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Ballerina Marionette
More Kinder Crafts

Make a Ballerina Marionette. When you pull the string, the

arms and legs move!
Supplies needed:

paper and a printer

thin cardboard

a hole punch
4 paper connectors
a needle



Print out a copy of the ballerina template.

Click here to go to the template. To print the
template (and not any other things that might
be on the screen), click on the template first,
then choose PRINT from the File menu.
Paste the template to thin cardboard. Let it dry.

Cut out the parts. Punch holes where the

large black dots are.
Connect the arms and legs to the body
using the paper connectors.
Thread the needle and knot it.
Thread the string through the small holes
in the arms - knot the ends.
Do the same for the legs.
Tie another string to the top of the head make a loop to hang the marionette.

With the arms and legs hanging down, tie a thread

to the middle of each string. This is the PULL
string that makes the arms and legs move.

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