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Chakra Power Copyright 2015 ManifestationIntelligence.

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Table of Contents
What the Chakras Are............................................................................................................ 3
How the Chakras Can Help You Become More Successful in Life ............................................. 8
Explanation of Each Chakra.................................................................................................. 10
The Root Chakra..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
The Sacral Chakra .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
The Solar Plexus Chakra ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
The Heart Chakra................................................................................................................................................................... 11
The Throat Chakra ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
The Brow Chakra ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
The Crown Chakra................................................................................................................................................................. 11

How the Chakras Can Help in Manifesting Things ................................................................. 12

Manifesting Exercise ............................................................................................................................................................ 13

Chakra Power Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

Hi everyone,
This is Kads Adams and nourishing and healing the chakras are easily one of the most awesome ways to
change your life around.
Today Ive had one of my chakra experts write this e-book for you and the information here is awesome,
especially if youre new to the chakras. Theres also a few exercises at the end you can use.
And once that done, remember to view my story and how the Laws Of Mind system can really help
you the course is basically me giving you a full video series and comprehensive worksheets/training
guide to work every area of manifestation and give you the full lowdown once
and for all.

To view the text version with information on the course, go here.

To view the Laws Of Mind video presentation, go here.
If you need a payment plan, go here.

Chakra Power Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

Me talking about the mysteries of the mind and manifestation on the Gili Islands, off Bali, Indonesia.

Ive also shot manifestation videos in Singapore and Edinburgh, Scotland, talking about the mysteries
and secrets of true manifestation and how you can achieve more of the things you want with the power
of the mind. This information goes way deeper than simple things like the law of attraction and is a
really comprehensive and interactive guide to success that I think youll love.
The main benefit is that you get someone experienced with manifestation to teach you the ins and outs
in person. Theres so much hype and myths nowadays that its clear to me a video course like this is
really needed to help people. This is by far the best information on manifesting that ties all the loose
ends together and explains things from the point of view of the true secret which is the Laws Of Mind
Anyway, lets get on to the information in this guide which will really help you too!

Chakra Power Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

Chakra Videos
The video that goes with this e-book is at:
This video is shorter than the others since it was a pretty windy day in Edinburgh when we were filming!
It basically just says whats inside this ebook.

Chakra Power Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

What the Chakras Are

The chakras are the body's energetic system and they act like little energy stations. Many practitioners
even believe that memories are encoded into the chakras just like the energy that is encoded into the
neurons in the brain.
If this is true, then the chakras are most likely much more powerful than most of us realize. The chakras
basically contain and process energy, so if you are being challenged in any area of life, then you might
want to start with a basic chakra cleanse to unlock your true power.
The chakras are powerful because they contain energy - your energy. There are some theories that even
say that the chakras hold an imprint of every important or emotionally significant event you have ever
experienced in your life - so you can clearly see that their impact is extremely powerful.
Many belief systems equate the chakras to centers of Prana, or life force energy or chi. The Chakra
system consists of 7 levels that correspond to various systems of the body.
The word chakra comes from the ancient Sanskrit word, meaning wheel. The chakras are located in your
ethereal body as opposed to your physical body. Since the chakras contain and process energy in your
body, they can be a very useful tool for unlocking your power.

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Each of the chakras is thought to be shaped like a flower or a wheel, with petals or spokes that detail
their composition. The chakras act like spiraling balls of energy within your body, helping you
continuously renew your energy.
In a well-balanced and healthy person the chakras typically spin rapidly and smoothly, and if you could
visualize them their colors would be clear and bright. When you are stressed or ill or mentally impaired
in any way, your chakras may get stuck and begin to slow down or spin too quickly. Over time, the
chakras can even get discolored or fragmented in times of stress.
None of us are perfect, so we all experience some kind of chakra imbalance some of the time, however,
the intention of chakra healing is to help you naturally rebalance your energy.
You are obviously much more than just a physical being, because you are made of energy. This energy
guides you through life. This energy connects you to other people and to the universe attracting love,
prosperity, good health and even joy. There are many ways to keep your energy high such as prayer,
meditation, massage or even healthy eating habits.
Collectively, your chakras keep you whole and healthy and well balanced because they allow you to send
and receive energy. Sometimes when one or more of your chakras get unbalanced or polluted with
negative influences or energy, you can feel the mental, emotional or spiritual effect.
Things like being around negative people, making poor choices or even failing to tend to your emotional,
physical or spiritual needs can cause the energy in your chakras to either slow down or become overly
Since the chakras are so powerful, they can actually help you become more successful in life.
Let's take a look at that concept now.

