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God Is

John-Roger, D.S.S.

Other Books by John-Roger

Blessings of Light

The Path to Mastership

The Consciousness of Soul

The Power Within You

Divine Essence

Psychic Protection

Dream Voyages

Love, Marriage and Spirit

the Key to the Kingdom

Sex, Spirit and You

Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise

The Spiritual Family

Inner Worlds of Meditation

Spiritual High
(with Michael McBay)

The Journey of a Soul

The Spiritual Promise
Living Love from the Spiritual Heart
Loving Each Day

Spiritual Warrior:
The Art of Spiritual Living

Loving Each Day

for Moms & Dads

The Tao of Spirit

Walking with the Lord

Loving Each Day for Peacemakers

The Way Out Book
Manual on Using the Light
Wealth & Higher Consciousness
Letting Love Lead
(with Paul Kaye)
Passage Into Spirit

Whats It Like Being You?

(with Paul Kaye)
When Are You Coming Home?
(with Pauli Sanderson)

God Is
John-Roger, D.S.S.

Mandeville Press
Los Angeles, California

Copyright 1990, 2006

Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy
Library of Congress Control Number: 2005926447

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction

in whole or in part in any form.

Mandeville Press
P.O. Box 513935
Los Angeles, California 90051-1935
(323) 737-4055

Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 978-1893020-26-9

Table of Contents



Origins of Tithing

Letting Go

Is Tithing Buying Off God?


Tithing: A Universal Law


Two Tithing Stories


Questions and Answers on Tithing


Tithing Testimonials




The Difference Between Seeding and Tithing


Principles of Seeding


Seeding to the Church


God Is Your Partner


Seeding Step by Step


Seeding for Another


A Story of Seeding


Questions and Answers on Seeding


Seeding Testimonials




Tithing and seeding,

done with the right attitude of giving,
can open your Spirit and bring you to
an inner peace inside, by balancing some of
the karmic blocks that have stood in your way.
And if, on top of that, you get the material things,
youre getting your cake and eating it, too.

Seeding and Tithing are the
left and right hands of God.

There is a story told of a soul whose time has finally come to

enter into the world for what it hopes will be the last time. The
Soul goes before the karmic board, which is the group that helps
a Soul decide its life plan. The board looks at the Soul and says,
We have a very good life for you. In this life you are going to
find someone who can take you back to God, and you will
be able to lift from this world and go back to your true home
in Spirit.
The Soul says, Fantastic!
The karmic board asks, What is it worth to you? and the Soul
says, To get off the planet? To go back to God? Its worth
everything! Ill give it all!
The karmic board looks at the Soul and says, Thats not
necessary. All you need to do is give 10 percent.
The Soul says, Ten percent? Last time I was on Earth, thats what
I gave my agent. Thats nothing!
Well, the karmic board says, if you do give the 10 percent,
you will be filled with so many blessings that you will not have
room enough to receive all of them.

The Soul says, Incredible! I give 10 percent, I find a spiritual

teacher, I get tons of blessings, and I go back to God. What a
deal! There must be a catch.
Theres a moment of silence, and one of the elders on the karmic
board looks at the Soul and says, Yes, there is a catch. When you
get down there, you wont want to do it.
So here we are on our way home to God, and many of us are
saying, I really dont want to tithe or seed.
Seeding and tithing are not requirements for participation in
MSIA. In fact, as of the time of this writing, most people in MSIA
dont tithe or seed. But the people who do are blessed with many
gifts. Its a beautiful thing to do.
The financial level is the smallest part of this whole process. The
biggest part is to open to the blessings of Spirit in your life and
to know God in a greater way. And who could wish for a greater
gift than to know God?
Paul Kaye



Tithing is about placing God first in your life.

Being a joyful giver is a great part of loving the Lord
with your body, mind, and Soul.

For our time, tithing goes back

to the time of Abraham
when he gave to the high priest, Melchizedek.
But when Jesus came in and incarnated,
the old law of tithing was superseded
by a new process under the Christ.
So we take the old law and move it around
to realign it with the new energy flow.
When you tithe to MSIA, you tithe in that
new energy flow under the Christ.
That means when you tithe
out of your goodness and gratitude,
there is going to be a lot of grace
coming your way.

Origins of Tithing

Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was
priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram Then Abram gave
(Genesis 14:1820 NIV)
him a tenth of everything.
When the prophet Abram (later Abraham) was traveling home
with the riches of battle after warring with a nearby king, he was
met by a high priest in the order of God. This priest was
Melchizedek, and it was at that time that the Priesthood of
Melchizedek was established on the planet. Melchizedek was a
direct radiation or emanation of the man who later came and
was known as Jesus Christ.
The high priest in the order of God is Christ and is also referred
to as the Messiah. As soon as Abraham saw Melchizedek, the
wisdom of his heart knew he was seeing one who is with God.
Abraham knew intuitively that he was to give back 10 percent
of all that he had in the world to the representative of God, and
so began the practice of tithing. Melchizedek occupied the
office of the Christ, as did some other prophets of the Old
Testament. However, no one until the time of Jesus had the

office of the Christ totally in one place at one time. When it is

said that Christ is the only begotten Son of God, it means that
God created one Soul energy and it went into all people. This
means that we all have the elements of Christ within us.
When Abraham was blessed and then gave Melchizedek a tenth
of everything, a spiritual covenant was set up for our time,
whereby humankind is to give a tenth of its increase (what a
person receives that is his or hers) back to God.
The above passage from the Bible may not sound like a
covenant. But what its not saying here is that there were
hundreds of people around, and there was merry-making,
singing, praising, and hosannas. And there was all this booty laid
out from the war Abraham had won.
The image you can get from the Bible is that two people met on
a rock and shook hands. But it wasnt like that. This was flesh
and blood, and when you put flesh and blood on the situation,
you get that this was a major occurrence, an epic event.
As humankind fulfills its part of the covenant by giving 10
percent to God, then God fulfills his part by continually blessing
us. God, of course, is always fulfilling his part anyway, so the
question is, are we lining up, are we fulfilling the covenant?
People sometimes resist this process of giving their tithe.
Interestingly, it doesnt belong to you in the first place; you
are just restoring it to its rightful owner God. Historically,
people have tended to trust in materiality for their success.
Instead of trusting in the Lord for their success, they trust in

money or riches. Therefore, they withhold their tithes so they

can have a lot more they can trust.
This happened to the ancient Hebrews, who, instead of being a
pleasure to the Lord, sometimes turned to their own pleasures
and stopped tithing. It wasnt too long before things went awry.
When they questioned why, the answer was always that they
had forsaken or given up on the Lord and that they had broken
Gods covenant. Then the people would restore the covenant by
tithing; they would start to flourish again, and there would be
no war.
Our job is to overcome our lower nature so we can live in
the awareness of our Soul. When we tithe to the church or God,
we are making the material world let go of us. So tithing is
also part of a spiritual law and assists us in getting free of
materialistic confinement.
In Malachi, it is asked, Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me in
tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:8 NIV). The question is, can God be
robbed? No, but his covenant can be broken, and that is
robbing God of the covenant. Later on in the same chapter, it is
said, Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse Test me in this
and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out
so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. (Malachi
8:10 NIV).
When a person tithes, the universe that works under the spiritual
law of tithing says, If you have that much to give, that means
you are open to receive more. In biblical times, people who

tithed often received one hundredfold more than what they had
given. When they received their hundredfold, they then gave 10
percent of that.
In MSIA many people know about the principle of tithing
through my book, Wealth and Higher Consciousness. The book
says that when we give to ourselves first, we tithe to the Christ
within. Then, if we want to give to the church, we do that. If we
want to build an organization, we tithe to the organization, and
because we are part of the organization, we also get to receive of
its wealth.
So, you may want to check it out with a joyful attitude of
saying, Lord, I am open to receive whatever it is that you bless
me with. And then discover for yourself the blessing of
fulfilling Gods covenant.

God said,
Ten percent of everything
you own comes to me first.
Any increase you get,
I get 10 percent first.
Thats mine.
What He really should have said is
Its all mine and you can have 90 percent.

Spirit said to me,

You have to give it all.
So I gave it all.
From that day, the Church became one of
the wealthier churches around for its size.
My attitude was God first,
Jesus second, and myself third.
That made up the Triune of God.
From that point on, whomever I worked with
large corporations, individuals, any kind of group
they prospered because God is my Partner.
And wherever I went to work, God went with me.
God doesnt know failure.

Letting Go

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in
my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will
not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much
blessing that you will not have room enough for it. (Malachi 3:10 NIV)
One of the fundamental errors that we have as human beings is
greed, which is manifested mostly in terms of money or
monetary value. Greed, by its very nature, is a striking against
the riches within oneself because it appears that there is never
enough here in the world. Our eyes are always hungry.
We can help to break the greed pattern by tithing, giving 10
percent of our personal wealth. When we tithe, two levels are
activated a level here in this world and, at the same time, a
mystical, invisible level. The mystical is a communication
saying, You are abundant and handle abundance well, so heres
some more. The other level, in this world, is when we look at
our abundance and contribute joyfully through tithing. We are
actually cheerful about it. This action sets up a countenance that

is a form of glory in the human being, and that glory attracts

more abundance.
When one person becomes free of materiality, its like an
infection going the other way. Instead of greed affecting honest
people, honest people start affecting the greedy. You let go and
give to God, joyfully and unconditionally. With people who say,
I dont have enough to tithe, I say, Dont tithe, because their
feelings of lack are telling them that theyre going to need it.
And with that attitude, they wont have enough anyway.
Because theyre hanging on, God cant supply them with more.
Theyre holding on to it, scared to death about letting go of it.
However, if they let go, they can rise to new heights inside
themselves and get freer.
Its simple to tithe: you just give back 10 percent of what you
earn to the source of your spiritual teachings. To those working
with the Traveler Consciousness, this would be the Movement of
Spiritual Inner Awareness. MSIA is a tax-exempt church, but
tithing isnt done in terms of a tax deduction. Its done for the
joy of giving. When you lovingly donate in this way, the
abundance starts to come to you in many ways.
Tithing is actually a spiritual law: to give back to the source of
your spiritual teachings. When you commit to doing it,
something inside you works differently from that day forward.
Conditions may or may not immediately change in the physical,
but inside, it can work wonders. And you finally own the
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. Before, it may have

seemed like you couldnt really own it, like it was someplace in
California, Chicago, or New York. When you tithe, you realize
that its right here. Wherever you are, thats the center.
I tell people, try it. Test it to see if its true or not. Almost
everybody who tithes keeps tithing because they say it works.
The Bible says to tithe, to try God, and hell pour blessings upon
you. Some people think, If I tithe, Ill get lots of money. That
isnt what was said. It was said that God will pour blessings upon
you. You may suddenly lose your headaches, or a backache may
disappear. Or you may find that your spouse is getting along real
well with you, or that the plumbing that was always getting
stuck is no longer stuck, or that the person at the bank who was
always hassling you has been transferred. These little miracles of
perfect timing take place, and you say, I cant believe this is all
due to tithing. And I just tell people, You have to check it out
in order to know for yourself. I know for me.

I know people who tithe a lot

and some who try to get out of it.
You dont have to tithe anything.
But if youre going to tithe,
first and foremost youve got to be cheerful about it,
and then youve got to be grateful
and thankful about it, and finally,
youve got to be honest inside of you about it.
Theres a trust that youre doing
what is right and proper for you.

Is Tithing Buying
Off God?

Q: When I tithe, it feels really good. It just feels wonderful when

I write the checks. However, when I attend a tithing evening or
I talk about it with others, it feels like somehow Im attempting
to buy God off.


