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Numerology One-Year Forecast for Alice Marques Geger


February 18, 1955


Alice Marques Gegers


Alice Marques Geger

YEAR: 2008

3 from January 1 to December 31


6 from January 1 to February 17


8 from February 18 to December 31

PERSONAL MONTH: 5 in February

PERSONAL MONTH: 11/2 in August
PERSONAL MONTH: 3 in September
PERSONAL MONTH: 4 in October
PERSONAL MONTH: 5 in November
PERSONAL MONTH: 6 in December

YEAR: 2009

22/4 from January 1 to December 31


8 from January 1 to December 31

PERSONAL MONTH: 5 in January

Table of Contents


At various times in your life, you've probably had the feeling that the opportunities are available for
exactly what you want to do. At other times, you've undoubtedly experienced the feeling that
hardly anything is going right and that you can't find a satisfactory outlet for your capabilities.
By using the science of numerology, though, you can recognize the specific influences and
opportunities in your life at any given time. You can determine -- in advance -- the times of
greatest opportunity and you can also foresee difficulties and the areas in which they're likely to
happen. Numerology doesn't give you the ability to foretell the future. It does, however, give you
the ability to see and analyze many of the coming influences and opportunities before they occur.
This allows you to maximize the positive potential as well as to prepare beforehand for problems
that may be developing.

This profile describes the influences and opportunities you can expect in your life during the time
span shown. The profile also includes suggestions for resolving any difficulties as well as for making
the best use of the coming opportunities.
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Your 3 Personal Year
The year 2008 may be a special, lighter year for you. It can be time to experience happiness and
pleasure at its best and to express the exhilarating enthusiasm of the joy of living. It's a time, too,
to expand and develop opportunities often involving your creative and imaginative talents. Coming,
as it does, after the often slow-moving and frequently emotional 2007, this year sometimes seems
to bring the best of exciting and fun-filled times.
If you're lucky enough not to be overburdened with responsibility in 2008, there'll be ample time to
enjoy yourself and appreciate the cheerful and optimistic environment you find yourself in.
Cultivate the society of some of your old friends and enjoy the many new friends you can make as
well. Expect a very active social life. You'll probably have lots of invitations and a desire to organize
social gatherings of your own. There may be some exciting romantic interludes. Enjoy travel during
this year and enjoy the pleasures of art and beauty along the way. Have fun.
In particular, make time to enjoy your children this year, no matter what their age. If you especially
like young children, you also may want to spend time with youngsters other than your own. You
may want to plan expeditions to interesting museums, shows or concerts. Travel to some unusual
places could prove a high point for all of you.
Keep your superficial and frivolous activities to a reasonable minimum. Enjoy the happiness that
comes your way but recognize that self-indulgence or extravagance may get in the way of some of
the deeper pleasures available to you. Don't lose sight of money matters with all the activity that's
going on.
Some of your ventures from the last two years may begin to flower or reach constructive
conclusions in 2008. Develop both the new opportunities that come your way and your older
ventures -- as far as they can go. Place considerable emphasis on your creative talents. Make use
of the imaginative and inspirational aspects of your character. Look for possibilities for
advancement, recognition and perhaps much-improved finances. Emphasize creative projects
involving words -- writing, lecturing, singing or acting, among others. Spend time improving your
appearance. You may enjoy shopping for new or special outfits or take pleasure in improving your
physical fitness and the appearance of your hair, skin and nails. This is also a good year to move to
a new residence.
Take care not to scatter your energies recklessly. Try to complete one project before starting
another. Although there's much in the way of exciting social life, make sure not to neglect your
various ongoing ventures -- and your new projects, too -- so that you can end the year with
feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment.
2008 can be an exceptionally joyous year. Make the most of it. Try not to waste your energy or
resources. Keep your worrying to a minimum. Stay away from gossips. Avoid blaming others and
enjoy other people's good fortune rather than being jealous.
Handle your emotions carefully and constructively. Stress optimism, cheerfulness and enthusiasm
in all your activities. Make the most of others' delight and spread your own contagious joy and
vitality at every turn.
Special Focus For This Year
In 2008, carry out your ideas constructively. Your coworkers will be very appreciative of your
organizing abilities and your responsible, disciplined attributes. Some of the ventures you started
two years ago may begin to expand during 2008. Use as much imagination and creativity as you
can. This year, try to present your less serious side as much as possible. Expand on your verbal
skills. If you can sing or act, this is a great year to do so. Make sure to try something creative that
you haven't attempted yet. You may be pleasantly surprised by your reception.

