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Dear Robert,

I chose becoming literate in CNA work because, I have such a passion

for it. At first, when I thought of being literate in something, I immediately
thought of reading and writing. Who knew I could be literate in something
that I love so much. I sure didnt. When I heard that we were going to be
writing about something that we love, I was very happy. I have always had a
hard time with writing papers. Writers block is a huge problem for me. I
could be sitting at my desk for hours and the computer screen would still be
blank. That was a problem for me this time around also. However, once I got
up and did things, like laundry, I was able to sit down and actually type a
Invention work was very helpful for me. Mapping, looping, and free
write, all seemed to get my writing flowing out of my head and onto the
paper. Also, peer review helped a lot. Seeing what a couple of my fellow
classmates had to say about my paper, really made a difference in how I
wrote this paper. I really payed attention to the comments that they had on
how to improve my paper. While I was revising my final draft, I kept these
comments close in my mind.
Revisions that I made to my paper were different. My paper was very
long and I felt like I went into a little bit too much detail. I decided to cut
some of that out. For example, when I was talking about my interview for my
Nursing Fundamentals class my senior year, I went through my whole routine
I did that morning, including brushing my teeth. I cut out almost the entire
paragraph where that was explained because it was not very relevant.
Writing this paper changed me in the way that I write. Before I started
writing this paper, I was not sure what my strengths and weaknesses were. I
feel now that I know, or at least have an idea of what is good and what is
bad. My writing is better than it was before, even though it still may not be
Breanna Welch

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