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Therapeutic communication is an integral part of the nursing process. Every early

stage to stage therapeutic communication skills assessment, so that messages can
be received by the patient easily and that the goals can be achieved with good,
effective communication is required.
Anxiety is something that is abstract and cannot be seen by the eyes of our senses.
Anxiety affect our daily behavior - days, difficulty concentrating, irritability,
restlessness, changes hemodynamic, unnatural behavior is a clinical manifestation
of anxiety (Marhiyanto B, 1990).
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a multi-function service discipline that cannot be
separated at the hospital, so that the position, function and role of services that will
determine the success and the level of quality of services a hospital. As for some
specific ICU components, namely: patients hospitalized in critical condition, the
design of the rooms and special facilities, high-tech equipment, services performed
by professionals and experienced staff and is able to use sophisticated equipment.
As a nurse in the ICU are required to have knowledge and skills that are higher
when compared to nurses in other care units in hospitals, thus continuously have to
Human resources through continuing education (therapeutic communication),
seminars, trainings, courses / training, research, to always be ready with the
development of science and technology in the field of health, knowledge and skills
in the field is indispensable in order to achieve optimal service outcomes, given the
level of more complex work (Hudak and Gallo, 1995).
One way to overcome anxiety is the provision of therapeutic communication.
Therapeutic communication including interpersonal communication with the starting
point of mutual understanding between nurses provide patients with the aim of
helping patients to clarify and reduce the burden and mind and is expected to
eliminate the anxiety in connection with the patient should be admitted to the ICU.
Patients were treated in the ICU Hospital Dr Soedjono average - average number of
40 people a month (note medic Dr Soedjono hospital, 2006). Patients in the
conscious state (Compos mentis) who were treated in the ICU many are
experiencing anxiety. Preliminary studies conducted by researchers at January 1,
2007 until the date of January 31, 2007 in the ICU were 50 patients admitted in the
ICU (intensive care unit registers record) researchers took sampling 34 respondents
showed 5 respondents or 15.7% had moderate anxiety, 13 respondents or 38.2%
had severe anxiety, and 16 respondents, or 47.1% had a severe anxiety / panic
(measured by means of instrument HRS-A). Many factors cause, among other
things: the design of the room other than the usual care, should be installed sound

monitoring tools make sense of fear, must themselves cannot wait for the family,
pictured maintenance costs are expensive, especially if being next to someone died.

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