Make a special effort to get away from your obligations at least part of the time. Downplay worries
and concerns and concentrate on your social life. Throw a few parties, even if you don't usually
make time for that. Accept invitations to others' gatherings, too. Organize an expedition. This is a
fine time to make and enjoy friends. As often as possible, express cheerfulness and optimism. Be
very conscious of your feelings, particularly when you're with your family or friends, and try to
understand others' feelings. The clearer and more open your communications are this year, the
more you'll benefit.
Your 6 Essence

January 1 to February 17
While the above described Personal Year indicates the best approach for you to take for growth and
development during 2008, the Essence points out the likely events to take place during the period
that it is active. Knowing the probable events that will happen and the preferred approach to those
events will help you to get the most out of your experiences.
This is a period during which you'll experience increased responsibilities concerning your family or
the close community you are a part of. Expect to have more duties than normal in these areas. You
may find yourself spending extra time with your children or possibly other's children. You may get
new or increased job responsibilities or have to give a helping hand to someone you work with.
This is also a wonderful time to enjoy a love relation, to get married or to appreciate the pleasures
of an ongoing marriage. If you and your partner clearly express your emotions this can be a
beautiful time for the two of you. On the other hand, being self-centered or acting in a dominating
manner can lead to problems in your relationship.
Your 8 Essence

February 18 through December 31

The events and opportunities at this time emphasize your involvement, as well as advancement, in
the business world. Much hard work and continuous effort is required, but your accomplishments
can lead to a dynamic expansion of your current projects. If you aren't directly involved in a
business venture, you may find that your professional standing and reputation improves. Whatever
your involvement is, you'll feel an increase in the personal power you possess. To get the most
from this period, use your organizational, managerial and executive skills. A practical and rational
approach can gain others' confidence, opening new doors for you. Financial gains are also possible
at this time.
Because your Essence for this period points in a very different direction than the Personal Year, you
may find that things do not go as easily or as smoothly as you'd like. Your desire for creative selfexpression and social activities at this time conflicts with your need for material achievement. You
may spend a good part of the time struggling to find a comfortable balance. It's possible, too, that
you may try to avoid one of these energies all together. You'll find, though, that it resurfaces no
matter what you do. Sometimes a balance can be reached by alternately using one energy, then
the other. If at all possible, try to find an approach to the events and opportunities during this
period that allows both energies to work together. This isn't always easy, but it can provide the best
use of the potentials available.
Monthly Highlights For 2008
The Personal Year is an important yearly influence. This influence, though, is expressed with a
somewhat different emphasis each month. Be sure to take the monthly emphasis into account, too,
when considering the best approach to take to each month's events. Monthly highlights for 2008
are given next, followed by detailed descriptions for each month.
Take care of the work you have to do in January, then be ready to enjoy delightful social activities
throughout February. Special friends may surface in March. There's some chance for business
expansion in May and July, along with some financial benefits. Concentrate on creative efforts in
September. In November, you can expect friends, exciting parties and possibly a bit of travel.
Holiday closeness is likely in December -- leave the work to others and just have fun.

Your 5 Personal Month

Enjoy freewheeling good times throughout February. Friends, both old and new, and some exciting
opportunities for adventure and travel may provide significant possibilities for expansion sometime
about February 7th or 16th. You're likely to feel looser and freer now than you did at any time last
year. There may be so much going on, though, that it may be hard to figure out exactly what you
want to do. Avoid acting on impulse. Steer clear of frivolous activities. Exercise some caution
before moving ahead. Recognize that certain situations are subject to sudden shifts and
unexpected changes of direction. Wait until a promising situation settles down, sometimes a matter
of several months, before making any firm commitments. Enjoy the new and unusual people you
find in February but allow time for your spouse or lover as well, particularly around February 19th.
When you find some activities that you think would strike your children's fancy, include them too.
MARCH 2008

