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Myles Gernale

Jungle Flycatcher
Shakespeares Portrayal of Women in Merchant of Venice and Two Gentlemen of Verona
In Shakespeares stories, one example, a woman named Portia in Merchant of Venice
presented as a wealthy person is being visited by many suitors to pick the lead casket for
her and then marry her if the lead casket is chosen. When Bassanio, the last suitor chose
the lead casket made Portia fall in love with him but due to Antonios emergency,
Bassanio went to Antonios trial quickly and Portia think of a plan to disguise into a male
lawyer to help Antonio win the trial and avoid getting his flesh cut. As a result, Antonio
won the trial and his flesh was saved. And in Two Gentlemen of Verona, one example is
Julia a woman in Verona who is in love with Proteus. After Proteus went away from Julia
to Milan due to the court he was meeting, Julia then missed her lover and disguised into a
man and chose the name Sebastian to avoid suspicion and be able to travel to Milan
without any struggles and to reunite with Proteus again. Shakespeare interpreted the
women turn into heroines who equal to men. As Portia was able to save Antonio from
Shylocks plan and Julia watched over Proteuss actions to keep him out of trouble. The
womens actions tell that a woman can be strong as man in a different way as they return
the favor for what the men did to protect them. And women can be in power like how a
man is.

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