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My job as a teache of children r is that those children learn english while having fun,and they

like the language so they come here happy

Theyre very young children
I always start my classes with motion activity, giving simple instructions like sit or stand up and
point to the saying .... touch ......Like a game
The objective of this activity is to capture their attention.
When we have the attention, we start learning something
new.Colours,vocabulary,numbers......using a loud and clear pronunciation and doing many
I think that reading short stories they learn a lot ,while you are reading you have to do many
gestures and read clearly too and of course make them questions about the story,Is he a boy?
what color is it? how many...?....
.keep order in class
have the students' attention
I am a very orderly
I have a lot enthusiasm for this work
What are your thoughts on team-teachingIt is an effective strategy for teaching large groups
of students. Encourages teachers to collaborate and generate ideas ... two heads are always
better than one!

What are your greatest strengths?I think I have skill with children
they like my classes
I use many resources including internet because is the future
doyou have here to get internet signal?
There are many stories that children can view on line as the end of class activity
What is your biggest weakness? Im a perfectionist

"There are so many

creative activities I plan for my students and class time is limited. It is difficult to incorporate all of
the activities that I would like my students to learn from"

Could I ask you a few questions about the academy?If you dont
mind Ive written that I will not forget any
how active are parents at this schooj?Do they talk with teachers?
Do teachers work in teams? If so, how is this organized?
what kind of resources does the school have available?-I mean computers? boxes ,school
supplies.(should be in class)
report cards?Do we deliver at the end of the term?
Where parents pick their children?
the student teacher ratio must be a friendly relationship but each one in its place of course
must have respect and discipline above all
succesfull? Working in team an reachin the objetives
work in a harmonic atmosphere
where are you from
days of the week
months of the year

shapes( Circle,triangle....)

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