and give perfect performances.
Directed and written by Joel
and Ethan Coen, this movie is
definitely worth seeing. From
robbing banks to being turned
into a toad, there is never a dull
moment. The soundtrack is also
something I recommend. This
movie, rated PG-13, is truly
worth seeing. So, Cmon in
boys, the water is fine.

by Haley Shumaker,
Pelham, AL

quest to find the diamond and

Solomons family.
Phenomenal directing and
acting make this movie unforgettable. DiCaprios accent,
Phenomenal and expresdirecting and sions have
the viewer
truly believe his character. He never
fails to have the audience experience what he feels while director Edward Zwick mixes all
the right ingredients to make
this film a true favorite.
This movie is rated R, and for
good reason: The violence and
gore may be too intense for
some. I appreciate the honesty
and grittiness of the film, but
others may not. People who
have a weak stomach may find
it difficult to enjoy.
Blood Diamond is the best
action movie of the year. If you
are up to it, see it. You will not
be disappointed.

by Erin Fennemore,
Phoenix, AZ

Blood Diamond

This movie is rated R.


lood Diamond, the

Academy Award nominated film, starring Leonardo
DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou,
and Jennifer Connelly, is raw
and heart-pounding. It left me
speechless. The gripping plot is
sure to remain etched in viewers minds.
The film is set during Sierra
Leones civil war, in which diamonds were used to finance the
conflict. Blood diamonds are
those mined in a war zone and
sold in order to purchase
Solomon (Hounsou) is captured and forced to work in the
mines. He
Raw and finds a large
pink gem and
heartpounding buries it with
the hope of
using it to escape. Shortly after,
government forces attack and
arrest all the miners, including
Solomon. Meanwhile, his son is
kidnapped and brainwashed into
being a child soldier.
In prison, Solomon meets
Danny Archer (DiCaprio), who
had been arrested for smuggling
diamonds. Archer is desperate
to repay his boss for the diamonds he lost and when he
hears about Solomons hidden
gem, he offers to help him reclaim his family in exchange for
the stone.
Along the way Archer meets
Maddy Bowen (Connelly), an
American journalist covering
the war and the role of blood
diamonds. The trio embark on a

The Lives of

s we live day by day, it is

easy to get lost in ourselves. The Lives of Others, a
German movie with English
subtitles, directed by Florian
Henckel von Donnersmarck,
depicts a break in that barrier.
Set before the fall of the
Berlin Wall in 1989, Stasi (East
German secret police) interrogator Captain Gerd Wiesler is
assigned to surveillance of a
popular writer, Georg Dreyman.
Wiesler begins to feel compassion for the writer whos nothing more than the victim of a
corrupt party members lustful
The film had a profound
effect on me. It is difficult to
imagine living under constant
surveillance, with the threat of
violence by the very government whose duty it is to protect
its citizens. I was reminded of
the freedoms we should cherish
and never take for granted.
I found The Lives of OthInteresting ers to an inperspective teresting perspective on a
on historical historical peperiod
riod that I
otherwise knew little about.
Rather than focusing on the liberation of the German people,
Das Leben der Anderen details
the life, thoughts, and tragic
events of Dreyman and his
actress girlfriend, Christa-Maria

Sieland, providing a personal

view of human oppression during the reign of the Stasi.
As Dreymans loyalty to his
country is pushed to its limits,
he takes the daring chance to
publish incriminating evidence
against the party. This is a flagrant act of rebellion: If discovered, it would cost him his life.
The beautiful Sieland is
stripped of her freedom and
faced with conflicting loyalties
between her boyfriend and saving her career. More important,
however, is
Won the
2007 Oscar the transformation
for Best
of individForeign
uals and
the relationships between Wiesler,
Dreyman, and Sieland.
The fact that it is a foreign
film does not detract from its
relevance. In fact, The Lives of
Others won the 2007 Oscar for
Best Foreign Language Film. Its
theme resembles that of George
Orwells 1984. I left the theater very aware of the dangers
of indifference and failure to act
in maintaining our civil rights.
Encroachments on personal liberty, like President Bushs Patriot Act, I now call into question
as threats to the very freedoms
so tragically depicted in The
Lives of Others.

by Olivia Plante,
New City, NY
This movie is rated R.


decided to see Disturbia the

first weekend it was released,
and the theater was packed. I
wasnt exactly sure what to
expect since the advertisements
made it look like a cheesy,
stereotypical teenage thriller.
But after seeConstantly ing it, I
couldnt have
suspense been more
wrong. It
constantly built suspense and
kept me on the edge of my seat
(and digging my fingernails into
my boyfriends arm). Disturbia lacked the gore that usually
dominates horror/thriller
movies, and yet it still managed
to have scream-worthy scary
The basic plot revolves
around a teenage boy named
Kale Brecht (Shia LaBeouf). In
the opening scenes we see him
fishing with his father. On their
way home, he crashes their car,
killing his father, after which
he withdraws. He eventually is
put under house arrest after

punching his Spanish teacher.

With his iTunes, the Internet,
and his Xbox Live taken away,
he finds a new pastime: spying
on his neighbors. Brecht is surprised by how much he learns
just by watching them from his
window. Ashley Carlson (Sarah
Roemer) is his new neighbor,
and he quickly develops a crush
and frequently spies on her.
Ronnie (Aaron Yoo) provides
comic relief as a hilarious
prankster and Brechts best
Ashley and Ronnie begin
hanging out at Kales house
since he cannot leave. One
night, Kale is watching a neighbors house when he sees things
that make him suspicious. With
a murderer in the area kidnapping and killing women, he
believes this neighbor is responsible. It is up to these three
friends to get to the bottom of
things. The plot takes viewers
through intense scenes that will
leave them shaking.
The cast is, for the most part,
unknowns, except for LaBeouf
who was a Disney Channel star.
I was really impressed by his
portrayal since the role was
Breathes more serious
new life into and not what
I was used to
the thriller seeing him
in. Yoo perfectly depicts Ronnies quirky
and amusing personality, and
his actions and remarks kept me
laughing. Roemer also proves
her acting skills as Kales love
interest and friend. But the most
interesting character by far is
the suspicious neighbor, Robert
Turner (David Morse), who is
flawless in his creepiness and
In conclusion, Disturbia
breathes new life into the
thriller genre. It is a film that
people of all ages will enjoy.
So the next time youre bored
and trying to find something to
do, rent Disturbia.



by Chelsey Zoldan,
Canfield, OH

Photo by Mercedes Rodriguez,

Queens, NY


Teen Ink





MTV Unplugged
in New York

e all love a hero. Thats

what the late, great Kurt
Cobain was and forever will
be especially after November
18, 1993. That day, Cobain and
his Seattle-based grunge band,
Nirvana, performed live for
MTV Unplugged at the Sony
Studios in New York City,
although I, unfortunately, hadnt
even been born.
The album was one of the
first of its kind the Unplugged
series featuring acoustic, live
sets with popular bands that
typically played with amplification. In this noteworthy album,
Nirvana succeeded in mesmerizing the audience.
MTV Unplugged in New
York is an honest, unexaggerated record that turns its flaws
into assets. There are a few hesitant, uneasy moments in some
songs that make you feel like
you are sitting right there in
front of the rock legend.
The first album to be released
after Cobains death in April
1994, it features three covers by
The Meat Puppets (Plateau,
Lake of Fire, and Oh, Me)
with Cris and Curt Kirkwood
playing in accompaniment.
They also covered David
Bowies The Man Who Sold
the World, which became so
popular in
A message this version
from beyond that David
the grave Bowie dedicated it to
Cobain. Jesus Doesnt Want
Me for a Sunbeam is, as
Cobain put it, The Vaselines
rendition of an old Christian
song, but we do it The Vaselines way. And then theres the
finale, Where Did You Sleep
Last Night? arranged by Lead
Belly. This is one of the most
memorable tracks, with skinprickling vocals; you can almost see Cobain barking out the
last chorus, gasping for breath,
and spilling his soul onto the
floor and over the audience.
This album is often regarded
as the best Unplugged performance. Personally, I agree because, in contrast to most of the
other shows, Nirvanas set list
consisted of some of their lesser-known originals in addition
to covers. When questioned by
the media, Nirvana drummer
David Grohl, now the front man
of the acclaimed Foo Fighters,
commented, We knew we
didnt want to do an acoustic
version of our more famous

Teen Ink


songs; that wouldve been horrendously stupid.

