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"You tell me and I forget, you teach me and I remember, you

involve me and I learn"

Benjamin Franklin
"Online Teaching is all about active student involvement and learning supported by interactions
with the instructor and fellow students"
Kishor Guru-Gharana

Introductory Instructions
The first three chapters are very elementary. I have still posted Chapter Instructions in e-college
which can be used before reading the text book. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are assigned for the first
three weeks. My chapter instructions clearly indicate which topics are covered and which are
omitted. Whenever in doubt, ask me through Virtual Office or my direct email. You can learn the
omitted topics after the semester.
Assignment-1 is posted in the Doc Sharing section of the e-college. The solutions are due by
midnight (11:59 pm Texas time) of Sunday, September 20th.The assignments are related to
Chapters 1, 2 and 3 but are not directly from the textbook. They are of various types and of
varying degree of difficulty. Most of them are of multiple choice type or true/false type and
some are essay type. On average you get about three weeks for every assignment. I keep the
assignments challenging to force you to learn. Therefore, I am a lot more generous than the norm
in my grading and curving at the end of the semester. But remember that your letter grades still
depend on your relative position. So work very hard to keep yourself towards the top of the class.
You will have to post your solutions in the drop box indicated at the top of the assignment. In
total you will get four Assignments each due by Midnight of Sunday (generally every third week
except during Midterm). Remember that these Assignments are only part of the total tests.
Some of the topics covered in my chapter instructions but not included in the tri-weekly
assignments may come in the Midterm or the Final. I will give you detailed instructions
about the topics to be covered about 10 days before the midterm and two weeks before the
Final. The homework assignments carry 75 points each and are also important as practice
examples for the coming tests which are time constrained. You should not miss any
assignment. At the end, even missing one assignment (that is 75 points) may be the reason
for your getting a lower letter grade than what you would get if you had not missed any
assignment. Always turn in the Assignments in time even if incomplete. Also note that I give
partial credits to incomplete or wrong answers in the essay type, if the work is shown.
Always show your work in the Essay type questions.

In addition to my own Chapter Instructions also learn from the text book and the power point
slides posted in the Doc Sharing section. Install and learn Excel (with Analysis Tool pack which
is free). The set of my chapter Instructions contains the essential examples and should be the
primary guide/resource for this course to be supplemented by the power point slides and the text
book. I post the Assignments, solutions, PPT slides etc. in the Doc sharing section. Use the latest
version of word (docx), if you can, because it is full featured especially with respect to
mathematical symbols and graphics.
I have provided brief instructions for using Excel in the instructions for Chapter 2.
Although, these first three chapters are elementary, I realize that some of you may be taking a
statistics course after a long gap. Therefore, if you have any problem in understanding any topic
even after reading my chapter Instructions, the text book and the power point slides, do not
hesitate to post your question in my Virtual Office or through email. I try to respond to emails
and Virtual Office questions within 24 hours even during weekends. Most often I respond within
few hours. But don't ask for direct answer to the assignment problems. I can give you only
general hints and explanations for questions related to Assignments. Nevertheless, I provide full
solution to the assignment on the day following the deadline. You will know your grades for the
Assignments in about two days following the deadline for submission. You can submit the
Assignment in the corresponding drop box earlier than the last date, but I will be grading only
after the deadline.
In a recent presentation to all faculty of College of Business, a researcher presented the finding
that to do well in a graduate online course a student has to devote (on average) about 12 hours
per week throughout the semester for a 15 weeks semester. For undergraduate classes the hours
required on average may be a little lower. If done properly, online learning/teaching can result
better education and more enlightened students than the traditional form of teaching.
So, be prepared to devote adequate time regularly and get involved in active learning, with my
help and guidance. This sacrifice and hard work is certain to benefit everyone involved and the
society we live in.
Remember: It is all about your Active and Involved Learning with my help and
"A teacher is never a giver of truth - he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student
must find for himself. A good teacher is merely a catalyst". Bruce Lee

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