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LEARNING EPISODE 5 (Preparing the

Learning Environment: An Overview)


What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in
the following conditions:
1. Bulletin Board Display
To assist my mentor in creating a conducive learning environment, I will assist her by providing
necessary suggestions, related ideas about various subjects, and extending her innovations that
are relevant to the twenty-first century. I will also help my mentor by conducting creative
research and creating a poster, which is required to create a conducive learning environment.
Because I understand that a bulletin board can be "another teacher" who reflects new lessons and
helps students understand new materials, reinforce new words and concepts, and challenge
students to participate in new ways.
2. Small Group Discussion
To assist my mentor in leading and initiating this small group discussion, I will request
permission from her to lead and initiate this activity. I will prepare all necessary related topics
and materials. I will also give them enough time and space to gather their thoughts and
contribute to discussions. It will assist students in making better use of their time and in
becoming more productive.
3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. Google meet or zoom)
Before the class or meeting begins, I will seek permission from my mentor to prepare for and
monitor class attendance. By starting this, she will be able to simplify her work.

Learning Environment 1:
● What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme does
it convey?
During our virtual observation with our cooperating teacher, I noticed that the bulletin board
listed the names of the second quarter honorees. It's beautifully painted, and every edge of the
paper was meticulously cut. The title is written in large letters and is clear. The teacher used
vibrant colors that drew the children in and could be seen from a long distance. It communicates
directly to the students, telling them in their minds and hearts that they must become persistent in
doing academic work every time they see it. It will inspire them to continue studying hard so that
their name will appear on the bulletin board someday.
● What makes it attractive to the learners?
It attracts learners by using vibrant colors, it is written in large letters, and it can be seen from a
long distance. It appeals to me because it motivates children through educational and entertaining
● Does it help in the learning process? How?
Yes, because listing their names on the bulletin board as an awardee shows that the teacher is
doing her job to monitor their performance by giving them grades for that quarter. The teacher
will be able to tell if the students are giving their all. It will also determine the students' specific
needs and interests, allowing them to improve the teaching-learning process for both of them.
Learning Environment 2:
● If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most likely
the learning space of the students? In their own home, particularly during this pandemic. Home
is the best and most secure place for students to learn. Parents are responsible for their children's
education, and they are the ones who receive the module at school.
● Can you describe?
Learning at home is enjoyable, exciting, and meaningful. Children can learn new skills and
knowledge with the assistance of their parents while progressing in their careers. However, the
learning environment, particularly our home, must be conducive. It refers to the physical space in
which we live; our home must be well-lit, comfortable, clean, and warm. It must be quiet so that
the learners are not distracted, and it must also meet the needs of the children.
● How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
As a teacher, I can assist them by holding a meeting and providing advice on how to create a
conducive learning environment. I will also pay them a visit at home to see if they have a
conducive learning environment. As a teacher, I will never tire of reminding them to prioritize
their children's learning needs. Furthermore, I will seek the assistance of the local government in
this matter, so that they can have any materials or gadgets at their disposal, allowing them to
experience a meaningful teaching-learning process even from the comfort of their own home.

The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that the learners are in
the same room or space while in the second, the learners may be indifferent learning spaces like
homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under the trees.
 As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning? Choose
between Learning Environment I or Environment 2. Explain your choice: Why?
I'll select learning environment 1, which depicts the learners in a room or classroom. Because
students may have the opportunity to ask questions in the classroom at any time. It allows
students to participate in small group discussions, various school activities, and spend time with
their peers. I can't imagine that this pandemic has rendered the entire system of face-to-face
education inoperable. I miss those days, and I hope and pray that they will be over as soon as
possible. Learning in the classroom is enjoyable and meaningful, and children can gain an
understanding of the true nature of the teaching learning process. Through social interaction in
the classroom, they can experience various feelings toward one another. Online education, in my
opinion, cannot replace face-to-face education, and it is the best place for children to reach their
full potential.

Based on my noticing and analysis, realized that
a. Face-to-face learning is superior to online learning because it allows children to become
hands-on with various activities while interacting with their peers.
b. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to provide the best environment for the children to feel and
experience a conducive learning environment.
c. If the pandemic persists, I must be prepared as a teacher for any eventualities, such as
delivering modules at their homes and making their space a conducive learning environment.


What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
When it comes to online learning, the following are probable problems:
a. Time and location accessibility
b. Attendance of Students
c. Different Learning Styles
d. Problems with Technology
e. Power Interruption
When it comes to face-to-face learning, the following are probable problems:
a. There is no such thing as flexible learning
b. Travel time from home to school
c. Inadequate learning resources
d. Allowances for expenses
e. Peer destruction
These are the most likely issues that will arise in the two learning situations.

What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?
First, as a teacher, I need to interact with the students by visiting them at their homes and
asking how they are and how I can help them. Second, as a teacher, I must have a plan A and a
plan B in place to meet all of the students' learning needs and interests. Third, I need to speak
with the parents to learn about their current situation and status. Fourth, I need to be creative and
cultivate a mindful attitude. Fifth, I need to go the extra mile in order to fully comprehend my
current profession. Finally, I must be adaptable in everything I do because the future of the
students is in my hands.

