Your Food Habits

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Chapter 1 How Food Affects Life 9 Your Food Habits Activity C Name__ _ Chapter 1 Date. Period, Answer the following questions about your food habits. How many meals do you eat each day? How many snacks do you eat each day? ‘What size portions do you eat?. How often do you take second helpings? How much time do you spend at each meal? _ ‘What times of day do you eat? Is your eating behavior different on weekends than it is on weekdays? If so, explain how and why. Noe Pe 8, Where do you do most of your eating? 9. With whom do you do most of your eating? 10. What factors, other than hunger, sometimes cause you to eat? 1. What else, if anything, do you do while you are eating? 12. How does food make you feel? 13. What do you grab to satisfy hunger in a hurry? _ 14, What is your favorite food?, 45. Name a food you do not like and explain why you do not like it. 16. How does culture affect your food habits?. 17. How does your lifestyle affect your food habits? 18. How do family members and friends affect your food habits? 19. How does mass media affect your food habits? e” How do current trends affect your food habits? ‘ i | | ' ory onthe ee Co. 10 Activity D Name. Part1 The importance of Food The Food Supply Chapter 1 Date Period Identify which of the following factors that affect the food supply is represented by each of the statements below. Write the letter in the space provided. 10. nL 2 1B. M4 16. A. environment B. economics C. government D. regional agriculture E, technology ‘Chow bought tofu in an aseptic package designed to keep the unopened tofu fresh for months. ‘The Nutrition Facts panel required on each package of Darnell’s favorite breakfast cereal helps him find out how much fiber a serving provides. Janine had to go to an Asian market in the city to get the Thai chili paste her recipe required. Jason is disappointed at the cost of peaches this year because a late frost destroyed a large portion of the crop. . Jeff notices the package of chicken he picks up has a stamp indicating the poultry is federally inspected, . Latrise buys yogurt sweetened with aspartame as a low-calorie, nutritious snack. Pedro is a Colombian coffee bean harvester who can barely afford corn and potatoes to feed his family. Ray is a Midwestern soybean farmer who irrigates his fields to ensure the plants receive an adequate amount of water. Shantal has no refrigerator in her rural African home, so she gathers fruits and vegetables from her garden each day to make her meals. Susan ordered seeds for a new variety of tomatoes that are supposed to grow bigger and ripen faster than other tomatoes. The locally grown apples at Carla's Michigan supermarket are a bargain in the fall. Vicki’s aunt in Wisconsin pays more for Texas grapefruit than Vicki’s mom pays in their local San Antonio supermarket. A news report stated Farm Fresh apple cider had been recalled because federal inspectors found samples in the processing plant to be contaminated. David noticed his crop yields were always highest in the fields along the riverbanks, where the soil was richest. Workers from a hunger-relief organization taught people in Muhundi’s village how to rotate crops and fertilize with compost to improve their crop yields. conte cnn toto,

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