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Heikkilas Career

Started out with no intention of going to teachers college, and didnt

until the last day of the deadline. Her mother called and woke her up,
and said that today was the last day, and that she should apply. Mrs. H
had been at a cast party the previous night, but was talked into applying
to teachers college. She called the people at the teachers college and
asked if it was too late; after a little humming and hawing, they decided
to squeeze in an extra interview at the end of the day. Having no car,
Mrs. H takes a cab to the interview, and gets into teachers college.
She meets Rod in an English class. Later asks Rod to a play. He says I
have a girlfriend. She says Who cares, I just want to see the play.
They go, they fall in love, they later get engaged.
Rod is hired at Arthur Voaden, in what he believes to be the St. Thomas
Virgin Islands. Turns out it is a different St. Thomas.
Mrs. Heikkila, still having no car, bikes around St. Thomas looking for
work. She finds a big imposing building that looks a little like a school
Alma College. She knocked on the door, said she was a teacher and
looking for work. They were having their drama teacher retire, so the
timing was perfect.
At Alma College, Mrs. Heikkila actually taught math and science as well,
in addition to English and drama
When Alma College closed down 3 years later, she applied to Parkside,
Mrs. H got a job as learning support teacher, helping children with math.
Later moved to helping children with English, bet you cant guess why.
A little later, she started teaching drama, spending 18 years in a boxy
small classroom with desks. Eventually a drama consultant from the
board announced that she had the worst facilities for teaching drama of
anywhere in the board, and she was moved to the present Drama room.
She put on her very first show, Godspell, in her first year at Parkside. She
had met Ms. Southern, at the time just 19, in Avita, in London. The two of
them had started laughing from the moment they met each other (and
really havent stopped since). She asked South to play piano and work
the music in her show, South agreed, and that was a big part of the
reason why we now have Ms. Southern at our school as well.
Many many shows later, Mrs. Heikkila announces her retirement. She
begins the dessert of life, that is retirement.

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