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1) Select object name, status from dba_objects where status=INVALID; (9i)

To check out in the 9i database, is there any invalid object or not if any
2) Run the script (oracle_home/rdbms/admin/utlu102i.sql provided by the 10g
software) in 9i database to get the utility upgrade information for moving 9i
database to 10g software (9i)
3) Spool /oracle/oradata/upgrade.txt (9i)
4)@/oracle/oradata/utlu102i.sql (9i)
5) Spool off (9i)
6) From the upgrade.txt make all the recommendations generated by the script.
7) Create sysaux tablespace with extent management local and segment
space management auto (in 9i database)
8) Create a control file backup (9i)
Because 9i control file can not be used in 10g database
9) Shutdown the database (9i)
10) Send all datafiles, online redo logfiles, archived redo logfiles, text parameter
file and control trace file from 9i system to 10g system.
Scp r /oracle/oradata/student

11) Modify the text parameter file so as to show the 10g drive structure (10g)
:%s^/oracle/oradata/abc ^/oracle/oradata/def
12) Already trace file is send to 10g destination, so by using this trace file,
recreate the control file.
Control files=modify
13) Cp student_ora_3520.trc /u01/app/oracle/oradata/student/cfile/control10.ctl
14) create spfile from pfile=-------------------;
15) create pfile from spfile;
14) startup nomount;
15) @ -------------- (run the script) (Controlfile Creation)
16) Shutdown the database (pfile must be in default location)
17) Startup upgrade;
18) Run the script catupgrd.sql (oracle_home/rdbms/admin)
19) Shutdown the database
20) Startup;
21) Run the script utlrp.sql (to recompile any invalid objects)
22) If still invalid objects are there, we have to drop

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