Those who arent big on
Nirvana might recognize
About a Girl and Come as
You Are. Between songs,
Cobains dry sense of humor
and sarcastic comments are revealed, entertaining the listeners
beyond the music.
MTV Unplugged in New
York is one of the most successful recordings of the 1990s.
It opened
One of the
at nummost successful ber one
recordings of in the
the 1990s
Top 200.
It was also number one on the
official album charts in six foreign countries. The album went
platinum five times in the U.S.
and twice in Spain. It won a
Grammy in 1996 for Best Alternative Album, in addition to
many other awards.
My personal favorite off
the record would have to be
Pennyroyal Tea. Kurt Cobain
was a terribly ill person who
suffered from a painful stomach
condition. This song is Cobains
ode to life and is nothing but
raw emotion. It is deeply haunting, lyrically fantastic, and features passionate guitar playing.
Whether or not you like rock,
you cant deny that these men
were gifted musicians. This live
album showcases Kurt Cobains
talents and pain so intriguingly
that its almost impossible not
to listen to each track over and
over again. And each time you
do, you seem to pick up a little
more about this great man and
his sad fate.
If their almost-last album, In
Utero, is truly a suicide note,
as some say, then MTV Unplugged in New York is a message from beyond the grave.

by Jess Irizarri,
Brooklyn, NY

Tiempo Libre
Arroz con Mango

orge Gomezs Tiempo Libre

is a Latin-American music
group specializing in timba. A
relative of the better known salsa,
timba is a style native to Cuba.
The goal of their music, according to Gomez, is to teach the
world about timba. We want to
communicate energy to everyone in the audience. We want
everyone to stand up and dance.
Describing Tiempo Libres
music is almost impossible
without reaching into the grab
bag of multisyllabled words.
Vivacious, eclectic, jazz-infused,

and vibrant are the first terms

that come to mind. As a radioobsessed teenager who swallows up mainstream pop culture
in heaping doses, my only real
experience with Latin-American music before Tiempo Libre
was the more popular reggaeton
style. Gomez notes that there
are big differences between reggaeton and other types of LatinAmerican music. Reggaeton is
music made with a machine,
he says. Timba is live music.
Gomez clearly has a desire to
teach the world about the music
of his native land. Timba is a
dying art. That is why we are
working so hard to revive it.
Gomez usually refrains from
infusing his songs with political
messages, and he notes that the
instrumental components are
generally more important than
the lyrics. Nonetheless, he does
not shy away from describing
his experience as an immigrant.
Arroz con Mango, for example, talks
Vivacious, about living
eclectic, jazz- with both
infused, and Cuban and
The phrase arroz con mango
(rice and mango) serves as the
title for the album and this song,
and refers to things that seemingly do not belong together.
Arroz con Mango is about all
of the things that changed when
we moved from Cuba to the
United States, he says. Here,
people call women honey. In
Cuba, its mami. Here we eat
McDonalds and pizza; in Cuba
we eat rice and beans. The NBA
is popular here, but in Cuba we
watch baseball.
One might suspect that it
would be difficult living with two
identities, but Gomez doesnt
complain. Above all, he wants
to be positive. We want to tell
the world how happy we are,
and how grateful we are to be in
this beautiful country.

by Kristin Heintz,
So. Pasadena, CA


he Hairspray soundtrack
is filled with songs from the
original Broadway musical and
others created specifically for
the movie. The album features
old-fashioned 60s music and is
full of energy and feel-good
songs that are fun and easy to
sing along to. The soundtrack
explores many issues of that
time and some that even still
happen today, such as racism

and self-image issues. The cast,

including Zac Efron, John Travolta, Queen Latifah, Michelle
Pfeiffer, and Nikki Blonsky,
come together to create a
soundtrack that people of all
ages can enjoy.
While in my opinion there is
not one bad song here, there are
a few that stand out because of
their quirky lyrics and energy.
(Youre) Timeless to Me, with
John Travolta and Christopher
Walken as Edna and Wilbur
Turnblad, is not only humorous
but well performed. This classic
song will attract adults with its
soft yet upbeat rhythm. Without Love, sung by Efron, Blonsky, Amanda Bynes, and Elijah
Kelly, is no doubt the best song
by the younger members.
However, my favorite is You
Cant Stop the Beat, performed
by the entire cast at the end of
the movie. When I say people
danced out of the theater, I am
not exaggerating. With its upbeat tempo, meaningful yet fun
lyrics, and great performances,
this song soars above the rest.
This soundtrack rises above
others of its kind. What sets the
Hairspray soundtrack apart is
not just the
Full of
talent of its
energy and performers,
feel-good the lyrics, the
tune or
rhythm, but
its originality. Normally I skip
some songs simply because I
cant sing along to them in the
car. But, while listening to
Hairspray, I find my finger
does not ever reach for the
skip button.
If you were interested at all in
the first Hairspray movie, or
the Broadway musical, this
soundtrack is a cant-miss. The
original Broadway show cannot
compare to this. And if you
thought you had no interest in
Hairspray, prepare to be surprised. The cast and songwriters
have exceeded all other soundtracks to make this CD one that
every child, teen, and adult
should own.

by Courtney Rothbauer,
Canfield, OH

like him. Manson is placed in

the metal genre, along with Rob
Zombie, Jack Off Jill, and Slipknot. Some of Mansons major
influences include David
Bowie, Kiss, and Alice Cooper.
I have always loved Mansons
distinctive sound, but his sixth
and (supposed) final album was
definitely not up to par.
First off, Eat Me, Drink Me
has only 11 tracks, totaling
about 52 minutes. Its quite apparent that the album took only
four months to make. Most of
the tracks sound very similar.
The only two songs that stuck
out were The Red Carpet
Grave and Heart-Shaped
Glasses. These two are at least
a little catchy, because they
have a more upbeat tempo in
the chorus.
Mansons vocals even seem
to be
The CD is
depressing and on this
CD. He
lazy, whiny, and unmotivated.
The first song, If I Was Your
Vampire, is one of the worst
songs on the album, in my opinion. It drags on and seems to
put the listener into a kind of
stupor. Its actually a nice
glimpse at the rest of the CD,
which is not a good thing.
Im sorry to say this, but it
may be time for Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids to hang
it up. This last album shows
both losing their spark. The entire CD is somewhat depressing
and exhausting.
Mansons 2004 release, Lest
We Forget: The Best of Marilyn
Manson, was supposed to be
his final album. He should have
stuck with that plan. His sound
is not good anymore, and he
seems to have lost his creativity.
The only reason for anyone
to buy this CD would be to finish a collection of Mansons
works. Otherwise its not worth
spending money on a CD that is
possibly this artists worst.

by Feather Braas,
Wilmington, DE


Marilyn Manson
Eat Me, Drink Me

arilyn Manson is one of

my favorite artists. His
latest album, Eat Me, Drink
Me, was released last June and
was, Im sad to say, a major letdown.
Marilyn Manson has quite a
unique sound. Its difficult to
think of an artist even remotely