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How the Chakras Can Help You Become More Successful in Life

While you are probably aware of the fact that your chakras can help you rebalance your energy, you
may not be aware of the fact that working with your chakras can help you be more successful in life!
Everyone is always looking for that magic potion or that quick ticket to success. There are many ways to
be more successful in life, but you probably wouldn't think of working with the chakras as your first
The fact is the your thoughts really do become things. Now even though you may be tired of hearing
that, success really is an inside job. If you really want to be successful in life and become the person you
desire to be, you must start with examining your emotions, thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

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With success comes a certain amount of personal freedom. Freedom is a driving force in life, no matter
what you choose to do because everyone yearns for personal freedom. In the "ideal world" each of us
would choose to do that which we love to do, and make fabulous amounts of money doing it.
If you feel any area of your life needs improvement, the chakras are a great tool to work with. As you
start to work with your chakras more and more, you will begin to see that each chakra corresponds to
different strengths and weaknesses within you. Since each chakra also corresponds to the different
areas of your life and your personality, you can also fine-tune your chakras so that you can enhance your
business and life success.
Whether you are climbing the corporate ladder or starting your own business, working with the chakras
can help you vastly improve your level of success and your attitude about life.
Each of the chakras plays a unique role in your success, starting with your root chakra. When your root
chakra is flowing smoothly, you have a solid foundation on which to build. However, just like a building
with a cracked foundation, your root chakra can get cracked as well. Working with your root chakra, you
can root yourself to the ground, so that you develop a firm foundation in which to work with.
The sacral chakra, the second chakra, helps spur your creativity and your feelings of self-worth as it
pertains to success or failure. If you feel guilty about making a lot of money or guilty about obtaining
success, then working with your sacral chakra can help you clear away those obstacles.
Your third chakra, the solar plexus chakra is the root of your personal power. This beautiful golden
yellow chakra can help you supercharge your dreams and goals. This is chakra of opportunity when it
comes to taking responsibility for your life and it's a great one to work with if you want to take charge of
your hopes and dreams.
The heart chakra can help you build successful business relationships in addition to soul filling personal
relationships. Having a healthy heart chakra can even help you work with others in a much more
compassionate manner.
The throat chakra is the center of your communication and we all know how important good
communication is when it comes to success. In order to be truly successful, you need to be able to
communicate your needs, visions and goals to others, and the throat chakra can help you do just that.
The brow or third-eye chakra can help you build your power of intuition as well as help you deal with
the unknown. This all-important chakra can also help you act on hunches, as you learn to work with your
intuitive guidance.
While the crown chakra is usually known for its ability to connect you with the divine, it is also very
useful to help you connect with other people.
If you make a point to keep your chakras open and flowing smoothly, you will also experience an
increase in your level of success. Whether you want more money, more recognition in the business
world or simply more creative ideas, the chakras can help you get there.

Chakra Power Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

Explanation of Each Chakra

There are seven major chakras in the ethereal body:


The Root or Base Chakra

The Sacral Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra
The Crown Chakra

Each Chakra is associated with a color, a symbol and a musical note. A few of the ways you can balance
the chakras are with music, by toning certain frequencies, and by visualization or meditation.
The Root Chakra
The first chakra, the root chakra, is associated with the color red. The root chakra is situated at the base
of the spine. The root chakra connects you to the earth and to your survival instinct and it is associated
with the musical note of C.

