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When you heard the word "Filipina".First thing you can say is she is a woman with beauty,class,pride and dignity.
Filipina is an example of a woman that holds a balancing scale with a sword of justice.Whenever she has trials,she
face and stand it with her full strengths to seek the truth and do things to make it right.She will never give up until she
get the freedom and justice she wants.She is confident in her action and words.She is dedicated and committed to
his plans and goals in life.She has wide visions and always reaching the summit of success as this is the foundations
to have a bright future of her family someday.She is motherly who values family a lot and very family oriented and
always put family first than anything.She is protective and secure them in a good place as well as giving them the
best life in everything.
Filipina is genuine person.She is conservative and values her cultures and traditions.Philippines have many of this
traditions that Filipino people treasured and valued.This makes them proud because they are patriotic and always
look back where they've been.
She is the symbol of a mother that carry a child who showed respect,love and care for her children,husband and
Filipina...A Filipina...Always a woman in everything.
What comes in my mind when the theme was announced for the PNOC competition is I will paint my mom. I wanted
to make a piece to which every sons and daughters would relate and feel what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE really
The narrative story behind the painting is a native tiboli Filipina mother is carrying her daughter in the fields on a
beautiful warm afternoon.
As you could see the mother carries her child with ease, compassion and love despite how heavy her child is at the
back you will never see any trace of regret, or hardship on the mothers face all you can witness is the happiness on
the mothers face. This symbolizes how a Filipina mom values family alot and would gladly sacrifice anything just for
the sake of her love ones.
The daughter at the back who is almost going to sleep any moment. This symbolizes what unconditional love really
feels and the security when you are near with your mother. That feeling when you realize that you are not alone that
you got someone who will carry you when you need it the most.
Why choose a tiboli native to paint? I wanted to send a message to everyone that there is no religious beliefs that
would hinder us to show our love to our children whether you are a Christian or a muslim Filipino it is in our roots and
tradition that we value family more than anything else.
Red and gold colors for the main subject. I strongly emphasize the 2 colors Ive chosen to render my subjects.. Red
stands for compassion and love while gold stands timeless and positive.
The mothers unending walk in the fields carrying her daughter at the back. I wanted to paint a scene where I can
somehow immortalize it and that would tell a story to every sons and daughters that this is what your mother looks
like loving you unconditionally. You may not see it but I know from the bottom of our hearts we could feel it and IT IS
BEAUTIFUL TO HAVE A FILIPINA MOTHER LIKE THAT <3 this painting is dedicated to the most beautiful woman in
the world and she is my mother <3 :)

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