Photo by Samantha Shuman,

Oviedo, FL

State of Fear
by Michael Crichton

ccording to the books

cover, In Paris, a young
scientist performs an oceanic
experiment and then dies after
an encounter with a mysterious
stranger. In the jungles of
Malaysia, technology capable
of destroying mountains with
sound is bought for an unknown
reason. In Vancouver a small
submarine is leased for use in
the waters off the coast of New
Guinea. All of these events
are slowly pieced together by
Adventure main characThey
and mystery ters.
have to battle
are pumped through many
to the max situations in
the Solomon
Islands, Antarctica, Tokyo, and
Los Angeles to find the truth,
but will it be too late? Along the
way, robberies, car crashes, and
near-death experiences almost
prevent the group from discovering the evil truth. Will the
team uncover the mystery and
stop the catastrophic events? Or
will the world be plunged into a
state of fear?
I do not think many readers
can relate to this book. Few
travel the world trying to
prevent disasters that would
reshape it. However, readers can
definitely relate to the characters in this high-stake novel
jampacked with lies, betrayal,
and sorrow. Even though all the
characters are adults, even
younger readers will be affected
as the events unfold.
State of Fear is an edge-ofyour-seat thriller with every
chapter ending with a cliffhanger. I could not put it down and I
am sure that you will like it as
much as I did. Six hundred
pages may seem like a lot, but
they fly by. When I finished, I
didnt realize I had read so
many pages.
The adventure and mystery
here are pumped to the maximum. It will have you guessing
until the end. State of Fear is
one of the best books I have
ever read and I hope you feel
that way too.

by Jack Vallar,
Bedford Hills, NY

by Steven D. Levitt

n Freakonomics authors
Steven D. Levitt and Stephen
J. Dubner seek to expand the
minds of readers with the idea

that economics can be found in

the most obscure situations.
Levitt initially states that
there is no unifying theme to
the book, but there is: The introduction establishes the underlying idea that conventional
wisdom is often full of misunderstandings, since one does not
look into the motivations behind
a situation to find the truth.
Levitt states that Freakonomics rationale is to strip away
a layer or two from the surface
of modern life and see what is
happening underneath. It does
this by comparing two superficially different people or situations and uniting them with
some complex economic similarities and motives. For example, the book compares the
dealing of crack cocaine to the
production of DuPont nylons in
1940s, ethnicity to standardized
test scores, and explains how
something as simple as a name
can affect ones life.
These topics may seem controversial, but Levitts basic
argument is that personal incentive is a hidden factor that causes
most occurrences; morality represents the way people would
like the world to work, and ecoSeeks to nomics repreexpand the sents how it
actually does.
minds of
draws his arguments from textbooks, interviews, and articles that prove
true some urban myths. He
presents and quickly disputes
common misconceptions about
his arguments. Levitt also occasionally displays evidence
through lists (for example, the
most common low-income Caucasian girls names, how many
weeks of compensated pay one
would receive for each damaged
body part, or the patterns of
standardized test answers that
showed up in different classrooms of cheating teachers).
Levitt presents his argument
about the origin of conventional
wisdom using the example of
juvenile crime. The urgency to
end this behavior reached its
peak in the 1990s when crime
rates began to fall. To compensate for this unknown decline,
experts began to formulate arbitrary theories. These theories
reached the media, and then the
public, and they became labeled
conventional wisdom.
Levitt then sets up ideas for
the rest of the book by diving
into this concept of conventional wisdom and showing the
reader what to consider when
analyzing a situation, event, or
behavior of a group. The book
leaves the reader somewhat
confused, with many loose ends

and questions, until the surprising closing paragraphs that validate Levitts thesis.
For the most part, Levitts
comparisons of incentives
between people are legitimate;
however, some of his conclusions feel like theyre a
stretch. For example, Levitt
discusses the similarities between cheating teachers and
sumo wrestlers. It is valid to
say that these two groups are
alike in a miniscule way, but
their motivations are more
different than alike.
Levitt provides the reader
with the excitement of discovering new ideas and a fascinating
approach to analyzing and
drawing conclusions from data
and experiences. Freakonomics
is written in
Written in a clear,
clear, concise concise
fashion usfashion
ing casual
language but also some challenging vocabulary, which is
why this book can be enjoyed
by high school students and
adults alike. Levitt takes a controversial stance in his reasoning that would be most enjoyed
by liberal-minded readers. One
who is unbiased would feel
this book has a new awareness
of the world that may help him
or her avoid conventional

by Molly Rosenthal,
San Diego, CA

In the Forests
of the Night
by Amelia

melia Atwater-Rhodess
strikingly original debut
novel, In the Forests of the
Night, is plainly but eloquently
written and will leave the reader
begging for more. My only
complaint is that this deeply
poignant novel, at just 147
pages, isnt longer. AtwaterRhodes wrote this book at age

Photo by Valerie Lavash,

Niskayuna, NY

13 and published it at 15. But

theres a complexity to her writing that is far beyond her years.
Rachel, a vampire whose
straightforward thinking is immediately appealing, recalls the
days when she had faith in God
and was warned of evil creaGloomy tures that
lurked at
feel and
night. This
shocking was in 1684,
the year she
met a strange man and woman
with piercing eyes who turned
her into a vampire and changed
her name to Risika.
The books first-person viewpoint jumps from recollections
of a long-lost life to the present,
where she squares off against
her oldest rival. The novels
overall dark, gothic mood fills
the reader with interest until its
almost impossible to put down.
Its surprisingly easy to forget
Atwater-Rhodess age, and
while the book targets a specific
audience who love vampires, its
classic, gloomy feel and shocking ending will enthrall all who
pick it up.

by Jim Sullivan,
Owings Mills, MD

by Piers Paul Read

ow would it feel to be
stuck in the middle of
hundreds of mountains for three
months? Would you die? Would
you survive? Would you resort
to cannibalism? Well, that is
what a group of Uruguayan
teenagers had to experience to
survive in the Andes.
When these rugby players set
off on a plane to Chile, they
knew it would be a dangerous
trip. They needed to fly over the
immense mountains, knowing
that a previous plane had disappeared just a month before.
Flying through the mountains
the turbulence became terrible,
then suddenly a wing fell off,
and the plane
This book went down.
There were
is about
survival survivors, but
many died. As
more and more people died
from wounds and weather, the
boys realized they had no food
and were in the middle of nowhere. All they knew was that
Chile was to their west. The only
way to stay alive was to eat their
former teammates and friends.
The boys formed a very strong
bond, enduring avalanches and
even more deaths.
When they realized that they
must be rescued, two of the
strongest and most daring set

out. Walking miles in the snowy

mountains, the two endured
many challenges but came out
on top.
This book is about survival,
brains, and trust. It is intense,
thrilling, and touching, all at
the same time. Piers Paul Read
captures the imagery of the
landscape as well as the deaths.
The boys went from being a
tough rugby team to a family
who cared for one another. The
book caught my eye and its
intensity never left.

by Samantha Ostman,
Baton Rouge, LA

The Guardian



by Nicholas Sparks

ountless times at the

library, I asked my friend
what I should read. Her response was always, Read The
Guardian! It is the best book
ever! However, it was always
checked out, and I ended up
reading another book. The first
day of high school, though, I
went straight to the section in
the library with books by
Nicholas Sparks and checked
out The Guardian. Although I
have not yet finished it, I realize
that my friend was right it is a
fantastic novel.
The story takes place in a
close-knit rural North Carolina
community. Julies husband has
died; he leaves her a dog she
names Singer
Includes who is supromance posed to guard
but has her.
When her
husband is
gone for five
years, she begins to date. Ironically, she is drawn to her husbands best friend, Mike. But
another problem arises a
stalker. She begins to realize
that her ex-boyfriend is watching her. Singer and Mike help
her manage. Mike is a beerloving mechanic who wants
Julie to be a part of his life;
Julie feels the same way.
Why did I enjoy The
Guardian? The balance of a
love story and the terrifying
events surrounding Julies
stalker kept me interested instead of drooling over a gushy
romance novel. The novel includes romance but has suspense too. So when youre
wandering through the library
in search of a good book,
consider Nicholas Sparks
The Guardian!

by Katarina Mangieri,
Galesburg, IL


Teen Ink


educator ofthe year

Dawn Holt

David Herrs



by Jamie Malcolm, Fayetteville, NC

by Robert Morton, El Dorado, KS

and faculty there.