In a sense, you really are. But youre not buying off some
cosmic God. Youre really addressing the God inside of yourself.
It works almost the same way as doing things for your basic self,
to get it to cooperate and to assist it in coming into line.
When you tithe, it is actually God buying you off, where God is
the center of the universe bringing you into alignment by the
process of tithing.
If you speak from your ego-center, saying, Im buying God off,
its absolutely a farce, its ridiculous, and it cannot be done.
Thats like buying the air off. The air buys you off by giving itself
to you.


Now, the negative power, which I suspect may put a word in

your ear, will say, This scam, this scheme, this conniving is just
an attempt to get money from the people in a dishonest way,
an unsatisfactory way, an underhanded way. The negative
power has a lot of ways that it tries to do this. And usually itll
say, And I dont have enough money to tithe. The kid needs
shoes. I need this, I need that, I need this. And it turns you back
to your materiality.
You can always tell when the negative power is doing that
because it turns you to your lack. How will I have the money to
fly the plane to go do my spiritual work? If you stop for a
minute and look neutrally, you will realize that you put the
material before the spiritual because spiritual work can be done
anywhere. So its important that you watch the trickiness of the
negative power because it can use your mind and emotions.
If the negative power came in with a pitchfork and a long
tail and a red outfit, youd go, Aha! I know you. Get out of
here! But it comes in a most reasonable and well-mannered
way. And its argument is your own argument, so it can very
easily convince you or tempt you to your failure. To overcome it
is simple. The real key is the joyfulness and the essence behind
the giving.
The essence is so important. The tithe is recorded, but no one
can record the essence, which to me is where I live and where I
would like you to live because all that materiality goes by the
wayside some way or another. It goes. But the essence is always
present if we want to turn toward it.


Its very true that if you tithe you know God,

but it is also true that if you want to know God, you tithe.
The statement works both ways.

The basic principle of abundance

is that you tithe on the first fruits of the harvest.
If youre not, then you are thwarting yourself
of receiving the abundance that comes from tithing.
Some people say, I dont have enough money
to meet my bills, let alone tithe.
That may be very true, and
it may be like that all their life
because they do not have God as their partner.
They have themselves as a selfish partner.

A Universal Law

As human beings, we have a challenge about materialism and

spirituality. Its a really big challenge, but there is a way to
combat materialism thats very simple. Its the law of tithing. If I
gave you a car to drive today, would you give it back to me at the
end of the day? Yes, because its not yours. Even if you drove it
all day and put gas in it, its not yours. Tithing is almost a parallel
to that example.
The hardest addiction on the planet to break is the selfpossessiveness of I own I own this, I own that. And what I work
for, I own. But its not really ours, because the bounty is the Lords
and the fullness thereof. But what is of the earth belongs to the
negative power. From the Soul realm down is the negative. And I
wouldnt be praying to the Lord of the planet for hell or high
water. I probably would pray to him for no hell or no high water,
because thats his domain.
So, when you tithe, its important to realize that the tithing is
really a symbolic act, a gesturing of the Spirit out. By giving in


this way, you are acknowledging that there is a greater

something inside of you, and you begin to break the selfpossessive addiction. It is that greater part that blesses you and
protects you, so that the slings and arrows of outrageous
fortune never really touch you. They may touch your
personality and your mind and emotions, and if you are invested
in those you are going to get hurt. But if you fall back within the
Soul consciousness, the I am, they fall real short.
Many people have the attitude toward money of, I worked for
it, I earned it, its mine. And yet if we say, With this that has
been given to me, I will give back 10 percent, we take away the
my approach. In the giving back to the Spirit Source of what
we earn, the attitude of me, what about me? goes away. Now,
that really goes against the teachings of the negative power.
People ask if tithing is a universal law. The answer is yes, and its
one that works through the universe of Spirit, also. It works in
nature, too, in a very simple way. When the trees lose their
leaves, they are giving back to the Spirit. The leaves go into the
ground and become a form of fertilizer.
And then the rain takes the fertilizer to the roots, and the tree
grows stronger. Its a very simple thing, and it is natural law.
There is also spiritual law, which is man giving back to God. But
man doesnt know where God is, so the law is to give to the
Source from which you receive your spiritual teachings. It says in
the Bible that anyone who receives instruction in the Word must
give all good things to his instructor. How much do you give to


your instructor or teacher? You give them 10 percent of all

things. Thats if youre taught in the Word. If youre not taught
in the Word, then you can decide out of your own spirit what
you give. But where youre being fed is where you tithe. So you
sow to the teacher of the Word, and you reap from that teacher.
And with the blessings of tithing, God gives more back again.
If we look at the universe as nonpersonal, it sees you give 10
percent, and it sees the emptiness created by your giving. Since
the universe cant have emptiness in it, it fills the empty space.
That is the return. If it keeps seeing the emptiness there, instead
of just giving 10 percent back, it starts to give much more, until
it flows over. And that is what is promised in the Bible. (I will
...pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for
it. Malachi 3:10 NIV) God has kept his word. People who tithe in
MSIA experience incredible things. They dont necessarily
experience money things, but they experience a freedom of the
Spirit in them. Its like its no longer in bondage.
God knows the intent of the heart. So if somebody tithes with an
intent of just being a joyful giver, they may receive of the
abundance. Someone who tithes without that intent may not
receive because they may be concerned about where the money
goes and how its being used. It may look like they are caring, but
they are not; they are being a nuisance. Because the one who
tithes lets go and says, You are the caretaker, and if you dont
take care of it, God will deal with you, not me. Ive kept my
covenant with God.


So, your part is to give joyfully and freely. You do not look for a
return, because then you are tempting God. You dont get Him
into a bargain. God does not negotiate. His law is forever. His law
is that of loving and giving, and He will not compromise that.
[He gives what He gives, not necessarily what you want or asked
for.] You must fulfill the regulations: get the tithe in the mail.
Once God gets it, he gives you the return, but you must do your
part first. He tells you the law, and then you start it. But, in
a way, God started it first because he gave us everything,
in abundance.


The true Joyful Givers

can ask God from their heart
to send healing to the world.
They have the contact with Spirit,
for these are the ones
who are amassing themselves on Gods side
through tithing as a demonstration.

I know that tithing works.

The people who try it and do it with a willing heart
receive so much because God loves a joyful giver.
At first, I had a hard time being joyful with what I was giving
because I wasnt giving 100 percent.
Then those who work spiritually with me said, Fake it.
No, they actually said, Act like it. Act joyful.
And as I started acting joyful, joy appeared.
As I started acting wealthy, wealth appeared.
When I started giving money away to the poor people,
that showed I had abundance, and more abundance appeared.
Now the organizations that I work with are worldwide,
and they have a great deal of influence
but not because of me.
It is because God is my partner. Is God your Partner?
If the answer is yes, then you dont have any problems.

Two Tithing Stories

Getting in the Game

It all began about 112 years ago. I was stuck in a familiar pattern.
No job, no car, no money. So I turned to God and yelled, Help!
I figured maybe I should try the PTS Abundance Class once
again. I got on the bus and rode it about two hours to go to the
class. I decided I was going to approach the class with a new
attitude. The one Id had was, Oh yeah. Everything works in
MSIA, except for this class and tithing and seeding.
I started to seed. It seemed to work with little things. My car
got fixed. I got back on the road. I read the quotes from the
class. I did a gratitude journal. I started to feel a little more
positive, a little more trusting in God and this process. Little
bits of money started to come in.
In the class we talked about having a clear intention. I knew
what I wanted, but Id never written it down. So I did that. I also
started to keep track of my seeds, making them more specific.
That seemed to work. Then came the big challenge. Tithing.


Of course, the first thought I had was I cant afford 10 percent.

I started to feel very angry, excluded, etc. Then someone in class
told us that they had started to tithe 1 percent. They said that
they felt that, at least that, way they were in the game.
Something inside me really heard that, so thats where I
started at 1 percent. If I had $100, all I had to tithe was $1.
That I could handle. I felt like I did as a child putting money in
the collection basket at church thrilled to be participating.
Then the miracle really began to happen. I had a part-time job
delivering posters, flyers, and coupons for theater events around
town. It paid about $50$100/week, and I hated it. Id been
doing it for four years, and my route was dying a slow death. I
felt guilty that I wasnt giving it my all. I was burned out. Then
one week I was given coupons to distribute for a show at a big
theater. I really hated doing that. I trudged forward anyway.
Then I realized that this did not have to be hard. I decided to use
a sales technique I knew, but had not been practicing. I
assumed the sale (very similar to acting as if). I called on
many major stores and told them I had some special,
promotional coupons for them. I saw the job differently, so they
saw me in the job differently.
Three days later, the man that I worked for called me and said,
What did you do? They have redeemed almost $1 million in the
past three days. This has never happened with these coupons
before. To make a long story short, the show was extended for
almost four months, so all those actors had jobs, and the man
that I worked for saw his business really come back to life, and


he paid me another $3,000 to deliver these coupons over the

next six weeks (which only took me a total of, maybe, 30 hours).
During this same time, my current business began to take
form. I had another part-time job packing and shipping small
things for a company. Their large shipments were handled
by a big company who mishandled them, and Id have to fix
the mistakes. I started doing this part-time in a friends garage.
Now, I have my own company that does all the shipments,
a warehouse, and several employees, and it is expanding to
possibly take on other clients.
So, whats the point of all this? Tithing and seeding do work. I
have been increasing the percentage that I tithe each month. Its
interesting. As I raise the percentage, Spirit seems to participate
with me more. More work comes in, and more opportunities
come in.
Tithing has become an investment for me. What I really want to
say to those of you who dont tithe and want to is, Start where
you are. If its just a dollar a week, do it, because youll feel like
youre participating. Ive gotten so much from the teachings of
MSIA that Ive always wanted to be able to give back something
financially. When we tithe, we really are being of service because
we can make the teaching available in more ways to more
people. By making the teachings available, we can feed
thousands of people spiritually. Just by writing that tithing check
(no matter how much its for), we can all really be a part of it.



Dear John-Roger,
I am writing to share with you and my fellow ministers, initiates,
and Discourse subscribers about what my family has experienced
since we began tithing.
Two years ago we were broke. Wed been living in a rentcontrolled house for eight years and were suddenly evicted,
leaving us (myself, my wife, and our seven children) faced with
finding a new home. Rents had gone way up, and we had been
just scraping by before. We felt desperate.
There seemed to be no solution. No one wanted to rent to a
family with so many kids at any price, so in desperation I said to
my wife, Lets start tithing. Were not able to meet our financial
obligations anyway. Our phone had been shut off at least ten
times in the previous two years for nonpayment, and I dont
even know how many collection agencies were after us.
Anyway, we started tithing and, to make a long story short,
miracle after miracle started to take place for us. And, less than
two years later, we are living in a beautiful home (which we now
own), and my wife has a new business that gives her more
money and allows her more time off.
Before we started tithing, we owed thousands of dollars. Now we
are free of debt and well in the black. I just felt it was important
to let people know that tithing works.



Tithing is a way of saying,

God, pour forth whatever blessing You have for me.
God is health, or lack of disease.
God is always at ease, always present, always now,
and is constantly creating and expanding.

How do you know your tithing works?

By the results that its bearing.
And what if it doesnt bear the results?
You didnt do it out of your heart.
God says that He loves a joyful giver.
You forgot to smile as you wrote the check.
You forgot to say, Thank you, Lord, and theres more coming.
And thanks for the health and thanks for this and this and this.
The thankfulness is like a litany,
almost like chanting the spiritual exercise mantra.
It will start to produce changes in us that are remarkable.
And often it also produces changes in other people
around us that are equally as remarkable,
because with those we love and care for,
we share the goodness and the bounty of our spirit.

Questions and Answers
on Tithing

Why should I tithe?

There are no shoulds to tithing. You may, however, wish to open
up a channel of greater abundance for yourself, and tithing is an
effective and proven way of doing this. The abundance comes
through Spirit and takes many forms. Remember, you are tithing
for you, for your own growth and upliftment.

Why do you suggest I tithe to MSIA?

