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Everybody, please settle down. The program will start in a few minutes.

Mae: May we request everybody to please stand up for the opening prayer to be led
by Ms. Gina Grace Gajol
Jela: Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem
Mae: You may all be seated.
Jela: Good afternoon, guys! My name is Jela.
Mae: And Im Mae
Jela: And were going to be your emcees for today. Everbody say Hi, emcees!
Mae: Hey, audience! How are you doing?

Mae: Good, good. Its good to see you folks here today.
Jela: I hope you are all in a good mood, revved up, ready to go, cause we have an
exciting day ahead of us as we go about the subject matter for todays event, which
is Online Stock Trading w/ COL Financial.
Mae: So to formally commence this event, let us hear a few words from JFINEXs
lovely president, Ms. Jernica Torres. Lets give her a round of applause.
Jela: Yes, Thank you, Ms. President for that opening remark.
Mae: Hey, Jela, have you tried online stock trading before?
Jela: Hmmm, as a matter of fact, I already did. But Im not really good at it. I guess
Ill have to learn more by listening to the talks today.
Mae: If thats the case, then lets jump right into the introduction of our first
speaker. May we call on Mr. Julrey Garcia, to give us some kind of overview who our
first speaker is.
Jela: Thank you, Mr. _________ for sharing your invaluable insights in todays event.
Lets give him a round of applause.
Mae: And now its time for my favorite part which is Q & A portion! As we all know,
learning occurs through asking, therefore if you have any questions, please raise
your hand, our distinguished speaker will surely address them.
*In case nobody asks*
Jela: If you have some questions bothering you right know, please feel free to raise
your hand. Its very rare that someone like Mr.______ comes here and answers
questions so please grab the opportunity.
*Q & A finishes*
Mae: And that marks the end of the first part of our seminar
Jela: Are you still there? Hello?
Jela: Alright! Before we move on to the second part, weve prepared something to
sort of like, inspire you. Presenting BSA41s handsome crooner, Mr. JP Precia!
Mae: That voiceI cant explain it.
Jela: Me, neither. Did you guys like it?
Mae: Ok, now that we have the extra strength to carry on, may we call on Mr. Julrey
Garcia to introduce our second speaker!

*talk about what youve learn*
Jela: The floor is now open for your questions. Kindly raise your hands, if you have
*Q & A*
*Ending and closing prayer*

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