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This chakra forms your foundation and your physical orientation and self-preservation bringing you
health, prosperity, security, and a dynamic presence.
The Sacral Chakra
The second chakra, the sacral chakra is located in the abdomen, lower back and sexual organs and it
connects you to others through feeling, desires and sensations.
The second chakra is usually represented by the color orange and associated with the musical note of D.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach region and associated with the color yellow.
Emotionally, the solar plexus chakra influences your confidence and self-worth, your freedom of choice
and your personal power. The third chakra is known as your power chakra.
When healthy, this chakra brings you energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power
and is related to the element fire and associated with the musical note of E.
The Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. The physical location of the heart chakra is in front of the heart in
the middle of the chest and it is associated with the color emerald green.
Emotionally, the heart chakra influences your experience of love. This chakra allows you to feel joy,
compassion, and peace enriching your relationships and it is associated with the musical note of F.
The Throat Chakra
The fifth chakra is the throat chakra and the physical location of the throat chakra is of course the
throat. The fifth Chakra is associated with the color blue or turquoise and it is associated with the
element ether, in which all things are contained. This chakra is associated with the musical note of G.
The Brow Chakra
The sixth chakra is the brow or third eye chakra and it represents light, your higher mind, your intuition,
and your imagination. The physical location of the brow chakra is between the eyebrows and it is related
to your intuition and your act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. This chakra is represented by the
color Indigo and it is associated with the musical note of A.
The Crown Chakra
The seventh chakra is the crown chakra, the thousand-petal lotus, and it acts as the operating system of
the chakras. The physical location of the crown chakra is the top of the head. The seventh chakra is
associated with the color violet or white and it is associated with the musical note of B.

Chakra Power Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

How the Chakras Can Help in Manifesting Things

Have you tried manifesting things with the "Law of Attraction" or "The Secret" and still find you need
some more help? If so, you are in luck because working with the energy of your chakras can help you
manifest things in a BIG way.
Your chakras are so important, when it comes to manifesting things, because everything is energy. A
great chakra to work with when it comes manifesting things is the heart chakra. The very center of the
energetic system, the heart chakra can help you in many ways. The heart is much more than a mere vital
organ; it is also the very center of your feelings, which is one of the big reasons why working with your
heart chakra when manifesting is so important.
Understanding how to manifest "from the heart" is the key, and it can help you supercharge your
manifestation powers. Of course, you can use all of your chakras as part of this work, but the heart
chakra helps you tune into those heartfelt wants and needs, and when you tap into the hearts powerful
energy, you can instantly manifest those things you truly desire.
The heart was long believed to hold a kind of "intelligence". In Chinese medicine, the heart is the seat of
the connection between the mind and body and many believe the heart has its own mind. The greatest
resource you have, outside of your brain of course, is the heart, because it holds the key to your source
of happiness and fulfillment in the world.
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Manifesting Exercise
Try this exercise, the next time you have a desire that you want to work on.
Focus your attention on your heart chakra and on your heart. Feel the energy of your heart as your
heart beats. Sense the energy of the heart chakra and all the feelings it holds. This is your heart energy.
Now imagine the energy of your heart expanding and spreading all through your body every time your
heart beats. Imagine every cell of your body being infused with the green energy of the heart chakra.
Feel this energy radiating through your body and through your energy. Allow this energy to surround
you and radiate out from you. Imagine this energy filling up the room and then expanding out beyond
the room.
Now focus on your desire. Visualize your desire and infuse it with the energy of your heart. Imagine your
desire, in every way, shape and form radiating out and moving with the energy of your heart.
Keep visualizing your desire as you breathe in and out, continuing to infuse your desire with the heart's
powerful energy.
Now connect the energy of the heart with all the remaining chakras, as you infuse the green energy with
the red of the root chakra, the orange of the sacral, the yellow of the solar plexus and the blue, indigo
and violet energy of the upper chakras.
Enjoy the powerful energy all the chakras combining give you, as you will the energy out into the room
and out into the universe.
Practice this every day until it becomes automatic keeping in mind your heart energy is always
expanding and working to help you live a better life.
Working with your chakras to unlock their power can help you in ways you can't even begin to imagine.
Try these tips the next time you want to unlock the powerful energy within.

Chakra Power Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

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