If you actively study Soul Awareness Discourses, MSIA is likely to
be the source of your spiritual teachings. In giving to MSIA, you
are, essentially, giving to yourself because you are part of it. MSIA
then gives back to you through the dissemination of spiritual
teachings and through having physical locations, such as Peace
Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens and Windermere, where you
can go for spiritual renewal.


I am on discourses, and I am studying toward initiation. I also

go to church, which I often find inspiring. Can I give 5 percent to
my church and 5 percent to MSIA?
A person will usually have one source for their spiritual
teachings. What seems like another source is often a form of
fellowship or support. Therefore, we recommend that you decide
what your source is and give the full tithe to that.

Im confused. Do I tithe on the money I receive net (after

taxes) or gross (before taxes)? It seems like Ive heard of both
being done.
When you tithe to yourself, you tithe on the net amount of
money you receive. When you tithe to the source of your
spiritual teachings, you tithe on the gross (before taking out
taxes), the idea being that you give to God before you give to the
tax collector.

Is tithing tax-deductible?
Although MSIA is a tax-exempt organization and tithing qualifies
as a contribution, many people have decided not to claim their
tithes as tax deductions. This is because the money they tithe
does not belong to them in the first place; it is Gods, and they
prefer to have their blessings come through grace rather than
have the reward come through a tax deduction. Of course, it is up
to you to decide what you want to do, since tithing is a matter
between you and God.


I received a car as a birthday present. Someone mentioned that I

needed to tithe on the value of the car. I dont think this is correct
since I didnt receive any money. Am I right?
No, you are not correct. You tithe on your increase (anything
that is added to you). This means that you tithe not only on
money but also on the value of gifts you receive. This does not
include loans, since this is not an increase because you owe the
money. However, if the loan is forgiven, you would tithe on the
forgiven portion.

You mean that if I receive a shirt as a gift, I tithe the value

of that?
Yes, since the shirt is your increase. The attitude here is one of
gratitude for the gift. People who have really lined up with
tithing find that the blessings line up right behind them.

I stopped tithing and have found myself living in lack, and

now I want to tithe again. Is there anything I have to do to renew
my commitment?
The commitment or covenant is between you and God, so the
act of tithing renews the covenant automatically. Because of the
sacredness of this covenant, it is important to bring yourself back
into the flow of tithing by tithing from the time you chose to
start tithing again up to the time you actually send in the tithe.
For example, if you recommit to tithing on March 15 and send


in your first tithe on July 1, you would make sure you have
tithed on all your increase from March 15 to July 1.

Is it okay to miss a tithe? I sometimes get insecure about the large

bills I have to pay.
Lets look at it this way: By tithing, you have set up a channel for
Gods abundance. This abundance comes through in Spirits
timing. Why not keep this channel of blessings continuously
open? Your tithing is your statement that you are open to
receive. Tithing works from inside you, so you may want to
sacrifice your insecurity for the joy that comes with giving. As
Jesus said, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. (Luke
10:2 RSV)

Do you suggest making tithing a lifelong habit?

Yes. Tithing is easier when it is done regularly upon receipt of
income. An attitude of gratitude will usually come present as 10
percent is given to Spirit. As regular tithers have found, the
blessings do pour forward, even in the testing times. This
demonstrates that Spirit keeps its promise to us for life; all we are
doing is choosing back.

My husband recently lost his job, and we are short of funds.

Shall we tithe?
Yes. Tithing has to do with your personal relationship with God.
Tithing with the correct attitude is an affirmation of that


relationship. It has been set up for you to receive of Gods

abundance. There are often tests, but if you stick with it, you will
probably be writing a success story for the Tithing Times.

I dont work, and I dont bring in any money. All the money I get
is from my husbands work. And when he gives me money for the
supermarket, I tithe 10 percent of that. Is that all right?
Its not really because thats not an increase to you. Thats the
supply for the family. If he gives you money for you, then Id
tithe on that. The money he gives you to buy food is not a
personal increase. Youre just acting as a steward, taking the
money and buying supplies for the household.

What if he gives me money for clothing?

That would be different because thats your increase. However, if
youre buying clothing for the other members of the family,
thats not your increase. Thats for the groups increase.

Ive been tithing on my gross salary. I also get a lot of benefits

from my company, like medical insurance and dental insurance.
Do I tithe on that, too?
No, thats not an increase to you. Its a benefit to you. You dont
get it. You cant tithe on what you dont get.


So you wouldnt consider that a gift?

No, because I havent used the medical insurance plan or had
my teeth fixed, or my car hasnt wrecked in ten years, so whats
the increase?

What if I go to the doctor and I get 80 percent of the fees

covered by the insurance company?
Its not an increase. You never saw it; it went to the doctor. If the
insurance company paid 110 percent, you got a 10-percent
increase and you would tithe on that amount.

I was in a car accident and Ive been reimbursed for the

medical expenses.
Thats not an increase. Its matching funds that went out. If you
get a loss settlement, above and beyond it, thats an increase. If
you have to use that money to fix your car because of the
damage from the accident, thats not an increase.

Just to be clear on the tax deductions: Say I deduct a donation

to a university. Is the amount of the tax savings that I receive
an increase?
No, thats not an increase because you have already tithed on the
gross amount of income that you received.


So, if I go to a chiropractor and he doesnt charge me, would

that be an increase?
Technically, if you receive lasting benefit from going to him and
he would have charged $40 and he didnt charge you and you
receive the benefit of healing and health from the chiropractic
adjustment, $4 is tithed.

When I first started tithing, within three weeks to the day, all
this negativity came on me and it was like, I dont have enough
money for this, and I dont have enough money for that. So I
tithed a double tithe, and the next week I made precisely that
amount of money.
Ive never talked about double-portion tithing, but you just now
brought it up. That is really creating more abundance.

Thanks to you, J-R, I knew what was going on when all the
feelings of lack came up. I had the wit to recognize the negative
power on me. So I went double time, and from that point on Ive
also been doing two hours of s.e.s with no problem.
Isnt that a great thing? You know it in yourself. Well, God bless
you for doing it, because thats where the blessing sits.

Should I keep a money magnet, or should I tithe?

The optimum thing is to do both. However, if you were to do
only one, I would suggest you tithe. Donations are mans law,


tithing is spiritual law, and the money magnet is a law

unto yourself.

Why is it that when I tithe to the money magnet, its on my

net income and when I tithe to MSIA, its on my gross income?
The gross represents the totality of Spirit; its what God has
given to you. The net represents what you use for your own
Soul development.

Im in business for myself. On what amount do I tithe?

There are two things to look at here. First, there is your salary or
what you draw from the business, and you would tithe on the gross
amount of that. Then there is the profit the business makes. If you
were in biblical times and you sold a horse, you would tithe on the
increase, which would be the selling price of the horse less the cost
of the horse. If we take that into modern times, you would
probably tithe on the difference between the selling price of your
goods and the cost of those goods to you. This is sometimes called
the gross profit.

What if I am a lawyer?
Then you would probably tithe on your gross income.

Can I deduct overhead expenses in computing my tithe?

Technically speaking, no. However, its up to you because youre
the one tithing. I can only present the guidelines. Tithing is


between you and God, and the most important thing is that you
do it joyfully and unconditionally. God knows the intention of
your heart. So the key is to keep things straight in your heart and
youll be fine.

What if I am given a scholarship or somebody gives me a room

to stay in free of charge. Do I tithe on that?
Technically, yes, but on the value placed on it.

What if I dont have the money?

If you have no money, then obviously you cant tithe. But I
know from observing people who tithe regularly and with the
joyful attitude that they always have the money, and the
blessings are pouring forth for them. You see, tithing is about
putting God first in your life. Put God first in your life, and you
can count on God doing His part. You will know in your heart
what you are to do. Trust that and dont hassle yourself.

I tithe and I give just because, to me, that 10 percent is Gods. I

just write out my check, and I dont think about being joyful or
anything else because thats Gods, and theres not too much to
think about. Is that being a joyful giver?
Yes. Joyful giving isnt doing, Yay, team! Cheer, cheer, cheer!
Fight for the Lord until you die. Rah, rah, rah! It is the essence
of what is in your heart that counts.


I have a friend who has been going through a hard time and has
had difficulty earning money, and she says that every effort to do
things in the world has been thwarted these past three years or so.
When I suggest tithing or seeding, she says she doesn't want to,
and she gives me examples of people who have not seeded or tithed
and who are doing fine.
It really is too bad that she doesn't know of the God that comes
to those who tithe.

I have a sense that tithing somehow keeps me more alive inside.

Can you say anything about that?
Tithing is a spiritual law. You give of the first fruits; you give first
to God in thanks for all that comes to you. When you do this
without seeking any return but openly in gratitude for what you
have received, you keep yourself under God's law, or grace, rather
than the law of the negative realms. It is one way of keeping your
eyes on the Lord.
You give your tithe as a spiritual duty, the same way you breathe.
When you give without looking for results, you are giving openly.
That giving is rewarded secretly. That secret rewarding may come
as a flash of insight into the heart of God.


We suggest that you tithe 10 percent of

what you receive. That is the gross,
before things are taken out of your paycheck.
Many people said that was too difficult,
so Spirit said it would then meet them
if they gave 10 percent of what they took home.
In other words, Spirit made them a deal.
But Spirit would not give any further than that
because it isnt ours in the first place.
It is Gods, and all we are doing
is recognizing that God is our partner
by giving Him 10 percent.
Its the spiritual law of tithing.
So the minimum is 10 percent.

People who tithe in MSIA experience incredible things.

They dont necessarily experience money things,
but they experience a freedom of the Spirit in them.
Its like its no longer in bondage.

Tithing Testimonials

After resisting tithing for many years, I finally took the plunge
over a year ago and started giving 1% a month. I am now up to
10%, and although I am earning more than I ever have before,
I can assure you that the money is the least of the many
blessings I have received from tithing.

I live far better on 90 percent than I ever did on 100 percent.

My life had been quite challenged financially these past
couple of years and yet Im just very aware how God takes care
of me in so many ways. Its very clear that God is my Partner
and tithing is just something I would not skip on as it has
been such a source of strength to me.



Because the experience of tithing is a very inner, sacred thing,

many years ago I asked whether it was clear for people to share
about it. J-R said that it was indeed a good thing and he said, Its
a spiritual action to share about tithing. Even more recently J-R
has said, I wish more people would share about tithing.

We had a volunteer who just couldnt get tithing together it
just wasnt possible for her. She was dealing with a lot of
financial stress, so I told her, Why dont you try one percent?
She came back the next time, and said, You know, I upped it a
little, because it worked so well. And she continued with it and
is now up to 10 percent. Tithing really works. It gives me such
great joy and enthusiasm to write my check for tithing its the
happiest check I ever write.

I dont know what tithing does, or what the result has been all
I know is that it feels great to write that tithing check.

Another way that tithing blesses somebody is that it moves them
into realizing that they do have more than they need.



The blessings pour over and around me. I could never have
imagined the magnitude and it continues on. I trusted my
seed handled that. I tithed and put God before anything. Im
happy and living the sacred life Ive always wanted.

When I tithe, I dont look for a reward. The gratitude I feel inside
is enough. In fact, for me its the best reward of all gratitude for
participating in tithing and gratitude for the blessings I receive
every day. I dont know where all these blessings come from.
There are constant miracles and surprises.

It is one of my greatest pleasures to send my tithe to MSIA. The
bigger the check, the better I feel. My first tithing check was one
of the biggest thrills of my life. It feels so good to give back. I am
more open and receptive of Spirit and tithing has opened in me
a joyful place of worthiness to receive.

When I write my tithing check, its as if my hand is lifted up to
the heavens and is met by the hand of the Lord, to guide and
protect me on my way home. Tithing paves the road ahead, so
that I never walk alone, I walk with the Lord.



