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My Dog's Crash Course on History

He cocked his head in the afternoon like a dog,

paws folded on his desk in silence.
He beats his tail from side to side as he sits by the man
whose eyes appeared weary, comb in hand.
He grunted and sighed in content.
Comb running down his thatch of gray hair.
He paid attention to every detail
unraveling between the forks of his fine-tooth comb.
For once, he did not bark
to distract himself from himself.
For once, he did not bite
ignoring profanity and threats to his own
For once, one could tell he was thinking.
Was he remembering something?
He then uttered to himself;
"It certainly is good to remember
for once".

Feathers across Ages

Soft, delicate, and beautiful
They gleam of blue and black
Easy as the breeze
They vane those who take flight
Waiting to be shed
Floating down
Pointing downwards
They sit in the wind
Waiting to land
Lying on the ground, crestfallen
They will find new meaning
Pointed at mistiness
Taken to be dipped in black ink
Permeating darkness

Holds my secretions
Whether 'tis foul or sincere
As white as the clouds

The First Flame

Fire ensues disparity
Fire calls for pain
Fires melt the golden lords
To mold them once again
Fire that comes from molten swords
Strike the kiln of flame's core
Embers over the dead
Wake their hearts once more
Fire ensues conflict
Fire breathes out life
Fires beg for chaos anew
To mold a time of strife

A Romantic Poet
Feathers that shed from the stars
Drift aimlessly in the calm skies
Where bygone days soared freely
Feathers of the heavens
Guide me homewards
So that I may leave behind
The bones that my painted world
Held dear.

The Hunt
The stars shall guide
my brave hunter.
For when the darkness falls,
the hunt shall commence.
Fleeting will of the gods,
wake me from my slumber.
Let the hunt give me comfort...
Be true.
Brave hunter,
I live oathsworn.
To temper your insight,
cherish your love.
I am but a doll...
strings visibly worn.
Bound by hunter's echoes.

Tuesday Mornings
You ask me
To snap out of it
Like I have
A choice
Like it is
My desire
To be subdued
Liar, liar, liar!
One next to you
Gets better
The previous one
A disaster

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