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Perawatan maternitas 105 (komplikasi selama kehamilan)

Kondisi anemia selama kehamilan menyebabkan ibu hamil tidak begitu mampu
untuk menghadapi kehilangan darah dan membuatnya lebih rentan terhadap
infeksi. Terutama jika anemianya berat, kegagalan jantung cenderung terjadi.
Dimana kerja jantung dipacu lebih cepat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan oksigen ke
semua organ tubuh. Akibatnya penderita sering berdebar-debar dan jantung
lekas lelah. Kondisi anemia juga menimbulkan hipoksia fetal dan persalinan
prematur. Ketika ibu dalam keadaan anemia dimana kadar Hb sangat rendah,
maka pasokan oksigen janin berkurang terjadilah hipoksia janin yang dapat
berakhir dengan keadaan gawat janin/fetal distress.

Fetal Distress Due to Maternal Hypotension

Hypotension is a condition is caused when the mother has an extremely low blood pressure.
This can cause issues with the fetal heart rate. This is dangerous for the baby because it
effects the amount of nutrients that it can receive through the placenta.
The baby receives all of its nutrition from the placenta. The placenta is also what flushes the
waste that the baby puts off. When a woman has hypotension, this means that the placenta is
not able to work as needed for the baby. This can cause the baby to not receive the proper
nutrition and waste removal that is needed.

There are several symptoms that a woman may experience when her blood pressure is low.
For example, she may feel dizzy or may even faint. Sometimes these symptoms may be even
worse when she is standing or if she suddenly rises from a reclining position.
Fetal distress is one of the most common results in maternal hypotension. This could require
the baby to be treated for specific issues before it is born. However, the mother is also at risk
of developing issues. For example, she could have a heart attack or stroke. It is also possible
for kidney failure to occur.

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