When you tithe,

you join in with the other tithers in MSIA
you join in that force field thats in touch with the
angels and all the blessings of God that are present.
It really demonstrates youre in
good standing with the Lord.

Many years ago someone said to me that tithing would allow me

to get closer to God. For no other reason, I did it and have never
regretted a moment. Tithing aligns me inside with the place that
is already secure, full, abundant, and above and beyond the cares
of the world. It allows me, quite magically, to let go and let God.

Tithing to me has been a life line to God. Over the years my
husband and I have experienced many financial ups and downs,
and through it all I have continued to tithe. The sense of joy and
trust in Spirit, and the sense of partnership with God that I
receive when tithing, has enabled me to stay in a place of
acceptance, peace, and joy despite all the challenges.

Tithing has brought about an expansion and abundance in my
consciousness and in my life in so many ways money being
the least of them. Though the money is welcomed and
appreciated, its the expansion in Spirit and my openness to
experience all that life has to teach me, that I truly treasure.

I have renewed my partnership with God. I have been tithing
weekly for a couple of months. The peace of mind, the joy in
participating, the joy of giving fills me beyond words. Its hard


to describe my inner experience with tithing. Its as if

something inside of me is relaxing and opening with and around
money. I want to get down on my knees and thank God that I
am giving and can give. There is so much for which to be
thankful. In tithing, I feel as if I am taking my place with God
and fully participating.

When I am not tithing, miracles dont happen as often and
financial concerns are more persistent. I also feel contracted.
When I tithe, the partnership with God allows for a sense of freeflowing energy with regard to finances. I choose to tithe because
it is so uplifting and expansive for me.

Tithing has made me more aware of my relationship with God.
I come into more joy as I write my tithing check. My day is
bigger and brighter, my consciousness clearer, and my love
more present.

Tithing has been very good to me! Its often a process to write
that tithing check. I always come back to the knowing that I
need to be in the flow of Gods abundance. So, regardless of how
challenged I feel to part with my income, tithing is what I do. I


want to, and need to, live within Gods grace and tithing is a big
part of that.

What can I do for God, for all the riches and abundance he has
given me? How can I strengthen my connection, my relationship
with Spirit? Tithing is the answer to both questions. When I
awakened to the spiritual warrior within me, I knew that tithing
to the Traveler was a big key for me. I am grateful to give, and in
the process release and let go and fulfill my covenant with God.
Thank you.

9/11 happened 6 blocks from my office. I was impacted
financially, but I decided to continue tithing. The Light energy
was very present in my office, and I found I was handling things
with ease. I received money from insurance coverage I never
knew I had, and new patients started to come in while old
patients began treatments they had put off. Most importantly, I
allowed myself to trust that God was My Partner, and that has
been abundantly apparent.

Tithing is second nature to me. I dont consciously ask myself if
I am taking a breath of air. I cannot live without air. My


Tithing is something you give

unconditionally, and once you let go,
its like cutting the string of a kite. Its gone.
But this kite flies high and
eventually reaches God's attention,
and in God's attention all the goodness
that you want will start coming your way,
like health and wealth and happiness
and more good things than I could
ever imagine to tell you.

consciousness of bounty, grace, health, loving, and abundance

needs tithing in order to flourish. Also, I know of no other way
to so affirmatively declare to my consciousness that I am open to
receive of Gods grace than to seed.

Many years ago, even though I was in a downward spiral, I
continued tithing, more out of habit than anything else. Now,
looking back, I recognize that tithing was what kept me
connected to God during those bleak times. I wasnt aware of it
at the time, but that habitual expression of trust in God is what
pulled me though the dark hours and has led me to a place of
awareness of all the riches in my life.

Since I started tithing, I have noticed that more and more of the
time I am joyful. Its been a great affirmation of my partnership
with God. I am always grateful for the opportunity to give back
to God freely and with gratitude.

Tithing has been the smartest investment that I have ever made.
The return is so much better than I ever thought it would be.
Since God is the Source of all things, I want to make sure that my
books are balanced with the Big Boss and that the doors of His
storehouses are always open to me. When I didnt tithe it was


ignorance and foolishness on my part Ive gotten smarter now.

I tithe.

I have been tithing for many years, and each time I sit down
to write my check, I take a moment to look at all I have been
given, both inwardly and in the world. I dont write the check
until I connect with my gratitude and feel it flowing inside of
me. When I write the check, it is a physical demonstration of
praising God for the gifts in my life. It is a way for me to rejoice
in my abundance.

In the moment I am writing my tithing check, I find myself
lifted above my material concerns and in a place of joy. The
process of tithing accesses Gods energy for me, putting all else
in perspective. I love to tithe.

Tithing for me is a trust that I am given what is needed to take
care of myself. It is a way for me to be consistent with that trust
and with my devotion for the Lord. It is also an act of gratitude
for all that is in my life.



Tithing demonstrates directly and dramatically to me that God

is my Partner and that God is personally involved in my
moment-to-moment, day-to-day life completely loving and
caring for me so that my quest and my question becomes clear:
How can I serve the Beloved?

My experience with seeding and tithing has been incredible. I
have tithed for almost 19 years and have seen my wealth, both
physically and spiritually, expand every year. Seeding was
difficult at first because I wanted big things and didnt know
how much to seed. So I started seeding with a set amount per
month for me and my familys health, wealth, happiness,
abundance, prosperity, riches, loving, caring, and sharing. Thats
when miracles and dreams started coming true.

My husband and I started tithing a number of years ago and
often struggled to make it work, sometimes even tithing on
credit. A few years ago we received a gift which has made our life
much easier. I attribute this to tithing.

Tithing for me is such a pleasure and joy, I can hardly wait to get
my paycheck so I can write my tithing check. I have amazement


God is intention.
When you tithe you make God your abundant focus.
Gods intention is in that focus,
so God will know right where to find you.

and surprise at the multiple ways the Lord is partnering with me

and the way the grace and blessings increase as time goes on. I
have more loving in my life that goes beyond my wildest
dreams. My hearts desires have been met and then far beyond.

I started tithing four years ago as a direct result of the tithing
cards and tithing video. When I dont tithe right away when I
receive my income, it creates problems because my mind finds
all sorts of reasons not to tithe. That definitely doesnt work for
me. When I do tithe right away, things work much better in my
life better ways, better times, and more ease and grace.

After four years of reasons for not tithing, I have even more
reasons. So heres a check.

Since you explained about tithing, I have had wonderful
experiences that go beyond my dreams. People now give me a lot
of things money, clothes, and MSIA workshops. It was hard at
first because I was tight money-wise. But now I am getting a lot
of freedom in money matters. I am able to make ends meet a lot
easier, and I know I am going out of debt. I thought it would be
nice to share with you how wonderful it is to tithe.


When I started tithing it seemed like a big risk to me. When I

realized I had nothing to lose, I wrote to MSIA and asked them
to send me whatever I needed to begin to tithe. I received a
tithing commitment form that I signed and to this day, I re-sign
that form every year. I feel this is a big key to the commitment
of tithing. I sent in my first tithe, 10 percent of what I made that
month. Ive always held true to the 10 percent concept that is
indicated in the Bible. There seems to be something very
significant about this 10 percent concept that comes from inside.
Within the first week, I had my first tithing experience. It was
amazing. When beginning to tithe and having one of these
small miracles take place, I believe that, by giving the credit to
tithing, an even greater channel is opened. I think that if I
would have denied this small miracle as a coincidence, the
channels would not have opened as quickly. This has been my
experience. The way I show my gratitude is in a fun way. I
thank what I call the Inner Forces of Tithing.
Even though, in the time I have been tithing, my income has
quadrupled, to me even more important than the things that
happen outwardly are the subtle inner blessings of tithing. One
of these is that there seems to be in me an ease with money and
things of a financial nature that has settled into my
consciousness. The way I like to describe it is that my life became
more elegant, with a precision and polish to it. I look at things
differently. For example, prior to becoming a tither, I used to
cringe when I opened my utility bills and berated the companies
as wasteful and negligent. After tithing, it became a joy to pay


the bills, and I was grateful for the service I was receiving and
what a good deal it was to be able to turn on the lights and listen
to music. This was a great blessing to me and carried over into
many other areas as well. So it has transformed my attitude,
where before I was struggling with it.
It seems to me that people feel that they should try tithing
and sometimes they stick their toe in, but they dont take it
on as a way of life. My sense is that we are not trying it, but its
trying us, and we need to participate fully. I find that people who
go into it with the expectation of getting something out of it are
missing the point. The point is about joyful giving. Thats
the blessing.

I love tithing. Its my favorite thing to do. It may seem a little
strange to some folks, but I find it one of the easiest things to do
and one of the easiest of my spiritual practices. I find handling
my 10 percent physical level well to be very challenging
sometimes. But tithing? Easy just write a check each month,
and Im demonstrating to God that I love Him and that He
comes first in my life.

As far as needing the money or missing the money? I dont

even notice. Why? Because I truly do not consider it mine in the
first place.


As to the benefits I receive back from tithing? I dont really care.

Thats not why I do it. I do it because I want to hold Gods hand
close and tight.
Thank you, God, for being my partner and letting me be yours!


Tithing is more than a myth, and its not true that somebody will
become rich with it. Tithing is a lifestyle, in which God is always
placed first, so that God places you first.



Tithing should be one of the

most joyful things you can do
to give to a Source that is reflective
of your own Source.
Your own Source then knows and understands
the vessel by which it is going to give
and receive in the world,
and it will magnify the glory
of your own countenance.
Do you want to miss that?

I dont know how many different ways seeding works,

but I do know this:
You have to seed enough to make it happen.
Its like taking wheat in your hand
and going out into the field that has been plowed.
If you throw one handful of seed,
youll get something,
but you may not get close to what you wanted.
So you have to seed enough to make it worthwhile.
Its between you and God.


Seeding is a spiritual action

because God is your partner.

Seeding is planting the crop.

Tithing is saying thank you when the harvest is in.
Tithing and Seeding are a physical affirmation
of both abundance and gratitude.

The Difference
Between Seeding and Tithing

I am going to suggest an ancient idea to you that is for personal

abundance. We could call it casting, faithing, or seeding. Let
me tell you how it works, especially in contrast to tithing.
In a way, tithing is asking, What is the appropriate behavior in
the eyes of the Lord? It is saying, in essence, God, thank you
for what I have received. And from what Ive received, I want to
give 10 percent back to you. Thats like an aftereffect: After I get
it, I tithe. So, a very simple way of defining tithing, without
going into the financial aspects of it, is that youre saying, I am
thankful for what I have already received.
Seeding is for a future effect and is done beforehand. It works
in the same sense as when you pray over your food and say,
Thank you, God, for what I am about to receive. With seeding,
you are saying, Before I receive this, I am acknowledging the
presence of it.
When we seed and tithe, its important that we pay attention to
the attitude were holding. We have to watch the thinking and


the feelings and the body, because on this planet, we know that,
in terms of the polarity, theres more negativity than there is the
positive. Thats because the Soul is so positive that it has to have
a tremendous balance of the negative polarity in order for it to
stay here.
The tithing process is a statement that none of these things on
the physical level belong to any of us. If your attitude is, I dont
have money to tithe to the church, youd probably better,
because you may lose even what you have. Or, as its stated in
the Bible, For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have
an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken
from him (Matthew 25:29 NIV)
Now, weve seen people experience poverty in the midst of
plenty, and their attitude is sometimes called poverty
consciousness. Its an attitude of, I dont have enough, and
there never will be enough. But listen, there is endless supply.
Once you understand that, you are on your way to a much
higher level of freedom.
One of the things that goes against seeding and tithing is
hoarding. Were vital, alive human beings, and part of our
existence here is loving, caring, and sharing. Hoarding goes
against that. Emotionally, it is a feeling of lack; financially, its
being miserly; physically, it manifests itself as disease.
When we start to place these blocks to abundance, we are out of
line with our own spiritual directive not the churchs, not the
Travelers our own. And when were out of that, we can tithe


