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Morris G.



"The Debt Free Lifestyle"

(Ten Principles That Can Revolutionize Your Life)

"A Book Review"

A book entitled "The Debt-Free Lifestyle: Ten Principles That Can Revolutionize Your
Life" written by Dr. Andrew I. Liuson and Leah Darwin. This is a kind of book that can
help an individual to reduce spending too much money and preventing a person to have
loans or debt. We all know that as an individual we always get tempted to spend money
for our needs and sometimes for our wants. But let's always keep in mind that needs are
better than wants, as an individual we must learn how to control ourselves from spending
too much money. I recommend this book for everyone to get rid from trouble with money

The book contains ten principles that can revolutionize your life and makes you a debt-
free person. It will teach you how to manage your income or money and to have a savings
for the near future. Each principles will help you to grow in a debt-free life and will
totally give you a better tomorrow. The authors recommends to follow all the principles
to achieve the desire wealth for yourselves and for your family. This book was
successfully written base on the own experience of the authors that can totally blown
your mind.

Who else would never want to live free from debt? No one, right? This book is suitable
for everyone especially with those person living with too much debt in life. A book that
will totally revolutionize your point of view in life. Also, it will enhance your material
and spiritual dimensions as an individual. Never forget that in anything you want to do
always believe in yourself and keep in touch with God.

About the Authors:

Leah Darwin

Education: BS in Social Work – University of the Philippines, Diliman

She was born in Manila, Philippines, Leah enjoys singing, crocheting, and being a
grandmother aside from teaching, writing books, and ministering to women.She is
blessed with three sons and their wives plus two adorable grandchildren.

Mrs. Leah Darwin is part of the Leadership Development and Human Resources strategic
team. Since 1977, she has been serving as a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ

Leah has served for two years in Nigeria, West Africa, and in various ministries in the
Philippines.She has been discipling and mentoring women since 1977, and has been a
speaker at many conferences and seminars in the Philippines, West Africa, and the USA.

She has written three books including the best-seller, The Debt-Free Lifestyle together
with Dr. Andrew Liuson, one of the well known businessmen in the Philippines. All three
were published by Church Strengthening Ministries.

Since 1993, Leah has been a faculty member of the Partners in Ministry or PIM program,
a certificate program at IGSL that aims to equip ministry wives in the areas of biblical
content, godly character, and competence in ministry. In 2013, she started the PIM
Extension also known as PIM Ex program, a 30-week mentoring program exclusively for
pastors’ wives. It's said that more than 600 pastors’ wives graduated from the program in
the Philippines and three other Asian countries.

Andrew I. Liuson

Dr. Andrew I. Liuson, co-founder, vice-chairman and former president of Cityland Group
of Companies, a trusted name in the real estate industry, awarded as the leading
condominium developer in the Philippines. Authored the book entitled "The Debt - Free
Lifestyle" with his main purpose to help many with finances and set people free from
financial debts.

Andrew serves as chairman of two seminaries in the Philippines. These are "International
Graduate School of Leadership of the International Leadership Consortium" and the
"Febias College of Bible".

He is serving his third two-year term as chairman of Philippine Council of Evangelical


Dr. Liuson is married to Grace Liuson.

About the Context:

Genre use:

The genre used in the book is Non-fiction or sometimes called Creative Non-fiction.

Non-fiction is defined as a vast category that also has sub-genres. It could be creative like
a personal essay and scientific paper or factual. This may also contain figurative
language, but not unlike poetry, or fiction has. Sometimes, non-fiction may tell a story,
like an autobiography, or sometimes it may also convey information to readers that makes
it more useful.

History of the Work:

The origin of the book entitled " The Debt- Free Lifestyle" was from the own experience
of one of its author Dr. Andrew I. Liuson. Even though Dr. Liuson is known as a rich
business man he also experienced struggle with debt, a life cash shortage and a future of
uncertainty. Both of them, Dr. Liuson and Mrs. Darwin wants to help everyone to live
debt free forever, so together they wrote a book with 10 principles that will help people
for breaking free from debt and may add scoring a breakthrough for wealth.

