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European Association of Archaeologists

20th Annual Meeting

ITU Istanbul
10-14 September, 2014

Session T03S010
9:00 12:40 am, Saturday 13 September, 2014

Medieval Christianity and Technology:

Impacts and Transformations in East and West

Part 1 (Chair: Sarah Semple)

1. Mara de los ngeles Utrero Agudo, Madrid: The construction of Hispanic churches in the
early Middle Ages (8th-10th centuries). Technology in context
2. Jos Carlos Snchez-Pardo, Santiago de Compostella: Practical and symbolic reuse of the
past in the early medieval churches of Galicia (NW Spain)
3. Agnieszka Ochal-Czarnowicz, Krakow: Between East and West: Early Christian
architecture in Macedonia
4. Panayiotis Panayides, Durham: Spolia in Late Antique Cyprus: the evidence from the Early
Christian basilicas
5. Anna Leone, Durham: Marbles and Spolia in Libya: Urban and Rural Churches

Part 2 (Chair: Anna Leone)

6. Sarah Semple, Durham: Recycling Roman building material: patronage, economics,
technology, ideology?
7. Sam Turner, Newcastle: Re-building Rome: the early medieval monasteries of Wearmouth
and Jarrow
8. Sophie Hueglin, Newcastle: Mechanical mortar mixers and the reintroduction of stone
building in Medieval Europe
9. Markus Marquart, Aschaffenburg: Special decorated bronze styli of the high Middle Ages writing equipment and brandmark
10. Tadeusz Baranowski, Venice: Spolia from the island of Murano, Venice.
Final Discussion (Chair: Sophie Hueglin)

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