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Satanic forces

by P Gegliaro

Manifestation on steroids
Creating koas to get everything you want
How to get members of the opposite sex to love and worship you
Get rich
Control your world master your life
A new way of thinking about and manipulating reality
If you thought you knew magick, youre in for a surprise

And anything else you can think of

The nature of reality

There is no god there is no devil and there is no magic in the world. All true
except the last part, while there is no magic there is Magick. There are natural
laws that can look like magic to the uninitiated. We all know people who get the
things they want through what can appear to be some magical process. While
others struggle.
It could be and most likely is that those who succeed are inadvertently following
some series of natural laws, like gravity. Natural laws that bring the things they
want to them. And those that are not succeeding are breaking those same
natural laws. And then there are a few that know what these laws are and follow
them on purpose. Work with them rather than against them. These are the
people we call magicians and sorcerers, witches, warlocks or just plain lucky.
Mostly however this is not the case, whats actually going on and is the precept
of many secret societies is an understanding of the way the universe really
works, something science is just now getting a grasp on and beginning to accept.
Occultists have known since the beginning of time that the universe and all that
is in it works to a set of immutable laws, breaking those laws causes disaster
knowing them and using them, brings everything you want.
This was the first and main idea behind the bestselling book the secret, however
it is only part of the story.
Think of it like gravity, we understand that leaping from a cliff will cause injury or
death, yet it is that same understanding of gravity that allows us to fly planes to
India or Hawaii, that same knowledge and understanding of gravity allowed us to
put a man on the moon. It is the same with other universal laws once we
understand them, we can use them. Its actually that simple, to explain, perhaps
a little harder to implement.
Many of these laws have been known for millennia, others have only been
discovered or realised recently. The science of quantum psychics has allowed us
to see the universe differently. And to some this all sounds like magic. Even
though its just the way the universe works. Fight against it, and you will lead an
ordinary mundane life, getting a bit of luck every now and then, work with those
laws and principles and you will direct and control your on destiny. And get
everything you want.
Some people are not going to believe thisHere is another thing you will notice,
that all truly successful people avoid society at large, from billionaires to
celebrities, you dont see them walking down the street or if you do its a big
event, why? Because one of those laws is to separate yourself from society, to be
a loner and create your success with a select handful of very close and trusted
friends. People at large are problem.
People who have either been taught or inadvertently worked out, through
experience, by accident or have just noticed these laws and how they affect
things usually quite themselves away from others. Why? Because most people
will not believe you when you tell them that you are magically manipulating the
universe. They will think you are either lying or crazy. Or base what youre
capable of on their own beliefs about themselves.

Other people will tell you it is either the devils work, or that it is somehow wrong
to manipulate the universe. Regardless of who it helps or how it improves your
life or the life of those around you and close to you, they will say (usually for
religious reasons) that it is wrong, without ever asking why youre doing it what
you have gained, what you havent lost, and who you have helped. Without a
second thought they will gang up on you, and try to bring you back to their way,
make you fit into the social order. Which in our book is wrong.
Other people simply dont like the word manipulation, it has a bad ring to it,
which is one of our arguments about language. Language has flavours. The tome
of a word can make you think and believe a whole bunch of stuff that simply isnt
true, like it is noble to be poor, man must suffer, and this is your place. These are
social constraints, they have nothing to do with the way the universe runs, in fact
the universe will keep running the way it does in spite of what these people
believe, and no matter how strongly they believe it, the universe doesnt care, it
isnt giving them a second thought. It carries on regardless.
So we are going to lay out some universal laws for you to examine and then act
on, once you know and understand them you will have to act on them. And once
you act on them, things will begin to change, not straight away, the universe
doesnt work like that. There is a space between the action of wanting and the
act of creation, this space is called time
Once you read these laws you are bound by them. Breaking them can have the
reverse effect. So proceed at your own peril and with caution.
The very mental act of knowing these principles can be dangerous if not used
and applied properly, once you are ware of a principle it begins to work on you
and for you, thats right simply knowing it means it becomes reality for you. You
are bound to it, you cant UN-know it. It cannot be unlearned. A well-known
person once said Once the mind has been expanded, it can never shrink back
to its original size.