estover High wouldnt be the same
In my opinion Dr. Holt is a superhero. She is
without one person, Dr. Dawn Holt.
able to attend meetings, finish schedules and
She is truly one of our greatest assets
four-year plans, manage the National Junior
not only to our school but to our community.
Honor Society, Freshstart, attend basketball
Dr. Holt lost a son to leukemia, and was pubgames, keep a scrapbook of our basketball team,
lished in Chicken Soup for The Grieving Soul.
hold an SAT prep class, meet with students
Chocolate Covered Cherries tells about the
about their grades, and still have time to meet
loss of her son, Cameron, and how he snuck out
with me about the project that we are currently
of his room, went downstairs to the gift shop,
working on, Wings Over Westover.
and bought her chocolate-covered cherries for
Wings Over Westover is a beautificaChristmas. It is a story to remind peoOne of
tion and educational project for the
ple what Christmas is really all about.
and occupational students at our
The second story, called The Beach
our greatest autistic
school. She has helped me a lot. Thanks
Trip, is about a day that Dr. Holt
to her I have learned how to write
went to the beach to think about her
grants and letters to students and faculson who had passed away. She was
ty about the project. Dr. Holt looks at us not just
playing in the water with a little boy who was
as students but as young people who can truly
supposed to be scared of the water, and then
make a difference.
asked his mother what his name was. Her heart
Dr. Holt has done many wonderful things for
stopped as his mother replied, Cameron.
the students and faculty at Westover High. I am
Dr. Holt is now is a counselor at Camerons
very sure that Dr. Holt will give more and more
school. One of his wishes was for her to return
to them in years to come. She is loyal to her
there and make a difference, and that is exactly
school and herself too. She is not only here as a
what she has done. Dr. Holt has been a counselor
counselor, but as a friend.
here for five years, and has been encouraging,
loving, caring, and life-changing for all students

r. David Herrs may appear as an incredibly complicated man at first glance; but if one factors out his variables, hes a rather simple individual. Many agree
with his teaching philosophy: If you place a student in a position to be successful and provide that student with opportunities
to succeed, with a little work, he will.
Finding an equation to allow me to find the square root of
Herrs persona became easier than I thought. Serving as the assistant cross-country coach, this brilliant man spent time with
me away from school. Herrs runs religiously every day usually with the team during our warm-ups, and then he finishes his
runs while we do work-outs. Herrs, also an assistant coach for
the boys basketball team, enjoys watching and coaching sports.
At school, Herrs teaching methods remain precise and clear.
He makes the coursework easy to understand by giving crystalclear examples. The classroom atmosphere exudes relaxation,
affording a wonderful environment for learning. Herrs never
passes up an opportunity to help a student who is experiencing
trouble with his math or other matters.
At the derivative of this wonderful man, one surely can find a
caring, funny, and intelligent teacher. Herrs cares about his students and likes to see progress not only in their math skills but
also in how they mature. Taking classes with Herrs resulted in a
pleasant experience for my fellow students and me. The teachings of Mr. David Herrs remain an integral part of my high
school education.

Pascale DeVito


The 14th Annual

by Shira Laucharoen, New York, NY

understand a concept when the 45 minute

heres something a little bit clich
period runs out? Why should the class
about a teacher who tries to captihave to end?
vate students by being radically
These questions seemed so philosophidifferent. The concept brings to mind
cal and hair-brained, words that cynical
dramatic professors leaping on desks in
students prefer to shrug off or raise skepHollywood films, spouting words of intical eyebrows at. I left class that day fulspiration that challenge and pour life into
ly confident that the year was going to be
earnest young pupils.
too weird for me.
Mr. DeVito, however, was far from a
He always delivered his words with
stereotype. With a gray beard and spectagreat drama and emphasis. It was so easy
cles, he might be mistaken for the typical
to dismiss these sayings as nonsense, his
venerable professor, until one noticed the
behavior as idiosyncratic. Seek! Seek!
tribal beads he wore around his neck, or
And ye shall we find! He would cry in
the brightly colored ascot. And after he
the middle of a discussion, and we would
instructed everyone to lean back and allaugh, for it seemed absurd
low the qi (spiritual energy) to flow around the
The nonconformity and yet a relief from the
structure and narrowness of
classroom, one could rest
of the class made our other classes. Still, I
assured that class would
didnt know how to respond
be very unusual.
it fresh and alive when he insisted that speakOn my first day of
ing with a pencil clenched
Modern European History
between the teeth strengthens enunciaclass, my eye wandered across the oval
tion or when he spoke of the Duke of
table, cluttered with literature by Michel
Buckingham (Bucky, as he liked to call
Foucault and Max Weber, Asian bells
him) as if he had known him personally.
and cymbals a plethora of the most unWe approached the French Revolution
expected knick knacks. Surveying the
as though we were really experiencing it.
room, I noticed that there was not one
Mr. DeVito assigned us each a role to play,
clock within sight.
from Robespierre to Marat, Talleyrand to
There is no time on the beach, Mr.
Desmoulins. As the extreme radical
DeVito explained gravely, eliciting gigJacques Hebert, I presented my proposal
gles from the students who clearly
of total intolerance to aristocrats, as well
thought the class some delightfully enteras price controls on bread, while Danton
taining performance. The time is Now.
explained that he found my ideas to be too
With a gleam in his eyes, he gazed at us
chaotic, my newspaper too bloodthirsty.
each individually, as if to assess how this
But what is the significance? What is
remark had resonated. We live under the
sig? Mr. DeVito would demand until
tyranny of the clock. The tyranny of the
we gradually began to make the connecclock and the tyranny of the lesson plantions, linking the Enlightenment ideals of
ner. What if a student has only begun to


of the


Do you know
an outstanding teacher,
coach, guidance counselor,
librarian, or principal?
1) Tell us why your nominee is special: style
of teaching, involvement in school and the
community. What has your educator done for
your class, you, or another student? Be specific.
2) Make your essay 150 to 500 words. Please
type or print neatly.
3) Only junior and senior high school
educators, please.
4) Include your name and
address, the name of your
current school, plus the first
and last name and position of
your educator and the school
where he or she teaches.

Is there
YOU should

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Teen Ink


the Revolution to the communism that

would later develop. And when we
thought we had it all figured out, he
would tell us to write a Marxian analysis
on the swimsuit issue of Sports Illustrated. Did the issue represent the ultimate
objectification of women? Or did it represent liberty and cultural freedom that
the women might choose to be photographed wearing limited clothing if
they so desired? The answer would always change, depending on perspective
and bias. Similarly, while one might insist that the French Revolution was a violent atrocity, there would always be a
sans-culottes to say that they fought for
noble ideals, without either view being
any more correct than the other.
In our discussions around the table, we
found that a reflection of history can give
one the tools to understand not only the
past but shape the present and future, or
as George Orwell wrote, Who controls
the past controls the future. Who controls
the present controls the past. We began
to see history not with the cold gaze of
academic rigidity but with an appreciation that it is our lives, in The New York
Times, in our mentalities, and in the
choices that we make.
As Mr. DeVito spouted Nietzsche with
vehemence and passion, I realized that it
was the nonconformity of the class that
made it fresh and alive, that made it
something real. When we entered that
classroom, we ceased to be tired, stressed
students and became young people who
laughed and enjoyed learning without the
anxiety of cramming for the next test.
And for that we needed no clocks.

by Zachary Brown, Rockwall, TX

his eyes again.

