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Der parins,
Az yer child brings hom riting for the first
tim, do not bee serprizd bi the speling.
The inglish langwij is confusing for
stoodnts. Premacher insistins that
stoodnts uz standrd or kurect speling
inhibtz thar dezir and abilitee to rit. We
will uz inventuv speling in r wrk. It is a
grat asesmnt to see wut your child nos.
Az parints, u can hlp ur child by prayzing
ol thar riting. Let ur child red thar riting
to u. Displa thar riting arownd the
howse. No that, az ur child becumz
familier weth riting, he or she wil make
the tranzishun to standard speling.
Thank u,
Ms. Carrasco
Mrs. Clark
Mrs. Davis

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