Shut the fuck up

Im going to explain the rules the same way I discovered them one at a time.
Except for this rule which I discovered later, not knowing held my progress up so
I teach it first, basically it goes like this SHUT THE FUCKUP tell no-one what
youre doing or your plans. Talking about it creates negative energy and will
belay or even completely stop what you want from occurring.
In fact for a while as you study and get used to these rules and a new way of
seeing the universe it is best to become a little recluse, this doesnt mean lock
yourself away from the world and become a hermit, it means be selective about
who your associate with. People have energy and that energy both negative and
positive will wash off on you.

Everything is connected
There are two aspects to this, firstly all things are in some way connected to
each other, and secondly as a result, all things have an effect on all other things,
even if at times that connection and its effects are hard to see.
Some of it is obvious, like an action (which is a thing) being directly connected to
the result one gets from that action, others need a large amount of science to
understand, like the suns gravity being responsible for life on this planet.
Like the fabled game six degrees of separation, everything around us, in our lives
is the result of everything around us, each event in our life has led to where,
what and who we are. Some of it we have control over, other bits we do not. If a
comet smacks into the planet, everybody is affected, if a bus load of children in
some far off forgiven country accidently drives over a cliff, we are only slightly
effected. Neither of these was apparently within our control. But if you change
your job you are effected and so is your partner and even your friends, if you
punch someone in the mouth you will be directly effect. Both of these you did
have control over.
But having control over it is beside the point, whatever happens anywhere in the
universe affects us in some way. It is understanding the level of effect and how
this fits in to your life that is important.
There are two basic levels of affect, primary and secondary the third is morphic
resonance which we will detail later.
Part of our issue is to recognise this, and then to take control of what results we
get. Primary effects are those that we directly cause ourselves, through action or
in many cases non action, non-action means that sometimes, just allowing things
to be, and not trying to change things can have just as profound and effect as
trying to change things.
Secondary effects are things we are directly affected by that we did not cause,
the best example of this might be a family member dying, you are and should be
effected by this, yet you had no input into the events that occurred.
Morphic resonance is your involvement in the links between these events. Most
of the time we involve ourselves on a subconscious level, or notice things that
we have no control over, other than our awareness of them. For example youre
driving along and you see a very large person crossing at the lights, this person
is wearing a particular shirt, for no particular reason you notice them a little
more than usual. After all you probably drive past hundreds of people every
daytwo sets of lights later you see a very similar person, they are wearing the
same shirt, and then later at the shopping centre you see another person
wearing the same shirt.
These is best described as the link between events and for some reason you
have become aware of it, these links or morphic cycles occur around us all the
time, every moment, it is only on such occasions a shirts or seeing numbers
repeated that we become aware thatsomething is afoot.
Every event is connected to every other event at some level. Mostly these
connections are invisible to us. The effects are only seen or felt later, for example
a bank can change a bylaw. Which become apparent to us many months later

when we try to cash a cheque. Each event has influence over all other events, it
is only time and distance that changes those influences.
Which means you have a direct effect on everything in your universe. And your
immediate surroundings are a result of you everything that happens creates
who, where, what and how you are. And you create who, what and how your life
This goes far beyond positive thinking, yes our thoughts (which are things) affect
us, but so does everything else, our actions (which are also things) have a direct
effect on whats going on in our personal space and extended universe. Even our
daily rituals have an effect on how our day is going to turn out, and our larger or
even magickal actions effect whats going on.
This is going to sound like poppycock to a few people and I fully realise that, but
perhaps what these people dont realise is that believing something is poppycock
is a type of action and effects whether or not something occurs

Time is an illusion
Time is a construct of man to give order to his view of the universe. The universe
doesnt care if you call something Monday or 3 oclock, it will go on regardless.

