Leonora C.Balleta, MA School Teacher

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August 13, 2015

Re: Recommendation for Ronald Mendez

Colegio De San Lorenzo Ruiz De Manila, Inc.
J.P.Rizal St.Catarman Northern Samar
I was initially impressed with Ronald Mendez, for being skillfull, and efficient
person. As a class adviser, during the four years of teaching he consistently at
the top ten. All of these qualities I heartily endorse him for any vacant position.
Ronald Mendez is, dedicated and persiverant. He is workaholic, organized and
diligent .Ronald quickly learned technology systems and software that were
unfamiliar to him when he first started with Don Avalon Integrated School, and
he also attended optional professional-development seminars offered through the
school. He has my highest recommendation, and I am happy to furnish more
details if you would like additional information.

Leonora C.Balleta, MA
School Teacher

How does one move on in spite of the inevitable pain of lifes challenges?

Recognize that you arent alone. If you are feeling that way, reach out to someone who has been there,
done that or find a competent therapist to talk to.


Connect with others for positive support. Choose people who lift you up, not bring you down.


Volunteer your time. Sometimes its helpful if you can get out of yourself and your own problems and help
those who are less fortunate than youbecause there is always someone less fortunate than you.


Take a walk in nature. Nature is very calming, soothing, and beautiful. Notice the beauty around you; be
mindful and present while walking.


Start a gratitude practice. This habit forces you to focus on the positive. Whats going right in your life?
Why are you blessed?


Find things to laugh aboutlisten to funny comedians, watch a funny movie, read a good joke book.


Cry. Sometimes we need a good cry to clear our systems out.


Create a new story for yourself. Be the hero/heroine of your storynot the victim. You are NOT a victim.
You are a powerful and loved human beingdont forget that.


Do things that make your life meaningful. What gives you tremendous pleasure? What things do you do
that make you lose track of time?

10. Practice self-care. Be diligent in this.

11. Exercise. Stress from challenging situations takes its toll on your emotional and physical health. Exercise is
one way of dealing with it.

12. Breathe. Become aware of your breathing and breathe deeply for at least three good deep breaths.

13. Ask yourself: What can you learn from this situation? What is it there to teach you?

14. Inspire yourself. Become a role model for others, a beacon of light for those who might someday go through
what youve gone through.

15. Seek out balance in your lifewhatever that may be. Grieve for a little bit, and also invite the joy in.
Work and play.

16. Allow your mind to dwell on the situation at hand for a certain amount of time (say 7 to 7:30), then let go.
Whenever your mind drifts back, remind yourself that youll have that time later.

17. Moving on from lifes challenges is hard. Its unfortunate, but everyone at some point will face loss,
disappointment, frustration, and anger over something that was out of their control.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedomsto
choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way.
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change

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