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Brandon Alfonso

George Goodwin Kilburnes a soiree

Drawing room small talk

Tension, condescension, not to mention pretension
Everyone was there tonight.
Invention of this convention a mere misapprehension
To the hostesses great delight.
Ostentatiously dressed and meant to impress
The company was a quaint sight.
In all respects it was an excess
Expected to be polite.

The guest list is exclusive

And consequently conducive
To guests of high society.
The sophisticated nobility
with the utmost civility
in accordance with propriety.

A little soiree with little to say

The room was full of chatter.
Sir Darcys pay and the princes stay
Such a trivial matter.

Perfume spray and toupees on display

Servants with compliments on a platter.
Their scandalous ways and gossip of the day
It was all calculated to flatter.

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