and seed to bring ourselves back into alignment. We can come

from all sorts of different levels and still be aligned toward God.
But if we say were aligned and were not, we can have lack taking
place inside of us. This lack could be feelings of unworthiness, or
it could be where we dont have something and we say, I dont
have enough money. I dont have enough education. I dont have
enough love. I dont have enough relationships. There it is
mental, emotional, physical lack.
Tithing is saying, I give to God from what I have received.
Tithing is a little bit under the law, and if you do it all under the
law, youre bound. But if you do it through the grace of giving to
increase things for everybody, an abundant supply comes to you
in many different ways.
So technically, tithing comes under the law; it comes under the
Old Testament. Seeding comes under grace as a future existence,
and its one of the most profound, best-kept secrets in the Bible.
It has been called faith tithing, and we could also call it pretithing, except its not based upon 10 percent of what youve
received; its based upon the amount you want to receive, and
theres no limit to how it can come in. Still another name for it
is the tenfold increase. For the bigger thinkers, its called the
hundredfold increase, and for the gigantic thinkers, its called a
million fold increase.
Seeding is the idea of going to a field with wheat in your hand
and casting it on the land as they did in biblical times. The
implication is that theres an attitude of gratitude for having the
opportunity of owning the land, seeding, and reaping. In


modern times, when youre seeding for something in the future,

it is not as clearly defined how that future event will be returned
to you. This is in contrast to tithing, where you know exactly
how it is returned because you have already received it.
Seeding says, I know this future event will come through Gods
bounty. That could be money, better health, a change in job,
and so on. How does God bring that to you? However God does
it. And rarely does it come just exactly the way you expect it.
This idea of casting forward through seeding must include an
act that commits you to it as a mental focus. You need a clear
vision, a clear idea of how you want it to be, and you seed for
that. Then you wait for the harvest not in terms of sitting
down but in terms of watering and fertilizing the ground so that
theres something for it to grow out of. You make sure its
watered and fertilized by keeping your mind on what you want;
you water and fertilize it out of your mental desires. Its an
attitude or vision.
More simply said, seeding is the planting of what you want to
receive, and tithing is the harvest. Its very hard for people to
shake you loose from your Spirit if youve done both tithing and
seeding because, in this process, God is giving to you and youre
just giving back and saying, Here, God. Heres some more. Its a
phenomenal experience, but you may not know it until you try
it. If you just take my word for it, you may never know. You have
to do it for yourself.


Just do it if youre after the abundance and the prosperity and

the harvest. When you get the harvest, you then share it through
tithing, which is grace. And then you seed again with God as
your partner, which is Divinity. Youre recognizing the divinity
of it all, the oneness of the whole thing.
Tithing educates the lower consciousness, and seeding is
cooperation with the higher consciousness. Tithe for the lower
self, seed for the high self, and share it out through the conscious
self. Be the source of extreme abundance and overflow for
everybody around you. In this way, you come back and
reconnect your power with the glory of God.


In a sense of the word, seeding is fertilizer,

and tithing is what we might call fertile ground.
In other words,
if we try to grow something just in fertilizer,
theres a good chance it might burn up and die.
So we have fertile ground,
and that means we take the fertilizer and mix it in.

of Seeding

When you enter into seeding, there are some key principles to
keep in mind. If youre going to get a crop in the fall, what is the
first thing youre going to have to do in the spring? Plant it. So
you have to give first. You also have to know for what youre
giving. If you plant rye, dont expect a horse. If youre planting
wheat, dont expect rye. So to give first, there has to be a purpose
for the giving, Why am I going to do this? And its not an
altruistic statement. It has to be a self-possessed type of
statement: Im seeding because I want this. Then you lay out
what you want.
When you seed, you need to do it with the real faith of the heart.
You have to claim what you seed for, but you have to claim it
in Gods time and love. You also have to let God know that
youre his co-pilot, his partner. And although God is the
senior partner, you cant just seed and say, Ill let God decide
what to do, because Gods saying to you, You need to give me
a blueprint.


If you say, I want to reach that mountain over there, thats

called imagining. But if youre doing the seeding, you start to
prepare yourself right here to receive of the mountain. You check
that the car has gas in it and that the tires have air. You check the
road map to see how to get there, and the weather to see if you
want to go at that time. With seeding, you must be able to see the
mountain and see a way to get there. We hold clearly the inner
picture of what we want, and then we seed for it. This is a fast
way to personal abundance.
The idea is much like programming the universal mind. (And if
you havent heard the audio tape Programming the Universal
Mind*, it would be a good idea to listen to it.) Get what you want
as detailed as you can as tasty as you can taste it, as smelly as
you can smell it. As much as you can, activate hearing, seeing,
feeling, tasting, and smelling. Then activate the intuitive sense,
so that you just know. And all that will start working to pull in
what you want.
You can also do a collage, or treasure map, where you take
pictures of what youre seeding toward and put them on a
board, or you can create an ideal scene with the creative
imagination, or you can use the technique of programming the
universal mind, or you can use all of them. These things are all
extremely valuable.
If you have made a treasure map or collage but it didnt work for
you the way you wanted it to, its probably because you also didnt
seed for the things on it. You just envisioned what you wanted,
and those things are still out there in your vision and never could
*Available at the MSIA Store, online at


show up. You have to make a path in order for them to come in,
and they come in on dollars or pesos or pounds, whatever is the
medium of exchange.
If you want to seed for something intangible (for example, a
relationship), you still need to put a value on it, and the only
value we all can really agree upon is money, so you determine
within you what that amount would be. Then you determine,
again by going within, the amount to seed for the value you have
placed on that intangible thing. If you want to seed for a spiritual
quality, such as clarity, you have to see what clarity would be
inside of you. If you think it is one thing and its actually much
higher, you may not get what you seeded for. Or you may get the
higher quality because God might know the intention of your
heart beyond your ability to say it.
Knowing how youre going to get there is not as critical as
knowing that youre going to get there and, in that, not having
any doubts, any second thoughts nothing except the holding
and the acting as though it is going to happen. This is not sitting
and thinking as though it might happen, but acting as though it
is happening.
You state what you want very clearly. Then you claim it as
already being here, which is conditioning the consciousness. To
receive, you need to act as though you have it; this is the faith
statement that it is already present. You get your purpose clear,
and if you get at cross-purposes with yourself, if you undermine
your seeding with doubt, your seeding rots and decays. It doesnt
bear good fruit.


Its very important that you do not tell anyone the goal youre
seeding toward, that you are manifesting. Not your spouse, not
your Siamese twin, because they can very subtly, through not
seeing your vision, cast doubt upon what youve got. Youll buy
their doubt as your own doubt even if you dont want to. Then
when the negativity appears, they say, See, I was right. Then
you may say to yourself, Gee, I wonder if they really are right.
The god of opinion is now taking care of you and not the great
abundant God. The god of opinion doesnt deliver abundance,
health, and prosperity. It delivers rip down, tear down, and
alienation. Thats the law. The abundant God brings grace.
As a man thinketh, in his heart he becomes. Were creators. We
can create and see what we want and go for it. We can do the same
thing negatively because this process of creation doesnt care what
we go toward. If you get negative doubts and thoughts, the
process will manifest those for you. So in undertaking seeding,
you must understand that its a real tightrope balance in terms of
what youre going to keep holding in your mind. If you start
getting negative pictures or thoughts about something youre
seeding for, stop them immediately. Get up and walk around. Go
work off the negativity with physical movement throwing a
baseball or running around the block. Then come back to what
you want with a positive focus. You want to make sure youve got
this thing going in the right direction all the time, and you have
to watch your thoughts carefully.
There are parts of your consciousness that, if not addressed, will
allow doubt to creep in. A little bit of doubt starts to grow into


The key is in the attitude.

Some people have really gotten into the
magic of how to do seeding. They do it unconditionally,
where they just feel the joy of giving and where it
really feels good that the Church has the money and
it is going to be used for a good thing.
And with that giving attitude,
they sit in what Id call God consciousness.
Maybe not the biggest part of it,
but certainly its in there. Its terrific to watch.
And when they reap the harvest,
thats the best deal in this life.
Some people dont reap material benefits;
they get peace of mind.
Ive seen people seed in installments,
and they got what they wanted
just after they sent in the last payment.

great negativity, until what you see is negativity. And the terrible
news is that the doubt is also returned, based upon the principle
as you sow, so shall you reap. Some of you people have taken
that seriously enough to say, Do you mean that what Im getting
now is what I put out a long time ago? Exactly. How far back?
How long have you existed? Well, I dont know. Since you
dont know, start watching what you put out now. Its such a key
principle to say, You cant afford the luxury of a negative
thought. Its extremely important.
You might ask, Can I seed for a hundred million dollars?
Absolutely. Will I get it? I dont know. Can you have that
vision working so you can really see and feel it coming to you?
If you cant, you probably wont be getting that.
You can seed for as many things as you can hold a clear picture
of in your consciousness. You have to watch this because its a
pretty delicate balance that youre maintaining in yourself with
your environment. If you get caught in the greed of it, then you
get to receive of the greed, and you may not receive what you
wanted. Then you live in lack: I lack; therefore, I have greed.
But if you have abundance, you dont have lack, and, therefore,
you dont deal in greed. It often takes a while to transit across
some of your old, habitual personality patterns, and seeding
also assists you in getting free.
What do people get when they give? Sometimes, they just get
the satisfaction of giving. Seeding has to give you the satisfaction
of just doing it. You draw your picture and purposely design it.
You tell it to God, and you release it to God. Then you go on


about your business. And if you see something else you want,
you seed again, and pretty soon the first one comes in and then
the next. When does it come in? WHEN IT COMES IN. What if
you dont get it within a certain period of time? I would say that
if it doesnt start to return in about a month, look to yourself to
see what happened. Maybe you need to be more patient. Maybe
you need to seed again for that same thing. Go inside yourself to
find out, because seeding is between you and God.
Energy follows thought. Thoughts persisted in produce the
feeling in the heart and the character that were going to be
developing. So seed with the real faith of the heart. You have to
claim it, but you have to claim it in Gods time and love, which
may not necessarily be yours. When you seed that way, with God
as your partner, those things then take place. And the reason
all this works is that you let go and give to God, joyfully
and unconditionally.