Its what I do, chuckled the vendor.
ounds of constant traffic and busy sidewalks
Are you all right? asked the robot-woman.
John finished his hot dog and felt ready to take on
roared throughout the park. To any other man
John said nothing.
this would be the worst environment for thinkThe woman noticed he was sweating, so she pulled
the building. There he stood at the foot of his last
ing, but for John, the rainbow of noises was the perup the blinds and opened the window.
hope: Richards law firm. Though it was last, it defifect escape.
At that moment, John opened his eyes and saw the
nitely wasnt the least. Richards was like the owl and
Sir, would you like ketchup or mustard?
light bouncing against the black marble walls, as if a
all the other law firms were mice. So, of
John wasnt an average man. He was
message from God, and John saw hope. His stomach
When he was course, it was also the interview that John
average to the extent that he put his
didnt turn but the light pouring through the window
had been afraid of the most. He saw that
pants on one leg at a time, but with John,
offered the job, he wasnt the only person admiring the
gave him the answer he needed.
the problem wasnt putting on his pants.
John stood up. Confident.
To any other person, John would have
his stomach Whether they were sightseeing or wishing
Sorry, but I cant take this job.
been categorized in the one heck of a
What?! she exclaimed. Are you serious? Do you
lucky kid group. John was the son of
would turn
know how many people would like to have a job here?
they werent in the same boat as he was.
two entrepreneurs. So naturally, he had
You will never be more successful anywhere else!
He walked into the building and felt even more
been raised to become somewhat of a Renaissance
Youre crazy!
frightened when he noticed eerie, black-marble walls.
man. He had attended the best schools and was inSlightly frightened by the screaming robot-lady,
He could see his reflection in each of the black tiles
structed by the best tutors. He had had the best coachJohn quietly replied, Sorry, maam, but Im going to
and realized how nervous he looked. John rode the
es for every sport and had always been the star player.
go get a hot dog now.
elevator to the top floor and waited.
All of the choices Johns parents had made had earned
Thirty years later at a park bench near a hot dog
Sir, were ready for you, said the over-exuberant
him success, success in everyone elses eyes, at least.
stand, two boys laughed and waited for their hot dogs.
Sir, I aint got all day. The question aint that hard.
Shouldnt you kids be in school? asked John.
John entered the office and met eyes with his interKetchup or mustard?
The boys laughed, Yeah, right. Like we need be go
viewer. She stood and looked him up and down like a
Oh, I apologize, said John, Ill take both,
hawk staring at its prey. She wore all black that covplease.
Well, if you dont go to school, what will you do
ered almost all of her body. It seemed as though the
Walking away from the stand with his covered hot
for a living?
only visible parts, besides her face, were her heels
dog, John had to once again face reality. The noise of
Who knows, old guy? Im pretty sure well be
that hung out of her small shoes, as if they were her
the street still remained but it had lost its effect when
more successful than a hot-dog guy, thats for sure.
only weakness. She walked toward John and gave him
answering the question, Ketchup or mustard?
The boys paid for the hot dogs and walked away
a handshake like a robot. John could tell that she was
John had just graduated from college, first in his
laughing like two hyenas.
the more masculine of the two of them. She was a
class, of course. Job offers were flying at him like
John stared at the kids and chuckled to
devil, offering him worldly goods.
Pottery Barn catalogs came in the mail. He had gotten
The interview was Johns last chance
offers from law firms, publishing companies, and othIn his parents himself. He no longer had to hear people
be interested in him. Now he was just the
to be successful. Because of that and the
er large companies. John had interviewed with many
eyes, he was hot-dog guy, taking an interest in others by
frightening, robot-like interviewer, John
of the high-paying jobs, but when he was offered the
talking to his customers. John was married
could barely breathe. From his point of
job, his stomach would turn and he would reject it.
a prodigy
with two kids and a grandson. He was the
view, the interview went horribly, but like
Finishing his hot dog, John began to get nervous
most successful man he knew.
everyone else, the interviewer thought he
about the interview. He wasnt nervous because he
John had found success in what may seem like the
did a successful job and welcomed him to the team.
was afraid of getting the job, but because he was
most unexpected place. Every day he looked back on
John closed his eyes and waited for his stomach to
afraid that once again his stomach would turn.
the moment he realized what success was to him. The
turn. He opened his eyes, saw that the black marble
A few hours later, after long interviewing and stomday when he was asked, Ketchup or mustard?
was as dark as the inside of his eyeballs, then closed
ach turning, he was once again sitting on a park bench
by the hot dog stand. It was the same stand where he
had felt satisfaction from answering the simple question about a hot dog topping, and the same bench
by Molly Horan,
where he could drift away lulled by the street noise.
Bristol, CT
When John was a kid he often felt like something
was wrong with him. In his parents eyes, he was a
of Harry Potter the day after my grandmother died
his is wrong.
prodigy. Adults had always called him a genius and
because even though neither of us liked the movie, for
I thought I had purged my mind of my
told him how he was going to be very successful.
one moment Maggie Smiths mouth tips up to one
mothers voice, yet her strident tones still
Whenever John would win at sports, he felt like peoside just like Grams did and I knew I wouldnt be
echoed through my brain, muffled but not silenced. At
ple felt better for him than he did for himself. John
able to stop grieving until I could watch that with a
14 a fuse had been ignited, my mind tented like the
had always been interested in other people, not himsmile instead of a sob.
Petersons house last spring, but the chemical I used
self. At one point in his childhood, his parents noticed
Pain and confusion cover his face. Pain facing
was 14 years of commands coupled with scattered
his lack of smiles and hired the famous therapist Odys
rejection, confusion as he feels my body tense, my
Christian infomercial perspective.
Seus to help him. John had hated his sessions with Dr.
hands shift restlessly, everything moving with want,
Brush your teeth, clean your room, go to bed, and
Seus because he couldnt stand talking about himself.
yet held back by something he cannot hear. How can a
other orders ingrained in my head during my childWatchu all dressed up for? Not often I see a sucmere whisper contain me? Reins to yank back my
hood had ceased to resound through my skull, yet one
cessful-looking guy like yourself getting a hot dog.
body, a bit to prevent explanation to the troubled eyes
phrase remained, preserved.
Somewhat annoyed that someone else wanted to
before me, yet no blinders to spare me the sight of the
This is wrong.
hear about him and his success, John hesitated.
darkness clouding his face.
Wrong means bad. Wrong means red Xs scattered
Well, I just had an interview with Lynyrd PublishThis is wrong.
across your test like caustic confetti. Wrong means the
A gradual change, imperceptible to the unpercephellfires of damnation, which I stopped believing in
Lynyrd Publishing! the man exclaimed. Thats
tive, a change in lilt, in tone, in meaning.
(along with God and heaven), but which still have the
the biggest publishing company in the city! Howd ya
A silenced tongue is wrong, not the feelings it
power to frighten me, like the chainsaw-wielding vildo?
might expound if freed.
lain I saw on TV when I was six, who I knew wasnt
I got the job replied John, but I turned it
A bound body is wrong, not the movements it may
real, but was really cackling manically before me
make unshackled.
every time I shut my eyes.
Turned it down? Why on earth would you do that?
Cloaking an atheist in the robes of a sister is wrong.
This is wrong.
John thought about the question. Why did I turn it
Hurting someone who loves you is wrong.
down? According to other people, it was an amazing
The words have not changed; my conscience is
Wrong is the look of pain and confusion in the eyes
job. I guess it just wasnt for me. Well, Im on my
preserved, the influence destroyed.
of the boy who slipped a note through my window at
way to another interview now. Thanks for the hot
This is right.
five in the morning because he wanted me to know he
dog, said John.
was thinking about me, who sat through 10 showings

f i ct i o n

John Takes Both

Right From Wrong


Teen Ink


f i ct i o n

My Son

rassed. Most of the time it will seem like I am too old

man goes into the room of his three-day-old
to understand, but Im sure you will see that, as I did
son. He stands over the crib where he lies and
with my father, my advice is some of the best you will
begins to speak to him.
get. I wonder what the future holds for you? Maybe
My son, I have dreamt of you for many, many
one day you will be talking to your son, as I am now.
years. I had your name picked out by the time I was
Im going to have to teach you how to talk to girls
12 because I knew that I wanted you. Every time I
when you are a teenager, wont I? That should be fun.
thought of you I would have a smile on my face.
I will protect you from the world for as long as I
Gabriel. That name always gave me joy. Gabriel.
can, but there are some things I cant
Something about it just sounds perfect.
some things you will have to
People say you learn more from your
I will protect you teach;
your own. You will find the
children than they do from you, and I
think that might be true. I have already from the world for world is not the friendly, loving place it
seems. There are a lot of bad people out
learned that the love I have for you is
as long as I can there doing bad things. Also, I am sorry
different from anything I have ever
for what my generation and the generafelt. It is more than love, it seems. Its
tions before me have done to make this world such a
more deep and complicated than any other love.
terrible place. Im also sorry for anything we left for
Yet it is simple and always shows. The best word I
you to take care of because we were too lazy to do it.
can find to describe it is unbelievable. There is so
I am sorry for the misunderstandings we will have,
much I want to teach you also. I hope someday when
but you will understand I spent my whole life waiting
you are asked who your hero is, you will say, My
for you. You are my most prized possession so I am
father, because he taught me everything I know and
not going to sit back and watch you hurt yourself. You
without him I would be lost in this world.
are far too precious.
I really hope we have a great friendship; where
You dont have to worry about your mother. She is
you can talk to me about anything and not be embar-


