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Katherine Diamond
Socrative Rm# 7A8WQHKZX
Mr. Larson
September 23, 2015

Part 1: Assessment Technology

Assessments are utilized to understand student thinking. The main purpose of

assessments is to improve student achievement related to the standards. This enables teachers to
modify lesson plans and strategies to enhance students learning and abilities. Technology like
Socrative has allowed this process to run smooth and be engaging. When entering the site, one will be encouraged to enter the room number 7A8WQHKZX which will
open the doors to a fun and effective formative assessment. Socrative allows teachers to start a
quiz, quick questions, space game or exit ticket. It is ones choice what they want to accomplish
and what one has already accomplished by providing detailed reports of past activities. Teachers
are able to visualize real time which can show students results and exhibit how each student is
performing on particular questions. This data will be utilized to have an immediate
understanding of where students stand and what is needed to be adjusted and reviewed so that
differentiated instruction can be applied. Assistance in changing instructional practices is the key
to student success
Part 2: Blog Post

Utilizing software to support assessment is very important to education in the 21st
century. This paper will discuss particular technology tools available today in that will offer
convenience and immediate feedback to teachers as well as students. To make learning more
effective, often only minor changes and improvements are necessary (Gunter & Gunter, 2014,
pg. 372). Formative assessments through technology allow for those necessary changes to

become immediate. Deviations in instructional practices are imperative for teachers to reach the
ultimate goal of collecting data; enhancing students learning and obtaining student achievement.
Technology to Facilitate Ongoing Efforts to Assess Student Learning
Teachers can utilize technology to facilitate ongoing efforts to assess student learning in
the classroom. Software is used to evaluate student learning. Evaluation is when a judgement is
placed on information obtained and can show how a student is progressing on a regular basis.
This information facilitates assessments because technology helps teachers track and assess
students' performance in the classroom. It exhibits the effectiveness of what is being taught right
there and then. Immediate and continual feedback during the teaching process is much more
effective than receiving feedback at a later date. Goals and plans may be set, but the facilitating
should react to the needs of the individual students. Robust learning generally requires robust
teaching, and both diagnostic and formative assessments, or assessments for learning, are
catalysts for better teaching" (Tomlinson, 2007, pg.13).
Socrative allows access to student learning through many different options. A teacher can
personalize the content, obtain immediate feedback and receive real time detailed reports. This
allows one to access student learning as it is happening. One can obtain immediate insight of
how the class is doing. Socrative works with any device that has access to the internet. Teachers
are able to apply or create a personalized quiz or ask real time questions that can produce
immediate answers. Teachers are then able to display that on a classroom projector, change and
facilitate instruction as needed. Socrative is engaging for everyone and allows better usage of

class time and effectiveness. It also offers a space game and exit tickets for students to have fun
and compete while learning.
Flubaroo is an app utilized with Google forms. Once a form is created with Google
forms, added on a spreadsheet and installed, one can choose grade assignment. Then, select
grade options for each questions and after one chooses which submission will used for grading,
the paper will be graded in less than 1 minute. It appears to be that easy and seems to be very
time saving. Flubaroo applies to any subject which is convenient and needed for educators
today. A teacher can collect data and make a quick assessment if the students understand the
content. One can move on if they are or change instruction and start again. This is imperative to
assist students comprehension and knowledge of the subject and reassures the teacher that it is
being taught effectively.
Poll Everywhere:
Poll Everywhere assists one to collect live onlookers or class responses anywhere,
anytime. As simple as adding an app to a device, one can ask a question and receive real time
answers by others replying with mobile phones or web browsers. One also has access to
visualize the responses through a power point presentation or live on the web. Poll everywhere
allows teachers to gauge students understanding of material and share their thoughts through cell
phones without fear. It can also be used for educational games to get students involved and
participate in the classroom. Poll Everywhere is a great usage of technology that enhances
students interest and learning.