Sometimes you might say,

This seeding that I did, I havent got the result yet.
Maybe you didnt seed enough for the value.
So you give more, called a double portion.
So you now have a double seeding on this thing you want,
and now its more likely to be brought forward for you.
This comes not necessarily in your timing, but in Gods timing,
and God is your partner in this,
knowing what you really want and supplying it.
But it has to have something on this level to grow in,
and you are the one preparing the soil by your openness,
your willingness, your joyful-giving attitude, and, above all,
your heart and your being intentioned toward God.

to the Church

Weve got people who have been in this church ten or fifteen
years who are now millionaires from tithing. Someone recently
said to me, I would like to have more money so I can give
more, so now Im telling you about seeding.
This is the one that Jesus did. Do you want to know the occasion
he did it? The multiplication of the fish and loaves is one of the
greatest demonstrations of seeding. And what happened when it
was all done? They had baskets full of what was left over
leftover, surplus, more than what people could eat, more than
what was necessary.
Were to have abundance and prosperity, but in the past we
never knew how to get it except under the law, which is by the
sweat of your brow. Seeding is under grace. Were giving it to
the church and saying, God is my unfailing supply. With God,
all things are possible. What were doing now is fulfilling the
spiritual law of tithing, maintaining that, and keeping it because
its a commandment. And with seeding, were also casting


forward into the future as part of the vision of resurrection, or

the re-creation.
Theres no timeline on when you harvest what you seeded for
because, in God, theres no time. When you seed, you are stating
that the source of the harvest is God. You give the seeding to the
church, but the church is not the one that is going to give back to
you what you seeded for because were not saying the church is
God. Were saying God is God, and the church receives the
seeding as the source of your spiritual teachings.
Can you give it to other places? Yes, but it may not work as well.
It may work somewhat, but you have to do more to make it
work. By saying, The church is the source of my spiritual
teachings, and God is my source of all, you are involved in a
sacred action.
You give to the church, you keep your eye on what youre
going for, and if you have to take a circuitous route to get there,
it may be because what you were after was in a different place
from where you thought you saw it. On this alternate route,
by-products that are blessings can appear. Are they a part of the
blessings of seeding? Definitely.
Seeding the money to the church is saying, I give to that which
inside of me I hold as Gods force on earth. Thats a key thing
to keep remembering. Can it work if you give it to a person? Yes,
if you can see that person as God, or Divinity, or as the church,
it can work that way. But most of us look at a person and find
fault with them. So wed rather give to a big organization for the


greater good of all, and we call that the church. Does it have to
be the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness?
No, it can be another church. But if it doesnt work, try the
Church of MSIA.
Ill tell you something interesting as an example. I wanted a
palomino horse, and when I started looking for it, I must have
seen six or seven pictures of possible horses. A good friend of
mine was seeding to the church for me to get the palomino. (At
that time, I only suspected thats what he was doing; he never
told me, and I wasnt going to ask.)
One day, my friend said, I think I know where the palomino is.
We looked at some new pictures and said, Thats the one. The
pictures were in the forest, and a lady was riding on the horse.
We called up to get it, and the owner told us she had already
taken a deposit from somebody else. My friend found this hard
to accept and said, Wait a minute. Offer her more.
I said, Thats not the way this works. Were not competing with
anybody. So that horse went to the other people.
My friend told me a little while later, I seeded for that horse.
That was yours. I said, Tell me about the image you were
holding. So he told me, and I said, You never saw me on the
horse on the property. He said, No, I didnt. I just saw the
horse for you.
I told him, If its for me, youve got to put me in the picture with
the horse, and youve got to put both of us at Windermere. The
next day we received a phone call about another horse, and we


drove out to see it. We both looked and said, Thats the
palomino. About a week later that horse was at Windermere, and
I was riding it.
God is going to direct you in how to get the harvest that you
have planted. Then here comes the real good news for the
church. You seed to the church to get the money. You get what
you want, and you tithe 10 percent of the increase. The church is
going to get the seeding and the tithe, and youre going to get the
bounty. Thats a win for you and for the church. And guess
who the church is? All of us. The church money magnet becomes
the money magnet for all of us, and the churchs land becomes a
money magnet for all of us, too.
You may be saying, With tithing and seeding, the church is
getting me coming and going. Right. But youre getting
everything in between. And that everything in between is a
tremendous amount. For example, lets say you seed $100
for a car, somebody gives you a $4,000 car, and then you tithe
$400. Thats giving $500 for a $4,000 car. Id do that any day or
every day.
Your relationship with God and your awareness of money and
how you can relate to it and pull it to you can be either your
restriction or your stepping-stone. Youre called upon to make
better use of your money, as well as your time, your thoughts,
your feelings, and your direction.
With seeding, God is your partner, and that is the highest good
that I know of. Youre saying to God, Im giving it to this church


as a way of giving it to you, and this church can use it for

whatever they want to because this is the source of my spiritual
teachings. If it doesnt work, talk to God, because Hes the
supplier. He set it up in the Bible. Its His scriptures, His word.
Talk to Him.
Take the message of what Ive told you here and tell it to other
people. The more people who are sowing for the harvest, the
richer the valley will be. The storehouses will burst open, and a
lot of people will benefit from what were doing.


Seeding has to have a value from inside of you

placed upon what you are seeding for.
If you are seeding for world peace,
your first seed would probably be about $400 trillion.
If you are seeding for peace inside of you, it may be $4,
but it has to be relative to the value
of usability that you place upon it.
And try to have a picture of it
so that theres an object for Spirit to move into.

God is your Partner

You have to make the seeding enough so that you arent saying,
Well, God, heres my penny. Now give me a million dollars. Do
you think thats going to happen? If the answer is no, then you
know it wont happen, because you cant get it into the core of
your senses to bring about a connection with it and pull it
toward you. Its your karma that youre dealing with that sets it
for you, and everybodys got their own karma to deal with. But
when you start to have success with this, that karmic restriction
on your vision starts to leave because that success feeling goes,
Wow, I can enter into the abundance of this.
There are stories where people have seeded for money and the
dollars didnt come, so they said, It doesnt work. As soon as
you negate it, guess what happens. It doesnt work. If you seed
$35 hoping for $35,000, is that realistic? According to Divinity,
it is. According to us? I dont know. Is it realistic inside you? If
you cant make it realistic, guess what happens. Thats your
karma. Thats the thing that stops it.
So the next principle deals with what we might call your karma.
Its karmically written that some of you are never to be


billionaires. Why? It would be detrimental to your spiritual

progression. It is karmically written for some of you that you are
not to be murderers because thats detrimental to your spiritual
progression. Its also written for some of you that you are not to
have great big apartment houses all over the world because it
would be detrimental to your physical well-being. You would
have to travel too much to take care of it all.
Along with the karma, theres also grace, and if we do seeding
under the purpose and the principle that the Divinity has set
forward to us, then its handled by Divinity. Jesus said, Seek ye
first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things
shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33 KJV) That is the greatest
seeding. But few people have the kind of contact with Divinity to
trust it.
So you may wonder how you can trust Divinity more. How can
you trust what you cant see? Well, who wakes you in the
morning? Who breathes you all night long? Who drives the car
when youre busy thinking of something else? Who does all
these things for you? Its that part of us that is invisible, that,
somehow, is always watching and aware and recording
everything thats going on. If it records everything thats going
on, then it can record only good if you put good forward. Get
that purpose of good really clear because when your purpose is
good, your purpose is also God.
God is your partner. Thats the key principle that youve got to keep
in mind. Its not John-Roger, not this person, not that person. Its
God. In dealing with God, one thing you cant hold inside of you


is resentment. If you hold some resentment, all your hours of faith

seeding will give you back resentment. Or, even more important,
the resentment negates everything so seeding doesnt seem to work
for you, and then you get to have more resentment that it didnt
work for you. Its not that you were rejected; you just resent that it
didnt work.
As you seed and tithe, remember money is a divine energy of
exchange. Money in itself does absolutely nothing for you. What
the money can purchase for you is education, opportunity,
recovery from illness, an increase in your ability to perform in
the world, and so on. Thats what money can do for you. Money
itself also has no good or evil in it. So the question is, how do you
use it? To your advantage or to your disadvantage? Use everything
to your advantage, which is everybodys advancement. Thats the
key thing to get here. And know that when you enter into seeding,
you receive of the grace of Gods flow and abundance, and the
bounty is amazing.
Its important that you are willing to receive of the bounty,
however it comes in. Sometimes you will seed for one thing and get
another thing. When it comes in, you may find that even though
you dont want it, you sell it to someone else, and suddenly, the
next thing appears, which is what you really wanted. That first
thing had to come to you, then go back out, to eventually give you
what you seeded for.
Faith seeding is powerful. The faith is claiming that you will
receive prior to it coming to you. Faith is also basking in


gratefulness for the grace of Divinity showered on you because

you have seeded. And you did it joyfully.
Check to see if God keeps his word to you. And remember that
the opening through which you give is the opening through
which you receive. If you just fling wide the doors, what you can
get will overflow to you.


You have to remember that God is the partner here,

not me, not the Church.
Youre doing this between you and God.
At MSIA, we understand that concept.
So when the seeding comes in,
we also pray with it and put Light with it.
We dont want to know what the seeding is for,
just that it is a seeding so we can pray and bless it.

Step by Step

Here is a summary of what to do when seeding:

1. Envision what you want or what you want more of in your

life. See it clearly, see the details, see yourself carrying it out
or living it. It can be a material item or something nonmaterial, such as a relationship, better health, etc.

2. You can seed for as many things as you want. However, if you
are new to this, we recommend that you start with one area,
so you can hold that focus and see it working.

3. Check your inner levels to make sure there is no doubt or

second-guessing yourself. This is very important because
seeding can work as powerfully to reinforce your doubts as it
can to validate your faith. We recommend that you tell no
one about what you are seeding for. After you have received
it, then you can decide whether you want to tell anyone.


4. When you see it clearly, put it in the Light for the highest
good and make your claim. This claiming is the most
important part and is the essence of seeding. It is beautifully
summed up by Jesus the Christ when he said, Therefore I tell
you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received
it, and it will be yours. (Mark 11:24 NIV)

5. Now you are ready to seed by giving money to the source of

your spiritual teachings. This will be the Church of the
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness if you are a student
of the Travelers teachings, including being a minister or
initiate. The money will generally be 10 percent of what you
envision coming in (a tenfold return). But if you can handle
the envisioning of it, maybe your return, now or in the
future, can be a hundredfold or even a thousandfold. If you
are seeding for something nonmaterial, we suggest you
go within to find the dollar amount that represents a seed
to you.

6. The final thing is that you give joyfully and with an attitude
of gratitude for the blessings that are already in your life. God
is the source of your supply, and so you let go of any concerns
about how you are going to get what you have seeded for.
That is in Gods hands, and God will bring it forward for you
in his own timing and in his own way.


There are many, many people who seed for my health.

I really thank them.
They allowed Spirit and God to come in a way
that I wasnt doing it.
And its probably doing it in ways
that I still dont know about.
Im open to receive the seeding.
It never gets old.
Its always, Wow!
And thats what Im blessed with.

for Another

Seeding for another is a wonderful way to share your loving with

your friends, family, and loved ones, placing them and their
concerns, needs, or desires into the hands of Spirit. People who
have seeded for those who are not in MSIA have had requests
for more seeds, with comments like, Whatever it is, it works!
You can seed for something of a general nature for a person, or
you can seed for their health, the resolution of something they
are going through, or something you know that they want
always for the highest good. Some people have found that it
works to ask for God to send a blessing to that person with the
idea that God knows what that person needs.
In addition to seeding for others, you can also ask people to
seed for you, for something you want or would like assistance
with. This approach has worked wonders for people who, after
asking friends to seed for them, reported experiencing a
seeding miracle.


Steps for Seeding

for Another
1. Find out the persons need, or simply seed for their
highest good.

2. Send a seeding donation to MSIA, the source of your

spiritual teachings, along with the name of the person
you are seeding for.

3. Once you have sent the seeding donation, you do not

need to hold a vision for that person; God does that.

4. It is fine to tell the person you have seeded for them;

however, do not mention what the seed is for.

5. It doesnt matter if a person knows what seeding is,

believes in it, or whether they know that you have
done it for them. If someone tells you what their need
is, they have automatically created a channel for God
to be their Partner and for the seed to work in that area.
If you would like to receive gift cards for seeding for
another, please contact MSIA at (323) 737-4055.


A Story of Seeding

Dear John-Roger,
I have a great story to tell you. Its a story about seeding.
Back around December, about the time I received the letter about
seeding, I was feeling that money was very scarce. My savings
were decimated, partly because I had started paying for things
that my parents usually covered for me (like school fees, books,
some car insurance, etc.). They could no longer afford to do so
because my dad, at that time, had been unemployed for well
over a year. So while I understood why my expenses had
increased, there was a constant battle in my mind. I was always
thinking and saying, I am so poor, or I cant afford this.
Then later, not wanting energy to follow those thoughts, Id
affirm abundance, but soon Id slip back into scarcity.
I figured that $500 would replenish my savings enough to make
me feel abundant again. So I seeded 10 percent on that. But even
before the $500 clicked in, things started changing.