Your 6 Personal Month

There may be a lot of exciting activity during the first week or so of the month, carrying over from
February. Most of March will have a considerably slower pace, along with a good deal of social
activity. This could prove a delightful month, with much of your time spent with family and close
friends. You may find particular pleasure in your children around March 9th or 15th. You may want
to arrange some outings or activities so you can share some special times together. Work to create
a sense of harmony and balance in your home. Resolve any differences of opinion with parents or
other close relatives on or about March 18th. A light touch at this time can be extremely helpful. An
imaginative approach may also go a long way in clearing up misunderstandings. Romance can play
a very beautiful part in your life, sometime around March 21st. Although family obligations are
present, allow enough time for the pleasures of special, loving experiences.
APRIL 2008

Your 7 Personal Month

You'll want to spend part of your time in April socializing and enjoying others, just as you've done
for the last several months. Smaller get-togethers or some time with one or two special friends
currently may appeal to you. Sometime between April 9th and 27th, you'll also want to spend some
of the month by yourself, contemplating or studying with minimal interruption. In particular, you
may want to look at the progress you've made since the beginning of the year in expressing
yourself more fully and creatively. This can be a good time also to plan what you want to do during
the rest of the year to further your development. Take time, probably around April 18th, to assess
some personal problems you're working on or some new awareness you've recently recognized.
Some spiritual matters also may need your attention. Make sure you advise others of your need to
be alone so they don't get annoyed or resentful. If necessary, attend to health matters when you
get a chance.
MAY 2008

Your 8 Personal Month

May probably will be an exciting month with a good chance of dynamic forward movement in some
of your business ventures. A colleague may present interesting possibilities for your consideration
around May 2nd. Some positive changes you hadn't expected may help matters develop more
rapidly. Close friends may unlock new avenues of development, too, sometimes around May 11th
or 18th, or introduce you to others who can help. An imaginative approach can be very useful.
When you express yourself creatively, it may also contribute to the progress of your various
projects. Concentrate on using your verbal abilities and, if possible, expand the range in which your
use of words is meaningful. If you want to explore the commercial possibilities in singing, acting or
writing, this would be a good time to get started or to continue your development of these special
skills. Allow some time for social activity. Some business travel may also provide an enjoyable
JUNE 2008

Your 9 Personal Month

Some matters may be reaching a conclusion this month. You may, for example, complete the
preparations for some creative venture to make ready for new or expanded work. A business affair
on which you've been working may end at this time. A friendship or association may terminate as
well, possibly around June 9th or 18th. In all these situations, expend the effort to keep your
feelings -- and other peoples' feelings -- under control. Emphasize understanding, tolerance and

compassion. When matters are ending, try to let go of them in a positive spirit. When a conclusion
takes place, even when you previously fought against it, look for a new freedom that you wouldn't
have expected. Later in June, sometime around the 24th, you may find yourself involved with some
romantic interludes. Although you may gain some satisfaction, the relationship probably will fade
quickly. With the month drawing to a close, you're likely to feel an invigorating sense of release and
JULY 2008

Your 1 Personal Month

A feeling of verve and enthusiasm is likely throughout much of the month. The feeling that you
have to wait for the right time is completely gone. It's full speed ahead now. The throttle is wide
open. New opportunities may open up around July 7th or so. They'll continue or expand the
progress of some of the activities you've been developing for the last six months. Longtime friends
may help create promising potential sometime around July 9th. Friends you've met during the last
few weeks also may be instrumental in pushing matters forward on July 13th or thereabouts.
Exploit your creative talent, imaginative approach and verbal skills to maximize your possibilities.
Radiate an electric sense of joy and optimism wherever you are. Take advantage of the many
delightful social activities that come your way. But be careful to keep your energies focused. If you
act too impulsively, you may not consider all the possibilities.

Your 11/2 Personal Month

Expect a good deal of activity in August. The ventures begun in July may continue through August
9th or so, then slow down or be held up briefly, probably until at least August 17th. Use some of
your unexpected free time and creative input to cooperate with friends or colleagues who need help
with their own ventures. The good will that follows will stand you in good stead when you need
assistance down the line. Be very sensitive to others' needs and feelings throughout the month. If
you or your colleagues prove oversensitive, it may impede your progress. Throughout August, try
to spread the delight you feel and, if you can, help friends and associates lighten the load they're
carrying. If you've gained some spiritual insight recently, this month may be a good time to share
it. Enjoy the love and romance that comes your way, particularly around August 22nd or 27th.
Enjoy the time you spend with your children, too.

