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An Alchemical Look at the World

1. Negredo....
As a global family...we are in the Negredo and Albedo phases of our transformation. In alchemy....(in
short), during the first phase of transformation, you experience the dark night of the soul & all hell
breaks loose. This is where the "body" putrefies and breaks down....and almost any and every thing
nonhuman that could happen.....will happen. This is when the collective ego (the world) witnesses its
own shadow.
2. Albedo...
As we move towards albedo, it gets "lighter"....and we're supposed to have "balance" here...and
things are supposed to be a "tiny" bit better than they were before. Equal pay among the genders,
equal rights among those that want to marry etc......but you still experience confrontations between
gender both physically (gender wars) and psychologically (masculine thinking vs. feminine feeling &
masculine reason vs. feminine faith, etc.). And I think this is where we are as a nation.......we are
stuck between phase 1 and phase 2.
3. Rubedo
I think we have a long time before we reach rubedo. The "reddening" phase is where the collective
"soul" emerges, and things start to look a bit more unified. We as a global family "blush" b/c we're
excited that things aren't as rough as they were before. This is also the phase where we pay
attention to not only how we're treating each other, but also our environment.
4. Cintrinitas (Goldening)
And in the Cintrinitas phase, if we can hit that in my life's a time where there's
breakthrough's discoveries.....and things explode not just from a physical point of view....but
there's a "yellowing" or "goldening" of our group character and soul as a global society. Many folks
call this a "golden age." ......Now I am not naive at all. We may never reach this phase......which is
still ok.
But to all of the freedom fighters that risk their lives, their financial income, their reputation and their
sanity to help get us to phase 3..."rubedo", you help make the world a halfway descent
place.........Thank You. You are definitely needed and respected on the planet. Your sacrifice is
inspiring another generation to fight for what's right.

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