Teen Ink


a wonderful woman, and I am sure she will make a

wonderful mother. I love her second only to you, so
you dont have to worry about us getting a divorce.
I look forward to sharing sports with you. I really
love sports and I hope you will too, but even if you
dont, I will support you in anything you do.
The man stops and gazes at his son. Then he begins
to sob.
Sorry if you think Im crying because something
bad happened: it is actually quite the opposite. The
man gives a weak laugh. I just love you so much,
and I have waited so long for you to finally be in my
life. This is the first time in many years I have been
brought to tears. The man leans down to the newborn
sleeping so soundly and kisses him on the forehead.
The man whispers, I will love you forever.
He then leaves the sleeping baby in the crib, turns
off the lights, and on his way out the door is startled
by his wife who says, I heard everything you said,
and I thought I couldnt love you any more than I did
already, but you have found a way. I knew you would
make a great father. He just smiles as they walk out

by Melinda Hershey, Dayton, OH

She wore a small veil adorned with

s much as Bobby wanted to deplastic roses and a silk lavender dress
ny it, no sane woman would
that looked more appropriate for an
massage the side of her face
Easter mass than a wedding. They took
with a salad fork while staring at the
their vows in front of a stone fountain
closed curtains draped over a kitchen
bubbling over with stringy algae and
window. For a moment, his stomach
pennies, green from oxidation.
reached up and grabbed his rib cage and
The ceremony was short,
shook him from the inside
You might but he didnt recall any part
out, and he thought about
of it except the end. Perwhat his mother had said
marry Ella, but haps nobody recalled any part
when he first told her he
but the end. God, why hadnt
was going to marry Ella.
he realized it then? He reYou might marry Ella,
but she will never marry
marry you membered that Ella kissed
him and then the entire garyou. She will never really
den heard her sigh and exclaim, pinkmarry you.
cheeked and breathless as if she were
Excuse me?
realizing it for the first time, Oh, I
Ella is different, Bobby.
really do love you, Bobby. Then she
What do you mean?
smiled at him, almost darkly, eyes
Look at her, Bobby. Just look at
sparkling from her ringlet-wreathed
skull. In a second she had jumped from
And now, as he watched his wife
his arms into the fountain, her dress
humming to her dim reflection caked
soaked and stained with green, waving
with dust and vomit-like spatterings
her arms as if to fly and screaming,
from last nights pasta sauce, he underMarcello! Marcello! Bobby recogstood. Ella had never married him, denized it as a reenactment of a scene
spite the band glinting from her finger
from La Dolce Vita, a black-andthat was now wrapped around the fork
white Fellini film they had watched tohandle like an emaciated white worm.
gether early in their courtship.
She could not afford to give him the atThis was when he went into the fountention he deserved. She had never been
tain. He went and carried her out. His
able to. She was too busy feeding it to
thoughts were as mechanical as his
the things in her head. She was busy
steps as he found himself calf-deep in
giving it to the forks and the curtains
the water with Ella. He did not smile,
and God knows what else.
but purposefully scooped her into his
Geez, Ella, the words came scraparms like a rag doll and kissed her deliing out in a raw whisper, grazing his
cately. She laughed in his mouth and bit
tongue on the way. Honey Ella,
him on the lip, lightly breaking the skin.
baby. What are you doing?
He winced and turned his head, wiping
Their wedding had been an awkward,
away the small bubble of blood that
pastel-tinted event that few were invited
tasted like silver as he watched his
to and even fewer attended. The guests
mother walking out of the garden. As
melted in plastic lawn chairs scattered
she swung open the iron gate subacross the gardens of a local church as
merged in green-black moss, her shoulElla walked barefoot down the aisle, a
ders jumped with soft sobs. She was not
patchy path of grass sprinkled with carthe type to cry when she was happy. His
nation petals and gaudy pink sequins.


by Bryndan Schock, Amery, WI

Stop it. Sweetheart, please, he

heart pounded thickly in his chest as he
winced, not in pain, but in suppression
considered the other reason for her tears.
of a strange and disturbing desire to
Ella still hadnt replied from her
laugh and cry simultaneously. She conplace in front of the kitchen window,
tinued to scrape the prongs over his
the prongs of the fork raking the dull
stubble, his pores, the wrinkles that had
skin of her cheek and leaving white
recently developed around his mouth
streaks that faded to pink.
and eyes.
Bobby, she said tenderly, droplets
She turned, breaking her gaze with
of molten honey heavily sliding off of
the curtains, and smiled, still dragging
her tongue. Im not crazy.
the fork across her skin.
I didnt say you were, he replied.
It feels good, Bobby.
(Too quickly.)
He stood as if between two panes of
She lifted the fork away from his face
glass, shoulders straight, skin prickling.
and drew it to herself.
Do you still love me?
She opened her mouth and varying
Of course I do.
pitches fell from her throat, tumbling
(Also too quickly.)
into the room, bouncing violently off
So what if I am crazy? I mean, really,
the sink, the microwave, the counterreally crazy. Would you still I mean,
tops. Bobby looked on with mixed horwould you still love me?
ror and nostalgia, as the laugh triggered
Her cheeks were laughing, but the
memories of their innocence as a young
veins, the blood vessels beneath, were
in hysterics.
Before I knew.
Yes. Yes, I would.
She walked over to the doorway, laHe cleared his throat and looked at
bored from the energy exerted in her
the blue kitchen tile. She lifted his chin
hiccuping cackles, and extended the
with a cold finger.
fork toward him.
So, whats the problem?
Try it.
The problem?
Bobby stared at the utensil, Ellas
She nodded.
face blurred in fuzzy patches of peach
There is a problem, isnt there?
and golden-yellow behind the glistening
The problem, he rolled the
metal prongs. He set down his
briefcase and took hold of her Forks are words around in his mouth like
a pair of hot dice. He stood for a
shoulders as if to shake her,
but instead firmly pulled her to for eating, moment, wavering, ill at ease,
and then abruptly took the fork
his chest, the fork digging unElla
from her hand, lightly kissed
comfortably into his collarher forehead, and left the room.
The problem rotted in the doorway as
Forks are for eating, Ella, he said
he changed his clothes upstairs, and the
into her hair.
stench of it mingled with the tangy odor
I know, but feel.
of leftover spaghetti heating up in the
She wriggled her arms out of his
kitchen. He ate it straight from the miembrace and reached up, scratching the
crowave, still steaming, still reeking of
fork across his chin, trailing it in squigdecay and tomatoes. He ate it quickly,
gles and swirls over his cheeks and
and he ate it with a fork.