Content summary:
The book entitled "The Debt- Free Lifestyle: Ten Principles That Can Revolutionize Your
Life" by Andrew I. Liuson and Leah Darwin intensions is to help an individual to be
much educated and be well inform on how they can control spending their money. This
book tackles about being punctual and prudent for the blessings that our God has given to
us. The book would be a great help for us Christians to live a debt free life, living in
dependency with God and sharing wealth to Church.

Here are the ten (10) principles that would truly help an individual to be debt-free if you
would follow according to its authors:

-Your Calling in God's Economy

-The One Thing You Must Do

-End a Deadly Practice

-What to Do with Debt

-A Proven Way out of Poverty

-Plan Your Children's Future

-Cultivate the Winning Attitude

-The Essential Ingredient of Success

-Make your Moeny Make More Money

-Learn the Secret Formula

-How Be Debt Free Forever

According to Dr. Liuson the "God's Economy" means recognizes God as Owner of all,
and He has chosen us to take care all of His creation to manage or to handle every
resource and blessings He has given. .

Then "One Thing You Must Do" principle says that an individual should have its own
budget and stop impulse spending on non-essential things or expenses.

While "deadly practice" talks about ubiquitous, powerful and addictive use of credit card.
Credit card can also be a way to be in debt so here's his advice, he said you can just get
one credit card then never recklessly charge all your bills on it if you can pay it on cash
and always pay your bills on time.

Now let's talk about the "Secret Formula" which is the "10:20:70" coined by Liuson. This
stands for "10 percent for Tithe, 20 percent for Savings and 70 precent to Spend". The
advance concept of tithing mentioned in Genesis 14:18 of the Scriptures was believed by
Catholics and as well as Christians faiths.

On their book they cited a policy among Cityland founders that every stockholder should
be a "tither". The growth of their business and its expansion will be giving a tenth to
God's work, meaning the church or any other God's storehouses.

Being a debt-free is a world-wide goal for everyone and this is now attainable after all.
Rich or poor can achieve such a feat in today's life. Moving on realizing wealth for
yourself, creating it and at the same time honoring God with your wealth.

Remember that some books have multiple themes. The themes used in the book entitled
"The Debt-Free Lifestyle" are the power of wealth, self-awareness, wisdom of experience
and the man vs. self.

"Power of wealth" because it talks about being a debt-free person to achieve wealth in
life. Prosperity or fortune is not evil, actually it has a power to better human life.

"Self-awareness" because the book teaches an individual to be self aware in spending

their money and obtain debt-free forever.

"Wisdom of experience", wisdom is an ability to use your knowledge and experience to

make a wise and beneficial decisions and judgements. If you were reading the book you
will thought that its base on a real life experience not only by its author but also most of
"Man Vs. Self" this is a kind of conflict but it may also a theme because here an
individual has to overcome his own nature and make a sensible choice. So since its an
internal conflict which means the trouble or the problem lies within the character.

The author said “What good would it do to live free from financial debt in this life only to
find out that we have an unsettled debt to pay in the afterlife?”

-Dr. Liuson

This means that even though you are free from debt today and living in a successful life
we cannot make sure to be a debt-free in afterlife. Maybe we are settled nowadays but we
cannot assure everything. We are just people, a full of sins and we are not sure about our
afterlife. Money can't save souls, you cannot bring it to your death. So live with peace
and always settle to God.

In conclusion, after reading this book, knowing the ten (10) principles of a debt-free
lifestyle that could totally help everyone. I realizes that the issue of debt has material and
spiritual dimensions. Material dimensions like emotions, external senses and internal
senses. Spiritual dimensions including human intellect, will and conscience. All of these
are necessary to settle soonest for a better living.

Liuson and Darwin's work is a great contribution to the world, because nowadays a lot of
people are getting trouble dealing with debt. The book they wrote can give someone a
motivation and inspiration to live free from debt forever. Though people are easily get
tempt this book will always remind them what to do.

The authors said that if you will follow the ten principles of debt free lifestyle it can
revolutionize your life today and prepare for your future. Help you deal with problems
with money management and teaches you how to get your savings.

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