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Garzn a magnificent, full of places place that will surprise you !!!

A tropical climate, where you can enjoy a delicious bath in pool

Ambeima hosteria.
Do not forget to visit the cathedral, located in the simos paque
Bolivar, one of the oldest places that have our ciuidad.
as if that were not enough, you can meet people, their customs,
their dances such as the St. Huila juanero and more!
Come and visit us, we are waiting
Visit Castalia, where the PRDO.

YBA piscicula abroad that also transports most of its products, in

this case veriedaes fishing.
do not forget to take a tour of the square mercaso, Pass Rosary
and other churches that carried in a very good tourist attraction.
and go eat at and best restaurant in our city. Holtel cave, give
taste to your palate.
do not forget to visit the soul of compadre and comadre huila !! for
a good time enjoying their holidays, their parades, their customs
and their representative places.
Grazon is your best option for fun.

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