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Assessment is a process by which information is obtained related to some

known objective or goal (Curriculum Development, Assessment and Evaluation
Module, n.d.). According to the Oxford Dictionary (2014), the term refers to the
action of assessing someone or something. This can be seen in almost all
dictionaries of English language where assessment is always defined in the
same manner. According to the module, the term frequently used as synonymous
to assessment is evaluation. For instance, the Webster Dictionary (2014),
defines evaluation as to judge the value or condition of (someone or something)
in a careful and thoughtful way. Thus, in order to evaluate the curriculum, a few
efforts could be done. According to the Teaching and Learning Laboratory
website (n.d.), assessment efforts are divided into two types, formative or
Formative assessment is a method of judging the worth of a program while
the program activities are forming or happening (Curriculum Development,
Assessment and Evaluation Module, n.d.). This part of the evaluation focuses on
the process. Thus, they permit the designers, learners, and instructors to monitor
how well the instructional goals and objectives are being met. Besides, formative
assessment also functions in identifying the deficiencies in the program so that
the proper learning interventions can take place and to ensure the learners
master the required skills and knowledge. Hence, formative assessment can also
be defined as a continuous assessment throughout the program or during the
curriculum development.
On the other hand, according to Curriculum Development, Assessment and
Evaluation Module (n.d.), summative evaluation refers to procedures of judging
the quality or value of the results of a program. The focus is on the outcome.
Summative evaluation is also being carried out once the development phase of a
course or curriculum has been completed, and the course curriculum or package


is ready to be used in its final form. The objective of such evaluation is to

determine whether it meets its design criteria, for example, whether it does the
job for which it was designed (The Robert Gordon University, 1998). Summative
evaluation may also be carried out in order to compare one course, curriculum or
educational package, with another or several others. In such evaluation, the
objective is not to improve the courses or curriculum being evaluated; rather, it is
to choose between them. Thus, this shows that summative evaluation provides
an overview on the quality of the curriculum that has been developed and

Assessment of the club members are categorized into several sections such
as attendance, students involvement and participation, competition and lastly the
quiz held to test on the students knowledge and understanding about the club.
10% of the marks are allocated for the attendance of the members in the club.
The marks provided for the attendance is intended to encourage the club
members to join every meeting held and be alert with the clubs progress and
Besides that, 40% of the marks will be provided for the students active
involvement and participation in the clubs activities. The activities of the club are
usually held indoors and outdoors. Thus, 20% of the marks will be allocated
based on the indoors activities while the other 20% is allocated based on the
outdoor activities. The marks allocated for this section is very high and may
affect the overall grading of the members in the club if they did not perform well.
Thus, this shows that the participation and involvement of every member in the
club is very important to ensure the outcomes from every activity are achieved.
By participating actively in the clubs activities, each member will also be able to
broaden their knowledge on entrepreneurship besides giving ideas and
suggestion on activities that can be carried out in the club.


This club also assesses the club members through the competition in
between the groups where 30% of the marks are allocated for this section. The
competition held is intended to foster cooperation among the group members as
well as to stimulate their creative and critical thinking skills in solving the task. In
addition, the competition also aims to nurture the soft skills among the group
members such leadership skills which is one of the important element in
becoming an apprentice in entrepreneurship.
Meanwhile, the other 20% of the total evaluation for the club members is
measured through the quiz that will be conducted during the meeting. This quiz is
intended to test the club members knowledge and understanding in becoming
apprentices in entrepreneurship which is the main aim and goal for this club.


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