On the advice of an inner voice, I checked out an old cigar box

in my mothers bedroom for U.S. Savings Bonds in my name. I
found $300 worth. I blessed my grandparents and aunts and
uncles who had bought the bonds when I was little, and I cashed
them in the next day.
I had intended to use the money from the bonds to pay for a
general fee for the spring semester at school. But by a wonderful
stroke of Spirit, I wasnt charged the fee.
My best friend, who had owed me a couple hundred dollars,
got a high-paying job over Christmas break and was able to pay
me back.
So at that point, I felt very thankful, very abundant, and I wasnt
even looking for anything more.
Then, about three weeks ago, my literature professor called me. I
had submitted (in December, actually) a research paper on Emily
Dickinson to an expository writing contest. He called to tell me
I had won first prize a check for $500.
It was a wonderful, wonderful surprise. I really never expected to
win that contest; Ive never won anything. It felt like a weeklong birthday. And for the first time in many months, I bought
myself some presents.
And I also thought joyously, Seeding works! It works! I would
like to say that I knew that all along, and I suppose part of me
did. But the other part of me, the one that likes hard evidence,
was especially satisfied.


A lot of other wonderful things have happened to me this year.

I got a car (thats another great story I can tell you sometime).
And this week, my dad got a job!



Questions and Answers
on Seeding

Can I tell my spouse about my seeding if were sharing the

same kind of vision?
I suggest you dont tell anybody. Ive heard a lot of people say,
My husband and I, or my wife and I, we share everything.
And then they proceed to share the divorce. Since God is your
partner in seeding not me, not MSIA, but God keep it
between you and God.
I dont tell anybody anything until Ive received what I seeded
for. And when its done, I say, This is what weve done. Theres
no way anyone can put any negativity on it, psychically
interrupt it, or mess me over, because its done.
Im seeding all the time. I have a lot of seedings out there, but
I also dont have more than what I can handle. Remember, its
not this body, nor is it your body, thats rewarding us. It is you
and God and how much contact you have with God, which is
where s.e.s are really important. Also important is the faith of


seeing what you want coming in, seeing yourself receiving it,
knowing you are going to get it. If you doubt it, the doubt goes
into the seed, and you can get negative things coming forward.
So this is why I say, dont tell anybody.

My wife and I are in a business partnership where we work

together, and we want to seed together for the business
because we do everything together for the business. Is that a
different situation?
No, it is not. You can both seed for the business, but you dont
tell each other the specifics of what youre seeding for. If you
both say, Well, lets seed for health, wealth, happiness,
abundance, and more business, you can individually meditate
on that. Then you send in your seeding money separately. If
your spouse asks you, What did you put into seeding? you can
say, Darling, when it shows up, Ill show it to you. You see, its
between you and God, not between you and your partner here
and God. When you seed, God is your only partner.

Whats a good way to seed for a raise in pay?

If you want a pay increase of a thousand dollars, write it down on
a piece of paper, and in the morning when you wake up, say, Im
receiving the pay increase of a thousand dollars, and God is my
partner in this. You enter into the feeling of it, the sensing of it,
and then you let it go. You can do this for two days or more. And
then when you have it clearly inside of you, you just let it go. At
that point, it is in Divinitys hands. And when you let it go, you


say, God, its in your hands. If I get it, you deliver it. If I dont,
that seed is yours.
I know one person who did that and got fired from one job.
He then went down the street to another company and got hired
in the same type of position at an increased salary and with
better working conditions. He also found the woman he
eventually married.

I want to bring in a lot of money, but I dont have much.

What should I do?
If you want a million dollars and you seed ten dollars for it, there
is little practicality in that. You probably dont have enough
power to attract the million dollars. A guideline is that its a
tenfold to hundredfold return on what you seed. So start from
where you are, no matter how small, and build from that.

If it is a huge goal, should I seed for the huge goal or should I

seed for the steps to the goal?
Why ask for a loaf of bread if you can ask for a grocery store? And
a loaf of bread can be made up of many slices.

How do I seed for things that arent material, that dont have a
price tag?
Lets say youre seeding for a better relationship. I tell people to
do an ideal scene of what that better relationship would be. Then


You see, this thing works so perfectly in the Spirit.

If you seeded less than what was needed to bring it to you,
the seeding will be transferred into something else
inside of you and in Spirit.
It would probably go into the karmic thing that
you need to balance, so the things you get in the future
wont be taken away through lawsuits or divorce settlements
or auto wrecks or somebody getting hurt.
So if it can be balanced-off financially
with a hundredfold return,
what an easy way to do it.

Seeding says,
I know this future event will
come through Gods bounty.
How does God bring that to you?
However God does it.
And rarely does it come just
exactly the way you expect it.

close your eyes and go inside and ask yourself, How much is
this worth to me? And inside of you, you spontaneously come
up with a figure. You now have a value statement for yourself.
Then say to yourself, How much do I need to seed to make my
ideal scene happen? Then inside of you, you will get another
figure. And you seed that figure for that value for that better

What if I seed for something, like a relationship, thats not

really for my highest good?
It wont come in. But after a certain period of time (like three to
six weeks), if nothings moving, you say, Thanks, God, for the
relationship with you, because maybe thats what the
relationship was all about. God says, I dont want you to have
anybody else. I want you to have me. Well, Id settle for that.
Theres no question, because God is all things, including all the
not things.

How many things can I seed for?

You can seed for as much as you can handle in your
consciousness. And you seed for each thing separately. For
example, if you want to come out to Conference in July, go to
Jamaica a month later, and a month after that go to northern
Illinois, then you seed for all three separately. Do not put them
together as one seeding because if one doesnt come off, it blocks
the other ones. So you seed for them as entirely separate things.


If Gods my partner, can I just seed and let him decide

what to do?
No, because hes saying to you, Give me a blueprint of what you
want. Your job is to provide God with the blueprint.

Is seeding a higher law than tithing?

Seeding is not a law. Seeding is done in cooperation with the
high self, so if youre only seeding, the lower self can feel left out.
So, as I said earlier, tithe for the lower self, seed for the high self,
share it out through the conscious self, and be the source of
abundance and overflow for everybody around you. Somebody
might come up to you and say, Oh, my God, my kids teeth
need fixing. I need a thousand dollars. You can say, Heres
your thousand dollars. You dont have to pay me back. Go get
the kids teeth fixed, and stop worrying about it so you can do
your own seeding properly.

Regarding my money magnet, would it work to keep 10 percent

of the money magnet and use 90 percent as seeding?
You can seed from the money magnet or you can tithe from the
money magnet. I would seed from it because Id be increasing
my supply, my return, and Id keep 10 percent.
When you tithe off your money magnet, youre tithing into the
church magnet. When youre seeding, youre not necessarily
seeding into the church magnet. Youre seeding into God.


Would seeding be amplified if we as a group focused on the

same thing?
Yes, but if somebody throws doubt into it, guess what happens.
Its amplified doubt. Thats why I keep telling you to come back
and reconnect your power with the glory of God. This causes a
conviction to appear inside of you thats dynamic.
You see, I love this. Ive done this for years, and Ive never
wanted to share it with anybody because I thought, If I share
this, it might be taken away. So I seeded for the giving away,
and a year or so ago, it started coming up for me to share it.

Can I teach my kids to seed?

Yes. They get an allowance, so have them seed off the allowance.
Seeding also teaches great money management. Kids start to
realize, I dont want to seed money for candy. I want to save it
and seed it for this great big Christmas present. So they learn
how to save and prepare, and they learn how to defer, to sacrifice
for greater value.

I heard that if you have any doubts or negative thoughts, the seed
would go negative. Thats got me scared about seeding.
If you have doubt, which can cancel the seeding, and you dont
get what you wanted, you can feel like you threw your money
away. Then that stops you from seeding any more because you
will think that it doesnt work. So you may say, Im not going
to seed anymore because I do it negatively. The solution is to


Show your children that tithing works.

Show them that seeding works.
Explain to them the planting of good fruits
and good intentions and let them see the harvest
as the goodness that appears inside of you.
Share with them the loving
that is God being made manifest
and abundant in you.

grow up, learn to be mature, and handle it responsibly. Theres

no way to do this except to really do it.

What do you do with the human part that doubts?

In MSIA we deal in positive focus as opposed to positive
thinking. With positive thinking, if you have a negative thought
poof! there goes your positive thinking. Positive focus
allows for negative thoughts along the way; youre just not sidetracked by them.
Its critical that, at the time you seed, youre clear about what
you are seeding for. Thats your positive focus. Its important that
there is no doubt present at that time because that doubt will
cancel the seed. Itll put bugs in your harvest. Thats why some
people dont know how to work seeding. Theyre too interested
in putting their focus into doubting.
Then, once you have seeded, if doubts come up, its okay. Just let
them go. However, dont focus on your doubts or be run by them
because this will corrupt the clear inner vision, your positive
focus on what you want.
Its like taking a seed of wheat and putting it in the ground and
watering it. In two days you dont dig it up to see how its
growing. That kills it. You never get that seed back once youve
seeded it. But after it produces the harvest, you can take part in
the harvest.
Its very important that you take the harvest of the seed, or
you can stop yourself from receiving the abundance


because what you take from the harvest is more seeds to plant
for another harvest. If you plant wheat in the field and it
comes up, if you dont harvest it, you will have no harvest
next year. So you must receive of what you are sowing.
Personally, I dont put any negativity into my seeding. I just dont
do it. Youve got to find out for yourself how you dont do it. In
fact, you have to find out for yourself how this entire process
works. Im just giving you some of the principles. It works so
many diverse ways that theres no way I could begin to tell it all
to you because its each persons blueprint of his or her own
karmic path of life.

If I seed for something and I change or I say, Thats not it, or

it doesnt come in, is the seed still active?
Yes, but if you doubt that you can receive it, just forget it and
start a whole new seed. Go from wheat to alfalfa. Dont go for a
second field of wheat, which youve already poisoned by your
own negative thoughts and feelings.

How is seeding connected to faith?

When you seed for something, you act as though you already
have received it, which allows a space for it to come in. Thats a
form of faithing. In the Bible, theres a story of a woman who
reached out and touched Jesus garment. This was a seeding
action. She said, If I touch his garment, I will be healed. It
wasnt, I touched his garment, and now Im healed. She said it
ahead of time, as an act of faith, which is the seeding process.


The principle says you get a tenfold to hundredfold return for

what you seed. Then, on what you receive back, you tithe to the
church, which is saying, I got it. And thank you, Lord, for the
harvest. Now you seed again. Your tithing is not a seeding.
Seeding is a different thing inside of you, where you build the
strength of your own faith and convictions.

Can I seed for someone elses health?

Absolutely. You do it just the same way you seed for anything
else. You see their good health, you see them with vitality, the
fullness of it, and you always do it for the highest good of all
concerned. You send in the money maybe its five cents
and then all of a sudden their fingernails may straighten out,
and you know that might not have been enough money.
Good health is an intangible, so you seed the amount you feel
inside. It isnt necessarily a rational approach. Its more of an
irrational thought, where you say, This much will do it. Then
you wait for three to six weeks. In about three weeks something
should start moving. If not, all it says to you is that you did
not do enough. So you send off some more seeding. In this case,
its still part of the original seed; you just didnt give enough to
start with.
If you want something really big, you might seed so much every
month for twelve months, until it reaches a certain point and the
thing comes in. Or maybe it comes in along with something else.


Abundance comes in a lot of shapes and forms.

So the thought you have in your mind
when you do seeding,
thats the intention that your spirit is
going to be moving upon.
To complete the karma,
God may give you something else first
before giving you what you want.

There are so many ways this can work, and I dont know all of
them. But I do know that it works according to you. Id be really
interested to have you try it and find out. And if it works, let us
know, because well have more information about how to live
this life better.

Can I talk about the thing Ive seeded for if I dont actually say
that Ive seeded for it?
I wouldnt mess around with that. Id keep that thing very sacred.

