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Looking back, I can say that I had the most wonderful childhood.

Being able to play a variety of

street games, being surrounded by a large number of friends, and doing all of the bizarre things
that children can do. One of the best parts was that I got to share it with my sister and cousins.
Our favorite childhood activity was playing in the streets. We usually come together in the street
in the afternoon when the sun is shining brightly to play games like tag, hide and seek, Chinese
garter, and the infamous piko. We create games and play with our neighbors using materials
found on the streets such as rocks, sticks, and discarded containers. As a child, I can say that I
was highly competitive because I always gave my all to win the game. And I believe it has been
ingrained in me as I have grown into a young adult. Whenever I do something, I always give it
my all in order to win or succeed, and I believe that my childhood experiences shaped me into
the person I am now. Also, we enjoyed several varieties of street snacks while playing in the
streets. Street food is frequently inexpensive and quickly available, making it an appealing
alternative for us kids. We tried barbeque, the famous isaw, ice cream, and ice candy, among
other popular street snacks. Eating street food may be a fun and exciting way to try new foods,
meet new people, and make lifelong memories. Children nowadays learn how to make use of
various electronics at an early age, and a lot of them actually own a cell phone. The majority of
them do not engage in physical games, and their sole emphasis is on their cell phones.
Since I was a kid, we just had a keypad phone, and I could only play snake with it. I also play on
my cousin's PSP, Gameboy, and Playstation. Aside from that, we generally played street games,
which were a lot of fun. We were so difficult to our parents back then since we spent so much
time playing outdoors. I can hear our parents' voices shouting to us to eat already at lunchtime.
Whenever they shout at us regarding why we can't feel hunger while we're playing, their
non-stop shouting and talking abilities ought to be shown. And for me those are the best
childhood memories and I wouldn’t change anything about them.

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