How should I do it?
As a teacher, as I explained previously, I should be prepared for any eventuality. I must exert my
effort and willingness to complete the task and assist the children in their needs. The teacher
plays an important role in resolving these issues. And the specific actions that I can take are as
follows: first, I need to seek the help and advice of the principal before taking the necessary
action. Second, I will meet with the parents to learn about their current situation. Third, I will
seek intervention and assistance from local leaders. Fourth, as a teacher, I will create all of the
necessary instructional materials. I will adjust all of my teaching abilities based on their needs
and circumstances in order to cater to all of them. These solutions are intended for use in a two-
learning environment.


In not less than 300 words, write an essay on a topic: My Conducive Learning Environment.
My Conducive Learning Environment
By: Irene S. Catubay

As a future teacher, I plan to emphasize the following qualities in my conducive learning

environment: The first is flexibility. I intend to rearrange the furniture in my classroom to create
a number of open, spacious activity zones where students can work in groups. For those who do
not have access to a table or desk, I will also provide clipboards and whiteboards. In addition, I
will use outdoor learning spaces when appropriate. In addition, in order to motivate students to
study, I will display their work as well as the process of creating that work on the wall. Finally, I
will meet with students to discuss the types of spaces they prefer in their learning environment.
The second quality is openness. I'd like to decorate the walls with children’s artwork.
This will increase the children's self-esteem. Creating a cozy reading corner for six-year-olds, for
example, will encourage the children to read more. Furthermore, I believe that I can help the
children reach their full physical, mental, and emotional potential by introducing shared open
spaces with other classes.
The third factor is the availability of resources. As a future teacher, I must remember that
not only will making the most of my resources save me time and money, but it will also benefit a
child's ability to learn and develop. So I'm going to give myself permission to obtain the
resources I require to improve my child's learning experience. Videos, PowerPoint presentations,
worksheets, folders and files, and books and dictionaries are examples. This enables me and my
students to keep an organized environment while also assisting them in making the most of their
learning experience. The physical classroom is the fourth option. As a future teacher, I will make
certain that the arrangement of desks and work space, the attractiveness and appeal of bulletin
boards, and the storage of materials and supplies are all in their proper locations. My students
will be able to see that the space is both clean and safe.
The psychological environment is the final one. As a future teacher, I intend to make my
classroom welcoming and accommodating to children. I'd like them to express their thoughts and
feelings about something. I'll also make certain that I can meet their expectations.


Given the concepts and the infographic, can you participate and assist in a face-to-face learning
As a future educator, I can participate in and contribute to a face-to-face learning
environment by providing students with a safe, fair, and conducive classroom environment in
which everyone is free to ask questions and participate in class. I will encourage students to
share their thoughts, interact with one another, and provide feedback on something or the lesson.
In addition, I will allow students to work independently as well as in groups to create and
develop their social, creative, and analytical thinking skills in order to get a better result from
their task output. Furthermore, because we are in this new curriculum, I believe I will be able to
employ a variety of teaching strategies that will greatly benefit and assist in a face-to-face
learning environment. I believe that I can use technology to engage my students in class and
encourage them to reflect on and explore their learning.

(Answers is in my gallery)

 What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face learning environment now?
I believe that changes are taking place in the face-to-face learning environment as a result of the
incorporation of technology into the classroom, which provides effective learning environments.
It has an impact on how chairs and tables are arranged, and there are spaces that must be
reserved, among other things.
 From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
The most significant changes I believe I can make are to the overall layout of the classroom; I
plan to make my classroom more creative by utilizing available technologies. I believe that I
should focus on things that remove distractions from the classroom and help students develop.


 Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom
will enable the learners to achieve better learning outcomes? _Yes_ Explain your answer.
I believe that if the classroom is conducive, it reduces distractions within the classroom, the
students will continuously absorb the learning, and they will learn how to reflect and explore on
the learning they received.


 What common problem have I noticed in the face-to-face learning environment?
The noisy environment, as well as the overcrowding of students in and out of the classroom.
 Can I translate this problem into a question?
What can we do to help students deal with such a situation?
 How would I solve the problem?
By establishing and enforcing the rules and policies that students need to achieve a good and
relaxing classroom environment.
 Will it improve my teaching? _Yes_ How?
It assists me in improving my teaching so that I can be more focused on the lesson and provide a
better learning experience. It also allows students to be more focused on their studies while still
allowing them to interact with one another.


 What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
I would design something unique so that my students can follow netiquette both inside and
outside of the classroom. Students develop their morals, attitudes, and become more disciplined
in a given situation as a result of this.

Portfolio Entry
Title: The face-to-face learning environment
Describe the physical environment
The physical environment refers to the overall design and layout of a given classroom and its
learning centers. Teachers should organize the space, furnishings, and materials in the classroom
to maximize learning opportunities and engagement for all students. To do so effectively,
teachers can use the Universal Design for learning concept, which emphasizes that the
environment and the materials contained within it should be accessible to all. Making this
accessibility possible may entail providing books at various reading levels, placing materials on a
shelf within easy reach, or providing enough space for a wheelchair-using child to move around
the classroom.
Describe the psychological environment
The psychological environment is without a doubt the most difficult and one-sided in nature.
Teachers express their attitudes, excitement, values, and within the psychological environment.
When they begin their educational journey, most students expect to be encouraged and assisted
in their learning. The psychological environment in the classroom promotes the exchange of
ideas, opinions, and attitudes, as well as the asking of questions and the investigation of
Describe the social environment
The term social environment refers to how a classroom's environment influences or supports
interactions between young children, teachers, and family members. A well-designed social
environment encourages positive interactions between adults and children and allows adults to
help children achieve their social goals. Teachers must plan activities that take the following
factors into account in order to create a classroom environment that promotes positive social

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