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The use of fractals in architecture and design is a new concept which started to become more

discussed and studied. It is well known that fractals are generated with a mathematical formula which
describes the natural things outside and inside the human body.
Researchers like . have already shown that nature can improve wellbeing, reduce stress and
even induce a state of calm and introspection.
This article aims to present the utilities of fractals images in workspaces, starting from the idea
that fractals, by themselves, only with their presence, can reduces stress and increase openness to
Education and leadership are one of the domains with an increased number of stressful tasks
which in time, without coping strategies, may lead to burn-out, anxiety and avoiding behavior.
In present, there are already some studies which prove that by introducing fractal images in the
workplace, almost 60% of participants had a lower level of stress and blood cortisol then the ones who
worked in a non-fractal ambient and some of them were even opened to experience.
Its absolutely necessary to explore this new path on methods to reduce stress. If these hypotheses
are proven, education might have a great benefit. The persons involved in education and leadership
usually register a high level of stress due to the competition, responsibility and meeting the standards.
Fractals images can be one cheap way to increase tolerance to stress and even openness to

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