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Myles Gernale

I choose the dog (origami) to represent the two themes of my choice,

loyalty and friendship. Because as the quote said: A dog is a mans best friend.
I want to represent the dog in a different/unique way.
Themes: Loyalty and Friendship
Dogs are always loyal to their owners and dogs were a servant/soldier in
the past during the Ice age and the present such as K9 and dogs that joined the
army who served their people and their country for their safety. Dogs have a
keen sense of smell and hearing to alert his master of dangers. Dogs also
assisted when hunting with his master. One good example of a loyal dog is
Hachiko; a Japanese Akita. Hachiko waited for his master at the train station who
died of Cerebral Hemorrhage while teaching his students as a professor. Hachiko
unaware of his owners death, waited for over nine years without water or food.
Unfortunately Hachiko died because of Terminal cancer and a Filaria infection.
Moving on, dogs will always greet you every time you walk in your door at home
from school, work, etc. because of how much your dog misses you. And dogs will
always amuse you when you are playing with them and do tricks and will cheer
you up whenever you are sad. No matter what, a dog will always be with you like
a real friend even if the world falls apart.

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