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NOTE: If you are using MS DOS 5.0 or higher, disregard the following
information and consult your DOS manual for details about GRAPHICS.COM and
GRAPHICS.PRO. (you will need to load GRAPHICS.COM before loading QY if you
plan to print the polar plots or the Performance graph to your printer using
[Shift]+[Print Scrn].)
To print the graphics plots to any printer that supports graphics, such as a
dot matrix printer, laser printer, or ink-jet printer, you should first try
the DOS external command file, GRAPHICS.COM. If you type GRAPHICS at the DOS
prompt before running the program this will make a graphics routine resident
in memory that enables the Shift-PrintScreen key command to send graphics to
the printer. Ordinarily, the Shift-PrtSc combination will only print out the
ASCII characters defined on the Monochrome Graphics card, even if the Color
Graphics card is in use. GRAPHICS.COM allows the computer to send bit defined
graphics to the printer, provided the printer will accept them.
GRAPHICS.COM may not work for your particular monitor and printer combination
if you are using Hercules graphics. I have included an alternative program
from the public domain.
This is a large but versatile program that may be used with an EGA, CGA,
or Hercules card, and with an Epson, C. Itoh, or Okidata dot matrix printer.
Configure the memory-resident program for your monitor/printer combination
by loading the program with the appropriate parameters as follows:
where "g" can be "E" for an EGA card, "C" for a CGA card, or "H" for a
Hercules monochrome graphics card.
"p" can be "E" for an Epson/IBM printer, "C" for a C. Itoh Prowriter/
Prowriter II printer, "1" for an Okidata 192 printer, or "9" for an
Okidata 92 printer.
The location of the author(s), Hardwood Software Associates, is unknown to
me. The program was distributed through Compuserve in July, 1986.
-------------------------------------------------------------You can make loading SCRNDUMP.COM or GRAPHICS.COM automatic by putting the
GRAPHICS program in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Of course, the programs must
either be in your root directory or in a bootable path.

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