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August 13, 2015
xiiv + CHAPTER VI + 50 pages + 15 tables + 1 scheme + 24 attachment
Leny Triana
Relationship Leadership Style Head Delivery Room
To the satisfaction of Hospital Staff
The Government of Aceh
Leadership in the field of nursing is one important factor because it can provide a
significant impact on the performance of nurses. Leadership can motivate nurses to
work vigorously so that results can be achieved satisfactorily nurses, patients, their
families and the hospital. Style of leadership to lead the staff room will affect the
morale of his staff. Good leadership style is the style of leadership that can adapt to
the maturity of subordinates so as to increase motivation and able to push his staff in
achieving the goals in accordance with existing capabilities. This study aims to
determine the relationship of the head of the maternity ward kepemimipinan force
against staff satisfaction. The study design was descriptive correlative with cross
sectional study. The population is all the staff on duty at the maternity ward Regional
General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin and the Mother and Child Hospital. Sampling
was determined by sampling based on sampling techniques nonprobability saturated,
the sample 31 respondents. Data collected by using a questionnaire. Data analysis
was done with computerization. Univariate Data found that 30 (96.8%) of
respondents said that the style of leadership that is applied by the head of the
maternity ward is a democracy with staff satisfaction in the category are satisfied
that as many as 29 (93.5%) of respondents. Hypothesis test using Chi-square test
techniques (x2) with df (I) and the value of (0.05). The test results shows that the pvalue> , this means that Ho rejected where there is a real relationship between
leadership style head space with staff satisfaction. Expected to head the delivery
room to maintain a leadership style that has now been implemented and able to be a
role model for the head of another room.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Satisfaction
Reading list: 34 books (1992-2015)

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