Formative and Summative Assessments:

The difference between formative assessment and summative assessment and how
technology can be used to facilitate both is an asset to 21st century education. Formative
assessment is for monitoring the student learning while offering them feedback and assistance. A
teacher can identify any areas of struggle or concern immediately with the real time features that
are offered with the above mentioned technology tools. This facilitation allows one to make
adjustments to instruction instantly in order to meet the needs of the student and to move forward
effectively in ones teaching. "Handheld-based formative assessment is important in that you are
able to set intermittent measures, or benchmarks, that let you adjust your instruction as you go
along" (Milner, 2006). The summative assessment is done at the end of the assignment and it is
evaluated against a standard or benchmark. The summative has a point value and the formative
does not. Technology can assist you in facilitating both types of assessment because utilization of
a computer makes it immediately convenient to know where ones knowledge stands with
understanding a particular unit. Web-based tools are online versions of traditional paper-based
tests and Software-based tools come as programs to be uploaded to a server or to individual
computers in a networked classroom (Milner, 2006). With technology like Flubaroo that allows
papers to be uploaded, educators can save time by obtaining immediate grading scores.
Pros and Cons of using Technology to Facilitate Assessment:
There are always pros and cons to consider with anything. Offering diverse methods of
assessments help engage students in active learning. This can promote a level of deeper learning
and processing. Enabling the option of having multiple ranges of skills to be utilized and
assessed offers flexibility which is greatly needed in education today. The facilitation of

technology offers readily, real time statistics of student performance, which allows teachers to
easily review and effectively adjust lesson plans as needed. As far as the cons are concerned,
technology means cost. Finances are one of the largest concerns in education and are not always
readily available. Also, the time it can take to learn new technology and create the most effective
assessments is very limited. However, if there is a will there is a way. Overall, technology
utilized to facilitate assessment is an enhancement to student achievement. Providing accurate
assessments that offer immediate feedback, data on what students have learned, the
knowledgeable attained, and how well one has facilitated it, are vital to the development of
student success (Gunter & Gunter, 2014, pg. 321).
Yes or no? :
In todays day and age, technology is so prevalent that educators should do as much as
possible to use technology to assess student learning. It may take more time and effort in the
beginning, but the future outcome appears to be beneficial to all. Students need to become more
engaged in learning in order to reach maximum potential. The teachers need convenience and
feedback as to how well the student is learning and advancing. The ultimate goal of teaching is
doing so effectively for one to achieve. Therefore, utilization of technology should be integrated
and embraced by all.
Importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards:
The importance of assessment technology in connection with the ISTE standards goes
hand in hand. Teachers model, communicate and collaborate with their students, colleagues and
school community using current technologies and digital-age media to share and transfer
knowledge (ISTE, 2015). The students connect to the ISTE by Research and Information
Fluency: Students apply digital tools to plan, locate, organize, synthesize and ethically use

information from a variety of sources and media (ISTE, 2015). These standards clearly outline
the usage of technology and the benefits they have to offer students and teachers in or out of the
Concluding Paragraph for Software to Support Assessment
Software is vital to supporting multiple and diverse assessments. They offer benefits that
cannot be obtained any other way. Immediate evaluation of student learning is vital to
effectively construct future instruction. Deviations in instructional practices are imperative
for teachers to reach the ultimate goal of collecting data, enhancing students learning and
obtaining student achievement. These deviations are done quickly and proficiently with
supportive assessment software. Moreover, various research suggests that well-made and
applied formative assessment is an effective approach for enhancing student learning.


Accessibility navigation. (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2015, from

Gunter, G., & Gunter, R. (2014). Teachers discovering computers: integrating

technology in a connected world. (Eighth ed.).
ISTE Standards for Students. (2015). Retrieved September 25, 2015.
Milner, J. (February 2006). Assessment Testing: In Their Hands. T.H.E. Journal, from
Tomlinson, C. A. (2007). Learning to love assessment. Educational leadership, 65(4), 8-13.

Answer Key: Socrative Mixed Practice Problems

Room # 7A8WQHKZX


6 - 2 = 4 4 girls are left at the table

7 - 5 = 2 There are 2 more pencils than erasers.
6 - 3 = 3 There are 3 boys left outside playing.
1 + 4 = 5 There are 5 girls eating now.
6 + 3 =(9) + 2 = 11 There are 11 flowers in the vase.
10 - 4 = 6 There are 6 birds left on the fence.
9 - 5 = 4 There are 4 purple plums.
3 - 3 = 0 They both have the same amount of marbles.
4 + 5 = 9 There are 9 ducks in all.
8 - 2 = 6 There are 6 oranges left in the basket.

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