by Shining Li, Mason, OH

Lovely. But trinkets do not build castles, cannot

t is lonely.
imitate fate.
Ironic, however, they wouldnt notice. They,
Its not enough, now, to hope.
with their complaints of starvation, devastation;
He sees the reflection from a womans mirror, her
they, mired in the fear of imminent extinction, shoulvacant expression flickering, then vanishing. Vaguely,
dering the burden of sin; they, looking skyward for
He hears the shrill shriek of a siren, desperate.
His guidance and shuddering at the merest thought of
It wasnt always like this, He thinks. Before, back
His presence.
when He longed to coexist with His created universe,
But they seek comfort in each others gaze, catchmeshing mortal and eternal, when He wished to be
ing joy (however fleeting it may be) on the waves of
the light of harmony He foolishly imagined they
their speech, fulfillment etched in company.
would listen.
Below, the day has been long, made longer with the
It hardly matters now, though, that He set out to do
reluctant dimming of the afternoon, fading into
good, that He envisioned companions to
evening. And as the night glimmers,
His empty existence. These
He settles back, wearily, to rest.
None of its turned brighten
companions clung to each other instead,
The air chokes, humid heavy with
and isolation found Him again, gaping
expectations. Its the end of another
out, really, as
and harsh. Nor is there any significance
in the sapphire sphere He sees before
And He watches.
him, pulsating with the life He birthed
None of its turned out, really, as He
it is no more His than it is its own, no more rare or
had planned.
beautiful than just another tainted perfection, torn
He sees them now as they hurry, tracing paths that
carelessly, then haphazardly stitched back into exisswirl and loop, twirling until their frantic activity
blurs. Their orb glows, and He is mesmerized for the
He is all too familiar with sacrifice, knows far too
brevity of a butterflys flutter. Enamored with their
well the taste of loss. And He laughs bitterly, for even
own glassy evanescence, they build towering monuHe can no longer recognize the warped illusion that
ments of metal, sculpting the majestic peaks and valwas once His passion, for even He has lost sight of its
leys of bridges, moving earth. Rivers flow under their
once-brilliant splendor.
direction, cutting and sharp; they design pictures to
He dares not admit they frighten him.
represent landscapes, images to replace strokes of art.
But they have their civilizations, complexities woThey wont remember Him for another few hours,
ven and tangled, mistakes. They have each other, but
He knows, and He wonders momentarily if they ever
their brothers are enemies and they construct walls of
really remember Him at all.
mistrust, only to tear them down in fits of rage that He
They clutch trinkets, bejeweled and sparkling.

Never Knew

cannot comprehend. Justice, potent when laced with

the shadows of greed, is far too powerful a temptation, and they cannot defy it they do not try to resist.
They slaughter for pride, savoring a short-lived
He doesnt understand.
He sees hunger written in their strained interactions, pleas for compassion. Empathy.
A girl lies under her covers, strands of hair visible
around a pillow, breathing unevenly. He watches, and
He knows she is broken.
In the darkness, theyre weak.
They look up to Him, now, eyes gleaming, whispering a prayer before retiring hope resting on an unshakable faith. He watches, and He sees their blindness. In the clarity, they are no more than children
bereft, searching. And just as He did, they ask for
They, who can now control survival, treating life as
a craft to bend to their every whim; they, who overlooked caution to pursue glory; they, who saw the end
of His hopes they are lonely.
But He can no longer call them His, and no He
doesnt know how to help. He is lost as well, grasping, confused and despairing.
He watches the trembling of a little boys eyelids in
slumber, and He knows nothing.
In the stillness, He watches them.
Their flaws are His flaws, their errors traceable
back to His hands. They are neither perfection nor
harmony, but neither is He.
And there is hope etched in company.

by Lisa Wang, W. Roxbury, MA

because the world needs us.

n life others help us get where we want to go. Its
But the world doesnt need anything we can give. It
easy to be helped. Its also easy to forget just how
need our existence, or our environment. It got
simple it is to help others. And its just as easy to
along fine as a mass of molten lava.
forget how we can hurt others. And thus, the situation at
Humans can kill each other all they want. War, peace,
its all the same to me. After all, to me, humans have
He never knew she loved him. So, he wouldnt care
always been overdeveloped monkeys. Love the world?
now. Conclusion supporting premises.
Sure, if thats how you want to spend your childs colBut first, situation. He cant return the feelings. She
lege fund. Everything is fine with me. I dont get mad.
refuses to talk to him anymore.
Why do you think Im billions of years old and the oldI cant love you. Sorry.
est your parents will be is 76?
I wont ever talk to you again. SORRY.
Everything we do for the so-called environment is reConclusion: Hes heartless. Supporting premises: He
ally for selfish reasons. It is for ourselves that we fund
made her cry, its all his fault, and she wont ever talk to
environmentally aware groups. It is for our own
him again.
futures, communities that we clean and
This situation is really the same as when a
We depend lives,
sometimes think about the world in short interchild refuses to cry after becoming angry. Or
when a teenager, assuming loss, refuses to
on each other vals on an odd Sunday afternoon.
But thankfully, the world remains unaffected.
smile. Or when someone dies and a loved
There are two ways of looking at the world.
one refuses to let the world move on. And
One as a mass of scientific gas to live on, and
thus the chaos ensues.
the other as a community to call home. Some people
Sometime in the near future, he realizes that it is not
never get it right. And from this springs pretty much
so much that he cant love as it is he refuses to love.
every problem. For example, the situation at hand.
That becomes a whole different matter. But lets move
She needs him, because she loves him.
on. Because someone has to. She wont: She really cant.
He needs her, even though he cant love.
She needs him.
In the end, its really the same. One day, this ill-fated
And whether or not he cares to tell her, he needs her
will realize it and youll have your happily ever
too. Because being loved is one of the only things that is
after. In the end, everyone will realize that everything,
right in his world. Being loved is one of the only things
every personality, every place in rank, and every probhe can rely on. He needs her as a bird needs its feathers
lem will clash and become pretty much the same. We
not necessary, but nice to have if you want to fly.
depend on each other to survive. The world isnt going
Thats almost poetic, if you think about it.
to help anytime soon. People are going to help. The
But the world doesnt need either of them.
sooner we realize that, the sooner we come to our own
If they love or hate or feel something in between, the
happily ever after.
world remains unaffected. It will move on. The world
Just like he never knew just how much he needed her.
doesnt depend on anything. Sometimes we joke to ourWe never knew just how much we need each other.
selves that we need to give back to the community

f i ct i o n


My Dream
by Jacob Way, Heath, TX

say to you today, my friends, even though we face the

difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.
It is the Coach Potato dream.
I have a dream that one day this nation will sit down and
watch as much TV as possible and live up to the claim that
all Americans are lazy and overweight.
I have a dream that one day in an armchair in Boston the
sons of baseball players can ally themselves with the sons
of cowboy-hicks in Texas in order to fight the Covenant
hordes via the online video games of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the State of New York,
a state full of bustling pedestrians running everywhere,
sweating from the heat of the sun, will be transformed into
an oasis of air-conditioned moving carpets and tunnels
lined with La-Z-Boys, eliminating the pain of walking.
I have a dream that my four friends on MySpace will
one day live in a country where they are not judged by
how slowly they run a mile, but by the content of their
Warcraft characters and their ability to quote television
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day, over there in California,
with its health food and fitness fanaticism, with its governor encouraging weightlifting and a healthy lifestyle, kids
of all sizes will be able to clasp hands and appreciate together the wonderful fatty goodness of fast food and regular cola.
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every exercise bike will
remain a coat rack, the chip bag shall be endless, the
couch comfortable again, the excess weight hidden by unnecessarily large T-shirts, and the glory of Late Night and
Really Late Night television will shine into every living
room way past bedtime, for all Americans to experience

Teen Ink


f i ct i o n


by Lindsay Johnson, Helena, MT

solid plane to an unsteady new one.