The only thing you can be absolutely positively certain about is that things will
change. No matter what you do every moment a thing is not the same as it was
a moment ago. Each heart beat brings you closer to, whatever each heart beat
changes the amount of remaining heart beats. In fact at the end of it all, all you
can leave behind is a memory, so part of your lifes goals should be to leave the
best possible memories that you can. This will be your true legacy.
The universe is made of both things, and potentials. Each is constantly changing,
potentials are becoming things or events, and those events and things are
continually changing. Reshaping altering and adapting to all the other things in
the universe.
Each thing as it changes is causing change in every other thing. And your
thoughts are things therefore your thoughts can change things and each
thing contains within it the potential for other things.
This is simple to say, harder to actualise. Actually its not that hard once you do
it, its just hard to get up and running. It all begins with the way you see the
universe. Where your reality view point is. It is important that you know and
understand the way the universe really works, this will create influence over
things events and the way they occur it is also important to see the links
between each event, and how all events leads to all other events we call these
pathways or viewing the world from the fourth dimension. Or fourth dimensional
thinking. Which is a skill in itself.

Natural thought vs magickal thinking

Anyone who has studied magick for more than five minutes will have come
across the idea of letting things go. This is where you create a magickal situation
through ritual, a spell or some ceremony, and then the idea is to forget all about
it, thats hard, very hard. If you cast a spell or write a sigil to win lotto, you are
going to spend a lot of time thinking about it. If you create a servitor to win over
a member of the opposite sex, you are going to almost obsess about it. Yet all
the magical literature quite plainly states that you must let it go, forget about it.
Holding it in mind deletes the working. Distracting your mind away from what
you want can be very difficult.
But think about this, you have no trouble with natural thinking and letting things
go, you dont think about lunch until lunch time or when your body tells you it is
hungry, you drive a car without thinking about it, you amble through life giving
only momentary thought to most natural and mundane things.
What if you took this same approach to your magickal workings, what if these
workings were so natural that you could forget about them and let it go?
Part of the problem is that you dont see the universe as magical, it is outside the
norm. When in reality this is a social construct. And we are bound to social
beliefs, that magic either is not real or doesnt work or that you need to be some
kind of expert with many years training or dress weirdly and grow a long white
What if your attitude and beliefs were different, would this change your magickal
outcomes. In short, our perceived reality is constantly getting in the way of our
real reality. Whats really going on in the world is viewed through so many filters,
that we can never really be sure of what really is.
Think about anything for a moment. A colour, a playing card, your life and the
feelings you have about it.
For you this is real, but does it have any reality beyond your thoughts, like
anything real it affects you, makes you stop , or feel certain things, and yet it is
only real inside your head, it has or appears to have no substance beyond what
you are thinking. And yet at the same time that thought is a real thing.
Therefore it must, according to our rules, have an influence, however small, on
the outside world. In fact further proof that our thoughts are things that are
created by our outside worlds comes when we try to think of something we have
never thought of before. Its impossible you cant do it. Every thought you have
is based on things within your experience. They can be reshaped or put together
in different and interesting ways, but each and every thought you have is an
amalgamation of things you already know.
The fact that you use language to describe those thoughts is another thing that
proves we can only have thoughts that are constructs of our minds and
experience, and those constructs are given to us, they are not ours, we learn
them and take them on from almost the moment we are born. We are told what
and how to think.

And as long as we think, those thoughts effect our reality. Every time we
entertain a negative thought about a desired outcome, we are creating helping
to create that outcome.
This in itself creates two new realities, firstly that nothing can exist without
something else, your thought can not have existed with our the knowledge and
experiences that lead to it, a thing cannot simply be it will always be
connected in some way to something else. Secondly everything you want, you
already have, all things take on what we call form, you either already have it, or
are connected to it is some way, perhaps though it is taking on a form that you
dont immediate recognise.
Let us recapture a few thoughts. things are constantly in a state of change, could
we therefore not state that change is the only true form or state, that when we
approach something, we are usually dealing with it as solid and in some type of
status, if we change this, if we deal with things that are changing our influence
over them changes, if we are aware that something is not permanent, but
constantly changing this may cause us to deal with it in a different way.
We already have knowledge of what we want and desire from life, that
knowledge is based on awareness which means we already have what we want.
And those things are in a constant state of change. Each thing becoming a new
thing. In other words each thing contains within it a potential, to become
something else. Therefore could we not say that influencing or altering things at
the level at which they are already going to change into something else. Might
not be a better way of causing the change that we want.
This of course is just a thought exercise, yet we know thoughts are things. This
may be the first step to new magical thinking.

