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Child: Alanzo

Date: August 3rd 2015

Written by: T. Bushra and T. Natasha
After the long month of Ramadan your
Teachers with the support of management
Planned a party to celebrate all that we have
learned. Our party is a great celebration with
our bouncy castle, chasing bubbles and
balloons and other physical games. We also
decided this year to provide all the food for
the children. When we asked what we should
have, Alanzo quickly called out the favourites
this year of our cheese melts and egg salad
sandwiches. As a treat we planned a chocolate fountain with many trays of different
coloured fruits. All of the children had an opportunity to choose a fruit to add to the
grocery list. Alanzo you suggested grapes which were a popular option. It was great to
see so many families come along to this cultural day with all bringing a plate to share
amongst the adults. Our Muslim children had the opportunity to recite Quran and show
the large crowd their progress throughout Ramadan.
Alanzo I enjoyed being part of your bouncy castle basketball match! It was a lot of fun
watching you bounce around the castle while trying to get balloons through a hoop. Your
brother Sana shared in your win when you shouted YEEESSSS!!! I DID IT! and you
both high fived each other. You enjoyed showing your brother where he could grab a
snack from, reminding him that the green grapes were what you choose.
What is happening here and what could we do next?
Alanzo you are developing working theories of your social world through experiences of
cultures different to your own. You demonstrated responsibility, confidence, playfulness
and courage as you challenged yourself physically in our bouncy castle. I heard from
your mother you love these types of games perhaps we should look in to a field trip to
inflatable world? Have you been before? I really like how you took responsibility for your
nutrition and encouraged your brother to choose a healthy snack perhaps you could
help us prepare shared fruit next week.

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