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* A war between two once allied clans brings both to ruin.

* A murder between two young noblemen sparks a war that rages for several years.
* The story is told from the perspective of a young Hearthman who comes of age i
n this conflict. His lord was the one murdered, Released in death he swore himse
lf to the older brother of the his lord who led the charge for venegeance.
* The story begins and ends in the winter.
* The story is one of loss.
* Our main character watches as his world slowly unravels, his comrades fall, hi
s heroes are revealed as no more than mere men.
* Politics turn against his new lord, false friends are exposed, and they find t
hemselves out numbered and doomed.
- We start at the end
- as our character looks up into the falling rain we switch back to the cold rai
n that fell the night his lord died.
1. Intro, the Battle
2. The feast - a murder
3. Justice denied
4. A call to arms
5. Battle is joined, victory.
6. First loss

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