We attempt to manipulate and change our environment by dealing with the parts
or properties of the thing or situation we want to change. Our thoughts are
things, so could we not change our thoughts by dealing with the parts or
properties of those thoughts? Just as we would with things.
Imagine once again a colour, hold it focus on it, its reality may exist only in your
imagination in fact it has no more or less reality than anything outside of your
imagination that you are not physically interacting with.
Now how would you describe that colour to someone, who is blind? One way
would be to say that all things have properties, such as weight, hardness or
softness, rough or smooth, big or small and another property is colour. It has
blueness or yellowness.
By altering or changing any property I am effectively changing the thing, a blue
ball made yellow is no longer the same ball, a car going through a compactor
and changing size is no longer a car. And in that state cannot be used as a car,
we can mentally quantify it as having been a car, but it is not currently a car.
Reality is being altered all the time, we can always see those changes, but they
are there.
Lets go back to the colour you were thinking of, lets say you were thinking of
the colour blue, that colour is not connected to anything, youre not thinking of a
blue ball or a blue sheet of paper, its just blueness, a thought, a concept, an
idea, Now change it to another colour, say from blue to orange. You just changed
a thought, altered a reality.
What properties does it have, is it real other than a thought or concept, how real
is it. Indeed what is realness, is realness a property of an object. Considering that
realness changes flows and alters. Perhaps the state of realness is flowing.
With this in mind we will begin our magickal practise. The pathway to becoming
a magician, not the rabbit from a hot variety, the other one as we progress
keep in mind that despite any claims made by them, Allister Crowley John Dee
and a host of others never so much as struck a match through the use of magic.
This does not mean they didnt in some way alter reality, even if that reality was
only local to them. Indeed each occultist did in some way effect the world at
large. Through writing or creating secret societies, rituals and direct effects on
peoples lives.
As for the magic however it seems little was achieved beyond rhetoric and clever
philosophy. We are going to go well beyond this.
The second rule is that the universe will always find balance. There are two
states to all things, two sides to every coin, whether that difference is through
actuality or perception it will remain true. Day and night are truisms, good and
evil is a perception. Because reality is flexible and we live in the world of
perception, we have this false idea that red must win or that black will lose.
When in reality the universe will balance things out and both black and red will
appear an equal amount of time. Even in the face of apparent chaos theory.
The universe seems disordered, it appears to create chaos in our lives. This of
course is merely our perception, sometimes it is hard to see order, especially on

a personal level. There is so much going on and turning this way and that that
we are constantly in a state of confusion. However when we step back and take a
rational look, it is only the people in our lives that create this disorder, if there
were no people, there would be no problems.
Unfortunately we cant have no people, without people you would not exist.
However balance is not necessarily order. It seems to imply it, but does not
create it. The imbalance in your life and the lives of others is a perception, a view
of reality, it is how we see things, and it is not actually how things are.
The collective mind of the human races believes and finds imperfection and
unbalance in the world. Apparent disorder or chaos is a way of recognising the
constant state of change we discussing earlier, it is in fact not disorder at all, it is
change, the state of flow between on state and the next then from that to the
next. In our personal lives we find this hard to see, but it is there and reflects
itself as disorder.
All things are connected, via virtue of the fact that a thing cannot exist without
other things, a planet only exists because it is made up of other things which
existed, each of those things were in a state of change , which over billions of
years became a planet. And will over billions more years become something else.
A planet only remains in orbit because of the gravitational pull of the sun and
other planets, it is, and exists only because other things are, and exist.
You would not be without your parents, they would not exist without theirs, any
state or circumstance would not exist without the influence of things, people and
other states and circumstances.
So all things are connected, everything is constantly changing, and there is a
state that exists called change that is as real as a state itself. While it is a state it
is flowing and appears chaotic. Yet it is moving toward balance. As soon as it
finds it, it then starts to change again finding the next moment of balance. It is
our human perception that only recognises the momentary states not the flow
between moments of balance, we see this and have named it disorder or chaos.
This is where we are going to direct our efforts. Rather than trying to change
something that is, perhaps if we directed our mental capacity to the state
between states, the idea of change, then we might have more effect upon states
This of course means our perceptions are the problem. So the first thing to do is
change our perception.

