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Reasons for failure in css

through others' experiences,i came to following points :

wrong time management
poor english
lack of in depth study
no experience of 2 papers on daily basis and continuously
follow others blindly
losing confidence
improper guidance
cannot handle pressure
wrong subject selection
relying too much on academies and their notes
not making their own notes
lack of revision during exams(outlines of each question can save time during exams)
coping exams and sleep factor
biggest reasons are poor way of expression and time management
poor expression
weak grammar
improper usage of vocabulary
use of wrong words
not answering essay well
lack of study
weak structure of essay
lack of continuity
weak in precis
idioms,synonyms,pair of words not well prepared
taking english lightly
no practice of writing
preparing essays but not answering according to title of essay
poor guidance in english:most don't have any
errors in english essay are blunders and are never forgiven
majority of aspirants fail in english
Everyday science:
weak background
lack of understanding
poor study
weak concepts
difficult to understand science terms
lack of guidance
taking it lightly

less time given to it

poor book selection
50 mcqs decrease scoring for those who have not studied science before
Current affair:
weak study
depending on notes
weak geographical approach
mcqs part quite tough
lack of different perspectives
opinion based approach
no idea where to start its preparation
too lengthy and difficult to cover whole world
weak expression of english
Pakistan affairs:
poor guidance
one-book study
weak understanding of questions
not writing what is asked
lack of different perspectives
no time of revision during exam
lack of detail study
taking too much stress for this paper
weak knowledge
incorrect usage of ayats and hadiths
wrong translations in urdu or english
generalised approach
not well prepared
depending on 1-2 books
wrong approach in doing paper
mush of css is based on hard work ,proper guidance and correct timing
remaining depends on luck
majority fail in any of 3 subjects: english,islamiat,everyday science
if properly prepared,then only luck can stop one.
generally one does not fail optionals

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