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3rd Composition A Review

A Movie Review War of the Worlds

The new Spielbergs blockbuster War of the Worlds created huge
expectations this year in terms of the visual effects. Spielberg, who is also
known for its multi-millionaire super productions, seemed to be the right
director for this kind of movie, where there are space ships invading the
Earth, laser shots and great explosions, because he is always as realistic as
possible in his films. In his work, he always tries to confuse the audience
between what is real and what is false, as there were no limits for the
imagination to become reality, which is also the reason why Spielberg is
recognize as an icon in movie making.
This super production describes the invasion of the Earth by aliens.
They, with no apparently reason, tried to exterminate the humans using special
vehicles, the Tripods that are heavily armed with lasers, that simply
disintegrate the human flesh, and power shields, that avoid damages from the
human weapons. What is also interesting in the script is that these Tripods
came from the underground, revealing that the aliens had planned the attack
millions of years before. But all this facts were put in a second level of
importance in the movie, once the main plot described the alien attack from
the point of view of a regular modern family that tries to survive through the
alien assault hiding and running away from the invaders. So, many conflicts
related with the despair to survive or to protect the love ones were
presented, making you think about the limits of the human civility.
Tom Cruise stars the main character,

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