Time doesnt exist, it is merely a construct of the mind, a way we describe the
distance between one event and the next. The sun doesnt give a rats ass if you
call something Monday or three oclock. It has no mind, it just keeps on doing
what it does regardless of how you perceive it. Birds animals and fish have no
concept of time, they merely go about their business.
A bird knows that it is dark or light as the sun rotates around the earth, it does
not know or care that it is 8 oclock it doesnt know it if it id morning or night, or
dinner time. It knows it is hungry and thats all it knows. Higher animals such as
squirrels know that they will be hungry later so they store food, but they dont do
it from nine till five on weekdays.
Time is a perception that we must let go of, things either happen too fast or too
slow, we dont seem to have enough time, and yet if we let go of this and
realise that all things are constantly in a state of change, then they are going to
happen, just not in a set time.
All things are connected, reality is a perception change your perception and you
change your reality time is part of that perception so change your perception of
time and allow the universe to flow as it is going to anyway despite your worries
about how long its going to take.
But how do we intervene our reality? Firstly by seeing it differently, and believing
that we can. Secondly by interrupting the natural flow or as in the case of gravity
understanding that flow and working with it.
Some things are meant to happen and others are not. Things that are meant to
happen will occur anyway. Regardless of what you do or how you intervene.
Things that are not going to happen, wont happen. Which brings us to the true
nature of potential.

Things that are like each other
Everything is potential, all things including states are constantly changing and
becoming something else or at the very least a new version of the thing it was.
In other words things are potentials of the things they are going to become.
Within this flow of change there exists another state, the state of potential. All
the elements of what it is going to become exist in some form within it.
The gases and rocks that formed our planet contained the essence or potential of
a planet. Any situation contains the essence or potential to become something
else and whatever that thing is, already exists within it at various levels and
stages of becoming.
Like yin and yang all things contain and are connected to all other things and
have within them other states. Light contains darkness, evil can contain good
and even the best meaning person, given the right circumstances will do evil.
Remembering that good and evil are perceptions, as in the case of Mother
Teresa, some see her work as brilliantly good others see faults even evil in what
she does. The bible itself for some is gods good word. Others see nothing but
death destruction and war caused by it. Each is a case of where you happen to
be standing and the information you have. You live within your perception.
Thus is the case with magical thinking. Depending where you stand, where you
are looking at it from it can appear either stupid or remarkable. Where some see
coincidence, others see a connection. A flow of natural order, things were going
to be that way anyway.
One may ask it a thing or several things that occur in some perceivable
sequence a coincidence, or is there a natural law that says all things that are like
each other will be drawn together? Things that are like each other will
eventually find each other.
Gravity is a natural law or force that stops us floating away, and has other
effects, perhaps there is a law or force that brings things or events that have
similar properties together. Causes then to get closer. We perceive the gap as
So a slight change in perception can cause large results. If we stop seeing
things as coincidence and start to operate as if such a law exists. Then we can
manufacture or create results. Simply by bringing into our perception something
that is like the thing we desire. To someone who is unaware of this universal
force it may appear like magic, or coincidence. For you it will be a result.

