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Your run of the mill, everyday web programmer by day, SuperKen by night.

any ministry leader that has Ken Grimmett on their team and they will tell you
that Ken is a staple for their team. Not only does he make himself available at
the drop of a hat, but you can guarantee that anything he does is done with excel-
lence. And as much as I love him for that, there are two things that I appreciate
even more: his ability to listen and the transparency into his life. Ken always has
time to stop and talk, and not the half
pay attention, sort of interested conver-
sation, but the deeply engaged, putting
thought into everything he says kind
of talk. Seriously, I am dumb founded
and impressed at how he can be so in-
volved with LCC (LCC Media Leadership
Team, First Place Club, Foundation For-
mation Leadership Team, CD Ministry,
Small Group Leadership Team, and every
other random job that he does), and still
take the time to talk and care for people.
To add to the complexity that is Ken
Grimmett, he is a loving husband to
his wife Kim, father of three good, but
crazy boys, an avid photographer, a
white belt in karate, and my friend.

Your run of the mill everyday web

programmer by day SuperKen by night

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