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Phonological Awareness Program

Week 18/05 22/05

Letter of the Week e
Monday focus children
Outcomes/ Aims
EYLF Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators
- Listen and respond to sounds
- Engage children in play with
and patterns in speech, stories
words and sounds
in context
- Talk explicitly about literacy
- Begin to understand key
literacy concepts and processes

- Engage Edmund in group experiences, early/ early-emergent literacy development

(Differentiating instruction)
- Support Hadley to differentiate phonemes, in particular p, d, and b.
(Extension from last week)
Pedagogical strategies
- Phonics (phonemes and graphemes)
- Analysis of phonemes
- Phonemic awareness
- Storytelling
- Facilitating play
Tasks & Assessment
Direct Instruction
- Clear explanations of the goal of the activity.
- Read story, read story 2nd time, asking that children play their instruments when
they hear the sound (different instrument for each sound)
Follow-up experiences
- p, d, and b image sorting table (initially played as a group and left out
during free-play sessions)
Sorting pictures of objects or picture cards into target sound groups. Take turns to
match an object or picture card until each child has tried.
- Comparing Beginning sounds
Using the same objects/picture cards or others accompanied by words, say the words
and ask children if they have the same initial sound. (Ask them to respond e.g. by
nodding and shaking their heads, or thumbs up/down)
- Target letter counters experience (emergent writing)
- Sand Letter writing experience (emergent writing)

Comment [1]: Literacy group time/ mat

time. During my block practicum I inquired
into the ways the site was planning,
implementing and assessing the
phonological awareness of the children in
the 3.5-5 year-old room.
This document provides context to the
feedback from an observation of my

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