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A white and red garland

You will need red and white square sheets of paper for this garland.
The size of the squares is at your wish. We used A4 sheets, and made two squares from every sheet. Each square is folded
in an accordion, ent in the middle and then glued to the ne!t square. Alternate red and white colours.
This activity can be practised in a large group. Each kid can prepare his/her element and then it will be added to the joint
"t is eautiful oth hanging or suspended.
#ee more ideas for $ulgarian martenitsa in %&'%'TA%(
These delicate hearts are made with several colored paper strips, a stapler and a pair of scissors.
)ut out two strips of paper in each color. #tac* them together, starting with the longest and adding ever shorter strips on
each side of the stac*. #taple together at one end.
Turn the stac* over and start forming hearts from the innermost strips. +radually add the longer ones. #taple the ends again
and cut away what you don,t need.
There,s e!actly a month left until -alentine,s .ay and we at %&'%'TA% are starting to pulish various love/themed ideas.
These eautiful -alentine comes in two versions( one lac*/and/white, one colored.
Big paper artenit!a!
These ig martenitsas are easy and quic* to ma*e.
You will need two A4 sheets of paper 0 white and red.
1old each of the sheets y the middle 2lengthwise3.
.raw 45/46 equal lines as shown aove.
)ut them with scissors.
+lue oth ends.
1inally, 7ust shape the circle.
We put a red tape to ma*e our martenitsas more eautiful.
What is martenitsa!
Heart"!haped po"po
The design depends on the way you trim the pom/pom(3
We decided to cut it in the shape of a heart and the result was this cute martenitsa nec*lace. You have to e very smart with
the scissors to ma*e you heart loo* really good.
#o this craft is not that easy to ma*e, as " usually use to say
8a*e to pom/pom, ut ma*e sure that a lot of thread has to e trimmed in order to ma*e a eautiful shape.
&oll enough tread on a thic* piece of cardoard paper 2we used a hard cover notepad3.
&un a strong string through the centre of the pom/pon, loop it twice and pull down tight.
1irst start with the classic shape of the heart.
After that start ma*ing the heart ushy on the front and ac* side, and trim it with the scissors.
)ompare the final result with the size of the note oo*, that we used.
"n #ulgarian $olklore the month o$ %arch is o$ten portrayed as a plump& cheer$ul old lady& 'baba %arta(.
Als ich mein Projekt DIY Paper Diamonds gepostet habe, hatte ich Ideen, was man mit dieser
Falttechnik alles machen kann.
Daraus entstand dieser Sternenhnger.
Ich habe die ilder !on meinem DIY Paper Diamonds Post erweitert.
Au" den ildern sind leider keine #ummern, aber die eschreibungen gehen
!on links nach rechts.
$. Starte mit einem !iereckigem Papier
%&'. Falten wie au" dem ild
(&). Falten wie au" dem ild
*. Falte die +cken rein, so dass es wieder ein ,uadrat ist
-. Drehe es $-. / und "alte die +cken 0ur 1itte hin
2&$.. 3iederhole das au" beiden Seiten
$$. Schneide die +cken ab
$%. Falte die +cken nochmal ein, damit es 4berall ge"altet ist
$5&$'. 3ichtig ist, spter bei dem % Diamond dieselben +cken 0u nehmen "4r das Falten,
weil sonst die Diamonds unterschiedlich sind und nicht 4bereinander passen
$(&$). Die +cken werden reinge"altet, alle in dieselbe 6ichtung
is hierhin ist das dieselbe Falttechnik wie bei meinem DIY Paper Diamonds
Ab hier ndert sich die Falttechnik
$*&$-. 7et0t werden alle acht Seiten an den eben gemachten Faltlinien gan0 ein"ach nach
innen geklappt.
$2. Dann wieder 0usammenklappen, indem man alles !on au8en nach innen "4hrt. Sieht
dann aus wie au" dem "olgenden ild.
%.. Die stump"en Spit0en nach au8en "alten.
%$&%'. 7et0t kommt das spannende 9""nen. Da0u !orsichtig in die 9""nung grei"en und
auseinander dr4cken.
%(. 1it einer #adel ein :och in die +cke Stechen und den Faden durch"deln.
;nd au" 3unsch eine <lingel oder Perlen dranhngen

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