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The Kingdom of Alamentia

The denizens of the former Kingdom of Broisia were at first, rightly apprehensive
when the group of Dread Necromancers killed the former King in a coup. The peasants
were nervous, and only stayed due to their poverty while the majority of noblemen left
the city. However, after the first year or two of the new reign, imagine the surprise of the
surrounding countries when the living conditions of the new kingdom began to rise,
slowly at first, and then faster each year.
It started when the farmers of Alamentia first saw a horde of undead appearing
on the roads to their house, columns of skeletons and zombies led by novice
necromancers at their front. The surprise only grew when the necromancers stopped the
column, and asked the farmers who had been living there for centuries if they needed
any extra farmhands. Most of the farmers said no. However the few that said yes found
themselves housing one extra (living) body - one of the junior sorcerers. They also found
themselves with roughly 10 extra farmhands who didnt need food, water, rest, or
anything beyond the most basic shelter.
Those same farmhands saw a marked increase in production, and soon enough
many other farms started using the undead for laborers. The undead started spreading
towards other industry, where no brains and strong arms were required. Soon a large
portion of the economy was being carried on the backs of undead workers, while the
living population increased their focus on education, politics, magic, and other more
luxurious pursuits, like art and writing.
Many years after the take over, The Kingdom of Alamentia has one of the highest
life expectancies, living conditions, prosperity of the lower classes, and freedom on the
continent. The government is a dual gerontocracy/magiocracy, with a split focus on the
living, and the sentient undead. Liches are not uncommon, and are often considered the
highest status one can reach, in this life and the next. When a citizen of Alamentia is
alive, while they are registering every four years in the national census, they have the
choice of selecting whether or not their body will be donated to the government after
they die, or to be kept by the family to be buried or used in some other way, such as
attending lichdom.

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