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4-H Speech

Presenter Name: ______________________

Topic (Due 9/29): ___/5
Rough Draft (Due 10/6): ___/20
Note Cards (Due 10/20): ___/25
Presentation (Due 10/20): ___/50
Total: ___/100
Presentation Scoring Guide
Fully prepared; report is complete

Posture is erect, but not stiff

Can be heard and easily understood

Voice is expressive

Pronounces words correctly

Includes relevant information about the topic

Maintains good eye contact with audience

Presenter uses correct grammar and vocabulary

Presentation flows smoothly with no unnecessary pauses

Audience interest in maintained

Ideas are clear and make sense

Order of the details makes sense

Specific and descriptive words are used

Sentences have different beginnings and patterns

The piece is easy to understand and flows properly

Presenter put full effort into this report ___/5

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