Your 3 Personal Month

September probably will be a very exciting time filled with an ongoing social life and many
expanding ventures. Enjoy new friends and renew the acquaintance of some longtime friends you
haven't seen in a while. Take advantage of the many parties, entertainment and other gettogethers. Spend time enjoying music, art, plays and the like. Be ready to travel on a moment's
notice, possibly to out-of-the-way places, possibly on September 2nd or 11th. Look for new and
unusual opportunities to expand your horizons in unexpected directions on any trips you make.
Keep on top of your ongoing projects as they move ahead at a sprightly pace. There'll be many
chances this month, particularly around September 18th or so, to develop your creative side as
well as your verbal skills. Concentrate on developing your expressive powers. Explore singing or
acting, writing or any related fields that come to your attention. Focus on significant activities, so
that you don't scatter yourself over too large an area.

Your 4 Personal Month

There may be a good deal of social life and some interesting creative opportunities available this
month. Your interests will be far better served, though, if you concentrate a considerable part of
your energy in solidifying the progress you've made so far this year. Take care of all the details and
loose ends. Strengthen some of the weak areas that previously have been neglected, possibly
starting on October 13th or so. Begin or, if possible, complete the foundations that are necessary
before some of your significant ventures can move ahead. Set projects up so that they can proceed
comfortably next year. Keep your finances clearly in mind, particularly on or about October 18th.
Make time at regular intervals to take a break from what on occasion may be a heavy work load.
Try to spread the joy and delight you're feeling so that everyone around you feels optimistic and
enthusiastic. Go to a party or give one -- sometime around October 19th or 28th.


Your 5 Personal Month

There may be as much opportunity for excitement, travel, adventure and creative advancement in
November as any time this year. There also will be no end of exhilarating social activities
throughout the month. After the work accomplished in October, you may feel restless and
impulsive. Proceed with a considerable measure of self-discipline. About November 9th or 16th,
focus on new and progressive opportunities that can be developed in the new year. If you recognize
new interests that appeal to you, particularly around November 18, try to organize them so that
most of the work will take place a few months down the line. Enjoy some socializing but keep a
sense of proportion. Allow enough time to continue any of the work started in october or any
additional work needed on ongoing ventures. If you forgo some of the excitement around you and
take care of the work, you'll be in a much better place when the new year gets under way.

Your 6 Personal Month

The merriment, joy and enthusiasm you'll experience in December generally will center around
your home, family and close friends. This can be an extremely satisfying time, with many feelings
of closeness and happiness within your immediate family circle. Try to devote a good deal of time
to your children this month, particularly around December 5th or 21st. Enjoy the pleasure of
romance with your spouse or lover, particularly on December 18th or so. The more affection and
love you give this month, the more you'll find returned. In addition to the holiday activity, you'll
also have to concentrate on the responsibilities of domestic life during part of the month. Be
prepared to take care of some significant family need on or about December 27th. It may even be
necessary to put others' needs -- perhaps those of the young, elderly or infirm -- before your own.
As the month -- and year -- reach their conclusion, you may get some sense of the serious and
practical nature of much of the activity during the coming year.
As 2008 winds down, continue to enjoy an active social life. Enjoy the new friends you've made
recently. Try to be aware of others' needs and feelings. Make sure your friends and family are
aware of the growth in your sensitivity. During the last several months of 2008, try to maintain the
freer and more fun-loving approach toward your ongoing ventures that you've created throughout
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Your 22/4 Personal Year
The year 2009 can be a time of marked achievement. You can make progress on ventures with the
potential for a significant broad influence, especially if your work will benefit others. When you
choose to move forward on enterprises of this magnitude, you can expect a strong and profound
impact on your life.
Approach these high-level endeavors only if you're feeling mature, idealistic and extremely
capable. In order to be able even to start out, you will need a significant power potential and a
strong desire to contribute to the general advancement of humanity. If your sole purpose is
personal financial gain or improvement in your own status or reputation, this will tend to hamper
your efforts. If you can operate from a selfless point of view, you may achieve considerable fame
and fortune -- but most likely only if they're not your primary goals. Recognize that the work you
set out to do in most instances will take much longer than a single year. Be prepared to maintain
your ideals until your venture reaches completion. Be prepared to deal with a heightened level of
nervous tension, too, at least part of the time.
If you feel qualified, this is the year to move forward with all the energy at your command. This is
your chance to begin making your significant contribution to the world.
If, on the other hand, you're still developing your skills to reach a high potential, it may be more
useful for you to turn your attention to some of the ongoing material ventures you've been working
on for the last few years -- and help move them along. Accept the workload you find and prepare

