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How to answer questions


A- Answer the question. This is your claim, what you believe.

C- Cite a piece of evidence from the text that supports your claim
E- Explain how your evidence supports your claim.
Example from the warm-up:
This statement is true because on page 142, it doesnt tell the reader
where specifically in America Maple Street is located.
C- cite
It refers to the street as Maple Street, U.S.A
E- explain
This street could be any street in America.
(Make sure when you put it all together, the paragraph flows and makes sense. Use transition words.

This statement is true because on page 142, it doesnt tell the reader where
specifically in America Maple Street is located. It refers to the street as
Maple Street, U.S.A, meaning this street could be any street in America.

How to answer questions


A- Answer the question. This is your claim, what you believe.

C- Cite a piece of evidence from the text that supports your claim
E- Explain how your evidence supports your claim.
Example from the warm-up:
This statement is true because on page 142, it doesnt tell the reader
where specifically in America Maple Street is located.
C- cite
It refers to the street as Maple Street, U.S.A
This street could be any street in America.
(Make sure when you put it all together, the paragraph flows and makes sense. Use transition words.

This statement is true because on page 142, it doesnt tell the reader where
specifically in America Maple Street is located. It refers to the street as
Maple Street, U.S.A, meaning this street could be any street in America.

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