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TDA: Peer Editing

FCA 1: Students will choose the best available evidence from the text.
students will introduce their evidence and put quotation marks around
R: _________ W: _________
FCA 2: Students will explain each piece of text evidence after the
evidence is presented, making clear, direct, and complete connections
showing how the meaning of the text evidence supports/proves the
R: _________ W: _________
FCA 3: The essay will have a strong organizational structure that
includes an intro, a body, and a conclusion. The order of subtopics will
be the same in the intro, body, and conclusion.
R: _________ W: _________ Total: _____/12
- Listen while the author reads his/her piece aloud.
- Read it again, silently.
- Complete the Praise/Question/Polish at the bottom of this page.
Explain your feedback to the author.
- Score the author on the 3 FCAs in the (R - reader) space. Give a 4 if
you think they strongly met the requirement. Give a 3 if you think
they somewhat met the requirement. Give a 2 if you think they did not
meet the requirement at all.
- The author also needs to score him/herself in the (W writer) space.

Praise: List three strengths of this piece. Be specific.

Question: List a question/s you have or that you wish the author
to consider.

Polish: What are three things the author could do to improve

this piece?

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