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English 2116: Introduction to Technical Communication

Project Reflection Memo

Upon completion of each assignment module for this class, you should write
a Project Reflection Memo. Since a major goal of this course is to learn how to
solve technical problems through writing, it is imperative to not only plan, draft,
and revise documents, but also to analyze and reflect upon your process and
writing decisions. This will allow you to identify the problems you encounter and
to become cognizant of your approach to writing tasks. In turn, this will help you
improve or modify your writing heuristic to result in the best possible product.
Your Reflection Memo should come to some conclusions regarding your
writing heuristic for the project, and it should refer to specific revisions and writing
decisions you made during various stages of the process. The memo should be a
minimum of 300 words in length, and it needs to appear on the corresponding
project page of your ePortfolio website. Here are a few prompts to help you
generate ideas for your reflections:
Explain your writing process (collecting/planning/drafting/revising) for this
assignment module.
Explain some of the revisions you made to your drafts, including specific,
detailed reasons for the revisions. (Avoid general and generic comments
like, I made paragraph two longer. That statement could apply to anyones
writing, and doesnt get to the root reason for a revision decision.
How and why you chose the subject and the focus of the assignment.
What was most difficult and what you liked best about writing for this
assignment module.
Did peers, class activities/discussion help you make revision decisions for
your paper?
How writing this paper changed you in some way.
Evaluate the final outcome of your work. What do you like about your
writing deliverables, and what do you not like about them?
Format: Learn how to structure your memo by increasing your literacy about this
genre of writing at:

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