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Business Communication and Report Writing

Barriers in Communication:
1. Lack Of Planning:
Planning is the soul of the communication. Too often people start writing or
speaking without planning. If there is no planning communication will desire result.
2. Language Problem:
Our language and vocabulary may impose its barrier in a message. For example:
The language of an accountant is quite different than a doctor.
3. Information Overload:
Too much information is very bad because in that case important messages are
buried. People have least time to understand each message.
4. Inefficient Communication:
Producing worthless messages waste time and resources. Reduce the number of
messages by thinking twice.
5. Complex Message:
We must adjust our ideas and style so that our messages will be acceptable to
our receiver.
6. Incorrect Choice of Medium:
If we choose an incorrect communication medium our message can be distorted.
We can choose a medium keeping in view the receiver and the nature of the
7. Poor Listening:
Too few of us listen well. We all in our minds wander now and then. People lose
their focus and information becomes difficult to understand.
8. Different Status:
Higher status people distorted messages by refusing to discuss less important
issues. Employees of lower status become too conscious while sending messages.
9. Different Backgrounds:
Age, education, social status, economic position, culture, temperament, religion,
political believes and beauty makes understanding difficult.
10. Physical Dislocations:
Communication barriers are often physical. Bad connections, poor sound
systems and noise, uncomfortable chairs, poor lighting and bad health may also be
a barrier.

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