Know your outcome
To achieve any result you are going to need to know that that result is. Having a
real result will immediately change your perception, a vague or unclear result or
idea of what you want is going to produce vague results, anything that does
occur while seeming important, was as we discussed earlier going to occur
anyway, with or without your input.
Knowing your outcome is not like wishful thinking, or hoping that such and such
will happen, this is faith and hope, neither faith or hope are strategies. Knowing
your outcome means exactly that KNOWING your outcome.
To know it to have something beyond a sense, a knowing, just as you know
gravity will make you fall, and water will keep you alive. You know these things
intrinsically, they are part of your make up you dont have to think about them or
ponder them. You simply know them.
You dont know if youre going to meet the perfect partner, you hope it. But what
if you did know it.
You dont know that youll pass that job interview, you hope you will and you will
do everything you can to get through, but what if you knew it.
Our perception of the universe is made up of several ways of thinking two of
them are knowing and not knowing. But what if you knew certain things were
going to happen? And if like the things you already know. You didnt have to
question them, they just were?
This doesnt mean being arrogant or snobbish about it, things that we know
intrinsically do not cause arrogance, no one is arrogant about gravity, it just is,
knowing about it doesnt cause you to look down your nose at anyone who
doesnt know it, it doesnt make you better than anyone elsein fact you hardly
give it a second thought, in most cases you dont think about it at allyou simply
dont do things that defy the law of gravity.
Because you know it at an intrinsic level.
What if. You appealed to your goal in the same way, you didnt tell anyone, and
you believed it at an inner level and acted or behaved as if it was the current
state of affairs, as if you know it. It was meant to be, and that all things that are
similar to your outcome are already heading toward you, because this is a
natural force in the universe. What if you recognised the universe and its laws
and forces through a different perspective? That all things are changing, a
constant flow exists, and that flow contains the potential to be certain things.
Some of those things may very well match your desired outcomes. Above all else
you simply knew this to be the case
What if you didnt have to distract yourself and not think about it, just like you
dont distract yourself from the natural force of gravity, it just is, so you act
accordingly. What if there are certain laws operating in the universe that will
continue to operate regardless of what you think or how you perceive the
universe. What if they disregarded time, space and distance and paid no heed to
you they just went along doing what they do... and what if you knew this and

went along with them what if understanding these laws and fundamental
forces meant you could keep a plane in the air just as our understanding of
gravity allows us or create any outcome you desiredwhat then

Every event is connected in some way to every other event, each event contains
within it parts of other events, all events are in a constant state of change, that
change contains all the things needed to become something else.
Your life is made up of events. And like all things they cannot exist without other
things. Things that are potentials of other things. The reverse is also true, other
things or events could not have occurred without you. Everything that happens
either positive or negative needs you to have existed for it to have occurred.
A thought is an event, while it only occurs within the confines of your mind, it
does indeed occur. So when we feel that we have no influence or part in an
event, this is actually not true, the very fact that you exist creates the events. In
fact everything you do contains the potential for new events.
From a philosophical point of view you may ask would the universe even exist if I
did not, or would the universe matter if I wasnt here, at the very least you
wouldnt care if it existed or not. However for the moment you are here, you do
exist and by virtue of this your universe or your perception of it does exist.
Everything that is, only is because you are here, therefore in a sense you have
created it. It is because you are. When you came into existence, it did. This may
sound a little too cosmic so lets bring down to earth, everything you do creates
some thing. That something will occur as a result of actions you take and
thoughts you have.
Everything you do now will create some kind of future event.
Let me repeat thateverything each breath allows you the next, every thought
creates an action or an avoidance, each step brings you closer to a gaol, each
kind word gets you one in response. Each magical ritual creates a result. Write
something on a sheet of paper and you have created a result, at the base level
you now have a piece of paper that is not the same as it was before, if you write
something insulting, and somebody reads it, you have now created an emotional
state within another r person, you have caused change, write something nice or
positive and you cause different changes. The point being that every action no
matter how small even as seemingly powerless as a thought creates change.
In fact our thoughts guide how we act around certain people. If you think
negatively about someone, this changes how you react to them, which in turn
changes how they react to you. Our thoughts cause changes. Dislike something
and you are less likely to do it, or partake of it. This is also an action. At the very
least it allows someone else the opportunity to create change.
What occurs from your actions may not always be apparent, yet it is there. Often
it is other people who see it before we do, and you can see what others are
causing before they do. Even when you dont do something it will have a result.

So this could be your first change of perception as the universe, your universe is
a result of your perception any change in that perception will change the
universe, as a change in perception is a thing, you are doing something , taking a
mental action, which will cause change. While this may sound like circular
reasoning it remains none the less true.
Change your perception to one of connection that your existence influences all
events and those events begin to change.

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