Can I write down what Im seeding for?

Absolutely. In fact I suggest that you do write it down so that you
can review it for about a week. Perhaps you can review it two or
three times in the morning until you dont have to review it
anymore because its there inside of you.

Does it matter whether I give the money first and then later
write it down?
Send the money first because then that makes you commit to
doing it. If you write it down first, its possible that youll never
get around to getting a perfect picture. Youll say, Well, maybe
this isnt quite right. Ill work on it a little while more. Send
your seeding with the general idea of what it is, because God
may read the intention of the heart and produce it for you
within hours.


I overheard someone talking about corporate seeding. Is there

such a thing, and if so, is it the same as regular seeding?
Seeding is done by individuals; corporate seeding is done by the
company. If the company is owned by one person, then the
owner can simply decide what he or she wants to seed on behalf
of the company, and that amount is paid out of company funds.
However if the company is run by more than one person, or
by a board, then it is suggested that the group of people come
into consensus on what they want to seed for; however, the
seeding would not be discussed with anyone outside this group.
Alternatively, the owners as a group may appoint one of them to
seed on behalf of the company, after they have discussed and
gotten clear on the companys goals or objectives. The funds
would still be paid out of the company.

Does corporate seeding work?

The directors of those companies that have seeded have reported
some very good successes. One company realized that a seed
had returned them hundredfold. They noticed this when they
went back through their records to see why their cash flow had
improved. They saw that since they had seeded, they had
received three large amounts of money from unexpected sources.
Another company reported that they had more business than
ever before, and the personnel in their company keep getting
more positive since the directors have seeded.


If my wife and I come into consensus, can we do a joint seed?

No. Its a different process from corporate seeding, unless you
and your wife own a company. Remember, in corporate seeding,
it is the company that seeds because it has a separate legal
identity. Even though a marriage is a partnership, it does
not have its own identity and, therefore, the seeding is
done individually.


Grace comes to you from God, through seeding,

in so many ways most of which you wont
even be consciously aware of.
For example, your seed may prevent negative
things from coming into you that you dont know about,
which then allows the things that you want to come forward.
God always supplies my seeding always
not necessarily the way I wanted it,
because it may not be real good for me
to have what I have seeded for.
Sometimes its not what you get thats the blessing
its what you dont get.

Seeding Testimonials
I would encourage anyone who has been contemplating tithing
and seeding to take the plunge, check it out, and give it time to
check you out. For me, this is not just a technique I am
committed to tithing and seeding the rest of my life. If a person
makes that commitment, they earn the title of Joyful Giver,
which is a glorious thing to become. I am a joyful giver.

My daughter came home tonight and said, Mom, seeding
works. She told me that she had seeded $5 for her intention of
wealth in a PTS class. A couple of days later she entered a pay a
bill contest on the radio. She was then told she was a finalist for
the contest and to listen to the radio from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. for
the entire week to see if her name was picked as a winner. She set
the alarm for 6 a.m. this morning, and at about 7 a.m. she heard
her name called on the radio. She called in and won the
payment of a $500 bill. She said, Well, Mom, this makes a
believer out of a skeptic.



Since we began seeding, our money goes a long way. We can

even save now and satisfy our necessities. Coming from a
concept of abundance and trust seems to be the key. At the
spiritual level, our seeding has been even more incredible. Every
day, working with the Light and the Traveler, we are provided
with the strength and the loving we need to face the challenges
that come forth.

H. and H.
After I sent in my first ever seed, I immediately started looking
for that million-dollar Lotto to hit, which would bring me the
answer to my seed paying off my debts and ending my money
worries forever. I did seed for other things, but always with a
little uncertainty because I didnt get my first seed. Then one
night I started laughing uncontrollably as I realized that my
first seed had been answered quite a while ago not the way I
had pictured it, but in a far more perfect way that only God can
bring forward.
I have gotten my life together and have learned more discipline
and become more practical in how I handle money. More
importantly, I have learned to live in a consciousness of my
own blessings rather than in an envious consciousness of
looking at what others have and I dont. I no longer worry about
bills because they are paid as soon as they come in the mail.
How grateful I am to know that the blessings already are. And I
am living proof.



If someone is new to seeding, I highly recommend they seed for

small things as a way to acquaint themselves with the process.
Seeding calls on us to get clear on what we want to co-create
with God. When seeding, we clarify within ourselves what we
would like, always keeping in mind the highest good of all
concerned. Practicing with small things can make this easier.
For successful small seeding, buy a piggy bank and start dropping
in coins. Some personal favorites of mine are:

Faith in seeding (a great way to begin the process)

S.e.s (putting change in before s.e.s can really kick them in)

Relief from pain

Social occasions to be fun

More humor

Good, pleasant business meetings

A delicious meal when eating out

Loving (I want more love in me right now)

A good nights sleep (just before you go to bed, drop in a coin)



Its a funny thing about this world,

but even those people
who are most likely to get what they want
dont seed because they say that they cant afford to.
I say that they cant afford not to.
I mean, if youre that pinched
and youre feeling that contracted about money,
how is money going to get to you?
Youve got to have an openness to money
or you shut down the flow.

In order to get doubt working for me (its my ultimate test of

how much I really want what I say I want), I have developed a
daily choosing-back process that has been assisting me in some
seeding successes. I call it watering the seed and for 32
consecutive days I water the seed by visualizing what I want, I
see myself as having it, and I send in the additional seed money
to MSIA. The key for me was to continue holding the vision of
my seed manifesting not just once with the initial planting
but for 32 consecutive days.
I dont think I could have repeated the vision each day for more
than a month if what I wanted was off-track for me. During the
32 days, my worthiness and willingness to receive grew stronger
than the doubt. And as what I was seeding for came alive within
my consciousness, the doubt became a lie.
After the 32 days of watering the seed, although I was inwardly
directed to do additional watering at various times, it was clear
my role was to relax and deepen my relationship to Spirit.
The seed manifested in the perfection of Gods timing and I am
overflowing with gratitude and appreciation for the Traveler
teaching me the keys to successful co-creation with God.
Watering the seed has proven itself to me as a valuable tool to
support me in manifesting my co-creations with God.



I had let doubt get in the way of my seeding. It wasnt that I

doubted that seeding would work; it was that I doubted whether
I would do it right. I mean, you have to decide on something to
seed for. Then you have to get clear on it. Then you have to
decide how much to seed. Then you have to keep doubt out of it.
I didnt seed for quite a while. Then one day I had an issue that
I didnt know how to handle. And in my desperation, I turned to
seeding. Did I get what I seeded for? I dont remember. Really. I
seeded and let it go. I let go of it so well that I honestly dont
recall. And maybe that alone was worth the seeding to release
the troubling concern and the feeling of lack.
I also got rid of my hesitation to seed, because now that Id done
it, I realized that if I have the right attitude, I cant do it wrong.

People who havent been in the experience of tithing and
seeding have no idea what they are missing and what a magical,
mysterious process it is. Its not about money; its a whole other
process. A love affair develops with it. I would like to grab
everybody and tell them how great this process is and that they
just need to do it.
The other day someone came up to me and their life was going
well and they said to me, You taught me how to tithe. I cant
tell you how good that felt to be of service in that way. It was as
if my life were complete at that moment. I want to be clear that


I am not a rich man. I am a very wealthy man. Many people look

for the financial return, which can be an error in approach, as
the return can be much bigger than that.

Although I tithe and have known great benefits from tithing
(mostly through what seems to be spiritual gains), I had yet to
see any major reversal in my earthly money problems/beliefs.
My attitudes were very limited as to the power of Gods loving
and support. This has all changed since I have begun seeding.
I have learned to seed for what I want in all areas of my life. I
now know that God really is my Partner and always has been! I
found that I had been lazy and fruitless in my creations and had
been making no effort to hold for those things that I really
wanted for my life. I judged myself as unworthy to have good
and loving things. Living in my lack was extremely painful. I
didnt realize how painful until I stopped doing that stinking
thinking and moved into Gods grace by seeding.
Ive seeded again since that time, and more gains have begun to
be harvested from those seeds. Its not just the money that Im
gaining, but little unexpected areas of good news keep showing
up, and I have a new, uplifted outlook in my life. Life doesnt
seem to be so out-of-control for me. Im no longer whining
inside about how hard my life is. Now I praise God and thank
Him for all that I have, and I see everything I have, or have had,
as a gift from God all of it.


The experience of seeding is much like opening the floodgates

on Gods love in my life. I will seed for the rest of my life. To do
anything less would mark me as a fool.

When I seed, in order to hold the vision on what I want, I use my
sanctuary. I have a garden in my sanctuary, which I call my
seeding garden. And I see each seed manifesting as a rose. Each
petal of the rose represents a quality or blessing. When I seed for
money, I see it on a bush in my garden, much like a money tree.
In addition, I also seed daily. Its a small amount and these seeds
are usually not for material things, but for qualities in my life
such as aware s.e.s or good health. I see them on my rose bush
and I go up to the roses and smell one of the petals and I take in
the fragrance of that quality.



Whats Next?

Its very hard for people to shake

you loose from your spirit
if youve done both tithing and seeding.


Whats Next?
If you enjoyed the content of this book, we recommend that you
visit our websites, and, for
m o re inspirational testimonials and information about the
joyful process of giving to God unconditionally. If you would
like to seed or tithe to MSIA, all you need to do is send a check
or money order to the Church of the Movement of Spiritual
Inner Awareness (MSIA) at the address below.
You can also seed and tithe securely online at
and If you intend to seed or tithe on a regular
basis, we would be delighted to send you a supply of secure
God Is My Partner envelopes. To make it even more convenient
for you, these specially designed envelopes have the postage
already paid.
Also available upon request is a Tithing Covenant card. Since
your commitment to tithe is sacred and is only between you and
God, the card is for you to keep to continually inspire you.
Feel free to call the MSIA office, or email if
you have any further questions regarding seeding or tithing.
May you be filled to overflowing with Gods blessings.
The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
P.O. Box 513935
Los Angeles, California 90051-1935
(323) 737-4055


About the Author

For over 40 years, John-Roger has traveled the world guiding
people to find the Spirit within themselves, and teaching how
to live a healthy, loving, peaceful, and rewarding life.
In 1968, John-Roger founded the nondenominational Church of
the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, through which
he has shared the teachings of Soul Transcendence, which is
becoming aware of oneself as a Soul and as one with God, not
as a theory but as a living reality.
John-Roger has led groups of up to 150 people on Peace
Awareness Trainings throughout the Middle East. His journeys
have taken him to such places as the former USSR, Yugoslavia,
China, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and throughout Africa,
South America, North America, Australia, and Europe.
In the late seventies, John-Roger established Network of
Wisdoms (NOW) Productions, which has recorded over 6,000
of his seminars, and also produces his nationally shown cable
TV show, That Which Is. Besides his own show, John-Roger
appears regularly on television and radio programs (he has been
seen on CNNs Larry King Live, the Roseanne Show, Politically
Incorrect and many others).
His influence extends into the educational arena, as he is the
founder and Chancellor of the University of Santa Monica
(USM). USM offers three Masters degrees all approved by the


State of California. He also founded and is President of the

Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy, which
offers Master of Spiritual Science and Doctorate of Spiritual
Science degrees.
John-Roger is a prolific writer, with over 40 books to his name
and four Bestsellers including a #1 New York Times Bestseller. To
keep up with his writing, he founded Mandeville Press, an
independent publishing house that publishes books offering a
contemporary look at ancient wisdom.
In all that he does, John-Roger encourages people to check
out for themselves the information he presents, and through
their own experience see how it works to bring them more
abundance, joy, and loving in their lives. He has transformed
the lives of many people by educating them in the wisdom of
the Spiritual Heart.
For more information about John-Roger, you may also visit:


Listen, there is endless supply.

Once you understand that, you are on your way.

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