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August 13, 2015

My report yesterday in family planning is women fertilization which we called tubal

ligation. Tubal ligation is an operation in which the tubes that carry the womans eggs to the
womb are cut and blocked. And this when you go during the operation the doctor make a small
cut in the womans belly and closed the tubes. In tubal ligation once the tube or fallopian tube is
cut there is no possibilities that the woman will get pregnant even though the woman is having
tubal ligation she can had menstration until she reaches the menopausal stage. The advantages of
tubal liagtion is that very effective that the woman will sure not get pregnant and tubal ligation
can be done soon after the birth of a baby so that re-admission to the hospital or clinic is avoided.
the disadvantages of tubal ligation is that an irreversible method this is only woman who dont
want to get pregnant anymore or want more children and there is a possibilities that the woman
get regret. tubal liagtion is an expensive at time of procedure but there is no further cost after the
opeartion and it does not give protection from STIs including the HIV/AIDS. And the other
disadvantage is that when after procedure there is possible that have side effects of some pain,
and discomfort in the patient. And there is types of tubal ligation are Banded, Cauterized, Tied
and cut, Clipped. next the male fertilization which is called vasectomy this is same with the tubal
liagtion which that carry of sperm in man are cut and closed.and the organ in male that will be
cut is the vas deference the Vasectomy work is that when the tubes are cut, the man still can
make semen when he has sexual intercourse, but there is no sperm in it, since there is no sperm
the women will not get pregnant. The man can still have erection and can still enjoy sex after he
does vasectomy. the advantages of vasectomy is that is very effective, and its permanent and
after the he dos the vasectomy the male will not get worry about making the woman pregnant
and can not interfere with sex. The disadvantage of asectomy is that irreversible as we said in
tubal ligation and only men do not want to be a father. A vasectomy is not effective immediately
so its is good to continue using condoms for 3 months after the procedure. And as we said there
is pain and discomfort during and right after the procedure and does not give protection from
STIs, including HIV/AIDS.

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