he was young enough to still believe in the basic
One day in July the mercury cracked the glass tip of
goodness of people, old enough to have begun
Everything moved slowly, like the
to inherit the essential qualities of an adult. For
begrudgingly joining in a frying-pan
one wild and brave butterfly moment, she was free,
fusion. The birds hung in the sky, dark castoffs of
free of the compartments, free of the stereotypes.
winter apparel. Cars floated lazily past, hydroplaning
It was the summer before sixth grade and the heat
on the slick surface that glinted with a rainbow patchdripped off the whitewashed apartments in sticky curwork of motor oil.
rents. Spit would sizzle on the sidewalk; bubble gum
She was walking to Hals, that same familiar obstamelted in pancake pools. Men walked outside shirtcle course of concrete and brick when she heard it
less on weekends with wrenches to yank the caps off
the far-off sound of laughter. The air was so fluid and
the fire hydrants, back muscles taut and smooth.
heavy that their voices plodded through to
Every Friday she sat alone at Hals
Family Diner, life spinning in a dizzy blur Shed thrown her as if the sound waves were swimming
through a boiling pool of rice pudding. She
as she spun around on the red plastic
stools. It was always the same order had
away all her searched with her soupy eyes until she saw
them: three elementary-school girls playing
to be so Hal didnt ask with that deep,
Barbie dolls dolls in the small yard in front of an apartrumbling voice of his banana split:
ment. The dresses of the toys were faded
chocolate, butterscotch, and extra strawwith
bruised with the battle scars of stains.
berry swirls.
a pang in her chest, a longing. She was a
She wouldnt talk while sipping syrup noisily
bit of toffee being stretched in two directions. She althrough the barber-pole straw. She simply thought
most doubled over with the pain, sensing the phantom
about growing up, about that awkward stage (no
heart attack and waiting for it to pass, but it didnt,
longer a child, not quite a teenager) when people exand she stood gasping, a living statue on a concrete
pected nothing of you, except the old women with
lemon-puckered lips who shoo you off perfect lawns
In her mind she saw two spheres, the orb of adultwith a broom held together with duct tape.
that golden globe of existence, and the small,
Shed thrown away all her Barbie dolls in a clump
fence of childhood. She held one in each
of plastic perfection one wild, daring day in April.
hand like a scale perfectly balanced.
Later shed missed them like the clouds missed the
Youre the nurse, remember? one of the little girls
sky, secretly regretting her leap from a comfortable,

My Golden Years

lice screamed, Jerry! Jerry! Say something!

Oh, Lord dont leave me now. You cant! I
wanted to tell her it was okay, and to reach up
and wipe away the tears of worry. And by gosh I tried,
but couldnt. And then nothing.
It started out as one of those lazy, darn tootin hot
Saturday mornings. I went downstairs looking for my
lovely, smart, and doing-the-best-for-me wife. (And by
that I mean over-compulsive, fun-sucker-out-of woman
Im married to.) I truly love her but she drives me up
the haystack with her Need to get healthy this and
her Be more sensitive that. Its just a load of bologna.
I mean if men are supposed to be feminine, why are all
of those touchy-feely movies called chick flicks? It just
aint a real movie unless somethin blows up!
Well, I went downstairs to go find my lovely pain-onwheels, and my Rice Crispies on the table. But instead
I found the worst thing possible! Nothin just a note:
Dear Jerry,
Our couples knitting class is at noon today, so
please be ready by the time I come back from the
market. Your cereal is in a blue bowl in the fridge,
just add milk.
And I just says to myself, Jerry, why dont she just
put you in a pink frilly dress, and put some o that
beauty paint on your face! I got my cereal out of the
fridge, and sat down in my chair and watched golfing
on the TV for a while.
Talkin of beauty paint, I told my daughter Ally-Sue
(the eldest at 17, and the flippin moodiest one) to
throw that stuff out. So I went upstairs to see if she
threw that lip smear out. I knocked on the door and all
I hear is, Leave me alone! Cant I get any privacy
around here?! I said sorry and went where it was safe,
My other daughter, the sweet one, is 13 and at some
girly daisy flower camp thing, so its just me and the
most frightnin things east of the Mississippi. I sat
there thinking of a few more brilliant idears. Which,


Teen Ink


said, shattering the traffic jam of light and sound.

She could not help but watch for a while, agape,
immersed in the complex plot, the tentative climax,
and the reluctant conclusion.
Hours passed and still she stood undecided at a
crossroad. It was brilliant, she finally realized, fragile,
almost like spun glass catching light, far more mature
and insightful than any grown-up creation. In its sheer
simplicity, the play of rag dolls on a dull afternoon
was on a higher plane than even the one she stood on,
on another world she didnt know or had forgotten
Suddenly, with a lightning-strike of agony, it hit
her. I once could do that. She delved deeper inside,
searching for those untapped worlds of knowledge,
but in vain, of course. She no longer knew how to
play or how to belong to their existence. She had,
after all, in an unseen flurry of banana splits and reluctance, grown up.
But in the cataclysmic moment she realized this,
with the disc of the sun tilting off the horizon, even
after all those months of waiting to be older, the
painful dreams of maturity, all she wanted was to be a
child again, to have just one more game, one more
fraction of time.
But it was too late.
Shed made her choice.
Slowly, ploddingly, she resumed her path to Hals,
walking the same path shed walked every day since
she could remember.

by Nicole Malli, Urbandale, IA

screamed things like Jerry, how could you! and I

you know, really hurts the old thinker, and, since Id
dont know why I even bother! Well, it aint my fault
been thinkin so much today, I decided to doze off.
she gave me broke equipment. By the time she was
Jerry Jingleheimer, you better get up this instant!
done my blood was as hot as the sun. So hot I felt
Oh, I swear I just dont know what to do with you anylight-headed. We walked inside and saw something no
more. Get up, and get dressed before were late! hafather should ever see happen to his little girl.
rassed the smarter, more mature one. I went upstairs to
We werent supposed to be home for another two
make myself all purty.
hours. My little Ally-Sue was sittin there eatin the
When I came back down it was already a quarter to
face of our good church-goin neighbors son. Why, I
noon. We told Ally to behave herself while were gone.
reached for the boys throat and almost got there, exWe got in my Ford pick-up, and headed to the downcept Ally pushed me away and said, No, Daddy, its
town. Alice sat there putting on her beauty paint in the
okay! But, no, its not. I swear Ill kill that boy if he
magical mirror I never knew I had. She looked at me
ever looks at her again. But all of the sudden I felt
and asked how she looked, and without lookin, I
funny and fell to the floor.
replied what she wanted to hear, Thin, very not fat.
My left arm was all tingly, and I saw
She just rolled her eyes and looked away.
We arrived, and all of those other poor Alice didnt talk flashing lights and heard screams and cries.
things went as dark and silent as coal.
soldiers dragged along like prisoners of
or look at me Then
Thats when I knew I had a heart attack.
war looked up as we walked in. The inI woke up in a white room with a purty
structor handed out materials and gave
the whole
nurse checkin my arm tube. And I thinks,
directions on what to do. I sat there and
Why, I should come here more often if this is
I tried and kept sayin, The rabbit goes
way home.
how I get treated. And then I dozed off and
around the tree, down, up, and around.
Peace at last. dreamed of a world where I was always
I tried and tried but this stupid thing just
wasnt workin, mustve been broke.
I woke up again with the only two angels in this part
So, I said to the instructor, Mrs. White, Why do I
of Mississippi. One with blond bouncy hair, the other
gets a broke one?
brown, straight locks. They both had the waterworks
Its not broken, Mr. Jingleheimer, youre just not
goin, and I never was happier to see the perfect
doing it right, she replied slowly.
women in my life.
I did everything you told me to do, and it aint
Daddy, Im sorry. This is all my fault and , Ally
working, so its broke!
sputtered and then looked at me and I saw how sorry
Mr. Jingleheimer, maybe if you calmed down, I
she was. And I looked at her with those love bugs in
could help you, or you could ask your wife, she seems
my eyes and felt her love warm me up. I tilted toward
to get it.
my smart and beautiful Alice, whom I dont deserve.
Oh, that was the last straw! I gave her a stern talkin
And now truly everything was perfect.
to, but I dont really remember what I said. Thank
And I should listen to my beloved wife, because
heaven no one from the law department was there or
most of the time she is right. But for now all is quiet,
wed be in that anger management class again. Alice
and all is well. And my guardian angels are protecting
didnt talk or look at me the whole way home. Peace
my golden years.
at last.
When we pulled up in our driveway, I got it. She

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