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The secret

It’s a movie that reveals the most powerful law in the universe and that
This Law was expressed by Napoleon Hill he said, “We become what
we think about.” This truth has been stated in many different languages
and cultures throughout science and history.
In Science, we have Newton’s Universal Gravitation by his law he was
able to draw a conclusion that every object in the universe was attracted
.by every other object
Our thoughts and attitudes attract positive energy. It attracts us to take
action towards these goals. It can be simply stated that “you are what
you think
Whereas, thinking positively won’t only help us if we won’t act. We
must ACT with the intention of realize these positive thoughts. As
Paulot, “when you want something, the entire universe conspires in
helping you to achieve it." Simply we can say that the whole universe
join forces to help you to achieve goals It is now up to you on how you
would act in order to achieve your goals. On the contrary, negative
.thoughts will attract negative energies and thus negative happenings
;There is the famous saying
Watch your thoughts, for they become words
Watch your words, for they become action
Watch your actions, for they become habit
Watch your habits, for they become character
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny

Maria Jawaid

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