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Nama: Anna Marthea Veronicha


: FAA 110 036

Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter

1. Characters
Buzz Lightyear
Andy Davis
Sid Phillips

2. Toy Story
One day, there was a little boy named Andy. He has many toys one of which is
named Woody. Where is woody doll toy sheriff, where many more toys are named
Bo Peep, Rex, Slinky Dog, Hamm, Potato Head, Sarge. These toys were alive. They
communicate with each other at the time Andy was not there or sleeping. At the time
of Andy's birthday, the toys fret because Andy will get a prize and there is a
possibility that old toys will be forgotten. And the only reward is the toy to Andy's
Buzz Lightyear, a prominent outer space adventure. His arrival to invite admiration
and envy of other toys Woody. Various attributes of Woody in Andy's room was also
replaced with knick-knacks Buzz, Buzz besides not aware that he is a toy. And still
think he adventurer space and assume that the wing and firing the laser is genuine.

When jealousy peaked, there was a problem. Buzz and the toys thrown ask
Woody responsible. At that time, Andy invited her mother to Pizza Planet and Andy
wanted to bring one of his toys. When Andy came into the room, Buzz had dropped
so Andy was eventually brought Woody. At the time of Woody in the car. Buzz also

had boarded the car Andy. At the gas station, Woody and Buzz come to their fight
and then thrown out. By the time they were thrown out, Andy's car was headed for
Pizza Planet. They were confused, and at that time were Woody finally saw a car
had a Pizza Planet delivery of food, when we get there it turns out they brought in
the box toy box. And worse, Sid also get Buzz and bring him home. Finally, Woody
was followed by contributing interested Buzz Buzz. At home, Sid, Buzz also wanted
to use the rockets detonated maianan. Woody and his toy Sid trying to rescue
Buzz. Finally, Sid had learned his lesson for torturing his toys again.

At that time, Andy will soon be moving home, but Buzz and Woody have a lot of
hurdles to get Andy's car. When Buzz and Woody got the car, Andy was surprised to
intervene happy that Woody and Buzz back to him.

3. Moral Message
More appreciate the things that have been entrusted to us. Because the things even
though they also have feelings of inanimate objects.

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