to meet your obligations. Be practical, rational and businesslike to achieve the best results. The
schedules you have to meet are likely to be tight and the pressure of the work likely to be more
than you find completely comfortable. Complete the work, though, so that it doesn't come back to
bother you at a less opportune time. You'll receive considerable satisfaction as you reach the
conclusions of your various tasks.
Be prepared to stabilize any shaky ventures and establish secure bases for future development.
Take care of the details and clean up all the loose ends that have been around too long. Start or
continue to build firm foundations for enterprises that are likely to be around for a number of
years. If your progress is sometimes slow, remember that the work is important and keep at it.
Be economical in financial matters. Make sure you establish good business foundations for the
future, too. If you aren't interested in keeping watch on monetary affairs and attempt to bypass
this responsibility, you may have cause to regret this down the line. Take care of any buying, selling
or trading. Oversee building or remodeling, as well. Be sure to handle agreements, contracts and
other legal matters with care. Don't look to luck to help you out at this time.
No matter what you're working on in 2009, make sure you understand the purpose of the work and
your specific role in the venture. Don't spend time -- even a short period -- if you feel you're in a
rut or feel that you're not going to make any progress. Figure out how to restructure the work in
which you're engaged or how to get a clearer or different point of view so that your ongoing
pursuits become meaningful. When you feel any sense of tension because of the workload, take
some short breaks to relieve the pressure. Rest, play, exercise or meditate to remain calm.
Special Focus For This Year
In 2009, evaluate the development you've achieved during the last few years and determine
whether you want to move ahead on some particularly meaningful enterprises. There's little
question of your practical attitude and your responsible and conscientious nature. You have an
ability to create systems and to provide managerial skill. It may be worth assessing this side of
yourself to determine whether you've developed it to its maximum. Take a look at your growth in
some other areas. Have you gained flexibility? Have you learned to keep your eye on the big
picture? Have you figured out how to feel comfortable taking chances when the risks are within
reason? It shouldn't be too difficult to determine whether you're ready to tackle high-level
endeavors at this time.
Whether you work on auspicious projects or choose to stabilize your ongoing ventures, you'll have
a great deal of work to do. Be prepared to live with a good deal of pressure and a certain amount
of tension during 2009. Set up a good fitness program, or whatever works for you in reducing the
nervousness. Take time off periodically to get some rest. Get a health checkup if you feel you need
it. Look to your family and close friends for emotional support.
Your 8 Essence

January 1 through December 31

Your Essence during this period is the same as the one described for last year. Expect the same
kinds of events and opportunities to occur as you have already been experiencing. Make sure,
though, to use the approach of the new Personal Year as you encounter the events that unfold at
this time.
Monthly Highlights For 2009
Explore the opportunities presented in January. Spend time making plans in March for how you
expect to proceed this year. Take advantage of the financial opportunities you find during April.
Expect some dramatic forward movement in June that can help a great deal. Take care of your
work in September. You may be surprised at the new direction in which it leads. Consolidate this
year's gains in December and plan for the future.

Your 5 Personal Month

Be prepared for a lot of activity and excitement as 2009 gets under way. Expect a good deal of
social activity and perhaps some romance. Spend time with your friends but limit your socializing, if
necessary, so you have enough time to investigate the many new possibilities that come your way.
Some new input is likely to help move your ongoing ventures ahead during the week of January
7th. Between January 17th and 26th, some sparkling new opportunities are likely to come to your

attention, with what appear to be significant influence and dynamic potential. Carefully investigate
the projects before you. Make sure you can carry out the tasks involved. Move ahead only when
you've established to your own satisfaction that the promised potential has a reasonable chance of
developing. Don't be surprised if these ventures point in new directions or involve an unusual
spiritual emphasis. Take on only as much as you can handle comfortably.
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The information contained in this profile can be remarkably helpful. Read it once or twice when you
first receive it. Read it again when important opportunities come your way. You may learn, as many
people have, to benefit by making the most of the described possibilities by preparing beforehand.
Read the profile, too, when you feel stuck. You may benefit by figuring out how to deal with the
difficulties in a better way. If you see a problem coming, a re-reading may show you how to
prepare for that problem before it actually occurs. You may be surprised and delighted at the many
times that the information in the profile contributes significantly to your life.

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